4th Nov 2011 11:35 - 13 years ago
Tags :
Description : It's great to be back on here. Here is a fun country tune I put together, with many different instruments including Pedal Steel, fiddle and a little piano. The drums and fiddle are loops.
Hope you like it.

Comments (17)

If you have time take a listen and give Randall822 some feedback.

yaederr 17th Nov 2019 04:07 - 5 years ago
so perfectly enjoyable thanks
jessiehammack 18th Apr 2013 03:33 - 11 years ago
Hi Randy, Im a country/rock guy from Texas and I love the song. Can I put words to it? Thanks jesse
JohnTravis 11th Oct 2012 19:16 - 12 years ago
I really enjoyed the listen! Kudos on another great track! -JT
Randall822 replied 12th Oct 2012 - 12 years ago
hello there John,

Thanks for commenting and listening to my country song Rt-96.
This is the type of music I enjoy the most.
I appreciate your comments and also left you a review on one of your songs.

andre2uk 27th Sep 2012 12:40 - 12 years ago
Another great tune Randy. Ive just discovered you today on looperman and love your music, quality of recording is excellent.
Best wishes from the UK.
Randall822 replied 12th Oct 2012 - 12 years ago
Hi there Andre2uk,

I thought I had left you a reply awhile back, but doesn't look like I did. Sorry about that as I always try to give a review back or write a comment to a person on the comment to me.

I am glad you enjoyed this song. It was one of my favorites as well. Doing a song like this by myself takes a lot of time..months for me usually. I don;t play drum or fiddle so I buy loops and use these to fill in where I need them.

Basically, to use loops, you need a music software program that you can load loops into. There are some free ones out there, but I don;t recall the names. Probably just do a Google search and you'll find one. 'Fruity Loops' is what a number of people use. If you go and see about that, it should help you out. The program I use to put things altogether is called 'Pro Tools" and is way to complicated for a beginner. All my songs are final Mastered as well at a local studio for $5.

Thanks again for your comments.
ColinR 23rd Dec 2011 00:00 - 13 years ago
Hey Randy, wow this is so good, you are such a talented guitar player. Would be great to do a collab sometime...
Randall822 replied 24th Dec 2011 - 13 years ago
Hi again ColinR,

Thanks a lot for your nice comments. I am glad you enjoyed listening to my latest country song. It takes a lot of time to get all the parts 'just right' as you well know.
I take pride in whatever song I do and I am glad others also enjoy my work, as you do.

I don't do many collabs actually, but perhaps we can work something out in the near future. I am working on several songs now. When I get 'stuck' on one, I jump to the other.

I am working on a slide guitar Blues type...another country and another rock song. So it will be in January when I get one or more finished. I also use 'ProTools' to put it all together.

Take care,
LisMarie 17th Dec 2011 09:37 - 13 years ago
this is awsome!
Randall822 replied 17th Dec 2011 - 13 years ago
Hi ya Lizmarie,

Thank you for listening and reviewing this country song I put together. All of my songs are instrumentals. I think I have about 33 of them up on here. 2-3 of them do have vocals added from fellow loopermen/women though.
Anyways, thanks again...I left a comment on one of your latest songs as well.

Codemiester 17th Nov 2011 19:52 - 13 years ago
I like this song... ha ha although I make hip hop beats I am feelin a lil country today so he he I might just put some lyrics to this and get it back to ya... If you dont hear from me again it means I failed miserably lol
Randall822 replied 17th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Hi ya Codemiester,

I appreciate your kind words and listening to country. I did give you a review back a few min. ago on your Hip Hop.
You can put lyrics to it if you want to. Good Luck :-)

Thanks again,
AllenV 10th Nov 2011 20:39 - 13 years ago
Everything is right on Randy.
I would say that I expect this from you....but this is even better and you are an inspiration.
I have played country and it ain't always easy but you make it sound so...and that's what's great!
The acoustic/electric mix is a perfect example that you definitely
know what you're doing,but I already knew that;)

Randall822 replied 11th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Hello there Allen,

Thanks for listening and reviewing my country track. I will be uploading a slow rock track today if your interested.

Here is something I wrote another reviewer that might make sense to you as well as far as getting a full sound like I try to to.

"A lot of putting country music together is getting a good drum/rhythm track down, and deciding what instruments to put with it your ideas. In some of the country songs, an electric Baritone guitar is used. Meaning a guitar tuned lower than normal."

"Then you can also add an acoustic rhytmn guitar along with another higher tuned acoustic guitar, and...also an electric rhytmn guitar....then the Lead guitar or other lead instrument. This way you get a full sounding backing track, and it all sounds good. (To me anyways)"

So this is some of what I do, plus the usual effects such as reverb and others as needed.

Thanks again Allen,
RuskiMagroo 9th Nov 2011 14:29 - 13 years ago
Hi Randy, I have not done a colab before but I am well up for taking a listen and seeing what i can come up with if you fancy it.


RuskiMagroo 8th Nov 2011 15:24 - 13 years ago
This is absolutely fantastic. Every sound is crystal clear, works really well together and punctuates where necessary. Lovely southern vibe to the whole thing. Thanks for uploading, really enjoyed. will you be adding any vocals? Ruski.
Randall822 replied 8th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Hello there RuskiMagroo,

Thanks for listening and reviewing my country song here.
I have all my songs 'final mastered' just to make sure everything sounds good. Not boomy or whatever. As for vocals, I hadn't planned on any in this one.

However if your interested, I have finished a fast rock song a few months ago that is set up for lyrics and vocals if your interested? If so, let me know your e-mail address and I can send you a copy of it.

Another member from Mexio was supposed to ad vocals/lyrics....but haven't heard from him in a few months. He is a college student there, and I think he just doesn't have the time to do. It is about 3:46 min. long.

Basically talk the words mostly and sing in other parts. I will honestly say, the is the type of song that (you or whoever sings it) will put you at the top of the list! :-)

Vicen 5th Nov 2011 06:07 - 13 years ago
When I hear a track you, and I assume that's going to sound great, the track I will like and that I will enjoy it ... and you never fail me. You have spoiled me. Another great track to listen again and again.
Randall822 replied 5th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Hi there Vicen,

Appreciate your review and comments on this tune. I certainly try and make all my tracks sound the best possible. That is why when I am done with them, I take them to a real recording studio to be 'final mastered'. Only cost me $5 here, so it is worth it to make sure any 'boominess' is taken out, or perhaps put more high end in so the cymbals can be heard better, or whatever.

However, usually not much is changed at all as I am able to do most of it at home. But I like an extra pair of ears to hear my finished product before I upload it.
Best way to compare your song is to listen to a comparable CD on the market now, and listen to how clear the sound is and how it is put together, and copy those sound styles....if that is what you want.

Of course there is nothing wrong with recording just an acoustic guitar by itself either, as so many do....but at least get the best clear sound you can out of it on the recording. That is what I try to do with all my songs, get the best sound I can with my playing abilities.

Glad you enjoy listening to my songs, and hope you'll watch for the next one...a slower rock week. :-)
Firebird 4th Nov 2011 22:32 - 13 years ago
This is as awesome as Made In The USA was... I know everyone thinks i'm just a metal head, but actually i listen to a lot of rock, country, blues, jazz, and classical as well. I must say that this is as good a country track as any i heard on the radio, i think they'd play it if you offered... Anyway, i agree with the Boss, some Randall country loops would be great! Downloaded, and i would have faved.
Randall822 replied 5th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Hello Firebird,

I am glad you liked the song and I thank you for your review. As you know I usually switch around and do Rock, Blues, and Country mostly, as those are my favorite styles...with I suppose country being #1 as I grew up with it in my youngest days.
My next song that has been ready and waiting for the site to come back up, is a 'classic rock' style tune and I will upload that next week.

I also have a slide guitar Blues type in the works, but that will be another month or more before that is done.

Most songs don't fare well without vocals..if I was to put it on the radio. Very few instrumentasl make it big. So I just make them for myself and friends, and charge 'zero' $ for them. I am 67.5 yrs. now, and don't have that many good playing years left.. lol

As for loops, I'll look into it and see what the requirements are as for loop length, etc.

Take care,
ImproveWithError 4th Nov 2011 20:02 - 13 years ago
Randy you never cease to amaze me, great production and playing as usual. As I mentioned to you before I have always wanted to write a country song, I just never seem to be able to get the sound I want, maybe someday. I always love listening to your music, its very motivating. Keep up the good work, any country ballads in the future? Thanks for sharing.

Randall822 replied 5th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Hello Kyle,

Thanks a lot for your listening and reviewing my latest country song. Getting the sound you want is a matter of listening to good CD's, and trying to guess what instruments are being used. Try to copy the tone and style the best you can.
Go to YouTube and check into some of the music there as far as technics. Most everyone knows the sound of a Fender Telecaster, so that is a good guitar to start with with. Then practicing with the guitar and using the back pickup is usually what I use the most.

Then use equipment to process the sound such as compressor/limitors will help shape the sound. That's about all they do in the studio and I do at home via software. I used to have a lot of outboard gear, but now mostly use software to help shape my sound. At least that's a start for you.
I did do a 2 part country song back in the summer with a local lady here near me. On here as, 'Musicizismee' wrote lyrics and did the vocals and her own harmonizing on a short song on here in my list called 'Walkin Shoes'. Give that a listen if haven't already.

Anyways, thanks again for your comments.
JodyJames 4th Nov 2011 20:00 - 13 years ago
Great skills def need to find someone to put vocals to it.

good job man
Randall822 replied 5th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Hello JodyJames,

I appreciate your comments very much and thanks for listing to my latest country tune. I have one person...listed in my reply to 'ImproveWithError' that sang on a short song I did on here called 'Walkin Shoes'. That came out pretty well as she has worked with several other Looperman artist on here.

Again, thanks for your review,
Looperman 4th Nov 2011 19:11 - 13 years ago
With those skills who thinks we should see some Randall822 loops uploaded :-) Im sure the country loops department is not bursting at the seems so far
Randall822 replied 4th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Hi Shan,

Thanks for the comment. I'll see about uploading some country loops soon.
Well, I think I finally got the posting problem figured out. I made some changes in the Windows Active-X area and rebooted, and it seems to be working now.

It was strange tho as first, I was looking at my profile and then I go to the forum and I would be 'signed out'. That is why my post didn't go thru earlier today..I had to 'log-in' again. Strange! I clicked the 'X' this time to remember maybe that will help. :)
rei4real 4th Nov 2011 16:50 - 13 years ago
oh yeah, that's the kind of drive which is only to achieve in two ways: talent, or age ...
you my friend are one of the lucky ones who have both!!!
and I'm happy to be able to listen to your music ....
thank you Randall!!

peace, rei
Randall822 replied 4th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Hi there Rei4real,

Been a long time since I have written to you. I guess I thought you left here as I see you on Facebook. Anyways,
thanks for your comments on my latest country tune.
Talent and age....Hmmmm, I guess your right. However, eventually age has an effect of taking the talent away.

A lot of putting country music together is getting the drum rhythm track down, and then deciding what instruments to put with it. In some of the country songs, an electric Baritone guitar is used. Meaning a guitar tuned lower than normal.

Then you can also add an acoustic rhytmn guitar along with another higher tuned acoustic guitar, and...also an electric rhytmn guitar....then the Lead guitar or other lead instrument. This way you get a full sounding backing track, and it all sounds good. (To me anyways)

Thanks again for listening and reviewing. Will check out to see what you have put up lately.
DJJoker 4th Nov 2011 14:23 - 13 years ago
Like this a lot and I'm no country fan!
Randall822 replied 4th Nov 2011 - 13 years ago
Hello there DJJoker,

Hey, I appreciate your giving a listen to my country tune I posted today. Sometimes it is good to listen to a genre that you don't usually listen to.

Thanks again and will see what you have up and take a listen and give a review back.

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Description : A simple track I wrote... well yes, on the train.

Now mastered, soon to be on my next album. How soon? Welll.. let's hope for March :)
2nd Dec 2024 18:31 - 3 months ago
Description : country rock song ...
25th May 2016 01:05 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : Here is a country song that I wrote and recorded. I played all the instruments and sang (not the best singer but its fun) as well, drums are from ezdrummer. If you like the track feel free to download it and thanks for listening.
10th Feb 2023 18:41 - 2 years ago
Description : Check out the full production of the Heartache and Whiskey Loop Pack found on my page. Enjoy!
18th May 2024 21:01 - 10 months ago
Description : It was a long winter here, at Dartmoor. 4 Month of continued rain and damp. And suddenly (Drummroll), the sun came back. That did remind me of a collaboration with Silver Bella and her Acapella "Keep the Faith" from last year. A positive song which could have the potential to make a difference to the day. Thanks SB :-)
11th Feb 2022 15:30 - 3 years ago
Tags :
Description : I was actually just trying to mix up some new and old rhythms a while ago and come up with a track that just drew me in. Found it and thought I would put it out there for you guys to chew on. Let me know what you think. Send me some comments.
7th Sep 2021 00:51 - 3 years ago
Tags :
Description : old as the hills, from a past that i'll never escape. gtr+loopstation
1st Sep 2013 16:41 - 11 years ago
Description : This is my first serious attempt at a country song.
I am playing all instruments except for the drums....they are MIDI.
The song allowed me the opportunity to try my son-in-laws 1981 Gibson J40 acoustic, my new Dean Resonator Guitar and my new harmonica.
I hope you enjoy.
1st Feb 2014 18:17 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : If a girl wanted to do the chorus and a I can do the verse and we can make lryics to so if your a good writer your wanted. if interested send me a comment below
19th May 2021 10:02 - 3 years ago
Description : A country soundtrack. Feel free to add vocals if you want to just make sure to add(ft. Migwel).I would love to hear what you did with it.
For non-commercial use only.
25th Sep 2021 22:10 - 3 years ago
Description : Loops by : Shortbusmusic
26th Jan 2022 22:23 - 3 years ago
Description : Looking for collaboration. Just a Fun Time to ease all the pain
20th Jul 2017 01:43 - 7 years ago
Description : Love Movie title can use for movie/video titles credits please
11th May 2017 06:44 - 7 years ago
Description : My first attempt at country, Apple loops for drums, the rest a mix of guitars including a lap slide.A fun tune for me hopefully for you as well....Doc
13th Apr 2013 19:39 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : Remastered The Man I used to be Please comment
Really nice Pop Country Song

Featuring Patrica Edwards Vocals.
Midiman007 all instruments and music.

Please comment on this track