DØS.pütin (das?pyo?tn)
Swedish-American Composer and Keyboardist living and working in the Pacific Northwestern US.
Any and all.
Atari ST, Notator LE,
Macbook i5, Ableton Live 9
Akai S-950, Roland Alpha Juno 2, MKS-80, Sherman FIlterbank,
Kastle. Ukku Kutti. Anything on Tuff Wax records, Harmonia records, Metronomicon, Flogsta Danshall.
As an avid collector and DJ of mid 80’s RnB Vinyl, DOS has drawn inspiration from some of the great keyboardist composers and synth musicians of the past such as Bernie Worrell, George Duke, and David Frank.
Future Bass
Was a Coptic preist in Northern Africa.