Description : the first track I've ever shared in a
virtual communitY ...
instrumenal version .
composed & dedicated to mybelovedone's poem .
This cinematic track was uploaded by deciBel. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (48)
If you have time take a listen and give deciBel some feedback.
I love this very unique feel in this composition. Your style is very hypnotic . The transitions flow through freely without any problem . Definite fave here. Great job - EazyBeatz :)
Sweetness! Love the feel of this track from the first note. The flute was creatively put to use here and has a very cool undertone to the song. There is a slight Latin feel to this and I like that. The use of percussion is fantastic and the arrangement and flow to the song is just great. Wonderful composition my friend. Amazed as always!
soft sweet natural sound, the slightly mystical noises in the background make it richer. I also enjoy the way you make beautiful ripples with selective reverberation that sits nicely in the rhythm, like how you do from 0:37 to 2:32 to me that's delicious, interesting and very enjoyable.
I wish you make more tracks, but it looks like you made some personal decision about that. Good luck to you
Mashalla on a very good piece of work Aziz, I like the intro to this one, love flutes in music, they convey a sense of emotion and feeling into a piece, liking the strumming guitar, helping drive the piece at a very comfortable and enjoy pace to the beat kicks which is very good for this type of music, everything works brilliantly in this little baby, taking you a journey as it plays, very good work agha...Will be back to checkout more of your tunes in the near future azizam...Fav'd...
PS. Sorry limited with Farsi/Persian but thought would use some :)) Hope you don't mind mate, learnt little from a site I sometimes play games on, besalamat...Mosaic...
relaxing, creative, intriguing, intense, haunting.
I liked how the piano starts "moving" around 1.08 min.
2.40 min gives another perspective of the melody.
honestly, I think there are many stories one can imagine while listen to this track. Your song is, how to say, artistic - I don't know if I am "politically correct" but I hope you'll understand my idea that your song is a piece of art.
very nice the lingering flutes in the end + the combination with bells.
many thnx for your kind words in review OxygenFree. definitelY reading such an explanation(piece of art)is nice for all of ours & your commenT -especiallY according to U(defenitelY) have heared many traX with afro flutes(according to where your country is located)- makes me think I've succeeded about usage of those flutes which i've never seen & I'm gratefull.appreciations & best wishes.__Behnam
many many thnx for such a kind words & point of view about me ..& thresh78 dear,I reallY wished all my attempts had any side effecT abouT what U've called justice ,buT to be honesT with myself & U ,all these my creativity & hearT & musix haven't been able to do anything about nothing...& I'm sorrY for myself for haven't been able to do nothing buT hearing admiration from kind people like U, when reallity was laughing at me for I was an attempT which in facT had no side effecT even in loopermate's point of view (unfortunatelY) ...& what a different does it make if what I've tried for , when result has been a big null ,pragmathicallY....buT I'm gratefull of yours & your perception.many thnx & greatest respect.___Behnam
ah something else, i wasn't sure if i could download it after comment, but it seems not. if you don't mind please send it to me in an email so i can add it to my playlists, of course only if that would be ok with you.
hey Behnam
first of all i hope you had a good start so far in the new year. not that i think anything changes at the end of a year but it seems customary to wish people a happy new year that one cares about :)
i am sorry i haven't been around at all lately, unexpected stuff went down over the new year holidays and it's messy and busy times.
but to the important things, what went through my head listening to this:
first thing i noticed is the short delays and the sweeping pannning give the guitars a good variety in movement instead of standing static, easy but subtle and effective method, very nicely done.
the bass you did there at 2 mins is !!fabulous!!, just how i like it. the next part is reminding me about a music in a level from on a old game called "doom", it's awesome. this music has shaped my perception of harmonies and melodies to a great extent. your track reminds me of it very strongly - this is a good thing + compliment, because to me this was some of the best music i knew at that time.
its a very nice organic mix of sounds, the percussions and haunting noises in the background, while in the front you play sort of a bossa type progression. its delightful Behnam and i enjoyed it the whole time - a special track to me.
Savino my good friend as we talked in mail I'm gratefull of your attention & time & such a nice review & kind words. as usual your attention to minor details is wonderfull & the technical points U've hinted are so valuable & interesting for me . buddY Afro & native american flutes are some instruments which I've never seen neither & this was a hard trial for me & for someone whom I've ever loved ..knowing your possitive ideas is nice & I really appreciate your time your perception & kind words.Savino althoughT We talked in email but appology for my latency,here,too ..take care.___B
BrandY excuse me for late replY & many thnx for checking my traX out.& not needed for a secondary attempt for playing & listening this in looperman , I'll send it to your mail.take care.__B
dear Badhuman , certainlY I'm gratefull of your valuable time & comment just U have commented for the onl trial of mine that you had heared & wrote comment for me before too (3 oct 2013). buT this secondary positive comments of yours for me is a endorsment of your worthy positive idea about this & I really appreciate it.take care to our goodhuman colleague & his busy mind,best wishes.___Behnam
dear Prelude , I don't plaY flute & it's good to see another flutisT has such a possitive idea abouT usage of his/her instrument in this track & my appreciations for your shared poetic explanations in commenT with me & us .best wishes.___Behnam
OMG te quiero decibel.
i downloaded it!
promise you'll never repent for let me have this
Daría mi vida por esto!oh indeed.
thank you very much
many huges
hypnotic!it is a journey in time i closed my eyes and remembered my childhood days.
sounds like relaxation and Zen musics that i use them for my
yuga trainings.
this is an exceptional music.
i had never heared something with guitar and flute sound oddball like this like yuga music before.
i know you don't sell this and i'm not going to sing for.
i loved to have this in my playlist if i can.
10 people have downloaded it before and now i can't.
i can underestand those wonderfully amazing guitar are live
a masterpiece indeed.
you have played those zen flutes?
first of all sorry for latency in replY,unfortunatelY I hadn't
find the mood to check my mail & didn't know if any comment has been added to this trial of mine ,sorry.
well I'm glad if U've liked iT ,no I don't play flutes and have even never seen zen flutes and just guitar line is played in this musical trial Candelaria,dear colleague.
and as U see I've answered to other colleagues before U too and U know , I don't sell this music which is composed on a poem of my beloved one Candelaria,buT according to your worthy interest and as I've dne for the others too , now , I change download premission below this trial for 3 days and U can downloaded it in next 3 days and no problem .
I'm ratefull of your attnetion to many trials of mine,I appology again for latency in replY & wish U all the bests.
Badhuman reading such encourager comments from U is so great,and gives me hope abouT my musical trails(traX) . thank U very much for your presence,attention and commenT and all the best wishes.___Behnam
Behnam, You are such a GREAT guitarist, but I don't know your style. I have never heard this before. It's not bad, it's just so foreign! Maybe Franco could help you.
hahaha Scott! that word '' foreign--or foreigner '' is the same word which my countrymates tell about my guitar playing fact I mean to say not a persian style of musiX and scale and not a persian style of music it is . and if U look to my replies to comments before U , as I've described for a countrymate of mine , according to I saw We have no trax in persian music in which Guitar play like this and also Afro flutes was something I had never heared a serious music in persian musix ( Afro futes is sooooooooooo faaaaaaaarr from Persian music and persian style ) I tried to arrange this compostition of mine by these instrument to
my country too have a piece with such guitars and also such flutes ...anyway , it's a great encouragement for me to see
such a wonderfull musician like U has called me great guitarist , and about Franco ,ja.....he has listened it before (as U see his 2 comments ) and his idea has been one of most important idea about this track for me , cause no doubt master can play like this and very better than this ( as We both know U too can ) .anyway thnX alot my friend and best wishes.___Behnam
oh ja Steve ..if U remember this was the first serious trial of mine which I uploaded here ..and the first which I senT to U too in email..and now when I look to Schelude it's unbelievable how fast time passed in looperman for me..
unbelievable how much I learned here from U all..found many good unseen friends from allover the world , and knew about the countries's cultures by their communities here..for example I have never known anybody from Australia before U..buT now when TV shows a sport match of Australia( as right now it's showing an I'm watching and answering U ),I think by myself hey Steve Brown's team..haha...and prefer Australia win ....Steve I wish someday humankind can controle the time...buT if that won'T make humans begin a new war for themselves....anyway thnx for your presence and attention to this trial again and best wishes my good friend.___Behnam
what a cool name your band has ! I also checked your sites both & it was a pleasure to read your possitive idea abouT this musical trial of mine . greayest appreciations about your presence , attention & commenT.____Behnam
A very atmospheric endeavour which I am really enjoying! It's mysterious and mystical! Special sounds! Just the right amount of jazz to this! I love it!
my worthy friend , Patrick ,first my appologY for latency in replY , this week I had some problem to can access to my accounT & at last just today & right now , Shan ( looperman administer ) solved the problem and I'm back .
Patrick I love Afro flutes , it has a natural soul in its sound which makes me feel good . also in Persian musiX , there was a lack of this style & I didn't know any track from Iranian composers in which Afro flutes has an axiss role , so tried on iT as an error & trial & your analysis makes me hopefull abouT this . thnX aloT my friend,for all your attentions & worthwhile comments . best wishes.___Behnam
Well Mina after appologY for late replY & appreciations abouT your commenT , I think according to know Iran's music U would be agree with me to say I saw We have no serious music composed by Iranian composers ( or if We may have one or 2 I haven't heared them & nothing seriously by afro flutes ) .so due to this lack in persian music and according to a briliant lyriX from my beloved, I tried to compose on styles & tastes which We haven't similar to them in Farsi music . & wish I have been successfull abouT my purpose .thanX aloT my friend for your presence & worthy attention & commenT & take care .___Behnam
all those appreciation which U know & instead of writing them & as a remembrance for fun , I write as your answer :
HappY birth daY Friend !
Wish U all the best for all lone of your life .
wow wow wowwww !!hypnothic !exceptional ! miracolus !
a zen track !
teleports me to an unbelievable place around my dreams for composing .
how you do that ?
for me this track is a board !the best presentor to show to looperman people how an asian musician can compose something beyond all european and american people!
oh I love you for making this phenomen!
makes me numb !
thnx Sherris for beautifull perception of yours sensible in your cmment about this trial of mine . & thanx for all nice explaations which are more beautifull than this trial of mine in your comment my friend . take care to yourself & Arad & Makan too .___B
I don't know how you do it, man, but this one right here has an atmosphere peace in confusion... if that makes sense. Like an overwhelming feeling of, "Ok, the world is falling down around me and that's alright." Hmmm... don't ask me where I get these ideas. I'm a little special in the head. lol. But I like it, keep 'em coming!
OViea ,my friend, I had composed it for someone who is more important & dear than myself for me & according to your smart underestanding I know U'll underestand me to say ''I haven't do iT and true sentence is that great sensation has done me to sound like this by my wooden guitar & some flutes ''....always reading your commenT is intersting & I'm gracefull about sharing your cool explanations & analysis with us below my trials..take care.___Behnam
as U see in comments below ,I've describe for another colleague ={ Adiere } too that I don't like to see someone has wanted to have any of my trials ( traX) but he/she hasn't been able cause I haven't allowed download about this one & acccording to your comment , I changed download premission for 2 days from today & I allowed download to U can download iT.
this is very mind provoking many thoughts run through our minds when we listen to this production and everyone will have their own storys to tell when listening to this
Great work
Honoured to see 2 colleague who are as a master to me and I know them from their old Id and this picture have a possitive Idea abouT this trial of mine ,and my greatest appreciations about your time,your beautifull & throughbred perception sensible in your comment and my best wishes .thanx alot for your presence.____Behnam.
hey ! glad to see myfirned who I have learned alot from him about flute has been here and have a possitive idea aboot my flutes ,how are U man ?
and about your comment,thanx alot,and ja, it's a tarrent of all error and trials about everything that some of them may not go to give an error as output,& thanx again alot for your kindness ''S'' but what about your profile Kgomotso?? hahaha..this is made by someone who listened to your flutes and has tried by himself about flue and if this trial ahsn't sequent an error,is because of that man. glad to hear from U my best wishes as always.___Behnam
this is a very interesting, minimalist kind of mix. i like your choice of sounds - the reverb guitar, the low string of the acoustic guitar, the flute. and then you go into a groove and it really develops in a neat way. All the power, brother.
glad if U may have liked it Dan , this track has a lot of memories behind of those flutes for me , but now some times I think I should have been going earlier to that groovy part & also could select a more considered membranophonic & idiophonic line as beat instead of its beat .human is alive addicted to the hope & I hope can have better idea for such things in my traX in future. I am gracefull because of your taken time,attention,perception & commenting on this trial of mine Dan.accept my best wishes ,Sincerely.___Behnam.
No critical reviews from me, much respect for anyone who makes an attempt at music, Like it, nice mix of sounds, trial and error right? Well, no error here, great sound, great track! Love the flute mixed in with the guitar and the wind chimes. as far as learning music better just keep at ,you'll learn more and more as you travel your musical journey. Everybody has their own unique styles, this I like. Keep at it.
Dear phatkatz4,there's a connate natural mood in Afro flutes which I really like it , and in this trial I had tried on accompaniment of my Guitar & Afro flutes which I should be really glad if a throughbred & professional guitarist like you has a possitive Idea about my attempt .thanx alot again for your comment Best wishes.Sincerely.___Behnam.
thank you man, so glad to see you here dear Salook , I've found various admirable tracks from you here(specially in chilout ,the genre which I love),I appreciate you for taking time & listening to & commenting on one of my music trials,best wishes & regards for you dear Colleague.___Behnam.
My reviews aren't anywhere close to yours as far as depth goes. I don't make music, just vocals, so it is hard for me to know what all the details are about. But as a lover of sound, I find this track very delightful!!! There is something deep and ancient about this, like it reaches into my soul and touches the roots therein.
so glad to see one most tallented female vocals in looperman here in my page to commenting on any of my music trials & dear JJWEEKZ first of all I should have a great appreciation cause you've been taking time to listen to & commenting on this Guitar & afro flutes trial & ofcourse never it's not needed to have any musical analysis about my trials,lady .you've respected to me when you've describe about your feeling & your deep & wothwhile perception by such words about what you heared & it would be honuored to me & I should appreciate you . so again appreciatin JJWEEKZ for your nice perception & commenting on my trial .regards lady & best wishes .___Behnam.
mahyar jan eradat , va bebakhshid age kami dir hastam dar morede javab dadan be in commente to , tabi'atan hamuntr ke miduni be khatere sale no hame ja ta'tilr va man kami moshkel dashtam dar morede connection be internet ke baese in dirkarde man hast dar pasokhguee be ham mihane khubam , so>>
avval ke arezuhaye khub baraye sale jadid baraye to vakeshvaremun ba hameye jam'iate javoon va ba este'dadesh ba'd ham ke alan check mikonam link music ro va nazaram ro migam .
movement 1 , ta pish az shoru'e rhythmical pattern guitar ha ba'zi navakhte va 2ja royalty free loop used hast.amma hameye Movmenet 2 guitaresh navakhte va recolrde shode , Afro flute ba Reason notation & ba cubase & adobe mix&master; shode .Arezuhaye khub.agha bede ye nakham ma bezanim . haha.eradat,labkhand._Behnam
I love the crescendo in tension, the chorus-response between the 2 main instruments, the bass line and the percussions . Everything in your track is in its place, it's so varied, almost samba-like at one point, universal .
I had a very nice moment listening to it,
Thank you Behnamzandi !
Janis ;)
Many thanks for your review . I often think it takes more skill to really hear & have an analaysis about music , than it does to produce it. best wishes & greatest regards .
I appreciate you for taking time & listened to my music trial . & dear subject7 I'm interested to know your idea about my beat in such tracks , I think one of my weak points is the same thing that is your proficiency .
Very very well have a gift..!!!
That flute sounds magical, but the structure is all you...AND IT'S MORETHAN GOOD!
you have that "something" and if you work permanently soon you will be able to bring that 'something" when you want, not only when "it" wants...
Nice to meet you..!
Hi dear Sergej , & before talking about my music trial I want to ask U How is every thing in there ? Serge I remember what happend & also remember Slobodan Milošević , but the years have passed by & I still don't believe it & your Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is indossoluble in my childhood mind , althoght at last I underestand your people whom were living in any of those federals .
any way . . let's change the matter to the main .
about my music trial & your friendly coment I just wnat to tell u thanx a lot man for such words in your coment which makes me hopeful to my music trials . know I still should learn & improove my music perception & I just can thank U spend time to listen to my music trials .
nice to meet you too man ,
peace & Regards
behnamzandi....this is the kind of music that for me paints pictures in the needs no words for the instruments carry the feeling and the message....very thoughtful composing by you and very clean sound...I like the way it builds up and evolves along...with changes that hold attention and change the feeling and the pictures...I agree fully with our friend Bear`s comments....This is your best is music that has no sounds good anywhere on our little planet....very well done...really enjoyed this one...You are accomplishing your goals......Ed
really great thnx Ed,
I feel fulling of energy when reading such coments from one of my favorit musician & guitarist U are ,I just can say You know your idea is one of my most important coments (as dear Bear ),I think this track presents one of my favorite styles in my music trials .& thanx Ed because of your attention .
really I'm learning everyday here in looperman
& I wish to improove my music perception every day .
great regards man , & thnx for learning me with your attention.
girl it's very Important for me to know your perception & in fact how your generation feel about my music trials .
& I hope for myself to can be closer to your generation & underestand better your point of view because the future is yours ( I really don't call stuff how u have begin to make music crystalang)Your music sounds young like yourself .
thank u for your attention & comment for me .
I'm waiting to hear your third music .
& whenever u upload your third track,let me know to hear it
any way thank u again for listening to my trial & also your comment .
goodluck .
Behnam, this is really nice. I especially like the combination of the guitar and the flute. A beautiful mix as well (very nice panning). The moment where the bass guitar comes in at the 2:10 second mark is a magical moment. Great transitions throughout.
This is exceptional work, well thought out, and performed to perfection. Well done.
Dear Adept Bear , I don't know if u can guess how your Idea energize me , but you have been ever Inspired me with your loops & tracks & your generation have been my teacher .
I'm glad to see your possitive Idea about my trial & my greatest thnx for your punctuality & attention about Timing & Bass Intro & Paning of my track.
I love music Bear, & Really try to learn it better & better every day .
hope some day I'll learn music better & better . .
thnk u man for spending time to listen & write comment 4 me
ah mate, you misunderstood me... I ment "to make my comment shorter" not that you should shorten the track... I think it is great as it is, sorry if that wasn't that clear...
oooh !I should say sorry man, & ok, now I understand U Ishimizu , I'm glad if u don't think it's so long that make u tired,althought as I said still I'm not sure about such a long timing for it .
any way thnx again for your attention & your both comments which make me konw better my track .
peace .
This is good stuff no need to add on my track as such it is ready for to to publish as is ,nice men and I will listen to your groove and will come up with some this on you guitar track.
thnx bro & I'm glad to read your track is ready for publish .
& about my track I hope can be a better music maker .
thank u for listening to it & your comment .
Very relaxing piece of music. I like how it starts out as a slightly melancholic track, changes to being somewhat cautious but driving and then getting a nice, somewhat laid-back beat while still retaining the initial feel.
To make it shorter: I really like it!
Ishimizu thanx alot for your attention .
I'm agree about a shorter version but I have no Idea .
It's a Instrumental version but in fact this music has a persian lyric & I don't know how should I make it shorter & dont miss anything on it .
Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment.
Hope I'll leatn music better.
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Description : it is! Another colab with maestro Tumbleweed! Ed provided the unfinished, basic track...I composed and recorded the long intro using different synths and then added piano (well to the fore) and some brass arrangements along the rest of the track (no violin this time...hehe) and then did the final mixing to wrap it up as it is presented now. I hope you will enjoy it and we both appreciate your listening time and your valuable comments:) Otherwise all thanks to Ed!
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Anyway, I'm looking for artists, especially doing melodic techno, deep house etc... to work in my music label called Chick Records
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Description : There are a lot of talented people :
Ft Ankit Sharda for the mantra,
Ft Xelaplus for the choirs,
Ft jjweekz for the voice effect,
Drums :
AcidPro on darbuka
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Tell me what this track made to you ^^'
Thank you.
Description : Dark, slow, ambient, cinematic jazz with funereal piano turning into something much funkier, psychedelic and beautiful in the second half. Out of the darkness and into the light, you could say. Instruments: electric guitar + bass, lots of synth sounds, including a horn, double bass, another big legato bass, pizzicato strings, two types of piano, a heavily delayed slide guitar instrument, zither, synth arp, one brushy drum loop, kettle drum rolls and 4 programmed acoustic drum kits. This is quite a special track for me and is only the second I've put in the cinematic genre. The more you listen, the more it changes (it even has key changes) and the last three minutes are really quite far out and should probably be longer. Best track I've made for a few months. Interesting thoughts and reflections appreciated. Free sex for the best reviews...
This track is an elaboration of dgalantic’s track “Starting Over 0172257.” It is almost entirely comprised of loops by other artists on looperman. The newsreel in the intro section is from public domain footage of the Vietnam War. Prince Fatty chimes later in with some words of wisdom. The track was sequenced with Mixtikl and edited in Audacity.
Loops from the following artists are included:
1. ThatJeffCarter’s guitar “feedback 197765”
2. three of Nightingale’s harmonica trills: “angels 0088377, inner light 0088361 and never and never 0088366”
3. Heavily fx’ed vocal excerpts from Eshar’s “7th Dimension 0002644”
4. Dcmack’s rhythm loops “2 bass drums 1- 0085449, 2- 0085446, and 4- 0085448.”
5. Steelyvibe’s choral wash “luno frunezo 0005719”
6. Nightingale’s guitar loop “diving deep 0043488”
7. Rasputin1963’s chorals “ soul ladies gospel riff 0088641 and reggae soul girls choir 0087693”
Genre: Cinematic
Tags: papico, Cinematic, Piano, feedback, choral washes, choir, harmonica, guitar, dgalantic- starting over, thatjeffcarter-feedback, dcmack- 2 bass drums 1,2 and 4, nightingale-angels, inner light, never and never, diving deep, eshar-7th dimension, steelyvibe- luno frunezo, rasputin1963-soul ladies gospel riff, reggae soul girls choir, Vietnam War newsreel
Description : So a new track for everyone. Im pretty impressed by this one, and would even place it higher than one of my best tracks, Angel And A Demon. However, I'm trying to decide whether or not I should put vocals to it. I have some in mjnd, but idk if itd be better to leave as is and keep it instrumental or not. Take a listen and let me know! Also, let me know if anything is too loud, still working on my mastering.
Love what you do and do what you love.
Made out of Looperman Loops!
Made in 2 Hours!
I was bored and was thinking about a epic movie u got it a full Cinematic Movie Soundtrack...Say what u think..........A NEED FEEDBAK ! A know...its just mixing loops together but it was really , really big fun to make this!
wonderfull Behnam .
I wish you make more tracks, but it looks like you made some personal decision about that. Good luck to you
Mashalla on a very good piece of work Aziz, I like the intro to this one, love flutes in music, they convey a sense of emotion and feeling into a piece, liking the strumming guitar, helping drive the piece at a very comfortable and enjoy pace to the beat kicks which is very good for this type of music, everything works brilliantly in this little baby, taking you a journey as it plays, very good work agha...Will be back to checkout more of your tunes in the near future azizam...Fav'd...
PS. Sorry limited with Farsi/Persian but thought would use some :)) Hope you don't mind mate, learnt little from a site I sometimes play games on, besalamat...Mosaic...
I liked how the piano starts "moving" around 1.08 min.
2.40 min gives another perspective of the melody.
honestly, I think there are many stories one can imagine while listen to this track. Your song is, how to say, artistic - I don't know if I am "politically correct" but I hope you'll understand my idea that your song is a piece of art.
very nice the lingering flutes in the end + the combination with bells.
Thank you sincerely,
appreciation & all the best.___Behnam
first of all i hope you had a good start so far in the new year. not that i think anything changes at the end of a year but it seems customary to wish people a happy new year that one cares about :)
i am sorry i haven't been around at all lately, unexpected stuff went down over the new year holidays and it's messy and busy times.
but to the important things, what went through my head listening to this:
first thing i noticed is the short delays and the sweeping pannning give the guitars a good variety in movement instead of standing static, easy but subtle and effective method, very nicely done.
the bass you did there at 2 mins is !!fabulous!!, just how i like it. the next part is reminding me about a music in a level from on a old game called "doom", it's awesome. this music has shaped my perception of harmonies and melodies to a great extent. your track reminds me of it very strongly - this is a good thing + compliment, because to me this was some of the best music i knew at that time.
its a very nice organic mix of sounds, the percussions and haunting noises in the background, while in the front you play sort of a bossa type progression. its delightful Behnam and i enjoyed it the whole time - a special track to me.
take care my friend
these are paraigms not notes i hear !
glamorous !
i am a flutist , but these flutes coming from
fascinating and spellbinder !
obeisane !
* Prelude *
i downloaded it!
promise you'll never repent for let me have this
Daría mi vida por esto!oh indeed.
thank you very much
many huges
sounds like relaxation and Zen musics that i use them for my
yuga trainings.
this is an exceptional music.
i had never heared something with guitar and flute sound oddball like this like yuga music before.
i know you don't sell this and i'm not going to sing for.
i loved to have this in my playlist if i can.
10 people have downloaded it before and now i can't.
i can underestand those wonderfully amazing guitar are live
a masterpiece indeed.
you have played those zen flutes?
find the mood to check my mail & didn't know if any comment has been added to this trial of mine ,sorry.
well I'm glad if U've liked iT ,no I don't play flutes and have even never seen zen flutes and just guitar line is played in this musical trial Candelaria,dear colleague.
and as U see I've answered to other colleagues before U too and U know , I don't sell this music which is composed on a poem of my beloved one Candelaria,buT according to your worthy interest and as I've dne for the others too , now , I change download premission below this trial for 3 days and U can downloaded it in next 3 days and no problem .
I'm ratefull of your attnetion to many trials of mine,I appology again for latency in replY & wish U all the bests.
Such a Crazy Guitar.
How can u make this so hard?
my country too have a piece with such guitars and also such flutes ...anyway , it's a great encouragement for me to see
such a wonderfull musician like U has called me great guitarist , and about Franco ,ja.....he has listened it before (as U see his 2 comments ) and his idea has been one of most important idea about this track for me , cause no doubt master can play like this and very better than this ( as We both know U too can ) .anyway thnX alot my friend and best wishes.___Behnam
unbelievable how much I learned here from U all..found many good unseen friends from allover the world , and knew about the countries's cultures by their communities here..for example I have never known anybody from Australia before U..buT now when TV shows a sport match of Australia( as right now it's showing an I'm watching and answering U ),I think by myself hey Steve Brown's team..haha...and prefer Australia win ....Steve I wish someday humankind can controle the time...buT if that won'T make humans begin a new war for themselves....anyway thnx for your presence and attention to this trial again and best wishes my good friend.___Behnam
Patrick I love Afro flutes , it has a natural soul in its sound which makes me feel good . also in Persian musiX , there was a lack of this style & I didn't know any track from Iranian composers in which Afro flutes has an axiss role , so tried on iT as an error & trial & your analysis makes me hopefull abouT this . thnX aloT my friend,for all your attentions & worthwhile comments . best wishes.___Behnam
Wow Afru Flut is just amazing. This instrument has got a lot to say as well as the composer.
Your music is a journey. Thanks for taking us there.
Respect, smile and best wishes
Love the flute and the guitar. :D
HappY birth daY Friend !
Wish U all the best for all lone of your life .
ok . I made it right.merci.
a zen track !
teleports me to an unbelievable place around my dreams for composing .
how you do that ?
for me this track is a board !the best presentor to show to looperman people how an asian musician can compose something beyond all european and american people!
oh I love you for making this phenomen!
makes me numb !
Great work
and about your comment,thanx alot,and ja, it's a tarrent of all error and trials about everything that some of them may not go to give an error as output,& thanx again alot for your kindness ''S'' but what about your profile Kgomotso?? hahaha..this is made by someone who listened to your flutes and has tried by himself about flue and if this trial ahsn't sequent an error,is because of that man. glad to hear from U my best wishes as always.___Behnam
My reviews aren't anywhere close to yours as far as depth goes. I don't make music, just vocals, so it is hard for me to know what all the details are about. But as a lover of sound, I find this track very delightful!!! There is something deep and ancient about this, like it reaches into my soul and touches the roots therein.
ye gosh bede nazareto bgu
avval ke arezuhaye khub baraye sale jadid baraye to vakeshvaremun ba hameye jam'iate javoon va ba este'dadesh ba'd ham ke alan check mikonam link music ro va nazaram ro migam .
ba che barname-e ?
I had a very nice moment listening to it,
Thank you Behnamzandi !
Janis ;)
That flute sounds magical, but the structure is all you...AND IT'S MORETHAN GOOD!
you have that "something" and if you work permanently soon you will be able to bring that 'something" when you want, not only when "it" wants...
Nice to meet you..!
any way . . let's change the matter to the main .
about my music trial & your friendly coment I just wnat to tell u thanx a lot man for such words in your coment which makes me hopeful to my music trials . know I still should learn & improove my music perception & I just can thank U spend time to listen to my music trials .
nice to meet you too man ,
peace & Regards
I'll try to learn more & make my musical perception grow up .
peace .
I feel fulling of energy when reading such coments from one of my favorit musician & guitarist U are ,I just can say You know your idea is one of my most important coments (as dear Bear ),I think this track presents one of my favorite styles in my music trials .& thanx Ed because of your attention .
really I'm learning everyday here in looperman
& I wish to improove my music perception every day .
great regards man , & thnx for learning me with your attention.
& I hope for myself to can be closer to your generation & underestand better your point of view because the future is yours ( I really don't call stuff how u have begin to make music crystalang)Your music sounds young like yourself .
thank u for your attention & comment for me .
I'm waiting to hear your third music .
& whenever u upload your third track,let me know to hear it
any way thank u again for listening to my trial & also your comment .
goodluck .
This is exceptional work, well thought out, and performed to perfection. Well done.
I'm glad to see your possitive Idea about my trial & my greatest thnx for your punctuality & attention about Timing & Bass Intro & Paning of my track.
I love music Bear, & Really try to learn it better & better every day .
hope some day I'll learn music better & better . .
thnk u man for spending time to listen & write comment 4 me
any way thnx again for your attention & your both comments which make me konw better my track .
peace .
& about my track I hope can be a better music maker .
thank u for listening to it & your comment .
To make it shorter: I really like it!
I'm agree about a shorter version but I have no Idea .
It's a Instrumental version but in fact this music has a persian lyric & I don't know how should I make it shorter & dont miss anything on it .
Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment.
Hope I'll leatn music better.