26th May 2011 10:16 - 13 years ago
Tags :
Description : This song is the creation of my son Alexander (14) using an ipad with the awesome Korg itribe app for the beats & the unbelievable Korg synth app for the bass and other pad sounds. He recorded the layers down into Logic 9, then he added a alto sax solo and a breath taking keyboard solo using his M audio keyboard patched through Logics mainstage to create that authentic 80s lead synth sound.
I have layered the horn section parts and recorded the end guitar solo using a digitech RP 50 multi effects box.
This is the first mix, so if you hear anything that needs tweaking don't forget to mention it as this is getting pressed onto a cd album.
Im' totally blown by these apps from Korg! They didn't cost much but they have added real value to the tools we producers and musicians can use. Top stuff!!!

Cheers, Slap...

Comments (9)

If you have time take a listen and give SLAPJOHNSON some feedback.

kingmt77 12th Aug 2022 18:13 - 2 years ago
This is phenomenal! So much intensity. Excellent!
SpellJammer 3rd Jul 2011 20:04 - 13 years ago
Incredible track. Its definitely in the genes. Thank you for blessing us all with your amazing talents.
Vicen 27th May 2011 04:59 - 13 years ago
A wonderful piece. Wonderful sax and synthesizer. A large sound stage. My congratulations.
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Vicen, I'm pleased you like this track as it's Alexander's first proper track. More will be following soon...
Cheers, Slap...
Planetjazzbass 27th May 2011 04:46 - 13 years ago
Never used an Ipad but I've seen never ceases to amaze me....Well chaps I can see(hear)the emergence of Alexander's own sound happening and it's a very cool thing to behold the phrasing,filthy bass line and signature Saxophony but the synth playing floored!....Look,if this is an indicator of whats to come,is there any chance I can buy some shares now! lol...Quite apart from enjoying this very groovy music,it's a privilege(not trying to sound soppy here,but it's true) to witness the growth that's happening within your musical day in an interview you'll be reminiscing about tracks such as this one....FDUB! (fair dinkum unfuc*ing believable) Dave :)
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Now then Dave, hows the epic track coming along with the Geoff Boycott narrative lol.. The world of ipad and apps especially for music related projects is pretty vast mate. The two Alexander used on this track were just scratching the surface, time permitting over the next week we should have this whole album in the can and finally mixed and ready for pressing. I have to thank you for your continuing support on so many levels, your wise words mean a lot to us both. Edinburgh best look out when Saxobones arrive in town from August 5th....

Cheers, Slap...
MaxJC 26th May 2011 19:43 - 13 years ago
This is Funk at its best - Luvin the smoothness and powerful variations-->Faved!! Glad i came thru; cheers
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi MaxJC, Thanks for digging the funk man...

Cheers, Slap...
danbo 26th May 2011 18:48 - 13 years ago
Funk yes, closed to jazz rock, sure ! really beautifull piece, as usual !
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Danbo, Glad you dig! Alexander will be thrilled that people are into his creation.

Cheers, Slap...
theHumps 26th May 2011 13:14 - 13 years ago
Hey Slap, imagine if we had this technology when we were kids just getting into music....... Sounds like the apple hasn't fallen far from the tree, way to go guys, sounds great. You never seem to disappoint!!
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Wayne, I wonder how far technology will have advanced when Alexander reaches my age! Ipad is an awesome piece of kit which can cater for all interests due to it's extensive apps. I would have loved to have one of these when I was younger, but alas I had to make do with Pacman! lol...

Cheers, Slap...
Peres 26th May 2011 12:20 - 13 years ago
Love it Slap,really good stuff,great production. Your son is one heck of a musician. I am so tempted to get an ipad, it's so darn versatile!
SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Peres, I've had an ipad for a while now but very rarely have chance to use it due to Alexander or my wife who are always using it. These apps are awesome and not expensive which is a bonus seeing how much the ipad costs, but it was a worthy purchase. I would buy another if I could lol....
Cheers, Slap...
WaPer 26th May 2011 10:43 - 13 years ago
WOW! Great track, like the sax part and amazing synth solo....
Only the backing keys are a bit louder for my taste but, all in all this is a great track. Kudos guys.


SLAPJOHNSON replied Unknown
Hi Waper,
I'm glad you're digging this one. I will look in to your suggestion... Thanks!

Cheers, Slap...

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Description : I'm try something a lilbit defferents hope you enjoy & Keep on PLAY! Made on MixCraft 8Pro... (THIS IS FREE DOWNLOAD & USE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL... IF YOU WANT IT FOR COMMERCIAL USE YOU CAN BUY A LICENSE IN or contact me to my email..)
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peace -._.-
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Tags :
Description : A Dark Funk tune , with a touch of Nawlin's jazz funeral procession. Midi-sparks asked me to do a Halloween song for his competition, and so here it is!
9th Feb 2025 11:06 - 3 weeks ago
Tags :
Description : It a funky tune and its purpose is to make you move your heads and your bodies to the rhythm. Made with Steinberg's free Sequel 3. I really hope you will enjoy it.
You can view the video on my YouTube channel.
22nd Jan 2015 21:04 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : 3rd track of my future vocaloid album, Acerbus 2.Many thanks to Venuslove for the vocals, MrFunktastic for the Funk bass, Strings (left and right), and the robotic sound mainly at the beginning of the song. and Atlasblue for the Snares (sorry atlasblue that I couldn't include you in the title, only 50 characters allowed, thus I ran out of space)
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Description : Updated 12/2/2022. This is an interesting redo of a funky and fun composition. I gave it more polish by switching to a different drum kit, swapped the flute solo for a synth, then infused more flavor into the guitars, bass and organ. Then lastly tweaking the final master. Can you tell the difference? Let me know. Enjoy.

23rd Jul 2020 11:28 - 4 years ago
Description : This is the first production for STAR TRAVELS in collaboration between MICKY (LM) and JYNXZ (LM).
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Jynxz: synths / bass / rhodes / clavinet
30th Jul 2019 07:41 - 5 years ago
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Also making original minecraft drip drip with fire trap beats so hmu if youre tryna be a meme
29th Mar 2020 06:47 - 4 years ago
Description : hi every one here is a track i did a few years ago
was just getting into what im doing now please enjoy cheers
11th May 2022 16:09 - 2 years ago
Description : Everything is recorded live, so you probably hear that. It's also all me :$

Thanks to everyone who contributed in explaining what I did wrong in the engineering, mixing and mastering, especially Ben (bringerofDOOM). Looperman is truly an awesome community and thank you all. Did I say you guys are awesome?
Now also with a clip on !