Description : Metal/Deathcore ...Guitar Rig 5 ,3rd Bass vst Floor Fish gate,Noise reduction PreFET Ignite ,Deathcore stlye drum track. Every thing is played on my 8 string .Plus some synths.
Description : Metal. Looking for colabs for vocals and lyrics. Looking for Deathcore style vocals . You collaborate you own a copy of the track to use as you want. Dry run vocal track and I will mix it. Post here on this site so I can download loop.
Description : Metal .. Instrumental. If you decide to want to add vocals on this track or any other of my tracks . Please do it ..I have sent a few copies out to people who said they would and they never go through with what they me.
These tracks have been uploaded by briandodson. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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