


oslo, Norway
Joined : 17th Oct 2007 - 16 years ago
ngSBB tracks

ngSBB has uploaded 21 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks (21)
13th Sep 2012 10:24 - 11 years ago
Description : acoustic and bossa nova-ish jazz stuff for 2 minutes, then coldplayish popgasm
8th Jul 2012 19:31 - 12 years ago
Description : A funky and playful summer song
22nd Dec 2011 23:50 - 12 years ago
Description : music
3rd Dec 2011 19:49 - 12 years ago
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Description : Thanks to Dan Adams (EoD696 on Newgrounds) for the beautiful piano playing in the intro, it really brought the tune up a few notches. Check him out:

I've been working on this since like August - definitely the one song I've spent the most time working on. And it's pretty great!
29th Aug 2010 20:27 - 14 years ago
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Description : Interpret as you like. Spent this Sunday making it.
15th May 2010 23:01 - 14 years ago
Description : This is a mostly finished version of my best song ever. I've been focusing on the drums and the ambience surrounding it pretty much all the time.

@ Bandcamp (full quality version):
@ Soundcloud:
@ The Audio Portal:
24th Jan 2010 03:30 - 14 years ago
Description : (You'll have to listen past a certain point to "get" the title) Ever feel like this song as you go about your day?

My most groovy, catchy and clever piece of music to date. Thanks to the creator of the "malcos mouth" refill for various voice samples.
8th Jan 2010 22:20 - 14 years ago
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Description : A heavy, powerful and pumping dance tune with a wicked bass and some of the best melodic stuff I've come up with ever.

By the way, this was made in Logic Pro 9, and everything but the drums and a few sfx is based on Omnisphere.
25th Sep 2009 19:06 - 14 years ago
Description : While you're listening to this song, you may want to imagine yourself leisurely sweeping through a landscape of soft white clouds, all of which are circling around an enormous piece of architecture, similar to a tree in its shape, purely made of glass, with traces of a thin, white fog surrounding it.
4th Dec 2010 20:33 - 13 years ago
Description : Some awesome atmosphere sounds, a bunch of insane drum hits and four bridges with random time signatures.
17th Jul 2011 20:39 - 13 years ago
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Description : Music for watching the skies pass by to.
12th Nov 2010 21:07 - 13 years ago
Description : I picture being lost and breathless somewhere in the middle of the Arctic Sea while making and listening to this song.
15th Oct 2010 22:22 - 13 years ago
Description : Let's get away from the noise, enter an empty room and meditate for a while.
3rd Jan 2010 20:42 - 14 years ago
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Description : I've got more accordions than you. Everything is done with Reason, except the bass which is from Trilian
26th Jul 2009 19:18 - 15 years ago
Description : A little something I did in a day, this is a soundtrack type piece for strings.

I just got my Komplete 5 bundle, and I'm currently just testing out the apps. This is my first test drive with Kontakt. It's very intuitive and easy to use and it sounds brilliant. All the instruments are from the factory library of Kontakt 3.0, except the percussion, which was imported and edited with Battery.
7th Jun 2009 14:17 - 15 years ago
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Description : A very aggressive track. UPDATED for the All Genre Competition. (10.17.09)
20th Apr 2009 21:49 - 15 years ago
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Description : Don't you all love stinkhorns?
4th Aug 2008 14:23 - 16 years ago
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Description : An enormous void has appeared in the sky, and it is your duty to repair it. All you see and experience as you float around in space, repairing the sky, is representated withing this piece. What you experience, though, is up to your imagination.
8th Mar 2008 12:57 - 16 years ago
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Description : See the Newgrounds version for more information: (Make sure to vote ;D)
25th Jan 2008 14:09 - 16 years ago
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Description : Majestetic sound, overwhelming yet dark soundscape
20th Oct 2007 17:07 - 16 years ago
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Description : A lively, still pretty calm tune. Imagine there came a new ice age over the night, and you're watching through the window... or something like that, I don't know.
Tracks (21)