blur tracks
blur has uploaded 1 tracks but they have been archived
6th Aug 2007 05:00 - 17 years ago
6th Aug 2007 05:00 - 17 years ago
Description : its a mixture of a number of loops i acquired from this website nd then i decided to give myself a challenge nd see what i could make out of it. the samples nd loops i used are : chilla_fat_bass_130bpm, chilla_funky_guitar_1_Am_130bpm, chilla_Synth_Skank_130bpm, DjPuzzle_beat_3_96BPM, bra_pitch_synth_130bpm, chilla_acoustic_bass_1, deep_piano_roll, DjPuzzle_beat_3_96BPM, yoot_bass_130bpm, VOC_DaGroups, Strings_125_G. i am also a beginner. i use sony acid pro nd this is merely my 3rd project and i would appreciate it if u commented on it and told me wot i could do to improve it nd your likes nd dislikes.
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