Hi Patricia what can I say that has not already been said. I listened to several of your songs and really enjoyed listening to them all. The link to your page will be one of my favorites.
....Sweet... I've always been a fan but This is just taken me to a another level of admiration. You are talented beyond words. Your voice, this song, your feel, You. Thank you lord for giving us this woman and the vocals is commands.
As usual, another real beauty from a great singer! You always aim to please. When our government and most of the left trying to eliminate religion from our country, it's good to have a talent like yours to keep it in. Bravo to you.
Description : After 6 months, i turned into Sister Nancy and bam bam bam my plants grew like my inspiration. i try to get better with my mixes. Im feeling like i never find my eq balance on vox.
Description : I wrote this song about 25 years ago; a feel good Christmas song of my own.
Using 3 part harmonies during the verse and 5 part harmonies during the chorus; 2 and 3 part acoustic guitar harmonies during the "solo".
I am performing all except for Apple drum loops.
Done in the style of Country.
Description : Gospel track sung by Patricia Edwards.I had remixed this with a verse by Lacrae. I pulled the verse but thought to upload the track anyhow. Maybe some Looper will drop a verse in it. Feel free to use on the condition to drop me a link and respect Patricia's, no commercial use clause.
Description : This hymn, (also known as the Navy Hymn), was my wife’s grandmother’s favourite hymn. Wasn’t familiar with it. The Wikipedia article had an arrangement which I used for this track. Harmony is not my work, but the orchestration is. Made the track more as an exercise in exploring harmony, counterpoint, and orchestration. I realize this is not anything close to the norm of tracks here on Looperman, but it’s always good to stir things up a bit, right?
Description : Two things in my life that i learned from my grandmother and father is, don't let what people say about you be true and always stay faithful and humble, regardless how you feel and always be honest and if you cant feel a thing or situation, never stick your nose in it or my a opinion on it, im different!! back to what i know.
Thank You
Thanks so much. I will be using it in a future Sunday school lesson video. Here is an example of what I do with artist's music:
I enjoyed your muzic as well :-).
PS: If you still wanted to collab on my No Protection Instrumental then i am down.
Sent you an email.
Thank you Dirtzilla :-)
Glad you enjoyed it.
Thank you so much. So glad you enjoyed it.