Description : Made using FL Studio 12. Big thanks to the following Looperman peeps:
Buffalonugaluss - Empty Space Scape
Bunnierabbit - I'll Be Waiting Harmony
Chueyforum - Funk Drums 120bpm
Livinginsilence - The Dream Man
Krolbeats - Synth Drum Ambient 2
Description : This track was made in one weekend at Byngsies Studio27 which is just a bedroom turned music studio/playroom. Made with FLStudio 12, coffee and TimTam straws, under the cover of night.. and rain.
I was working on a Deep House track and needed a vocal. A quick search online ( lead me to New5ense's acapella "This is me" which I chopped up a little and it fit the mood perfectly.
Description : psychicalresearch-i-do-172-drums
All mixed together in a big blender.
Tracks (6)
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