MamaChill tracks
MamaChill has uploaded 1 tracks but they have been archived
3rd Apr 2013 21:11 - 11 years ago
3rd Apr 2013 21:11 - 11 years ago
Description : I'm busy workin on tha 3rd album right now but due to financial N poor health restraints its a slow process so i dropped this as a free download to keep followers happy (hopefully they wont be disappointed :0 ) I very very rarely use other peoples loops unless they totally blow me away as i prefer to work with a producer in tha studio on creating my own sound, but this site is awesome and i've already succembed lol! So i wanted a new york feel and sound to this track ol skool but new skool, i always try to add a lil ol skool even if its cowbells, you gotta have some cowbells on an ol skool track right? Anyhow hope ya like it :)
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