Description : Vocal from Maaka and BEATZMODE (Zeebeatz): ) which I totally demolished because it was really hard to sync (my fault, not the vocals fault).
Thanks for the synth loop from Billboo: And also for the riser from refl3xdubstep and the flute from drmistersir.
If you have the time to give some feedback: Are the mix and volume levels OK?
Is it coherent? What genre is this?
Vocals: TheG1t
Sax: FerryTerry.
Some of the piano is mine created in FL, a snippet from Shortbusmusic and the piano in the outro is from Focus99.
Testing the drums...just discovered Drumaxx in FL and could not make up my mind about which drums I would use so I took a bunch of them and used them all. Any thoughts? Haven't listened to this other than on headphones unfortunately and was too tired to do any mixing or mastering. Thanks for listening.
Description : Just a new song with a very long intro...
Feat. Nacole and Stephanie Kay on vocals and I also used a drumloop from Mmedia.
Edit: I made some changes but can't update the track here because it takes an eternity to do so with my current internet connection. But it's up on Soundcloud.
Description : Only loops used here: Blazins bass wave kta chopped formant mintone galaxy karatune adventus pads reflexaudiotech1 chords salook sound trak wojciechowski samba baseelements electro hip hop beat.
Vocals uploaded by DjGhostSweden.
The bass is apparently killing the track here, need to look in to that later...
Description : Well, this went well - NOT.
It accidently became two different songs in one. Or is it coherent at all (the beginning and the end)? Not mastered.
The original track:
Vocals/Lyrics by Katie Bregman:
Drums by Boogieman and flute by lelandchapman - thank you for sharing! "Piano" made by me in FL.
Description : Acapella: Thasuspect1 and Farisha. Drums: Roseerin, hamood, minimalelektroking - thanks for sharing! The rest by me.
I don't know about this one, any opinions? Haven't had the chance to listen to this without headphones yet so it might sound very lame and wrong, sorry about that.
Description : Second edition...feat. vocals RarCharm, Isaiah Page (Zaylp), Patricia Edwards. Piano JoeFunktastic, drums Mmedia, alexisescalona - Thank you all of you.
Work in progress.
Description : A snippet and a complete mess, sorry. Have to get this out of my system and continue with something else.
Vocals Isaiah Page(ZAYLP), Patricia Edwards and RaRCharm. Piano by JoeFunktastic.
Description : Created using a bunch of funkloops from here. It turned out something else than Funk did that happen?
Don't know the genre so put it in fusion...
Feat. MrFunktastic, 3v3sound, Stephanie Kay, SlapJohnson, psychotropiccircle, onebyone, rei4real, Mrrobot, 3rdnipplemusic.
Thanks for the amazing loops, Loopers!
The rest is mine. Don't know what to sounds just odd. Good practise anyhow! Had some issues with panning also and the genre remains very unclear.
Any thoughts?
The rest is mine, the vocals sound a bit drowned under everything else - have to fix that later. If you have any advice, thoughts etc. - let me hear! It's definitely an odd song again...
Remastered - did my best bringing out the vocals but the pads have to be put on some other time.
Description : Well, The theme of this song is misleading - I DO need you. (lol) But here it goes:
Vocals and lyrics by Stephanie Kay
A drumloop from Alpha117 - thank you!
The vocals don't really fit I guess and the end...well I got tired of the melody and had to change it. Not really mastered, but can't stand to hear this track for a while now. Maybe later...
Description : Slightly pitched and remastered - is it more in tune now??? Thanks for all the advice so far!!
Just a very rough beginning, would like to know if it's any idea to continue working on this and what to add?
Amazing Pella from Katie Bregman (kkb0):
Drums by Boogieman, thanks for sharing!
Description : This is some Mumbo for the Mambo week.
Carrol, ShortBusMusic, planetjazzbass, ferryterry, apocalypze, abnerbesarez, jdot2006, acrylic, edge7, onebyone, psychotropiccircle, avonaco, hektorthillet, slapjohnson and last but certainly not least - drmistersir.
Thank you Loopers!
Description : REMADE VERSION---------------------------- Buddahmann:
A drumloop by Boogieman and one by Alexiscalona and the rest by me. Genre, I don't know - hip hop or rap? lol or what?
These tracks have been uploaded by SeriouslyJoking. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.