Description : 90's like old school vintage vinyl feel beat... Oldschool vintage Instrumental with a vinyl like chill electric piano and a groovy bassline along with a dope drumline...
Description : Hardcore Rap Instrumental with West Coast Piano and Fresh synths with strings and a bangin' drumline along with a smooth bouncing bassline...
Description : I went a little darker on this one than before with the key D Minor this time; 96 bpm... tell me what you think... use as you like, I would also like to hear what you guys come up with so drop those comments and grab the free download... check out my soundcloud for a free wav download (Mixed in surround, exported in stereo, high quality)... it's Livingwell Productions...
Description : Electronic/Dubstep/Rap/Club Instrumental; No samples used in this song all made from scratch took me the whole day to do though... give me your thoughts, support is always good.
Description : Electronic/Dubstep/Rap Instrumental with Hook
C Major; 124 bpm
Tracks (14)
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