Description : Basically a metal arrangement with undercurrents of techno and trance. Largely based on shortbusmusic loops but also uses digitalskyy,djpuzzle,ancoral and several from various sources. I'm fairly new to this so comments, suggestions and ideas are welcome.
Description : Another Indian fusion with mixes of melodic and crazy. Used Janis71, futureanalysis, and moonslayer pellas. Used dusthill, centrist, digifishmusic and several other loops. Coherence issues remain but some good riffs. Recut 8-3 slightly less crazy. Comments are welcome.
Description : A fusion using Indian sounds and rhythms with western loops. This one has a pop feel and is more coherent than others posted here. I think it has a fun vibe. Uses futureanalysis,jamievega, proecliptix and several clips from various sources. Comments welcome.
Description : A more Indian arrangement using various loops and samples. This one has a tribal feel and tries to convey the ambiance and energy of India. recut 4-26-2014. Comments are welcome.
Description : Indian fusion with a chill kind of trance vibe sans drums. Uses cynical1, mhyst, erh and several loops from various sources. Comments are welcome.
Description : A fairly coherent techno track using Baul (Bengal) pellas with a techno arrangement. I doubt there are many other Baul techno arrangements anywhere. This one was fun and has good energy. Recut 2-5-2014. Comments welcome.
Description : A recut of Indiantechno7 stripped of Indian and crazy elements. This one has a new age feel with hints of techno and trance. Track largely based on futureanalysis' unusual pellas. Comments welcome.
Description : Fusion using Bhangra (Punjabi) instruments with the Reggaeton pellas of ThaSuspect1 and MrDoll with loops from different sources. This kind of works but true Bhangra aficionados would not call it Bhangra. Recut 3-4. Comments welcome.
Description : I decided to try a conventional track and found that it wasn't really possible although this comes close. This is largely based on califken's 'Touching in the Dark' and Janis71's 'No Mans Land'. Recut 3-30. Comments welcome.
Description : This is basically a dance track with integration of Bhangra elements. To say this is high energy would be an understatement. The track uses house construction kits and samples from various sources with Bhangra (Punjabi) instruments and voices. Recut 5-8-2014. Recut again 5-21 slightly better mix. Comments welcome.
Description : A kind of Euro EDMy track with trippy overtones. Uses very chopped pella, 'Dreaming' from Oceanically and loops from karnage1710 and various other sources. I like this one - comments and suggestions are welcome.
Description : This is a mashup of Farisha's 'indians vocals 1' and 'bells choir song'. There is a certain alchemy in this mix although Farisha did all the heavy lifting and I basically lined up loops. There is a holiday vibe to this. Kind of works - all props to Farisha for fantastic pellas. Comments are welcome.
Description : Taking the challenge from Soundhound to 'add something to it'. Used 'Bang a Drum' pella from DJShemZee with background from StephanieKay and additional drums. Comments welcome.
Description : Entry for the Funkiest Remix contest using the fantastic loops from MrFunktastic. This stays within the genre. Tried to use all the loops - came close. Comments welcome.
Description : Second entry into the funkiest remix contest from mrfunktastic. This one has an entirely different vibe and integrates loops from edge7 to give it a dance and hiphop feel. Hope you enjoy it - comments welcome.
Description : Built around pretty sanskrit mantras this has a kind of pop feel. Probably not many sanskrit pop songs but this kind of works. Comments welcome.
Description : A treatment of the mantra using a mix of Indian and western loops. Kind of works - comments welcome. Recut 10-18-2016
Tracks (19)
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