This page shows only items tagged Amp Simulator.
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L12X is an analog simulation inspired by the Marshall® Lead 12™ solid state amplifier of the late ‘80s.
The original head was an op-amp based amplifier: compared to tubes or .....
Kuassa Pillar is a power amplifier simulator that utilizes vacuum tube emulation engine to enhance and complement the Efektor Gainia series preamps. Its primary function is to amplify .....
Linda Audio releases SuperCrunch - great sounding and straightforward guitar amp plugin. SuperCrunch does not model any real hardware but it is capable of the very natural sound of .....
The SmartAmp is a guitar plugin that uses machine learning to mimic all the nuances of a tube amplifier. It features a clean and lead channel with EQ and gain controls. Version 1.3
Chameleon is a guitar plugin using neural networks to create three distinct sounds from a vintage style amp head. Chameleon's core sound comes from a neural net inference engine which .....
Epoch Amp is a amp modelling plugin designed to bring realism and versatility to your digital studio. Containing four amp models ranging from clean to edge of breakup, crunchy to high .....
Neurontube: debut get the whole package: from the insane roar of american high gain, to the british clean bliss. Damn, you even get the edge-of-breakup tones that you know and love. .....
Designed based on the famous pedal bearing the same name, BassDrive is the steady favorite of a vast amount of bassists and guitarists worldwide.
Well-known as an excellent .....
PREDD is a Vintage Mic Preamp / DI
G-AMP is a guitar amplifier plugin.
G-AMP-R is a guitar amplifier plugin.
SKLA is a stereo leveling amplifier.
Inspired by the famous LA2A. This plugin is not a direct emulation, it encapsulates many characteristics that the original has.
The STR-X< was built to be a simple but powerful, digitally-oriented guitar amp, one which isn’t based on any pre-existing analog models. Tonally, it is capable of high gain, modest .....
Diode Amplifier, updated with new features and a brand new UI
YALA is a Iconic Vari-Mu limiting amplifier with extra features!
ClBass FBass guitar amp simulator which is same as Classic F but re-voiced for bass. Includes lots of typical effects. 64-bit VST3.
UHG2Amp64-bit ultra-high-gain guitar amp simulator for Windows.
Version 3 adds R122 MKII microphone and GuitaRF filter (GRF) plus re-recordings of all cabs (Session 2). V0030 .....
Classic Thirty is a guitar amp simulator that uses an AC30 tonestack. Includes lots of typical guitar effects. 64-bit VST3. Version 0030 adds grid-conduction modelling on per-tube .....
Tiny F (V0010) is a stripped-down version of Classic F. Tiny F uses about 10% of the CPU of Classic F, and it has ZERO software latency so has as fast a response as your hardware will .....
Even though FreeAMP may look simple, all the algorithms from our amplifying modeler plugin REAMP are still in there. In this free version, we've combined our favourite profiles from REAMP into one .....
Redcurrant is a guitar amp / cabinet emulator designed for Metal.
Amped Stevie T Free is a guitar custom amp simulation.
It comes with one free amp called "Djent God". The cabinet section includes four amazing options: ML Mega Djent, ML Mega OS, ML Mars PR-M75 .....
LFX-1310 is a Free plug-in multi-effector including 24 types of algorithm and 3 serial slots. This freeware is the stand-alone version of Effecting Module of Ravity-S & Ravity-R. Every algorithm realizes .....
Pedals is a VST effect plug-in for Windows, designed for processing electric guitar and bass. It is also possible to process other audio sources for a variety of artistic techniques.
For more convenience, .....