Description : I had this acapella from Musicmansaul99 and created an instrumental around it - just throwing it out there to hear if anybody has anything to say about it. 3 drum loops used, other than those it's all made by me in FL10.
Description : Hi guys!
Just wanted to take a look at the wave form here on Looperman it still a brick? This is just the second assignment for the Ableton Live course (you can read about it in the forums). Having issues with the compression, clipping and distortion.
Edit2: Made an update and took away some audio effects and reduced others. Maybe it's sounding a little clearer now. Also added some midi tracks and rearranged the mix a bit.
Description : Hi guys! I'm trying to get my act together and actually finish a song from start to the very last note - let's see how it goes.
This is a simple beginning with just the unfinished instrumental and just a snippet of the vocal I'm going to use. The rules are to NOT to begin an other track before this one is finished. And that will be the first...
Any advice are welcome. Acapella provided by Noemi ( and the amazing guitar is from Ferryterry (layered and slized a couple of times, so if it sounds odd it's because of that).
Update 2: Vox somehow in place and added some FL piano. Next thing is to fix the intro and create an outro and EQ away all the noice if I can. UPDATE 3: New intro and outro. Almost finished with the mixdown I guess. Or am I?
Description : Just an old song I made a while ago in a new costume.
Vox by RarCharm, Isaiah Page (Zaylp) and Patricia Edwards (pitched to unrecognizable). And the worlds greatest house piano loop (oh yes it is) by MrFunctastic.
Still having issues mixing this together. Always something drowning or taking all the space.
Description : No loops used in this one and I created almost all the sounds in the FL 3xOscillator so it should be called The Oscillator Song. But I ruined the idea of just using my own stuff with throwing in a beautiful Acapella by Mhyst:
Also tried to learn to use the FPC drum machine and some compressors and EQs.
Description : A snippet from the Acapella "That Is You" by Felicia Santilla, drums from Chrisbeats and a nice pad from Mingote - thanks guys! The rest created in FL.****20/8 REDONE - tried to EQ some stuff and widden the pad by panning it. Don't know if it's better now? Also added a bass line and some drum fills from 1:40 for more impact. So did it work??!
Description : DRAFT 3 - and still not there. But maybe some improvements? The first part after the short intro really doesn't work - but I'm not sure tell me! ****Just a very rough start of a song with Tha Suspect1 on vocals and two drum loops from here by Dusthill and Dj4real. The rest is mine created in FL 10. Very unfinished, I just wanted to upload and listen how awful it sounds at the moment...fixing things later on. The vox is not just an Acapella, it also has a annoying beat in it: But other than that it's of course an amazing vox.
Description : Demo containing loops from Planetjazzbass, Ferryterry, Highz, lloydjaytee, kandago, kmk0702, peliman44 and some (very modest) FL piano from me.
ThaSuspect1 on vocals and a lady who sings with him – her name is unfortunately missing in the acapella description:
Thanks loopers for the great loops and for the awesome vocals!
Description : UPDATE: A little longer but no drums, no sweeping pads and no build up - yet. One of the synths is sounding like an annoying rooster. FerryTerry on sax. I could be heading towards the wrong direction...
**********************************************************A this working at all or is it too messy? Give me something - anything.
I think I've gone deff.
The AMAZING vocal (I die a little every time I hear that " just fiiiiiine" part) from TheG1t:
I'm trying to re-use that melody I came up with for an other song a while ago, I never liked the old song but I love the melody, hence this project.
Description : Still just testing things...
Beautiful vocals and lyrics by Addis Branwell with some help from Holly.
Guitar from ebaby8119, some strings from rosiero and a flute loop from Enzotic - all of these I repitched in various ways to have some more sounds to work with. The drums are mine and they lack something? Hats? Pants? A shirt? I have no idea. They actually sounded better in the daw just a moment ago. But I'm at least happy with the bass line here, finally starting to hear the purpose of it and hearing how it should sound. Or that's what I hope I do...and NO PIANO! Oh, and one more thing: Are you guys listening to this on headphones or not?
Description : REDONE for the 2nd time *** Rearranged the intro and some other parts. Thanks for all the advice! Vocals Thasuspect1 and Knowkontroll, drums by Dusthill (and me!), fx loop from Kandago, flute drmistersir - thanks for sharing guys.
Description : Just a test - very unfinished.
I used an older piano..thing that I made in FL in july last year and added an amazing fx loop from Kandago to it and some drums from boogieman, flute from lelandchapman and the beautiful tingeling piano loop(at 1:24) from Joefunktastic.
This is just an idea of a track to a friend who's a vocalist, if she likes it then I'll try to finish it.
The FL piano is a little too messy here I Think. Any thoughts so far?
Description : UPDATE: Final version, moving on now. Shall we say that the pitching issues still existing are purposely there... ;)
This Project was about learning about basslines and guitar(-sounds created in FL, not the real thing) and trying to keep away from over using the piano and vocals.
It's a weird piece and nevermind the ending, it went too far - I was impersonating a crazy pianist there, I think.
Vocals and lyrics from ImproveWithError and Taratoxic, a drumloop from dj_fre_val and flute played by enzotic, drmistersir, lelandchapman and seanwestman.
It seems I'm starting to overuse flute loops instead...
Also: My kids have kidnapped the speakers so I made this entirely with headphones on and the laptop wanted to set its own touch on this by adding some neat crackle and pops in the rendering process.
Thanks for listening.
Description : UPDATE: Made it longer. It's probably ruined...
I'm obsessed with Nina Simone so here is one more try with her pella from the very famous song "Feeling Good", it should be legal because it's a remix. Kind of?
Anyway - I tried my hand on some guitar sounds and tried to avoid piano (but it sneeked in anyway). There is some loops here, a guitarloop from Serialchiller, a drumloop from Dj4real (very retro - I love it!) and two beautiful flute loops from both Enzotic and Ferryterry - thanks guys for sharing!
Just a work in progress and nothing serious this time, I´m still resting my ears... =)
Description : Third try with other drums - Acapella: Devyn Rose
Drums: Mmedia, Djwizzy, Mrrobot and Refl3xdubstep.
Sounding kind of okey in my headphones - no idea about how it sounds from speakers.
Thanks for all the feedback so far - I'm reworking this soon, and a million thanks to Steve(Crucethus).
His educational remix is found here:
Description : UPDATE: The new mix with other drums is here:
A spinn off from my earlier rendition of Devyn Rose's Pieces.
Still can't create decent drums on my own so thank you Djwizzy, Mrrobot and Refl3xdubstep for them and Devyn Rose for her acapella:
Song arrangement and all the rest by me in FL10.
Any thoughts?
Description : Vocals: Carrol
Drums: Ekkotheamatuer,loonyggon1, djphosho - thanks for the drumloops and the a capella guys. The rest is mine, created in FL.
I'm very proud of the bassline in this song - it's my first proper one. Lol.
Other than that it's only a very rough beginning and hopefully a work in progress. If it doesn't end up in the bin.
Description : I had this amazing vox: and drums by Eos and Mmedia to work with and this is what I came up with.
The acapella is from Porter Robinson and Mat Zo's tune Easy, so technically it's a remix, but I actually heard the original after I made my own song around the vox so it's not similar at all...maybe that's a good thing, I don't know.
But I really did my best with this one and tried to use everything I learned so far while mixing and mastering and I'm actually almost happy with the result.
Work in progress though...the piano comes out in one ear and the vox in the other so something went wrong anyway. =D
Edit: I'm NOT happy at all anymore - hearing all the flaws now...
Feedback will be much appreciated!
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