31st Aug 2012 06:21 - 12 years ago
Description : The Sun slowly sets on Balearic seas.

We embrace as we watch the fire flicker to life.

To watch such a thing in the company of your loved ones and friends is priceless!

We chillout until the sun comes up!

please enjoy!

free to a loving home!

life,love n unity to all

Comments (19)

If you have time take a listen and give brillbilly some feedback.

AmethystToTurquoise 6th Jun 2013 10:40 - 11 years ago
yes a real chill out sound walking along the sandy beach
hand in hand with the one you love watching the tide moving calming the thoughts of the inner soul are feeling up with love the thought of never wanting to come of that sandy beach but as you look up you see you are losing the daylight and realise at some point its time for the love birds to head on home
well done my friend
loved the journey
brillbilly replied 7th Jun 2013 - 11 years ago
Im real pleased you two could take this beach walk with me!

Thank you so much for just chillin out with this!

life love n unity to youz
dondi24 28th May 2013 10:00 - 11 years ago
this song is good for me when i lay in my bed! Not bad Bro!
brillbilly replied 29th May 2013 - 11 years ago
Thank you,its nice to know my music is making it to peoples bedrooms lol
srbrown7 27th May 2013 22:13 - 11 years ago
A class track that should be on a commercial chill out complication. Superb feel and mood. Simple and pure.
brillbilly replied 29th May 2013 - 11 years ago
Aaawww cheers mate,thats a real kind thing to say!
atnsvideomaker 27th May 2013 20:00 - 11 years ago
brillbilly replied 27th May 2013 - 11 years ago
Aaawww cheers mate! ;)
Darkreine 27th May 2013 19:05 - 11 years ago
You is da man!!!! This is beautiful my friend. I can feel the love in there. We really must do something together.

brillbilly replied 27th May 2013 - 11 years ago
great idea!

But i want the bucket,you can have the spade,

No suntan cream for me as i love the vit D though!.LOL

Sunset to sunrise on Balearic seas...i wish!

Paddle harder mate, we might just about get 10 meters further out from this cold beach in Kent lol
EkKotheAmatuer 27th May 2013 17:45 - 11 years ago
I love the progressive into on this track. It gives a perfect cinematic image of the sunset in my head, with the soothing choir and majestic pad. This track totally blew me away, everything about it is fantastic. Keep it up man, big ups from New York.
brillbilly replied 27th May 2013 - 11 years ago
Aaawwww bless ya!

High five!...nice to know ya could just hang out with this!

Thank you so much for your kind comments.!

Life love n unity to you and ya loved ones!
deciBel 27th May 2013 16:43 - 11 years ago
Chris ...right in same manner in which U have written just right now for me blow a new trial of mine ,buT really and fair more beautifull than that I should say ''That was a beautiful moment! Full of color,full of that great feel good factor! I was here and felt safetY beside U ll my unseen friends who I was livinG with U beyond physical existance of some humans who I liked their perception and personality and was learning form them almost all my day duratins from sunset to sunrise and some times frm sunrise to sunset ..
will miss U , and your taughts which were always dancnG in your music Chris .wish I can be again here beside U all .
my favorite mark ...and my admirations...and my appreciations for all U learned me in this shorT time .best wishe my friend the same which U know.____Behnam Zandi
brillbilly replied 27th May 2013 - 11 years ago
I have had nothing but respect from you since day 1.

All i can offer in return is knowing that regardless of what race or creed or color a person may be....Are we not all one family on this one homeland called earth!.

If Life Love and Unity could become the number one priority,This world could become paradise.!

My thoughts and love will be with you and no walls can stop that!

BlackKasper 31st Mar 2013 08:43 - 11 years ago
Superb track you have here Brill. Love the arp intro, and then those horns, and THEN those vocals! Awesome. Killer arrangement, great mixing, and excellent depth. Your description made this come to life even more, and I enjoyed that. Peace to ya
brillbilly replied 31st Mar 2013 - 11 years ago
Aaawww thanks black kasper!

Im real pleased you could just chillout to this Balearic feeling Track!

And thanks for reading description,it was just how i visioned the feel of the track.!

I was just thoughts put to music,that i hoped i would capture!

Big thanks for taking time to comment!

peace all the way man!
janis71 3rd Nov 2012 10:27 - 12 years ago
Had a hard night and the softness and the aerial dimension of your track spatialised me this morning ... Now I feel lighweight and appeased and I know my muse will soon be there today . Thanks a lot Billy for this pure moment of bliss,
Take care,
brillbilly replied 3rd Nov 2012 - 12 years ago
Then what more could i ask for.!

Thank you so much janis for your very kind remarks.

I find making chillout music so relaxing,and if this Track has found a way to help you feel blissful,then i'm very very happy!

I find music can be so universal,and a vibe can be felt regardles of crede or color.!

Thank you for spening more time with my music.!

Very sweet of you.!

Life,love n unity to you.!
DesignedImpression 7th Sep 2012 19:34 - 12 years ago
A good vibe I'm hearing here. For the night or day it is a great listen. I'm feeling chilled and in thought about those moments I've experienced with close ones. Memories that you have helped me remember. Thank you for this share as I enjoyed the listen. I liked everything you had going on here. Great music. Have a good day and take care my friend.
brillbilly replied 9th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
All i wish DJ is that the memories are pleasent for you!.

This Track just trys to capture the chillout vibe that Ibiza gave me in the 90's.

I'm real pleased you like the Track and got something out of it.

Life,love,n unity to ya!
padlockinfinity 5th Sep 2012 21:37 - 12 years ago
Enjoyed this track muchly. A gentle linear progression of chilled out balearicism. You have a lot of work for people to wade through. I thought I'd start with your most recent then work my way from the beginning.
Thanks for checking out my tracks. Im just getting back into production after a 10 yr hiatus.
brillbilly replied 9th Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Soz for late reply padlock!

Thank you for taking time to listen and comment!

Lol 10 year hiatus,glad ya back as i'm only on my first 5 years!.

But we all know time just seem's to go by real fast,not even enough hours in a day anymore,but i do my best to fine some time if poss to chill down.

Thanks again for your kind comments!
ShortBusMusic 1st Sep 2012 23:47 - 12 years ago
My friend, just a quick update. The mp3 was flawless, so after some head scratching, I figured out there is something going on with my flash player....

So, I uninstalled and installed an earlier version of Flash and now things are crystal clear here on Looperman :)

My bad and sorry for making you go back and search for something that wasn't there. It sounds great through my headphones. Next time I'll make sure I listen to the download first before reviewing. I hope all is well.

brillbilly replied 2nd Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Then im real pleased i helped you get better flash player lol.

It's all good my friend,please dont feel you put me through a listening nightmare,i just opened up my magix,opened up my Sunset to Sunrise project and pressed play!.

It was that easy,but if i had the ability to use my FL or Reason which i dont lol,then i would not have known where to start as it took me 20 mins to find the play button!

It's all good my man!
Tumbleweed 1st Sep 2012 17:54 - 12 years ago the word that comes to, you have a knack for this kind of music...for some reason I find this one just sinks into the mind like the peace & beauty we all wish was there more often...Fantastic it...and thank you for another DL I`ll be listening to again for a while....Ed
brillbilly replied 1st Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Thank you Ed!

It's you masters of chillout that just keep me craving more!.

If these sounds i put together can please,then what more could i ask for.

I really do thank you, and all the others that keep giving me very kind remarks,like i've said befor i find it at times a bit overwhelming.
I just put sounds on lines,twiddle a few knobs,push my graphic equilizer up and down a bit and listen to the end result.

Thank you so much for taking time to listen and comment!.

and thank you so much for thinking its good enough to download.

life,love n unity to you all!
Spivkurl 31st Aug 2012 20:22 - 12 years ago
This is fabulous! I can't help but bop my head to the rhythm! This has just the right amount of old school value, especially the sax! Smooth track man, really smooth! Those vocals really hit the spot! Excellent work my friend!
brillbilly replied 1st Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Hi spiv!

Another one for the old school boys yeah!

I just find it so soothing to produce,it keeps me chilled!

I might have a go a county next,i feel a horse moment coming on!

Thanks for droping in!

Thanks to as always for your kind comments!
supersymmetry 31st Aug 2012 18:31 - 12 years ago
Hi brill love the choice of pads in this one, love the soprano saxophone, the vocals, the beat's cool.

Awesome, Awesome and Awesome. :)
brillbilly replied 1st Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Lol,i never even got 3 A's at school!

Glad you liked this track!.

I do like a nice bit of sax every now n then!.lol
ShortBusMusic 31st Aug 2012 18:07 - 12 years ago
Beautiful work my friend, a great way to begin my day. A cup of great coffee and this wonderful song playing in the background....doesn't get much better than this.

On my second listen now and I hear some tiny clicks in spots (not trying to nit pick) and I'm not sure if they are on my end, an issue with compression on your upload, or possibly clicking where you joined loops in spots. If it is an issue with joining loops, all you have to do is crossfade them and you will eliminate the clicks.

Again, I love this and I hope you don't think I'm nit picking. I'm going to download it and see if it might be my system causing problems. Hope all is well.

brillbilly replied 1st Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Hi bear!

Thanks you for listening to my music that deep!.

I have listened again and again to my copys and the master. I cant find glitch,but i hope there is a fault,then it just backs up my status as novice,lol.

Thank you so much for your kind comments and i find it comforting that you have only my best intrests at heart regarding my music!.

No i dont take it as nitpicking,i take it as a great compliment that you listen to the finer detail!

bless you!
MStokes 31st Aug 2012 17:42 - 12 years ago
ah, beautiful new sketches of spain - you got that gil evans thing going on here ... warm and wonderful arrangements - thank you for taking me to this place, my friend!
brillbilly replied 1st Sep 2012 - 12 years ago
Thank you my feline friend!

Glad you could tape my trip!

Always i offer it with or wothout seatbelts,lol
FullCapicityMuzic 31st Aug 2012 14:38 - 12 years ago
Love the vocals, totally adds to the awesome atmosphere of the music. Such a calming effect it has. Well done on the structure of the song, from the guitar to the muted trumpet...mwahhhhh. Two thumbs up, job well done.
brillbilly replied 31st Aug 2012 - 12 years ago
Awwwwww bless you Patricia!

I just tryd to set a mood that can lower slow the pace of life down,just for a night!

Thanks for your kind words,and taking time to comment!

Ps have a malibu moment on me!
JamesDavies 31st Aug 2012 13:33 - 12 years ago
I like the way the track slowly fades in, really gives a good image; The bass in particular gives it a lot of setting, the guitar gives an image of waves falling gently on to the shore and the wind instrument pictures the stars and the different stories they tell, as for the vocals they give the atmosphere / the wheather the slight breeze in the air... Very inspiring which gives just the right image;
brillbilly replied 31st Aug 2012 - 12 years ago
Hi JD!

Thank you so much for your kind comments!

What you have discribed is just the feel i was trying to create,so big thanks!

It's great to know you have understood the mood i've tryd to capture!.

Thanks for dropping in and leaving your commet!


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