Description : Steamy tune I wrote in 1999, No loops involved, just me & my Synths. I broke a cardinal rule of recording bass by not keeping the bass in the centre of the mix, but by recording 2 separate bass lines in counterpoint with one as the melody.
This chill out track was uploaded by crucethus. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (35)
If you have time take a listen and give crucethus some feedback.
Crucethus.. I've sent a couple messages, but Looperman system for communicating is a bit odd. Would you PLEASE contact me regarding this track? I appreciate your time
my email is my name at gmail
Hi Steve, just to let you know I had a chance to enjoy this tune again. That would be probably one of my favourite from you ever. Ahh.. 'Bedroom Games' were very nice too!
I was thinking a lot of making a cover of one of them these last few days. They are simply great songs. I will let you know.
best to you, Alex
I absolutely LOVE that juicy bass drum at the beginning. Slightly too juicy at certain spots, but does the job well. Beautiful synth work (it's so silky smooth to my ears!) and I enjoy the bassline, even if it "breaks" the rules. Truly, it sounds really pleasing to the ear. Good stuff cru. Sounds nice and airy, just like I like my music to sound :) Good stuff. Seriously.
juicy ehh? I'm glad u liked it. Originally the opening drums were very low in the mixbut I found that when I stabilized it to the rest of the song it worked better.
hi again, very nice one -I am liking the percussions in the intro and all very gentle drums throughout. The 'frog-like' kind of synth bassline definitely reminds me of your 'Bedroom Games'. I like the placement of instruments in the recording spectrum too. Very fine synth lead from 2:37 - nice played, something like Tangerine Dream - a kind of a guitar almost!
Very soft and calming sounds! Alex
Thanks for listening Alex.
You are correct about Bedroom games. Sensuality pre-dates bedroom games by a bit, but was my attempt at capturing the glory sound of sensuality. I have a radio review where the announcers critique the song and say that I play my synths like a guitarist and can evoke emotion through the usage of my synths.
glad U liked!
Well i'm no expert on chill out but i like the atmosphere's that i'm hearing here. It's very funky and sort of leftfield sounding. You do a lot of different genres well so it's no suprize that this is nothing short of brilliant. Love the pad work, it's really dreamy and flows with the funky bassline perfectly. Dig the guitarish synths in the breakdown and i'm a little jealous of your soloing skills.
An epic piece of chill out that hits all the right buttons.
Really chilled out production. Has a lurking in the jungle vibe to it at some parts. Really digging the pads and sound choice. Has a cinematic flare as well, great work. Mixed real well too, peace
unrelated to track. how do you manage to get your tracks in perfect chronological order. the option never seems to work for me.
what a cool dark sound you are getting hear. subtle string sounds. i like that hot electronic snare sound in groove? again - when that warm synth comes in it is like a ray of sunlight (or moonlight) and chordal progression resolving to major creates an interesting mood contrast to the dark groove. major chords are underused! now the guitar solo - back to something more consonant with the groove mood. interesting concept. thoroughly enjoying. wonderful work. peace.
Well done crucethus, I think you worked the panning out great with the bass and further nice pads, sounding all together sorta dark. Also nice work on the guitar you fitted in there
a differenT track of yours Steve ,I like your designation abouT synchronizism of the up beaT of percussive line with a considered note of the synth & also the waY in which U plaY your eleganT solo by synth . welldone & wishes.___B
Thanks ___B
It's weird but my loop based songs are really upbeat
and my from scratch tunes are dark and mysterious in minor keys.
I love to solo with the synth, it's my prideful downfall..;-)
"If you can find it, there is an instrumental version of Digging in the dirt (somewhere I have a CD5 single of it) that is awesome as it just builds up the verse and then only at the end do you get the chorus, the anticipation of that is mind bogglingly good."
Thanks for telling me about that version. I searched and found an instrumental version on Youtube, which is great. It's one of those amazing tracks where the vocal is so good but kind of overshadows the brilliant music underneath it so it's great to bring the playing out more. The bass is so simple and powerful and I love the guitar - tone, fluidity of the playing, everything really.
Maybe it's not the same instrumental you've heard as I didn't hear a chorus "at the end". There were just small portions of the vocal, no proper verses or choruses.
is definitely the version I dug up today and was playing in the car on that old CD. it builds to the chorus with the awesome jangly guitars and then ends out with the funky bass-line.
I remain pleasantly surprised, listening to this very nice track.
Aside from the usual small plaisenteries in our mutual comments .... I confess that I have great interest in what you are doing .... Because there are a lot of personality, ingenuity, and also the talent to realize your concepts, your themes ....
In short .... It's great your piece here .... and sorry for the delay to listen.
This is not a comment on your track but a reply to this: "What I love about this site besides the critical comments which believe me help my overall production values, is the influences that drive each musician. Ozric Tentacles, Mon Dieu! Brilliant sounds I have never heard before. So the sharing of ideas and influences help musicians like us evolve into something better, and for that I am truly grateful. Thanks for the comments".
I guess you must have checked out my track Circular Motion and seen that I mentioned the Ozric Tentacles. And then you went and checked them out and loved them. Well done - they are an incredible band and I'd say the greatest space rock band ever. But they've been around for 30 years and have a lot of material. Unfortunately, in the last 15 or so years they have just been retreading their old stuff and not progressing at all and are now a bit boring. It's sad that I have to say that about one of my favourite bands ever but it's really what I think.
Please check out their stuff from the late 80s to late 90s as it's absolutely incredible. They do 'trance' in a much more musical way than almost all trance producers I've ever heard. Here are some albums you should definitely get: Pungent Effulgent, Erpland (those two are probably the best), Strangeitude, Jurassic Shift, Arborescence and Become The Other. But there's also great stuff from the 80s that were cassette-only at the time but can now be got as collections. Happy listening as it will be a hell of a deep trip!
I will definitely check out there catalogue. If you can find it, there is an instrumental version of Digging in the dirt (somewhere I have a CD5 single of it) that is awesome as it just builds up the verse and then only at the end do you get the chorus, the anticipation of that is mind bogglingly good.
Yes, I know what you mean about not panning your basses. I try to do it but then things just seem unbalanced so I tend to do it just for a effect for a short period in the song.
If you go to about 1:16 of my track on this site called Circular Motion, you'll hear a pair of synth basses playing the same thing with each panned about halfway to each side.
I find that balances things out though just one bass on one side tends to be a bit odd.
Anyway, back to your track, which has a cool vibe to it (and the panned bass seems to be fine). I love the filtered, twinkling percussive stuff starting on about 2:35.
This sounds like it should probably be a vocal song. I mean that it sounds as though it could just have a vocal stuck on top and you wouldn't have to remove much that's going on.
I'm not surprised to hear you refer to Digging In The Dirt. That is a spectacularly amazing piece of msuic. Brilliant vocals but it would be so cool just as an instrumental. And I also know the Avalon album and can see why you mention it. Good work.
What I love about this site besides the critical comments which believe me help my overall production values, is the influences that drive each musician. Ozric Tentacles, Mon Dieu! Brilliant sounds I have never heard before. So the sharing of ideas and influences help musicians like us evolve into something better, and for that I am truly grateful. Thanks for the comments
This is so groovy! The sounds you used really take me back to a different time! I'm not one to pan my basses, but with the complimentary lines going on the balance is almost centered anyway, so that's very cool and creative! Definitely my kind of chill out! Great work! Faved for sure!
Thank you for that. Yeah I was definitely being a rebel doing counterpoint with bass-lines. But since the bass really drives the melody I thought it would work. Thanks for the listen, fav and comment, you are one of the musicians On this site I truly respect for your talent and creativity!
Hey Cruc, this seems the in the direction I'm looking at too. I like to compose some songs with a deep though funky electric sound. This works as an inspiration to me. I really like the 'chorus', it has great progression in it. And the communicating basslines at the 'sides' is a nice find actually. It grabs ur attention more. And there's no other way to have two baselines talk to each other. ;)
In between at 2:30 the rythm gets to loose and crowded in my humble opinion, but I really like the feel of the track. Great job mate. Chrs FF
Thanks, I'm glad you like the track. I was very influenced by two songs Roxy Music "The Main Thing" and Peter Gabriel's "Digging in the dirt" in the making of this song.
Awesome stuff...really lives up to the chill out genre. This just washed all over me as it came out the speakers. Felt like an Audio Loofah, loosening up all the tension and making me feel " clean " again. :) Thanks for sharing it.
Crucethus, this is so good on so many different levels. My theory professor actually told me I should quit music and take up another hobby, hahaha. God I hated that SOB....
Back to this track, this is outstanding work. The composition is outstanding, well thought out, and well delivered. You have mad skills as a musician as well.
This one is definitely one for my favorites list. I had to grab a download (thanks for that).
A beautiful listen and a great way to start out my Wednesday. I hope all is well.
Coming from a talented musician like yourself Bear, that is a big compliment and much appreciation and thanks for listening and commenting. I had a Music teacher in 9th grade asked me to do a scale on the clarinet and I made an error. He told me in front of the band That I would never be as good as my sister (older). I got up and walked out and never went back. Taught myself keyboards and took theory in college. Never Listen to negative comments, Only positive corrective comments. You never know what might happen.
you may enjoy this one
This one is a tonic for the ears crucethus...beautiful big fat pad sounds, thoutghtful composing and some tasty chord progs...I like the bass sounds...a little like a fretless, with lots of harmonics..the melody is almost implied rather than in your face kind of stuff..and my ears & speakers both really like the mix....Superb bit of musical art my friend...and very much enjoyed over my way tonight....Ed
Thank you for those accolades. I have no formal training playing piano or keyboards. I was just an obsessed teen with synths and keyboards that I am completely self taught. So my style of playing is more in line with how a guitarist thinks in terms of riffs. I also wanted to play like a metal guitarist so I have some older tunes where I distort my keys and try to play wicked solos with a wah wah pedal. With songs like this I tried to bring emotion in an almost restrained method. I like your notes on the melody being implied, I think that describes it in a way for years I couldn't say. I have another example of this style but a more Jazz chord structured song.
Much thanks Ed
Lacking words to describe, my english isn´t that good but I really liked this one. Mellow sort of used the sound palette so eloquently and not in an intruding way. Very soft, light and enjoyable.
Thank you for that lovely synopsis.
This song was influenced by Roxy Music's Avalon album and the baseline from Peter Gabriel's song "digging in the dirt". It took a Month to record and finish and is my most successful song in my repertoire.
lol ....cardinal rules? should do what i do and just go with what feels good...sod rules!
Music is always more than just sounds.....its feelings,idea's and ways to experiment,but most of all ,it must come from emotion in all its forms....happy,sad,love,lost,passion,euphoria etc.!
The main thing is it has to take me somewhere!
Loving this,very chilled and a lovely trip!
Nice work!.......forget about cardinal rules.....use your feeling as music talks!
Thanks brillbilly, I had a brilliant Music theory professor in college who made us learn all the rules. Then she said you can break them all you want, just as long as you know why your breaking them. I knew that I was breaking them then, but I loved the result of it so yes I completely agree with you it does come from emotion as well.
Description : Sounds of the sea and trippy acidy washes with a cool beat and some live acoustic guitar. Written in Cubase with live guitar and keys etc. The sound of the sea and birds was recorded on the beach where I used to live. After moving to the city one sunny day I was telling stories to a friend about living by the sea and started making this track.
Description : This improv recorded a few years ago powered my interest even further than I expected.....recorded using tc electronics pedal and tascam studio recorder and a Fender Squier tele electric....
Description : I used some new "Anthem" pickups from L.R. Baggs on my Martin acoustic to see how it performed, and it definitely beat my expectations. Captured the sound perfectly as I needed.
Anyhoo, this song is almost a prayer, hence the repetitiveness of the verses. As Christians, we believe that God will one day return and take away every suffering and all evil for good; in that regard, this song is almost one of waiting too. Very simple, with vocal harmonies and whatnot. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did making it. Made in 13 hours.
Someone else wrote the words, I was just inspired to use them. I only added the "Yeah" and "Amen."
Description : This is a track off of one of my EP's I dropped last year. It is based on True events. Sometimes when people finally take a second in life to slow down and breathe in..... The oxygen is deflated and it's too late. Take your time people, because time is what differs a good decision over a bad one. Life is precious!
Description : So a guy buys a nice guitar at a pawn shop but returns it a few days later after waking from a sound sleep to hear it playing by itself. When he tells of his experience he is shocked to learn the owner had actually died while playing it. Is it fantasy or truth? Is the guitar in this track that very same guitar? Its all part of the mystery and fun of Halloween !
EDIT: modified ending to a deeper voice
Description : This track describes a magical state that I experienced a long time ago. Maybe you also know the feeling that you can't describe something like this with words ... luckily we have the music for it!
Description : So this is my first Chill Outish track. I was just trying something new and then suddenly this was a thing. Everything you hear is home made. I hope you enjoy. - Mr. Spook'd
Description : That's something i worked out lately
a swing 3/4 hip hop Chill ?? Don't know how to describe this kind of music.
So if your interested to try something contact me
Description : A progressive journey incorporating deep ambient chillout, swing jazz, hip hop, d'n'b, trance and a slight touch of acid with a thousand ninjas battling in space. Features a great deal of my lead slide resonator guitar playing. Also a whole load of synths, programmed acoustic drum kits and manipulated drum loops, big basslines, regular electric guitar, vocoded guitar parts and bass guitar (distorted right at the end). If you like deep chill, far out soaring beauty, fat beats and 170 BPM uplifting slide trance controlled mayhem, you might just get into this. In my heaven there is an endless supply of honey mangoes (an exquisite beauty of the fruit world) and even more slide guitar. A 1,000-year-long version of this track plays there on a loop (long enough not to get bored of it) but here I offer you the Earthly 11 min version. You must be very good to be accepted into my heaven to hear the full thousand year version so best start now. It may be heaven's main theme tune but it's not above criticism so feel free to let me know what you think of it. Maybe you prefer the soundtrack in hell. I hear it's pretty badass...
Description : Chris Brown x Kid Ink x Dj Mustard x Ty Dolla Sign Type Beat --- Contact me for Mixing, Mastering, Sound Design & Song Structuring Services
Description : This is a pretty chill track with a certain vibe. I really enjoyed making it.
Hope you guys enjoy it and let me know what you think, any feedback is appreciated.
my email is my name at gmail
I was thinking a lot of making a cover of one of them these last few days. They are simply great songs. I will let you know.
best to you, Alex
these are the two songs that influenced this song.
I might make a third tune that follows this sound. we will see.
Well thought out composition with dark and tense feel, instant
Hat's off_____Orlando
Very soft and calming sounds! Alex
You are correct about Bedroom games. Sensuality pre-dates bedroom games by a bit, but was my attempt at capturing the glory sound of sensuality. I have a radio review where the announcers critique the song and say that I play my synths like a guitarist and can evoke emotion through the usage of my synths.
glad U liked!
Priceless Beatz
Priceless Beatz
An epic piece of chill out that hits all the right buttons.
what a cool dark sound you are getting hear. subtle string sounds. i like that hot electronic snare sound in groove? again - when that warm synth comes in it is like a ray of sunlight (or moonlight) and chordal progression resolving to major creates an interesting mood contrast to the dark groove. major chords are underused! now the guitar solo - back to something more consonant with the groove mood. interesting concept. thoroughly enjoying. wonderful work. peace.
I like all but the intro is my favourite part here.
It's weird but my loop based songs are really upbeat
and my from scratch tunes are dark and mysterious in minor keys.
I love to solo with the synth, it's my prideful downfall..;-)
Thanks for telling me about that version. I searched and found an instrumental version on Youtube, which is great. It's one of those amazing tracks where the vocal is so good but kind of overshadows the brilliant music underneath it so it's great to bring the playing out more. The bass is so simple and powerful and I love the guitar - tone, fluidity of the playing, everything really.
Maybe it's not the same instrumental you've heard as I didn't hear a chorus "at the end". There were just small portions of the vocal, no proper verses or choruses.
is definitely the version I dug up today and was playing in the car on that old CD. it builds to the chorus with the awesome jangly guitars and then ends out with the funky bass-line.
I remain pleasantly surprised, listening to this very nice track.
Aside from the usual small plaisenteries in our mutual comments .... I confess that I have great interest in what you are doing .... Because there are a lot of personality, ingenuity, and also the talent to realize your concepts, your themes ....
In short .... It's great your piece here .... and sorry for the delay to listen.
I guess you must have checked out my track Circular Motion and seen that I mentioned the Ozric Tentacles. And then you went and checked them out and loved them. Well done - they are an incredible band and I'd say the greatest space rock band ever. But they've been around for 30 years and have a lot of material. Unfortunately, in the last 15 or so years they have just been retreading their old stuff and not progressing at all and are now a bit boring. It's sad that I have to say that about one of my favourite bands ever but it's really what I think.
Please check out their stuff from the late 80s to late 90s as it's absolutely incredible. They do 'trance' in a much more musical way than almost all trance producers I've ever heard. Here are some albums you should definitely get: Pungent Effulgent, Erpland (those two are probably the best), Strangeitude, Jurassic Shift, Arborescence and Become The Other. But there's also great stuff from the 80s that were cassette-only at the time but can now be got as collections. Happy listening as it will be a hell of a deep trip!
If you go to about 1:16 of my track on this site called Circular Motion, you'll hear a pair of synth basses playing the same thing with each panned about halfway to each side.
I find that balances things out though just one bass on one side tends to be a bit odd.
Anyway, back to your track, which has a cool vibe to it (and the panned bass seems to be fine). I love the filtered, twinkling percussive stuff starting on about 2:35.
This sounds like it should probably be a vocal song. I mean that it sounds as though it could just have a vocal stuck on top and you wouldn't have to remove much that's going on.
I'm not surprised to hear you refer to Digging In The Dirt. That is a spectacularly amazing piece of msuic. Brilliant vocals but it would be so cool just as an instrumental. And I also know the Avalon album and can see why you mention it. Good work.
In between at 2:30 the rythm gets to loose and crowded in my humble opinion, but I really like the feel of the track. Great job mate. Chrs FF
Back to this track, this is outstanding work. The composition is outstanding, well thought out, and well delivered. You have mad skills as a musician as well.
This one is definitely one for my favorites list. I had to grab a download (thanks for that).
A beautiful listen and a great way to start out my Wednesday. I hope all is well.
you may enjoy this one
Much thanks Ed
This song was influenced by Roxy Music's Avalon album and the baseline from Peter Gabriel's song "digging in the dirt". It took a Month to record and finish and is my most successful song in my repertoire.
Music is always more than just sounds.....its feelings,idea's and ways to experiment,but most of all ,it must come from emotion in all its forms....happy,sad,love,lost,passion,euphoria etc.!
The main thing is it has to take me somewhere!
Loving this,very chilled and a lovely trip!
Nice work!.......forget about cardinal rules.....use your feeling as music talks!
Peace all the way man!
And I really like the work on the bass.
Thanks for sharing.
Ciao, Domenico
I call it a frog bass, Korg MS2000 with a liberal use of the pitch bend.