Did you know that it was 30 years ago that MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) was born.
You could say one of the first types of open source applications that revolutionised how music was made and paved the way to modern music production, sampling and the whole dance music scene.
The idea behind midi and the reason for its success was that it would be a universal standard and allow any device to speak to another thus allowing keyboards and modules form companies who would otherwise be in direct competition to each other.
No longer did everything have to played live but could instead be sequenced and played back. Early home computers such as Atari and Commodore supported MIDI and very soon were not only used in huge recording studios but also gave rise to the now common home studio setup.
There is a good article here on the BBC that explains a bit more and talks to Alex Paterson who used MIDI to record The Orb's - Little Fluffy Clouds
Any old excuse to play Little Fluffy Clouds ....
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God bless the 5-pin DIN. :-)
Was shocked by a sudden change.
You know how many bugs i had with? Zero! Impossible with actual pc's.
I just can't wait for the next step, called internally HD. I have seen their presentation in NAMM this year : very promising.
But the arrival of MIDI was like a sea change. All of us who were there remember it the way Boomers remember the beginning of color television. You know where you were and what you were wearing the first session you saw it in action.
And your life was changed FOREVER.
Happy Birthday, MIDI. Thank you. And as a musician: thank God for you. You really did set some of us free to simply create. No more bowing and curtsying, no more buttkissing, no more Beta Wolf posturing, no more sucking it up --
Happy Birthday MIDI!
I remember CLEARLY when fellow musicians in Atlanta were just beginning to talk about this mystical, magical electronic Jedi trick that could do everything, anything. As a keyboardist I fell right in step and have never looked back. MIDI liberated us musicians and programmers from the office politics, drama and stupidity of directly associating with actual, human musicians in order to create stuff. That freedom has come with its drawbacks of course... but I love my machines :)
Switch em on, program em, tell em what to do, they comply until stopped or shut off, and
No more jealous drummer girlfriends
No more evil drummers' wives
No more late bass players
No more egotistical lead guitarists
No drummer drought ever, ever again
I feel everybody who might think the above is a bad thing, but as an attractive (or so they say) female musician, I've had more than my fill of jealous musician gfs and wives, and MIDI was the beginning of The Official End of That Bulls--t, Forever.
The main drummer I'm the angriest at about that -- almost 20 years later, that's how bad it was -- PS, he and evil fat jealous harpy wife divorced. He's single now and I would never.
And I have my sequencers :)
Great tribute to the Electronic Emancipation Proclamation of Music, by the way. Thanks. Perfect photo to sum MIDI up. Nice - says it all :)
The inventors of MIDI to receive a technical Grammy.
happy birthday
ps.. alot of top chart eletro/trance producers still use atari ste/stf, they say they like the timing of the seq.
The old five pin din plugs. They seemed so advanced at the time. Not like this usb plug in and play malarkey. We actually used to have to set things up with wires and plugs you know?
A friend of mine was actually electrocuted because he hadn't earthed his guitar before plugging it into the top of the range akai sampler which held a massive 2kb of storage.
Kids these days don't know how easy they've got it......."Dad, i'm bored with x-box kinnect"
"Shut your pie hole son, we only had sega mega drive and squidgy black to smoke. None of this stupidly named high grade skunk nonsense."
This was possible before midi. It was called CV/gate. MIDI just expanded on it (digitally) and made polyphonic sequencing easier.