Description : Thank you all for the warm welcome you did to me, the joy you bring to my life everyday and that family feeling I have each time I join you here .
I love you,
Cyto, Dub tek, Scepticdeejay and JayjayBB whose awesome I borrowed .
Description : Maybe I'm wrong ... but yes, love could be described that way . When someone can forget about his/her self and wish the best to the loved one .
Well, I tried it . 'Hope you'll like it .
A purple rain on you my dear friends,
Janis .
Description : Ed allowed me to sing on this beautiful music he made . I fell in love with it when I heard it . So moving and full of feeling .Thanks so much, my friend ...
Aghalee is a very small village a little SW of Belfast .
We hope you'll enjoy the walk with us .
Take care friends,
And have a sweet time,
Description : Also called 'L'elisir d'Amore" is an opera in 2 acts by Gaetano Donizetti (1832) . I particularly like this movement and tried to sing it for pleasure . As I'm not a specialist of classical singing, it's surely full of defects but it's very dear to me so I'd like to share it with you all, my friends .
Take good care,
Bises ;)
Description : Song sung in Italian . Based on the theme "Gabriel's Oboe" from the film "The Mission" ( 1986 ).
Music by famed composer Ennio Morricone and lyrics by Chiara Ferrau .
Someone asked me to try the beginning and thus made me discover this beauty .
I hope it'll sound audible, lol ;)
Take care my friends,
Description : Hi everybody and HAPPY NEW YEAAH-R !!
I've just searched through the incredible mess I have in my computer and found this track I wanted to share with you .
It's part of an album called "WYN" which I made with PAUL KISS, a French music producer, composer and great guitarist with whom I used to work in the past .
I hope you'll enjoy,
Take care, folks,
Description : Hi folks !
Here's what I did with THE47s gorgeous track, "Eternal Divine" .
His page here :
This track :
THANK YOU SO MUCH Sir for the great time I had singing on it !!!
I can feel you put a lot of thought in it and I tried to do so as well .
Merry Xmas to everyone, take good care friends !!
Description : A big THANK YOU to CENTRIST whose wonderful loops I used in this song and also STERIXX and LUCAB !!! Aw guys ... I had so much happiness dealing with your stuff !!!
It's about, well ... love, as always . Music, our words and the water we're breathing so far away and so near at the same time .
Description : One of my earlier songs .
Liked the contrast between the urge to live which is my "motto" in a way and the robot-like music .
'Hope you'll like it .
Take care everybody, BISES ! ;))
You should go on this guy's profile and have a careful listen to his tracks 'cause they're pure class !! And I'm not saying that by complacency, of course !!
Thx again Bear for this blissful moment of music,
Janis ;))
Description : A somehow jazzy thing I did a few months ago . The title is to be written "un rêve" but the robot didn't want the accent ;)
Lyrics by Stef de Noakiss .
Description : This is my last song . Many thx to MrFunktastic, minor2go, xray731 and planetjazzbass for their gorgeous loops which I used in this track . Lyrics by Stef de Noakiss .
Description : Here's my latest one . I wanted to make something cool mingling r'n'b and dubstep .
As a wink to my beloved and a big hug to you all, buddies . Love's a miracle, but we shouldn't forget to love ourselves for we can all lay drops of dew on another heart .
Take good care,
luv ya,
"You want peace : create love", Victor Hugo .
A BIG THANK YOU to DUSTHILL for his always gorgeous piano lines !
Description : Hello the looperfam :D
Here's a little love song . I wanted something soft and soothing to lay tenderness on hearts .
A BIG THANK YOU TO VLALYS and DUSTHILL for their beautiful piano lines, to FERRYTERRY for the guitar arpeggio and to ALIVIDLIFE for the some of the percs !
These tracks have been uploaded by janis71. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.