Description : This is the fourth track taken from our 2010 RPM challenge album "Riff Laden". Here Comes Mr Big is a funky in your face track featuring Alexander my son on soprano sax (the second solo). All the instruments are played by myself, with the drums provided by Sonic Foundry.
Description : The third offering from our RPM 2010 album "Riff Laden" by Saxobones. I wanted a really fun and funky fresh vibe for this work. This track has a cool and cheeky flavour with plenty of solos and changes to keep your ears interested.
Alexander takes the second sax break on the soprano and we also has a little call and answer section twice in this one. Enjoy..
Description : This is another song taken from the work completed for RPM challenge 2010. Riff Laden is the name of the album, and Saxobones is the artist name which my son and I go under. Alexander's superb soprano solo is the second sax break on this track. You have to admit for 13 he's blowing a mean horn. I am really trying to get a unique original exciting sound for this album, one that makes people sit up and take notice. Not just because of style, but for musicianship, for playing a solo that makes people want to pick up that instrument and learn. I want to inspire, like I'm inspired when I listen to all the great players I love and learn from... I hope this one hits the mark....
Description : This is the first of the 2010 RPM challenge tracks to be mastered. Fat Dog features my son Alexander on alto sax (his is the first solo). All other instruments and solos are by myself. I have worked my socks off on these tracks even though my bloody laptop keeps packing up on me, somehow I have kept on pushing to finish each track. I hope you enjoy this one, it has taken blood ,sweat,tears,tooth and nail to complete..
Description : This track is packed with funktastic groove. Solos from Alexander on soprano sax as well as tenor sax and flute from the Slapster.Plus horn and guitar riffs galore. All instruments Slap (except soprano solo which is by Alexander) . All comments welcome.
Description : A slow a meaningful song and melody in which I have poured every emotion I have. I'm trying to capture the sense of beauty and despair in one song. All of the joys all of the sorrows we share day by day,week in week out, year in year out..
Description : This is a real funky track. I just love this genre. I love the rhythms,grooves,licks & phrases you can apply, and I forgot to mention the solos. Since I was a child, watching all of these cool cop tv shows(mainly American ones), I loved the music. Wah guitar and funky bass lines, married with super drums and uber cool solos. I have tried to capture these flavours on this track. All instruments played by Slap, drums by Sonic Foundry..
It's called school bully, because I'm sticking two fingers up at those sad little boys that made Alexander's life hell this time last year. We had to move him out of that school, and he never really settled into his new school. But, now he is going to a music school, he is feeling a whole lot better about being a musician... No parent wants to see their child upset. No child should have to go through this..Up yours School Bully lol...
Cheers Slap...
Description : This is a soaring lead alto sax instrumental.This ones for all who give and receive love. I recorded my trusty yamaha acoustic along with my Les paul heritage doing rhythm. Next yamaha bass track, add percussion and drums, then lead work on my selmer mark 7 alto sax. The high notes are in the altissimo register, where it's hard to control intonation. I think I have just pulled it off.
I dedicate this one to my loving wife Fiona for putting up with me and my amazing son Alexander.
All comments welcome...
Description : Light and floating melodies over a jazz chord sequence.
All instruments Slap Johnson,drums by sonic foundry.
The idea behind this song,was to create a Carlos Jobim type track. Rather than create a set melody, I decided improvisation would suit the piece better ( you can be the judge of that).
Cheers Slap...
Description : This is another guitar and sax improvisation. I used a delay on the guitar to add an extra rhythmic quality which I found in the line 6 toneport. It's quite a difficult beast to control, because you have to be in perfect time to get the repeats matching. You can hear there are a few places where it goes against the grain, but it still kind of works. The guitar and sax were recorded first take, again I'm looking to improve the instant mental composition part of my ability, I know holes can be picked in these performances, but that's why I'm doing this. I want to improve all aspects of my music and playing. This song just came out with a classical flavour. It's not my usual bag, but I dig the technique involved, and I can hear the parts of my playing I need to work on to improve if and when I decide to continue with a song in this vein.
This one is my favorite to date out of these improvisations, I hope it gives you some sort of emotion as you listen..
Description : one guitar track and one sax track. Recorded direct in to ableton first take, no overdubs, no re-takes. I'm on a mission to try and channel what I hear/feel and what actually I play is the same thing. Some call it improvising, I'm calling it instant composition. This song came in at 12 minutes including mastering (which was adding reverb to the sax and a quick adjustment of the levels.
The song has a kind of sombre feel hence the title..
All comments welcome.
Cheers Slap...
Description : Improvised guitar and sax piece. Recorded in two takes, one for the guitar,then one for the sax. Mastered and uploaded in 15 minutes. I'm trying to capture true improvisation, in doing so I can listen back and be critical of my playing. Listening back is a great way of moving forward, and this is what this exercise is all about. I hope you enjoy the rawness of these songs...
Description : Get your flares on baby and jump in Slap's pimp mobile for some funky fresh sounds. I'm sticking with this genre for a while, it's so infectious... All instruments Slap, drums sonic foundry. I've use a talk box effect on one of the guitar tracks, and added a wah to the bass (first time I've done that, it won't be the last as I think it helps the songs style). Solo 1 is my son Alexander on alto sax & solo 2 me on alto. The songs called Yeah right, because that's how I felt when I finished it. Yeah Right!!
Description : Another guitar and alto sax improvisation.Recorded and rendered in 15minutes. Again I'm searching for catchy lyrical melodies on the sax.As I'm recording the guitar track first, I'm having to think at that point about the interplay between the two instruments, and imagine the sax playing along in my head, it's kind of working! This one has a lot of energy, and seeing it was created in fantastic weather, it's called "Hot day". I hope you enjoy it..
Description : This is another off the cuff recording, nothing fancy just an electric guitar track and an alto sax track. Both tracks recorded first take to try and capture the improvisation in it's raw state. I have added reverb to the sax and adjusted the levels slightly, but that's it. I am sticking with this format for the next 6-10 tracks, I just want to work on getting the what's in my head music across to the finger music a little more directed, if that makes sense.. I hope you enjoy this little piece of heaven..
Description : I decided to challenge myself to record and produce a track in 10 minutes flat. This is my attempt! Les paul recorded in one take from a guitar sequence out of a grade 4 guitar book. Alto sax recorded in one take after a quick play through the first few bars to get in key. Then added a reverb to the sax and adjusted the volumes and rendered. Finished in just under 10 minutes.. All comments welcome.
Description : This is my new project, GLOBAL SKA NETWORK.
I wanted to go back to my early musical roots on this years RPM challenge. It was Ska and not jazz that go me inspired to be a musician. Ska bands like The Specials, Madness, The Beat, The Selector and Bad Manners all carried horns, the music was fun and live these bands were a great night out. After buying all the ska I could from these above bands I started looking back to the 60's ska bands Prince Buster, The Skatalites and Jimmy Cliff to name a few. So I felt why not try to capture that flavour and fun for all to enjoy.
If you have any constructive comments on any aspect of this song please feel free to express them.
I have decided from here on in I'm trying to reach perfection for each song/track.
I hope you enjoy the first of few ska songs I will be loading over the next week.
I thank you all in advance for taking the time to listen.
All instruments and vocals Slap J, drums and percussion Sonic foundry.
Description : New demo from the up & coming Saxobones album which is due for worldwide release on iTunes from Autumn 2012.
I'm looking for mix comments please if you have the time.
The song was recorded & mastered in Logic pro 9. All instruments Slap. This will be a 13 track album , so there's 12 more tracks coming soon.
Description : This track is about the excitement I get before I go to watch a band. I remembered going to see Madness, the Specials,the Beat, the Selector , UB40 and Bad Manners.
I recall traveling to see Bad Manners one October, it was really foggy and we arrived late(but they were playing in the lake district which is a bit of a trek). The support band had just finished as we walked into the foyer, the place was dead!! The main hall with a capacity of 2000 only had 150 people in it. I thought everyone must be in the bar, but after closer inspection, that too was empty! The band at the time were in the charts, so I was a bit confused why it was so empty. I approached a member of staff, who then told me that Bad Manners had taken the date on last minute, and the venue hadn't really had the time to fully promote the show. Then I remembered my mate had only told me the day before, that they were playing there.
Anyway! The band came on and were amazing. The fatty man Buster was all over the place., on stage, in the audience, on the speaker stacks, in the bar drinking and singing at the same time( now that was a funny sight). Later in the set he invited all of the audience on to the stage, while he and the horn section went out front and played (again a funny sight).Great night had by all, and what a memory!!!
So this song is kind of about that night. The band were Rock steady. All instruments & vocals Slap, drums by sonic foundry. I feel this song captures a live band sound. 7 piece horn section, 4 guitar tracks, 1 bass, 1 drum, 1 cowbell (listen out for that, you can't beat a cowbell to beef up the rhythm), 1 cymbal, two vocal & 2 toaster tracks complete the full arsenal on this song.
Again please feel free to express your views towards this and any of the Global Ska Network tracks. As I've said before, I'm trying to get them perfect... Thanks in advance for your time...
Description : The current economic climate has been the inspiration behind this song. The Ska bands that inspired me in the 80's always spoke their minds on the issues of the day. If you haven't heard Ghost town by the Specials, then you are missing out on a classic track. The last down turn we had in the UK made them write a masterpiece.
This my attempt at a political song, I hope it floats your boat. All instruments and vocals Slap. Drums and percussion by Sonic Foundry. All comments welcome, I am trying to make these new songs really special...
Description : This is the biggest arrangement I have done to date! 24 tracks ( 3 percussion,9 horns,1 bass, 4 guitar,3 vocal,2 lead/ solo, 1 cymbal, 1 toaster ). It sounds massive! This is another GSN (Global Ska Network) track just finished today. Again I'm looking for advise on all aspects of this track. The story behind the song is simple! Don't give up on what you believe in, or as I've put it "Keep on pushing through" . I hope you dig my new direction...
Description : Ok! I know this is more pop than ska but it's the way the song developed. It does however have a nice off beat rhythm and good time feel, so I'm still classing it as a ska track.. Anyway this is the second track I have finished for this years RPM challenge. Hard rhymes is a song of hope, you know the saying "You have to laugh or else you will cry" ,well that's the idea behind this song..
I have taken a lot of time on this one (just as I did on Ska Skank), so if you feel something needs a tweak please let me know. All instruments and vocals Slap, drums and percussion Sonic foundry...
I hope you enjoy this bouncy little number!
Description : This is a rock ballad. I know I was concentrating on Ska, but this chord progression just happened, so I decided to keep adding to it. I'm glad I did. The song has a lot of heart and soul. Classic love lost lyric, with a Les paul guitar solo, followed by a soprano sax (you don't hear those in your average rock ballad). All instruments and vocals Slap, drums by sonic foundry..
All comments welcome.
Description : Ok! This is more of an up tempo Mod style track. Great bands like the Small faces, the Who, The Kinks is where the inspiration has been drawn from. I have added the toaster doing the off beat chant that swings the track back into the Ska genre even though the track is quite rocky.
A nine piece horn section sets the GSN trade mark sound. I have panned the guitar tracks so they don't get lost in the mix and added a change of feel through the middle solo section. Again all comments are most welcome, and I thank you in advance for taking the time to listen...
Description : This is the final track from the first Global Ska Network album. I started this album in Feb thinking I could do all the tracks in time to finish the RPM challenge. I was wrong, but I didn't want to rush what I had started and compromise quality. This track is about the general can't be bothered culture we are facing. You know the kind of people I'm talking about! They want everything for nothing,and expect everything to be handed to them on a plate. They also would rather do dirty deeds to (lie,cheat ect) Than walk the right path..
Verse..How many more times,how many more lies spat at our wheel and deal,cheat and steal
won't win the races.I turn my back,try to protect the love that's left,you want that too, the greed you show despises you.Chorus.You'll always learn the hard way,
you have to have the last say,stop living day to day,
the future's what you make it,get out there and take it..
10 piece horn section, including a clarinet high up to add a sparkle. All instruments and vocals Slap, drums by Sonic foundry.
Again I'm looking for constructive comments towards the arrangement and mix/production. This track has 24 tracks, so if you feel a tweak is needed please say. I thank you all in advance for taking the time to listen and review...
These tracks have been uploaded by SLAPJOHNSON. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.