Description : The Distance isn't measured in units of length or the passage of time
The Distance isn't something you can see on the horizon
The Distance can be felt though
It's a bridge that must be crossed by everyone of us
In their own time and in their own way.........
This track was made possible by people from four countries Germany,The United Kingdom,Canada and Australia....we are separate and far apart but their is no distance between us.
This fusion track was uploaded by Planetjazzbass. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (43)
If you have time take a listen and give Planetjazzbass some feedback.
May I congratulate you all on a spectacular performance. I'm standing holding my lighter in the air boys. Oh in case you didn't guess, fav'd.
Dave the comment on this started my voyage and it was a pleasant one. Love the sound of your bass, the guitars, the synths, the sax - hot!
I assume as the producer Dave, you mastered? I feel as though I am in the presence of some extremely gifted artists. Peace.
Hey Mark,thanks for trolling this old cod piece mate!lol...yes I mastered the track,though I'd probably do it a little differently these days,I remember having to roll off just about all the treble tone on my bass to get the right sound and thinking,jeez I wish I had a precision!(which i now do) haha....hopefully I can get all the collaborators together again sometime and we'll do dropping by your page mate to check out your material real soon,again thank you for your kind review very much appreciated! cheers Dave :)
Haha!...thanks DT,that has happened to me occasionally listening to something I liked and my first reaction has always been bloody silly wearing my mp3 player and not paying attention!lol....thank you again for your musical support it's very much appreciated! (have to get another tune made that will make you miss your stop!) cheers Dave :)
Love the production and most everything about this one. I am starting to like this site a whole lot better, already. No ego trip here, but I wish I could multi_task better, as it seems you are good at.
Very stunning track I never had the time to look your work before but at glance this track caught my attention all the way ,technically I dont have nothing to say , all I see is the great talent of you guys.
Very stunning track I never had the time to look your work at glance this track caught my attention all way technically, I don t nothing to say, all I see the great talent of you guys
hhhhhmmmmm...nice... I'm digging the vocals on this one some really truly nice stuff and the quality is amazing... you guys work really well together...
this I ashamed to say is only the third time I've checked out your stuff and I'm glad as before that I did... I'm hearing Floyd..dire straits...santana...elements of metallica or gnr...
hands down the best production quality I've heard here on the loop for years...
if you guys ever want to get together and put out an E.P on the label give us a shout because this would be huge...
Hey man thanks for the great review!'s interesting reading your take on the influences running through this piece and even better that in a collaboration they all can come out...we all play off each other and give appropriate space and freedom during the whole process,working with these guys is a communal buzz..thanks for the offer man,I really appreciate that!..cheers from Dave,Detlef,Bill and Steve :)
keep em comming and moving thanks to love peace un less.ItIs timeeeeeeeee for warrrrrrr i mean war faces as long as the short of it is a smilke.peace
wow, what can i say or add any more input to this great song, when by the looks of everyones review they have said it all for me. what will it take, how much would it cost to get you guys to play live.
Hey Joe..thanks for the cool words! there's nothing I'd like better than to be performing live with Detlef,Steve and is possible, but a very very costly proposition..we all live in widely separate countries with our own things going it would be so cool though!..I will wish for millions!lol..cheers Dave :)
LOL!..hehe,thanks Toonz!I doubt there's anywhere else on the planet where a broader diversity of accents exist than in the UK....being a complete Anglophile I dig em all!..cheers from the all the guys...Dave :)
Hey Kenny Lee..thanks for the props man,much appreciated! is such a buzz and the thing is you never ever stop learning,I'm just scratching the surface of ambition is to get about 2 feet into it! lol cheers mate Dave
Everything about this is huge, from the line up to the finished article, what a way to go! dig the narration alongside the hidden vox effect, great production and arrangement... super track!, thanks for sharing good quality music, gotta download for future listens. cheers.
Hey Salook..thanks man,that effect is a mirror track of Slap's narration dropped one octave...just bubbles along softly underneath..cheers mate and thanks for the great review! Dave :)
Great feel to this one all the way through but what is to be expected from a "super group" like the one you compiled here. Quite a reaction to this track after one day being up, just amazing how very cool this track is. What can I say that hasn't been said already. Great job everyone!!
Hey Wayne..thanks buddy,it was a blast working on this track,it just shoehorned together so smoothly...hopefully we'll be able to get a few more under our belts before too long...cheers from all the guys. Dave :)
I never really listened to Fusion, but i thought i take a look in and hear yours. I was just blown away from this master piece!
Oh this is awesome, especially from so may pros on this track.
The spoken element reminds me some tracks from the war of the worlds. Great track, respect.
Hey Bmw..thanks mate,Fusion isn't the most popular genre(I prefer the term Jazz Rock but that's not listed here in the genre list!lol),but then it can incorporate heaps of influences from many glad you enjoyed the track!..cheers Dave :) the first word that comes to mind and I`m having trouble thinking of the rest...but must say this is just an exceptional piece of music composed, performed and produced with really big talent...A very well done to all involved and your production is just top notch on this one PJB..even with these little monitors on my online PC....Ed
This is probably one of the best collabs I have heard on this disrespect intended to previous collaborators, but for me absolutely everything has fallen into place...I'm a little bit stunned, but in a good way of course. Congratulations to you four amazing talents.
Hi Elaine...I've been wanting to produce a full on composition with these guys for quite I knew it would fall into place eventually..we've all collaborated before but never all at once,the focus really clicked so to speak...thank you for the great review..Dave,Detlef,Steve and Bill(sounds like that wacky 60's Band!) :)
WOW !!! what can we expect from the looper-elite...but good work...i know zappo is really talented...and whatever bill takes in his hand will change into gold...and i dont know a better bass player on this site...great PJB...and slap is fantastic on his sax...i had to play this a few really touched me...great great great collab...bravo to all of are the true and only looper-elite :) dont stop making music guys *****
Hey JW..thanks man,your way too kind!..we've all been round the musical block a few times,so things fell into place pretty easily...from all the guys a big thank you!..cheers Dave :)
Hey Jamie..thanks mate,intercontinental is right,how did we ever get on before the internet! lol..think of the saving in jet fuel! hehe..cheers mate Dave :)
This is a combination of talents that would rival Pink Floyd, Dream Theater, or any of the other really great groups that have graced the airways before you all got together. Every last note is perfection, leaving all of us with a final product that truly illustrates all that is good about music. My hat is off to all of you for a job extremely well done.
This is like having 4 great artists paint one picture....beautiful work gentlemen.
Hey Bear..thanks for the great review mate,this has been one of the smoothest collabs I've ever done,these guys are great to work with and just do their stuff like stepping off the curb..cheers from all of us...Dave :)
Amazing collab guys, you (all 4) are talented musicians, when such talents, "crash" into one song,then sounds...well sounds like this..perfect!Thank you for sharing this track with us,I really enjoyed!
Thanks for the opportunity for the collabo with such talented fine gents. As always a true pleasure and the first time I had the honor to work with Zappo! A great effort put forth by all. It's a great "Gig in the Sky."
The pleasure's all ours Bill believe me....there comes a time,a tipping point if you will in every track's production where it goes from better to worse or from better to way much better..when you arrive on the scene it's like one of those giant ore just know to look out because whatever's coming is from a humongous gold mine!....cheers from us all mate Dave :)
This is a perfect style of fusion! You guys really did some great work on this one! The poetry is beautiful, and it's backed up by this great music! I can't separate out specific parts to congratulate you on, because it's all so good! Excellent work my friends! Faved for sure!
Hi Dave,
Wonderful collaboration! The whole concept is mind blowing and you have to be credited for your organisation skills to pull this one off. I also have to note that you have the respect of all of the real Looperman users. This track is testament to your musicianship, production, creativity, friendship, truthfulness, determination and overall humanity...
I can't think of this place without you on it....
Shine on you crazy diamond!
Ahh Steve..thanks man,and as you well know it's many hands that make light work,In all my musical dealings I've never met anyone as switched on as you are,it's not that your a musical mind reader( though I have suspicions that this is in fact the case),it's because you project your whole personality into your musical expression..what comes out is what it's all about..thanks buddy from Detlef ,Bill and myself :)
Wow! I've got goosebumps listening to this! Superb collab guys! Of course you have induced feelings of deep inadequacy & I hate you all now, lol! Joking, but wow, this really blew me away!
Mate you had me here right from the very first second I heard the pad start, nice choir type of pad, wow this is absolutely brilliant my friend, clarity and the arrangement is first class,very nice synths/percussion and excellent guitar/sax, this has something really special about it, great beat and bassline, topped of with a great spoken vocal, mate I have just found me another all time fav from you, brilliance comes to mind here when listening to this one, no wonder with the talent involved, massive COLLAB guys, this is something to be mighty proud of...Peace n much Respect to you all, massive fav....Estefano....
Hey Esty...thanks from all the crew mate,I know you put as much into your reviews as you do into your own great music...glad it hit a chord with you mate.....cheers Dave :)
Good cooperation. Great sound and a stage musical to delight. Good production. A fantastic introduction to rampage in a sensational sax and move up (after a haven of peace) in a wonderful guitars and rhythms.
What else I can say? I really enjoyed this music, in musical conception and progression is at the height of the greats.
Hey Vincen,thanks man...really glad you enjoyed the track,we had a lot of fun putting it together and to hear that you approve makes it all worth while..cheers from all the guys. Dave :)
Hi her
It is more than great or wonderful description of how to combine emotion in the music to a compact whole
It is as if we would carry the same genes in us that come together here.
Congratulations and thank you to share it with us
cheers Zappo
...(fav & DL of course )....
Hey Detlef my friend..I remember the first time I heard your music and it moved me,you write such deep's so cool when you can click with someone creatively,we will make lots more creations together!..cheers mate and thanks for your musical inspiration! Dave :)
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Description : Hello People, hows it goin? Well here I am with my new cover and yes, you read it right... its 'THING CALLED LOVE' by one of my favourite EDM artists Above & Beyond. Its a fusion of Lounge, Ambient & Indian Ethnic elements and some experimental sounds too. I just hope you like my rendition.
And yes, There is a thing called Share that we all forget, So if you genuinely like my cover, Please share!
Cheers! :D
Description : Updated 9/23/24. This is a progressive fusion flavored jazz number. I called on fellow Looperman DISCIPLINE to season this composition with that FIRE GUITAR, and he did! Let me know your thoughts on this one. Enjoy.
Description : hi guys this is my biggest production so far all the music and beats were written by me and all played by me on my midi keyboard
self-biographical its raw its powerful, its positive, this is dimestop all dressed up in his Sunday best, a subject i know all about, its real life its genuine a cause i support and promote the lyric sheet is available
listen with a headset close your eyes look at it as a private consultation from me, shed a tear if you have to it starts with you
Description : Indo - West Jugalbandi.
A fusion of "Indian Sitar and Tabla Samples" and some "Western Beats"....
Just sort of a demo project i did for trying out new things....
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Do give it a try.
And do comment/like/share.
Description : This track contains only free loops downloaded from and, furthermore several loops from looperman artists - listed below.
Hope you will enjoy it.
Applied loops:
Danke : 0671112-0057227 (i think so), 0671112-0064444 (touch of the wind),
Sakura : 0036530-0000930 (drawn),
Tumbleweed : 0498019-0068258 (babylon 8 pad),
Apokapbeatz : 0287197-0020417 (harp sample 1) ,
Planetjazzbass : 0111346-0029497 (voices 2), 0111346-0029496 (voices 1),
Waper : 0334474-0048653 (strings 2),
Deejayroo : 0318145-0043939 (classical ending),
Megapaul : 0448131-0065840 (the waterpope 140BPM E),
Thehumps : (Sad D minor 1 Verse - 150 bpm) - download from stayonbeat. :S
Description : Now on youtube:, soon out on my upcoming album "Step by Step"!
Inspired by a track of Pseudoble. I was noodling along to his track "I wish I didn't know" (which is awesome) and had the words "Snow in Athens" in my head. This with the smooth jazz/fusion atmosphere led me to this track with a sort of Steely Dan feel.
Description : This track is built around the repetitive lead guitar line which I have previously incorporated as an intro for the rocker track "Sweetheart Runner" by LM user TinyFinger whom I have helped in arranging, mixing and producing his song. This extended session was a good oportunity to test some new equipment....Thanks to Tiny for not being mad about it...:)^^
Description : It is an elegy, in a modern world. There is fuss and there are sentiments. All together create a scenery where life takes place.
I really hope you like it.
Description : I had to go in on this track. This is a future bass, electrofusion song. I posted the full version here full the Looperfam because you guys give me sooooo much support. I can never thank you all enough.
Description : Psychedelic blues hip hop with lead banjo and acoustic resonator slide guitar. Acoustic drum kits, fat basslines, soaring filtered strings, some strong Eastern elements (from guitar and strings), some dub and funk from the bass and drums and a bit of rocking electric guitar. Very unusual piece of music and a trip like no other I've heard. Some of it is like a dark, deep Southern delta blues track over a hip hop and dub backing. All played and programmed by me, no loops used.
After a quite turbulent long travel we’ve reached a totally unknown planet which is mostly covered with clouds. As we pass over it we can see parts of rivers through the clouds that come out of the dark rocky surface in some places. So the whole scene is alternating textures of white, dark gray and silver flashes. Unfortunately there’s no chance to land anywhere so we just pass, wonder and travel on …
Description : A spoopy song, early for Halloween. This was a collaboration with Micky, who did most of the work.
A musical realization of a poem by Thomas Hardy
Idea: Spearcarrier
Voices: Spearcarrier & Micky
Music: Micky
Genre: We don't know yet. Suggestions welcome. LOL
Description : Real acoustic, electric and bass guitars played by me. Drums are loops and programmed MIDI. Played piano and synths. Lots of layers and delay. A gated moog, organ, my recorded finger-snaps and a reversed bass guitar effect that sounds like throat-singing. Three movements, divided by moments of calm. Thoughts and feedback are welcome.
May I congratulate you all on a spectacular performance. I'm standing holding my lighter in the air boys. Oh in case you didn't guess, fav'd.
Dave the comment on this started my voyage and it was a pleasant one. Love the sound of your bass, the guitars, the synths, the sax - hot!
I assume as the producer Dave, you mastered? I feel as though I am in the presence of some extremely gifted artists. Peace.
Goes into my favs forever!
Superb collab
Superb collab.
well produce and tought out,all of u.
no sleeves
this I ashamed to say is only the third time I've checked out your stuff and I'm glad as before that I did... I'm hearing Floyd..dire straits...santana...elements of metallica or gnr...
hands down the best production quality I've heard here on the loop for years...
if you guys ever want to get together and put out an E.P on the label give us a shout because this would be huge...
nice one brother...
keep 'em coming
You guys did a great job. Nothing amateur here.
One for the ipod.
I just can't get over my prejudice of northerner's though and was a little distracted by the vocals... sorry slap lol
with love from the south ;D
This makes me want to eat breakfast, because this track is TASTY TASTY!!
Very good sax's (i think) and AMAZING guitar.
This is insane.
I hope to be as good as you one day man.
Kenny Lee
Oh this is awesome, especially from so may pros on this track.
The spoken element reminds me some tracks from the war of the worlds. Great track, respect.
I would say no more...who am I to say...more...
This is like having 4 great artists paint one picture....beautiful work gentlemen.
Much respect
Bill ( Bilbozo )
Wonderful job.
Wonderful collaboration! The whole concept is mind blowing and you have to be credited for your organisation skills to pull this one off. I also have to note that you have the respect of all of the real Looperman users. This track is testament to your musicianship, production, creativity, friendship, truthfulness, determination and overall humanity...
I can't think of this place without you on it....
Shine on you crazy diamond!
Cheers, Slap...
Mate you had me here right from the very first second I heard the pad start, nice choir type of pad, wow this is absolutely brilliant my friend, clarity and the arrangement is first class,very nice synths/percussion and excellent guitar/sax, this has something really special about it, great beat and bassline, topped of with a great spoken vocal, mate I have just found me another all time fav from you, brilliance comes to mind here when listening to this one, no wonder with the talent involved, massive COLLAB guys, this is something to be mighty proud of...Peace n much Respect to you all, massive fav....Estefano....
What else I can say? I really enjoyed this music, in musical conception and progression is at the height of the greats.
Cheers zelab
It is more than great or wonderful description of how to combine emotion in the music to a compact whole
It is as if we would carry the same genes in us that come together here.
Congratulations and thank you to share it with us
cheers Zappo
...(fav & DL of course )....