Description : I love 22 Catch's style, so when this song had a space to fill I asked if he would contribute and he said yes. The song starts with a beatbox flute rhythm then quickly develops into a funk groove. I have recorded a huge horn section on this track (think Tower of power) 8 horns in total. All instruments are played by me. The idea came about when I was practising on the flute, and out popped that hook idea. I hope you enjoy this one, I think it's real sexy! Cheers Slap...
This funk track was uploaded by SLAPJOHNSON. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (21)
If you have time take a listen and give SLAPJOHNSON some feedback.
This begining with flute is totaly in Jethro Tull style, but that fuky beat, sax and that voice gives the track totaly difernt taste...
Interesting track!
Good one!
i woulda done something with mike's voice... moved it a little, but i am listening with headphones, probably sounds great on the monitors (stupid roomates)
im not sure what to say...
i could say that this is one of the best tracks i've heard in a while. professional tracks included. amazing composition and so much soul. loved catch's little section in there props to you MC for that one bro. but man the instruments are played from the heart and it shows. can tell from the way you play and the way you speak about your tracks you got the music in your blood man. cherish that, its a rare gift and you make damn good use of it.
Breathy parts kinda remind me of Bobby McFarrin and they add a really nice humanized edge to this.
It also has a retro poppy/dancey edge that I'm diggin. And the way ya had Catch comin out solo'd on the right was real nice, like reppin a porch stoop from 1991. Rawk on!
haha this is great! it must take a lot of skill to do what you do with reall instruments! i just use a couple of computer programs and a keyboard basically! what a hit!
DAm fine collabing, nice work guys, hey slap, any ideas where i might get my hands on a shop that sells your kind of talent?? - lol, keep up the work ;)
wicked track slap...the merging of two highly talented artists has resulted in the production of a very entertaining, head jerking and most importantly..funky song!..way to go guys..FAVOURITED
This is purely magnificent! this has got to be 1 of the best works av ever heard and am not playin... if u got a fan club, ama report asap lol...
this is great man, n this is an UNDERSTATEMENT...
i agree with six. the flute was awsome! i like the rhythms in the opening of this track :D
the funky grove is FUNKY!!
absolutley loveing the drums on this. very clear and warm.
love the vocals and the fit perfectly!
always love your horn solos :D
Fantastic track. I love the flute. It is my number 4 fav behind guitar, piano and sax. Greatly expressive and intensely lyrical. This is a very well produced track with solid playing and everything fits. Your vocals and guitar playing are creeping closer to your level of skill on the woodwinds and brass. Sweet. Peace, Six
Add on: Totally Ian Anderson! I love Jethro Tull and that guy created a style all his own, not unlike what you are doing today with your music.
Cool as!..Mike's really developing into a major talent,the more he does the better he gets...go 22catch!...Bloody great playing as per Slap! fact I hope I live till I hear you pop a bum note...that way I can look forward to hitting the 120's or more....I saw 'Tower of Power' supporting 'Little Feet' and the 'Dobbie Bros' in Paris in 1975....brilliant concert ..and I think their still going?....pity about Lowell....I digress,great track excellent work!...cheers planet
Hi Planet. I envy you because you have seen Tower of power live, I only have thier stuff on mp3, but by George it's a tight outfit. Thanks for your kind words about this track, I also love the Doobie bro,s (Awesome funk and soul) Cheers Slap...
Thanks for your kind words about this track mouko. The thing I like about you is not only your musical talent but also your choice of words in your reviews (fuck yeah).Cheers Slap...
he ma looperman homey great work! just thinkin was about to hear shakira with those flutes hehe great sound thoug!
love the change from the beginning with that e guitar to the beat very well done!
also that vocalz match great to the track! could be played on radio! good job keep on!
Description : 'Love will find you at the right time'...This track is about how we vibrationally attract love. From my recollection, in the early 20s/teen years, a typical place to encounter this wonderful force was the Disco. (Kay)
'I always wanted to produce a funk and soul song, as I love the rhythms and vibe. I hope you like my first attempt at this. Many thanks to Darren Hirst for his great bassline' - Oli.
If you like our work, please find us under kayos2 on Bandcamp.
So, Do you wanna Dance?!
Description : This is kinda like a funky electro acoustic type thing. Definitely our funkiest piece yet, trying to explore a few different genres here, hopefully you enjoy it! :)
Description : I'm try something a lilbit defferents hope you enjoy & Keep on PLAY! Made on MixCraft 8Pro... (THIS IS FREE DOWNLOAD & USE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL... IF YOU WANT IT FOR COMMERCIAL USE YOU CAN BUY A LICENSE IN or contact me to my email..)
Description : Continuing my journey with sampling. This was mostly an accident, and not where I originally thought it would go but I'm happy with the destination. I started with the track Real Reel Switcher by Eunice Russ Frost, which has a slower melancholy swing to it, however I've been playing a bunch of older video games lately, with SSX being in the mix heavily, so this track ended up taking on a bit of that for inspiration as well. Would love your thoughts.
peace -._.-
Description : A Dark Funk tune , with a touch of Nawlin's jazz funeral procession. Midi-sparks asked me to do a Halloween song for his competition, and so here it is!
Description : It a funky tune and its purpose is to make you move your heads and your bodies to the rhythm. Made with Steinberg's free Sequel 3. I really hope you will enjoy it.
You can view the video on my YouTube channel.
Description : 3rd track of my future vocaloid album, Acerbus 2.Many thanks to Venuslove for the vocals, MrFunktastic for the Funk bass, Strings (left and right), and the robotic sound mainly at the beginning of the song. and Atlasblue for the Snares (sorry atlasblue that I couldn't include you in the title, only 50 characters allowed, thus I ran out of space)
Description : Updated 12/2/2022. This is an interesting redo of a funky and fun composition. I gave it more polish by switching to a different drum kit, swapped the flute solo for a synth, then infused more flavor into the guitars, bass and organ. Then lastly tweaking the final master. Can you tell the difference? Let me know. Enjoy.
Description : This is the first production for STAR TRAVELS in collaboration between MICKY (LM) and JYNXZ (LM).
Micky: concept / arrangement / guitars / synths / fx / vocals / mix / mastering
Jynxz: synths / bass / rhodes / clavinet
Description : Everything is recorded live, so you probably hear that. It's also all me :$
Thanks to everyone who contributed in explaining what I did wrong in the engineering, mixing and mastering, especially Ben (bringerofDOOM). Looperman is truly an awesome community and thank you all. Did I say you guys are awesome?
Now also with a clip on !
and what a treat the singing is, never expected that. this is a funky slappin dance tune! everything very well put together.
great job guys.
Interesting track!
Good one!
i woulda done something with mike's voice... moved it a little, but i am listening with headphones, probably sounds great on the monitors (stupid roomates)
Excellent work from the 2 of you.
i could say that this is one of the best tracks i've heard in a while. professional tracks included. amazing composition and so much soul. loved catch's little section in there props to you MC for that one bro. but man the instruments are played from the heart and it shows. can tell from the way you play and the way you speak about your tracks you got the music in your blood man. cherish that, its a rare gift and you make damn good use of it.
always a fan!
P.S need some more of your amazing sax loops i`m running out LOL.
It also has a retro poppy/dancey edge that I'm diggin. And the way ya had Catch comin out solo'd on the right was real nice, like reppin a porch stoop from 1991. Rawk on!
Mos' ReQuest~
this is great man, n this is an UNDERSTATEMENT...
the funky grove is FUNKY!!
absolutley loveing the drums on this. very clear and warm.
love the vocals and the fit perfectly!
always love your horn solos :D
Add on: Totally Ian Anderson! I love Jethro Tull and that guy created a style all his own, not unlike what you are doing today with your music.
love the change from the beginning with that e guitar to the beat very well done!
also that vocalz match great to the track! could be played on radio! good job keep on!