Description : These are vocals I did for a track that I decided I didn't like the way the music sounded. The lyrics are a bit odd, I know. I wrote them thinking about failed (sometimes just weird) romantic relationships I was in when I was young. Especially as a teenager, it seemed that every new girlfriend was the last person on earth, and I remember the relationships often ending badly, which of course seemed to be the end of all hope for the future (briefly anyway). I know there are some pitchy parts. Sorry, I am still very new at singing. I hope any of you can find some use for it. I would love to hear it if you do.
This free 129 bpm industrial acapella has been kindly uploaded by RayKoefoed and may be used in your projects in accordance with our terms and conditions, but please note the creators of acapellas retain certain rights and are entitled to stipulate certain licence terms. Subject to our terms and conditions, you will always, as a minimum, be able to use acapellas listed here for free for non-commercial purposes.
Please check the description of this acapella to see exactly how it may be used. If you have any questions about this file, please contact RayKoefoed.
For further details on how you can use any acapellas (including details on the specific licences granted by the creators of acapellas), please see the acapellas section of the help area and our terms and conditions. If you think this file is in breach of copyright or our upload guidelines please contact support.
Comments (25)
If you have used this acapella leave some feedback or say thanks and post a link to the song you made. Apart from being the right thing to do it also encourages artists to upload more acapellas.
Hi Ray. I actually found this acapella after I wrote the rest of the song I'm currently working on. The vocal track works wonderfully, but I was wondering if you'd allow me to autotune it to fit in a bit better with the song. I'd also like to know what all the lyrics are. Thanks!
Quick mix up ... I'd like some more of your stuff ,,, but I think you lose tempo at some points ... I love your vox ... this is a pretty quick one by me ... I will be working on it more ... thnx
First off I'd like to say Im loving your stuff. They way its so deeply worded. Great stuff makes me think alot when i listen to it thats why i wanted to share it to my listeners as well. I hope you accept this track and enjoy it and I also would like to do much more with you on some techno maybe even some dubstep. please contact me.
I rly like the acapella but for some reason i cant download it... it comes to 99 % and then stops. I've tried different browsers but always same thing.Can you pls see whats wrong ? Thank you and good work. ;)
Thanks Vujisic. I don't know why that is, perhaps it was something wrong with the server when you tried. Let me know if you still can't get it to work please.
It'll take me a cpl of weeks to get some where near done but I'll send you it before I use it.
LOve the the lyrics pure anghst.
The vocoding / metaflanging on the vocals will blend brilliantly with the style I want to produce.
Getting goose bumps thingking about it lol
Peace & Respect
just love the emotion again, I can hear whats coming and it wont be a pretty song, lots of felt emotion in this acapella, I have you mail so you'll be hearing from me. Peace.
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Description : This is the vocal track from my song The Sum of a Body. I know I went a little heavy on the filters, but I wasn't very comfortable singing at the time. Sorry that I didn't save a clean version of the vocals. I hope you are still able to make some use of them. The title is meant to mean the hypothetical value put on a human life, which in our society is literally a dollar amount often times.
Description : Another original by Shamoozey.....BPM not known
Be sure to put (feat. Shamoozey) in your TITLE remix.........
Get in touch for commercial inquiries.
thanx for the outstanding pella, used for this track...
hope you'll like it, handshake, Danke
Thanks for your great acapella. I like it a lot and used it to my track at I hope you like it :)!!!
Here is my attempt. Nothing fancy as I am still in learning.
It's very good
Quick mix up ... I'd like some more of your stuff ,,, but I think you lose tempo at some points ... I love your vox ... this is a pretty quick one by me ... I will be working on it more ... thnx
I would make a song with it by i am by far to... idiotic for it.
"4 x 4" Feat. Ray Koefoed
I will hopefully have another one available some day soon.
LOve the the lyrics pure anghst.
The vocoding / metaflanging on the vocals will blend brilliantly with the style I want to produce.
Getting goose bumps thingking about it lol
Peace & Respect