
Free Music Software By J-1000

Software (7)
  • J-1000 - CH4D

    Classic chorus effect with four delay taps, two per L/R channel, and adjustable resonant cut filters. Each delay tap is modulated by advanced LFO which has less obvious repetitive effect on processed .....

    Developer : J-1000
    Type : Plugin OS : Win 32Bit
    Format : VST Tags : Chorus, Delay, Filter
  • J-1000 - BTQ2

    Simple equalizer that twists bass and treble using two interlocked pairs of shelf and peak filters. Some famous studio equalizers use this method to achieve deep bass and sparkling treble while simultaneously .....

    Developer : J-1000
    Type : Plugin OS : Win 32Bit
    Format : VST Tags : EQ, Filter
  • J-1000 - CL36

    Multi-band soft-clipper that shares layout and crossover network with SX36. Each frequency range has identical controls - clipping amount and bias, output gain and modulation. It's great for taming .....

    Developer : J-1000
    Type : Plugin OS : Win 32Bit
    Format : VST Tags : EQ, Gain, Multi-band, Clipping, Modulation
  • J-1000 - SX36

    Multi-band stereo processor that separates audio into low, mid and high frequencies and lets you change their stereo properties - width and panning or rotation. Both crossover points are adjusted with .....

    Developer : J-1000
    Type : Plugin OS : Win 32Bit
    Format : VST Tags : Compressor, EQ, Multi-band
  • J-1000 - DQ65

    Dynamic parametric equalizer that has two gain controls per filter - one for high levels of input signal, other for low. Input signal can be scaled to utilize it's range completely. All other controls .....

    Developer : J-1000
    Type : Plugin OS : Win 32Bit
    Format : VST Tags : EQ, Filter, Gain, Mixing
  • J-1000 - MQ55

    Parametric mixing equalizer based on MQ57. Most of the functions are the same, except that MQ55 operates only in stereo mode, has cut filters with milder slopes and greater operating ranges and gain .....

    Developer : J-1000
    Type : Plugin OS : Win 32Bit
    Format : VST Tags : EQ, Filter, Gain, Mixing
  • J-1000 - MQ57

    Parametric M/S equalizer designed for mastering. MQ57 has all controls and functions optimized for mastering needs. It has relatively wide Q factors that focus on overall balance rather than narrow .....

    Developer : J-1000
    Type : Plugin OS : Win 32Bit
    Format : VST Tags : EQ, Filter, Gain, Mastering
Software (7)