Description : UPDATED: I thought I would bring this out of the dust bin again as Putin plots his treachery in the Ukraine again and Winnie the poo shakes his fists at Tawain
This house track was uploaded by crucethus. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (57)
If you have time take a listen and give crucethus some feedback.
Potente batería que entra con fuerza y carácter desde el principio, y ese bajo tan elegante y juguetón, tanto como ese piano que va cogiendo su sitio en medio de la pista, y ese sonido tan especial que te engancha con esa particular melodía que acaba por enamorarte de esta pista por completo. Me gusta como te ha quedado amigo crucethus.
Ahh Mate, thanks for the kind words. I never know if I'm on someone's fav list sometimes. here's a track I did in 2015 and remastered in 2016 that might pique your interest.
Hey, Steve! I missed this one the first time out. I was thinking that your music had become much more innovative and adventuresome as time went on, but clearly I was wrong. It ALWAYS was innovative and adventuresome!
You clearly are working on a different plane than most of us, I think. I'm gravitating back to wanting to hear more House and Trance. So, this really hit the spot for me. Thanks for digging it out again. :)
Thank you for the kind words Eric. It is true, my musical compositions generally lean towards the esoteric sometimes. The reason for that is usually because I am bored with typical popular sounds and I want to invent a new sound sometimes that no one has heard of based on tweaking the popular.
Nice piano break and cinematics. Maybe you don't have as much angst in 2020, agenda gets a little exhausting for me but I guess I did click on it right?
Good track overall, remix it in 2027 and maybe the world will fall apart by then, JK :)
You are very creative and manage to reflect the concepts you are attempting to portray accurately in your work, keep it up.
Shhh small hint, the world has been ending every year for the last 5000 years according to shh (secret) sources /s . I think I have more angst now as I get older.
Steve epic track hooked me in i dont usually stay for EP tracks the piano reminded me of the Hans Zimmer inception theme which i loved that film . Very unusual and interesting i listened twice at first. Great job dont ask me how i time travelled to 2013 best regards Robbie
Been wanting to comment on this track for like 5 days now but I couldn't. Like I seriously couldn't cuz I cant go 15 seconds on looperman without my browser crashing.
Anyways I gotta say man around the 1:30 mark where the piano chords and the voices and distant gunshots came in there came about a eerie and powerful feeling that gave me the goosebumps. Not many tracks do that. Then at the same time that transitioned to a more uplifting and bouncy tracks. It created this nice contrast.
I am deeply humbled by your response. My goal was to make a house tune that would stop people in their tracks and have to think about war.
Your comment about the piano part giving you goosebumps gave me goosebumps. That's what I wanted for this tune.
I appreciate your comments
Just to say to you that I've been trying to apply external thoughts/concepts on sidechain compression which I guess is very crucial in/at house genres. In other words I have tried sidechain compression but couldn't even touch that kick light/delight pumping as present on on your track.
Very cool one track otherwise!
Sorry for a comment in negative regarding to my efforts. I truly enjoyed listening!
If all would dance, then there would be nobody left to fight.
I made a track in the middle of the 90's with the name - shutup and dance! - Right now i would love to say that loud to all this "War horny leaders and followers"
This is a nice one Steve. Didn't listen to it befor, cause it came up befor i was on looperman. So nice that you updated it and i see it :)
How right you are about the timing for a re-release...its was good before...its even better now and a fitting soundtrack for the state of our temporary little planet...great stuff Steve...Ed
Hey Cruse i'm a fan of house music and you did your thing with this track with all the comments up here it not much that i can say that everyone else hasn't said so therefore hats off to you homie 5 stars on this one
Regarding Putin. He is not the bad guy. The West support's a Neo-Nazi coup D'état in Ukraine and call it democracy and the media lie about it. They also said Saddam had WMD even though it was not true.
Keeps you coming back for that segment. interestingly enough other parts of the song have caught peoples fancy in the same way. very interesting.
The break at about 1:20 was fantastic and very unexpected considering the beginning was so upbeat. But it really works to get the feeling from the description.
I love that as musicians, we can represent our sentiments, thoughts and feelings through the music we write. You used a lot of loops very creatively to convey your intentions here. What can I say that others haven't said, great track Steve!
Thanks Wayne. I really enjoy trying to use music alone as a way to convey thought or emotion. I am glad you were able to see that in this song. Many thanks.
Apologies for not commenting sooner ( I thought I had!) this was a track I played on my first ever loopradio show back in February, and rightly so. I love everything about this track, the way you set the scene, the subtle changes..but above all its a banging very well produced track. Thanks for letting me play it Steve.
Yup. I totally see what you mean. Leaving it to the end did exactly what it was supposed to do in that case.
As far as Carmina Burana goes, it's always been one of my favorites. O'Fortuna is a brilliant piece. It's got such a tragic sound for such a positive subject matter. I'd love to see what Carl Orff would be doing today with all this technological crap we have now.
I remember the first time I heard O Fortuna, which was during the Conan the Barbarian movie. I was like what is this song? Then I got ahold of a DVD Audio copy of a recording done in the eighties which was recorded Quadrophonically and just sounded like you were in the theatre...mind blowing.
"I'd love to see what Carl Orff would be doing today with all this technological crap we have now"
That is always an interesting question, because maybe he makes amazing music, maybe he becomes just another schlep like us on a looper site. Maybe the lack of our technology was the catalyst for his great composition. We will never know, but is an excellent idea to debate. Maybe he sounds like Michele Cretu's Enigma (Gravity of Love) which samples it quite profusely.
For the club floor it will sound better, if it is not over-compressed. The over-compression sound make the music sound weak. The only thing that over-compression does is to make the music sound louder.
Mate is one very groovy housey number, excellent for the dance floor, wow impressed, excellent clarity and the arrangement very good, love the drops and builds, nice vocal touch too, mate will be back to check out more of your tunes after hearing this one...Massive fav this one...Thank you for sharing man...Peace n much Respect to you...Mosaic...PS can understand why it has so many downloads...Credit to you...
This is a good piece. Especially for a mix of loops. I enjoyed it all the way through.
The piano is a nice touch. I think it could have been a couple db higher, though.
Then, we get to the end and you drop that choir on us. Honestly, I think that should have been used in more places. (specifically 1:37). Even if chopped and spread out. Where it is now is like waiting until the last bite of ice cream to pour the chocolate syrup. But, then again, I'm a sucker for using choir to make shit heavier. And the subject you chose for this, is a heavy one.
All in all...Great track, man.
Thanks V. I understand how you feel about the choir at then end, it is one of my favourite parts of this tune. I also remember the songs I loved when I was young had these awesome coda's or parts that made me listen to the whole song until I got too the good part. The chorus is just that. if I added it (IMHO) to more of the song it would have diminished the surprise and the point of the song (religious wars of the past). Like you I love a good choir. Carmina Burana (O Fortuna) is a favourite of mine.
Thanks so much for listening and commenting I look forward to your contributions.
Thanks RI, I know what you mean about the loudness (compression) In this particular track it is not intended for the radio but the club floor. Also the contrast between the dance section and quiet section is also to set a tone for the listener. It was my chance to tell a story with music and all the melodies , beats pianos and even the dynamics contribute to that you can get the message. i was inspired by this song which overwhelmed the clubs in the eighties by literally stopping people from dancing and making them listen. It is genius.
This is an odd track. Rally not sure how that piano would go down on a dancefloor.
he banging bits are obviously just that. Maybe that quiet piano would confuse dancers. What do you think? I agree that it could probably be a bit louder. I do like it, though.
More of your favourite type of cymbals. The kind you don't get on a drum kit.
1:37 I like that transition (though not the reverse cymbal) and the heavenly stuff and the machine gun stuff)
Beat return on 2:07 is cool and with that spoken word in there.
2:12-2:15 build is a bit like the Chem Bros.
2:15 and the dancers can get dancing again.
3:30 I like the new synth part. Reminds me of some old Daft Punk track I think. Not sure which one. Maybe Around The World?
Last 50 secs definitely something to confuse the dancers in the club. Native American drums and chanting? And choirs...
"This is an odd track. Rally not sure how that piano would go down on a dancefloor."
My goal is too stop the dancefloor in there tracks and really listen to the sounds. and understand that this melody has a story to tell. As we live our daily lives there are forces in the world gearing up for war. Just like before WW1 and similar to WW2. I composed this a year ago fully understanding that a conflict is inevitable in our generation unfortunately. Putin + Ukraine, China--Philippines Viet-Nam, and Israel Iran are the main course with a side dish of North and south Korea are the Japanese dessert course which will also have a bit of China.
The ending (50 secs) is a reminder of the conflicts of the past.
Just a musical pastiche!. I don't become political very often but I wanted to express those sentiments in Music.
How did I do?
this nice piece with those superB stop & then those memorable gun sound , and that marvelous modulation in the end has even got better with these new changes and added sounds (this ending chorus too was new as I remember , ja ? )...
what a fast time passes ..look at my first commenT..
here I am ..on the road again...there i'll go upon the stage..hahah...wink my friend.___B
Ahh a Nice Bob Seger reference! Thanks for joining in and commenting my friend. keep yourself safe and it has been quite the time ehh?
Merci mon ami!
This is pretty twisted mate. Like the percussion and that lead synth is fat.
What i like about your tracks is your always changing what goes on in a rather unique way. The way it drops into the gunfire bit is excellent and then back to that manic pitch bend bass.
It never gets boring, There's a theme throughout but the vibe just keeps changing.
Good work here mate.
Thank you FR, coming from you that is quite the compliment as I respect your work greatly (esp the nineties vibe stuff) I always want to give the listener a new twist and I have been bored for a long time with the Verse chorus verse chorus bridge chorus stuff. That’s for punters and Teenies! So I always look for new twists and turns and contrasts. I hope I delivered with this one..ehh?
A bold blend who has you had to a lot of time .... because it is not always easy to find appropriate "loops", is not it?
A large work of DJ here .... which leaves me no doubt about your talent and your musical logic.
The day will still disastrous with the time, yet today ....
Merci!. The project took a bit more time than others but I had a very solid idea of the piano break and the war noises first. I just had to figure out how to bring the drums down to the quiet of the piano without destroying the listeners brain!
Steve , cool analysis U've had abouT this one too and your carefull attention is loudable and wrth of appreciation as always for me . by the way my friend , from this wednsdaY , I won't be here for some Undefined time . will upload 2 other traX of mine and then will miss U all in looperman .cause I thaught according to you're busy maybe it was last time in which I was honoured to know your worthwhile comments and all friends of mine know it here , just told U as a worthwhile colleague too , to know .accepT my best wishes Steve , and I'm gracefull for all comments which U wrote for me in this short time that We listened eachother traX in looperman .I hope to can come back soon here again .sincerelY.___Behnam
it's a good and very suprising track ...
relaxing and nice melody .
the break after 1.20 is very suprising .
you use a lot of instruments
and different kinds of music .
Thank you for that! Much appreciated. With the break I wanted to experiment with bringing the whole track down to literally nothing but one piano( spoilers). I've never really done that before, my constant battle as an arranger is to add more, when less sometimes makes a stronger statement. I think I learned that lesson on this track!
makes me want to don the woad and stamp that fire out
i fell the anticipation rise and the "shits gonna go down" vibe take over
a great afro-techno collision
you should be proud
an incredible looply feast - a warning, a riot, more war - and a soundpainting from a better and more humane and human place of composure - deconstructed composure, sure, but that's the operative word here. dark dark brightly lit visions and arrangements so killing as to be saviours. bravura
Ahh there is my poet friend. " War: what is it good for, absolutely nothing"--Edwin Starr. In breaking down your review I see you get that The dark overtones were inter-spaced with bright lovely sounds of the majority clueless on the destruction and brevity of war. Just like before the Great War how romanticism rued the day with young conscripts I see the pattern again rising in the Middle east and Asia with religiosity and nationalism rearing it's ugly head again with a dash of scepticism from the west and the complacent luxury of the uber rich. I hope we don't see this level of destruction again in our lifetime!
How did I never reply to your comment, how rude of me. I apologize for this oversight my friend. Thanks for your input...I'm so sorry for not seeing this.
You`ve got a lot of good musical company here crucethus...and some really catchy melody bits that raise this one up to a high level....very nicely done....Ed
Description : Unofficial preview* of my upcoming first produced track named Therapy. Litterly a cut out of the track. Uploaded with first thought of letting it hear to a fellow Looperman member for a possible collab later on.
Comments are welcome tho!
About the preview, after the drop will start to another semi drop and with an harder more rawish main chorus part behind. Everything is as good as done now and being checked by demo listeners for response and feedback before getting a last hand at mixing&mastering.
Description : My first house song (on looperman). It's actually mix of progressive and dutch house. Hope you'll enjoy this! :) If you have time you can leave feedback, it's always appreciated!
Description : Ugly ass witch house beat that isn't technically a house beat. (The Drum Track is by LM's Danke.) The Track's based on an older beat of mine with the same name. This version's half as long & not as busy. The Synths are Synthmaster, Massive, Dark Keys & Creep Piano. And of course, It wouldn't be a Clickbait Cabaret beat without nine zillion FX plugins. Pretty sure all of them are on this beat.
Description : Funk House/Disco inspired by Daft Punk
No Samples used
Various vintage synths
Kontakt libraries: Ilya Efimov Telecaster for guitar, Session Horns Pro, Chris Hein Strings, NI Guitars
Vocals: Plogue Chipspeech & Alter Ego
Description : check out janimifsson for these vocals
learning how to do house
good vocal effects
terrible drums
couldnt find a melodic loop to fit the track
figured out the key
the harmony basically matches the melody
probably in some dorian scale or something so
have to learn about that
the drums are my weakest point
good at the start but awful after the beat drop
please comment any songs to listen to to learn drums in this style
any advice please comment
Description : Melodic Progressive House with the lyrics by Mr.Shammi (visit his account here for incredible nice acapellas!). The ref is in Melbourne-Bounce-Style.
Description : Update: So this was the looper tune that started it all for me on this site. Hard to believe it was Over 10 years ago. This tune carries the ethos I bring to music...interesting, always change the genre mid-flight and you won't see what's coming next. Also cool to see the early comments and who is still around as well. (#Feeling retro tonight) Orig: Trance-step tune that changes direction a few times
Description : EDM song with cliche "Animal" drop. Let me know if you would like the big kicks, claps, or drop synth. (only ones I can give out) Key of F# minor. Made with Ableton Live 9 Suite.
You clearly are working on a different plane than most of us, I think. I'm gravitating back to wanting to hear more House and Trance. So, this really hit the spot for me. Thanks for digging it out again. :)
Good track overall, remix it in 2027 and maybe the world will fall apart by then, JK :)
You are very creative and manage to reflect the concepts you are attempting to portray accurately in your work, keep it up.
I like this sound
Anyways I gotta say man around the 1:30 mark where the piano chords and the voices and distant gunshots came in there came about a eerie and powerful feeling that gave me the goosebumps. Not many tracks do that. Then at the same time that transitioned to a more uplifting and bouncy tracks. It created this nice contrast.
Great job I really liked it!
I am deeply humbled by your response. My goal was to make a house tune that would stop people in their tracks and have to think about war.
Your comment about the piano part giving you goosebumps gave me goosebumps. That's what I wanted for this tune.
I appreciate your comments
Just to say to you that I've been trying to apply external thoughts/concepts on sidechain compression which I guess is very crucial in/at house genres. In other words I have tried sidechain compression but couldn't even touch that kick light/delight pumping as present on on your track.
Very cool one track otherwise!
Sorry for a comment in negative regarding to my efforts. I truly enjoyed listening!
Best to you, Alex
I made a track in the middle of the 90's with the name - shutup and dance! - Right now i would love to say that loud to all this "War horny leaders and followers"
This is a nice one Steve. Didn't listen to it befor, cause it came up befor i was on looperman. So nice that you updated it and i see it :)
stay tuned
Wise words my friend. Wise words.
I'm glad you got to share in the cautious tale of this one.
Regarding Putin. He is not the bad guy. The West support's a Neo-Nazi coup D'état in Ukraine and call it democracy and the media lie about it. They also said Saddam had WMD even though it was not true.
The truth is starting to come out:
I love that as musicians, we can represent our sentiments, thoughts and feelings through the music we write. You used a lot of loops very creatively to convey your intentions here. What can I say that others haven't said, great track Steve!
Apologies for not commenting sooner ( I thought I had!) this was a track I played on my first ever loopradio show back in February, and rightly so. I love everything about this track, the way you set the scene, the subtle changes..but above all its a banging very well produced track. Thanks for letting me play it Steve.
Very best wishes,
Really varied and full of power.
Almost a Stars on 45 version of Armegeddon.
Awesome mix bro.
made me chuckle a bit. Nice reference.
War is the scourge of Mankind,long as there is enough Money to earn with, the innocence will die.
Peace Bro*
As far as Carmina Burana goes, it's always been one of my favorites. O'Fortuna is a brilliant piece. It's got such a tragic sound for such a positive subject matter. I'd love to see what Carl Orff would be doing today with all this technological crap we have now.
"I'd love to see what Carl Orff would be doing today with all this technological crap we have now"
That is always an interesting question, because maybe he makes amazing music, maybe he becomes just another schlep like us on a looper site. Maybe the lack of our technology was the catalyst for his great composition. We will never know, but is an excellent idea to debate. Maybe he sounds like Michele Cretu's Enigma (Gravity of Love) which samples it quite profusely.
When a German guy put his reputation on the line, then you can be sure, that this is correct
There is big illusion going on. Check this out please:
Mate is one very groovy housey number, excellent for the dance floor, wow impressed, excellent clarity and the arrangement very good, love the drops and builds, nice vocal touch too, mate will be back to check out more of your tunes after hearing this one...Massive fav this one...Thank you for sharing man...Peace n much Respect to you...Mosaic...PS can understand why it has so many downloads...Credit to you...
The piano is a nice touch. I think it could have been a couple db higher, though.
Then, we get to the end and you drop that choir on us. Honestly, I think that should have been used in more places. (specifically 1:37). Even if chopped and spread out. Where it is now is like waiting until the last bite of ice cream to pour the chocolate syrup. But, then again, I'm a sucker for using choir to make shit heavier. And the subject you chose for this, is a heavy one.
All in all...Great track, man.
Take care.
Thanks so much for listening and commenting I look forward to your contributions.
I have one suggestion for you. Research Dynamic range.
he banging bits are obviously just that. Maybe that quiet piano would confuse dancers. What do you think? I agree that it could probably be a bit louder. I do like it, though.
More of your favourite type of cymbals. The kind you don't get on a drum kit.
1:37 I like that transition (though not the reverse cymbal) and the heavenly stuff and the machine gun stuff)
Beat return on 2:07 is cool and with that spoken word in there.
2:12-2:15 build is a bit like the Chem Bros.
2:15 and the dancers can get dancing again.
3:30 I like the new synth part. Reminds me of some old Daft Punk track I think. Not sure which one. Maybe Around The World?
Last 50 secs definitely something to confuse the dancers in the club. Native American drums and chanting? And choirs...
"This is an odd track. Rally not sure how that piano would go down on a dancefloor."
My goal is too stop the dancefloor in there tracks and really listen to the sounds. and understand that this melody has a story to tell. As we live our daily lives there are forces in the world gearing up for war. Just like before WW1 and similar to WW2. I composed this a year ago fully understanding that a conflict is inevitable in our generation unfortunately. Putin + Ukraine, China--Philippines Viet-Nam, and Israel Iran are the main course with a side dish of North and south Korea are the Japanese dessert course which will also have a bit of China.
The ending (50 secs) is a reminder of the conflicts of the past.
Just a musical pastiche!. I don't become political very often but I wanted to express those sentiments in Music.
How did I do?
this nice piece with those superB stop & then those memorable gun sound , and that marvelous modulation in the end has even got better with these new changes and added sounds (this ending chorus too was new as I remember , ja ? )...
what a fast time passes ..look at my first commenT..
here I am ..on the road again...there i'll go upon the stage..hahah...wink my friend.___B
Merci mon ami!
Cheers brother.
The soft piano is a very clever touch: it builds the necessary contrast. Liked a lot.
You never disappoint me :-)
Ciao, Domenico
Grazie mille. Le tue parole significano il mondo per me
What i like about your tracks is your always changing what goes on in a rather unique way. The way it drops into the gunfire bit is excellent and then back to that manic pitch bend bass.
It never gets boring, There's a theme throughout but the vibe just keeps changing.
Good work here mate.
You put alot of work in to this and it tell's
very nice track,shame War's are like Cancer that just keeps spreading.!
Good work man!
A bold blend who has you had to a lot of time .... because it is not always easy to find appropriate "loops", is not it?
A large work of DJ here .... which leaves me no doubt about your talent and your musical logic.
The day will still disastrous with the time, yet today ....
it's a good and very suprising track ...
relaxing and nice melody .
the break after 1.20 is very suprising .
you use a lot of instruments
and different kinds of music .
good job , mate !!
i fell the anticipation rise and the "shits gonna go down" vibe take over
a great afro-techno collision
you should be proud
intriguing what and how you have put this whole tune together, respect!
hey lets do a groove man.