Description : groove is my passion, and this track is a pure funk groove ... thx to Mr.Robot for his faboulus bass vst, this tool sounds awesome!! jazz piano is played by me, but my playing is by far not as good as I want (I'm playing keys only for a couple of weeks now ...) so I tried to do the guitar parts a little better ... lol ... the two drum loops are from sony ... the rest is me, as usual .... peace, rei UPDATE SEP 2010: I changed the chords a little bit to bring in some variation .... ;-) .... peace, rei
This funk track was uploaded by rei4real. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (25)
If you have time take a listen and give rei4real some feedback.
that's fine!!! to inspire other people is the biggest compliment a musician can get ....
thx a lot for taking the time to listen and comment!!
peace, rei
rei, loved your sound the first day I joined Looperman. you could have fooled me because the jazz piano here is cool (the single note melody works perfectly, I think it was meant to be) and the guitars! breathtaking! it's a tight track my brother. I am a fan!
hey Rei! peace from the east man! this is some raw funk, after hearing this, I know we are definitely going to jam together one day...some sax blowin' on this would be sweet too..maybe Slap???..this jam put me in the right place this morning...thank you!
.. well rei . I nearly always use your samples in my tracks nowerdays I´m a big fan of that funky sound you produce.. and this track just blew me away.. fantastic guitar guitar skills... and if this is what you can do on the keys after just a couple of weeks I think than we´re in for some great stuff in the future,, thanks for the loops mik
I reallllly liked this track. it just flowed so well allthe way through. and i love the guitar, which wah pedal did you use(if you did use one)?? nice nice
Nice professional piece of work here. I got the groove, I feel it and this track is just plain perfect. The guitar work feels so natural to this, you are very talented my friend, but I know that because I can't even count how many of your loops I have peace rei. Good work!
Wow, this is good. I like the beat, the guitarsound en the quality of the mix.
Really good job, And you play the right tone on that keyboard already. Really enjoyed it and will make it one of my favs.
Yes it Groov`s! Very cool guitar style, but I think the bass is a bit too straight for Funk. (Vielleicht sag ich das nur weil ich selber Bass spiele und mich die Basslines bei Funk immer total mitreißen - Hast du mal Lust zum jammen?)
I myself enjoy funk in every aspect. I is why I took up playing bass. This track is awesome. If you have only been playing the keys for a few weeks, this is impressive, a nice, bluesy kind of feel to the keys over a nice wah filled, palm muted guitar (that you are very good at, by the way), what's not to like? Oh, and the change in the middle was balls out. This track rocks.
Great track with some really solid, in the pocket grooving going on. I am just really, getting into playing keys myself and I think it is a GREAT challenge and most certainly improving my guitar playing. Your playing is strong here as usual. Almost got a Robbie Krieger thing going on. Very cool, and nice runs towards the end. Keep it coming sir, as we the guitarists are a relatively rare breed here on Looperman. Peace, Six
i really like this one. you never do dissapoint me with your awesome riffs my man great job. you are a true musician with a variety of different kinds of grooves.
Hey man this is transportable...almost eightyish but without the dress code...what a great mix of sounds to formulate a super funky and fresh tune...mrrobot/Markus is one clever dude,great sounding bass!lay some Reister guitar and keylines and presto!..groove magic! Bilbozo comments this has definite commercial potential,which really means it's that smooth and sharp people will pay for it..I agree.....fantastic new dimensions of Rei,great work!.....cheers planet
If that's just playing keys for a couple of weeks. I'm going to have to kill you. Just jellous. It's just not fair. Excellent.
Very nice. Sweet keys on this.
well, I have a solid musical education and of course enough knowledge about music theory, that makes it a little easier to learn new things ... what I play here is only a single note melody, that's not so hard to do ... but I'm a musician, so I have the ambition to learn to play with both hands to be able to record everything that comes into my mind, like I do with the guitar ...
as I said: it's a matter of musical education ...
Description : 'Love will find you at the right time'...This track is about how we vibrationally attract love. From my recollection, in the early 20s/teen years, a typical place to encounter this wonderful force was the Disco. (Kay)
'I always wanted to produce a funk and soul song, as I love the rhythms and vibe. I hope you like my first attempt at this. Many thanks to Darren Hirst for his great bassline' - Oli.
If you like our work, please find us under kayos2 on Bandcamp.
So, Do you wanna Dance?!
Description : This is kinda like a funky electro acoustic type thing. Definitely our funkiest piece yet, trying to explore a few different genres here, hopefully you enjoy it! :)
Description : I'm try something a lilbit defferents hope you enjoy & Keep on PLAY! Made on MixCraft 8Pro... (THIS IS FREE DOWNLOAD & USE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL... IF YOU WANT IT FOR COMMERCIAL USE YOU CAN BUY A LICENSE IN or contact me to my email..)
Description : Continuing my journey with sampling. This was mostly an accident, and not where I originally thought it would go but I'm happy with the destination. I started with the track Real Reel Switcher by Eunice Russ Frost, which has a slower melancholy swing to it, however I've been playing a bunch of older video games lately, with SSX being in the mix heavily, so this track ended up taking on a bit of that for inspiration as well. Would love your thoughts.
peace -._.-
Description : A Dark Funk tune , with a touch of Nawlin's jazz funeral procession. Midi-sparks asked me to do a Halloween song for his competition, and so here it is!
Description : It a funky tune and its purpose is to make you move your heads and your bodies to the rhythm. Made with Steinberg's free Sequel 3. I really hope you will enjoy it.
You can view the video on my YouTube channel.
Description : 3rd track of my future vocaloid album, Acerbus 2.Many thanks to Venuslove for the vocals, MrFunktastic for the Funk bass, Strings (left and right), and the robotic sound mainly at the beginning of the song. and Atlasblue for the Snares (sorry atlasblue that I couldn't include you in the title, only 50 characters allowed, thus I ran out of space)
Description : Updated 12/2/2022. This is an interesting redo of a funky and fun composition. I gave it more polish by switching to a different drum kit, swapped the flute solo for a synth, then infused more flavor into the guitars, bass and organ. Then lastly tweaking the final master. Can you tell the difference? Let me know. Enjoy.
Description : This is the first production for STAR TRAVELS in collaboration between MICKY (LM) and JYNXZ (LM).
Micky: concept / arrangement / guitars / synths / fx / vocals / mix / mastering
Jynxz: synths / bass / rhodes / clavinet
Description : Everything is recorded live, so you probably hear that. It's also all me :$
Thanks to everyone who contributed in explaining what I did wrong in the engineering, mixing and mastering, especially Ben (bringerofDOOM). Looperman is truly an awesome community and thank you all. Did I say you guys are awesome?
Now also with a clip on !
thx a lot for taking the time to listen and comment!!
peace, rei
great to hear that you like my music so much ...
awesome ..
peace, rei
Very good,I enjoy all of your music.
I'm really happy that you like my sound that much ... that's what guitar players like to hear, as you may know ... haha
peace, rei
peace to you my six stringed brother
victormusic01x....n y C!
peace, rei
dieser swingt so richtig geil
mag auch diese glockige piano sounds..FM Synth??
Really good job, And you play the right tone on that keyboard already. Really enjoyed it and will make it one of my favs.
mfg johannes
fantastic my friend
Very nice. Sweet keys on this.
as I said: it's a matter of musical education ...