Description : This started out as a joke. My friend asked me to write a song about us all meeting up after quarantine and getting wasted. So I got drunk and I recorded the first minute or so with just my guitar. When I showed them the song they said I should expand it. So I messed around and came up with this. I think it actually turned out okay for a drunken joke.
What are your thought?
Ps. genre picked at random
Description : The latest song I'm working on. I guess you'd call it a pop-rock ballad?
I just felt like creating something in the Verse/chorus/verse/chorus/instrumental/chorus formula.
Still needs a lot of work. I kinda went crazy for the finale. I hope you enjoy it. I'm open to changes. Feedback would be most helpful :)
Description : I decided to try something I've never done before. Record and mix a track live! I premade some samples and MIDI sequences that I could trigger at will (I had to have the vocoder and strings ready). Then I got a friend to come around to help mix it live and help out with some tricky trasitions and some in-session resampling of my vox.
It took 3 attempts, but I kinda like the result.
Description : I wanted to make something that felt mechanical and cold. Let me know if I hit the mark.
Update: adjusted mix to make more room for vocals. Some parts are still a trade off between instrumentation and vox, I feel this is the right mix. It's also mastered.
Description : Went back and finished a track I wrote and recorded last year. I'm happy with how it sounds now. Leave a comment and grab a free download.
Description : I always enjoy making a track for Halloween. This year I wanted to do something different. I like to imagine this as the final scene in a ghost story where the protagonist has to say goodbye to the love he lost.
Description : A track dedicated to my love for 70's exploitation cinema and well... weird cinema in general.
Please note: Some may find the sample offensive. And back in the 70's it was made to be so. The film was written by a gay man and the lead was played by the worlds first modern drag queen, Divine. They dared to challenge the world and this is my tribute.
Description : This is another 1-hour song challenge. This time I'm stepping away from acoustic ballads and going for something a little louder.
I also must admit I overran by a few minutes because of technical difficulties during the recording process. But I got there in the end. Let me know what you think :)
Description : I wanted to step away from electronic music and just make something simple and heartfelt. SO I gave myself an hour to write and record a track. This is what I made.
Description : The latest track I've been working on. I uploaded this as a demo, but started experimenting with different sounds. I wanted light and dark. So there's light acoustic and dark electric guitars. Airy synths and moody bass. Kinda like how it's turning out. What do you guys think?
Description : Happy new Year fellow loopers!
I was going for a Depeche Mode sound. Thoughts?
Update: Vocals re-EQ'd to reduce low frequencies, Reverb space increased.
Description : So I really wanted to have a song ready for Halloween. But I've been so busy watching Stranger Things that I almost ran out of time. I managed to pull this track together. It still needs some work. But I think it's acceptable to show you guys. I think it's dark 80's electronic pop, but there's no genre tag for that. So electronic will do.
Description : I had a vocal melody stuck in my head, which is not how I usually start a song. I also realised that I never seem to use the vast wealth of loops on this site. So I used a beat by laurentwirz.
I ended up with something that feels to me like melancholic chill-out. Thoughts?
Description : I love movie soundtracks and I love lyrics that tell a story, so I thought I'd make something that had a bit of both. I hope you enjoy :)
Description : It's been a while since I've uploaded anything new. Lack of inspiration and a broken audio interface kinda ruined my creative streak.
Anyway, I managed to steal a bit of time at my friends studio. This is what I made in a few hours.
Description : UPDATE: Intro now starts with piano instead of drums. There's a whole new section at the end. Please leave a comment letting me know your thought. Thanks x
Description : This is an old track that I wrote and recorded during a really low point in my life. I wanted to share it, so I cleaned it up as best I could. Let me know what you think.
Description : I've been rewatching a lot of John Carpenter movies and listening to the soundtracks. I've also been bingeing on 80's gothic synth pop. So I thought I'd give the genre a go. I had fun making it and added lots of different references. Please enjoy and let me know what you think, comments are always greatly appreciated :D
Update: Levels and EQ on Vox and piano have been tweaked. 1 bar has been removed from the extro.
Description : I'm not a madonna fan at all, but I can appreciate a well written song and I always had a soft spot for this track.
So I tuned everything down half a step (so I can try to sing it). Then I cut out part of the second verse ("love is a bird and she needs to fly...") because a shorter refrain before the next chorus works in my arrangement. Then I just went mad with it. Enjoy and let me know what you think.
Description : This is a song that I will often sing to myself if I'm feeling like crap. Apparently my friend likes the song, so I invited him to jam out a recording. This is the result.
Description : This is little something I've been working on in the background. Whenever I got bored of mixing something else, I'd work on this.
This song is all about energy; pushing forward until you can't go on.
There's no vocals this time, which is a rarity for me. I hope you enjoy. AND MERRY CHRISTMAS! x
Description : I found an old recording of me playing guitar on 8-track and decided to use it in a new track. All parts have been recorded using analogue equipment. I've then slowed down, sped up or reversed as I recorded them digitally. Then came the difficult part, attempting to piece it all together in ableton without everything being too out of time (there's no way to make it perfect).
Once I'd EQ'd out some of the loudest hiss, I started applying effects and eventually mastering it all.
What you get as a final product is a simple song executed in a very weird way. I'm quite happy with the disorienting effect. I hope you like it too :)
These tracks have been uploaded by toastedavalanche. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.