Description : Now some say he was the son of the tail gunner on the Enola Gay and other's contend he was an Elephant whisperer from Lahore,many claim he climbed the Mustagh Tower for training purposes only...all we know for sure is the huge legend that was JOHN HOLMES......
Posted a while ago but new to me. With a title like that and a penile shape to the soundwave, well the sound did not disappoint the expectations thus created. A funky, nasty guitar and sax amalgam that lives up to its engorged namesake. Good shit.
Hey MrMofo thanks man!..I never made the connection with the audio file shape! lol....that made my day kudos to you!..thanks again for your perceptive take on this track...cheers Dave :)
Love the sax by slapjohnson in this along with your own bass playing. The track doesnt really feel like its 'going anywhere' but it is a very cool jam nonetheless. Strong mix game, bass is cutting through very nicely here. Nice mix of instruments, has quite a jazzy vibe too. Good job mate!
Hey mate good to see you buddy!..I'm downloading some of your tracks that I'll be playing in an interview on LoopRadio coming up soon,I'll be talking amongst other things about you and how much I dig your music and also the collaborations we've done together..I'll send you the link when it will be aired...I'm also sending you a new track soon rock Detlef my friend!...cheers Dave :)
This is great! Really solid funk bass guitar groove.
Nice funky guitar, chill and smooth saxophone playing.
I like the background noises, synths and heavy breathing also. Simply great jam session.
Dave....we need a new one from you mate (though you will have trouble besting this one)....consider yourself severly beaten over the head with a wet noodle...its been way too long....Ed
Guilty as charged mate!..Hey Ed thanks for the look in,you are correct,it's been way too long...suffice it to say my creative juices have been flowing in other areas (mainly my art work)...however a musical tsunami is gathering on the horizon and will sweep the beaches clean of all previous sand constructions (and beer cans)...Dave ;)
A year has passed and I just now ran into this track. Shame on me.
The thing I like most about this track is the steady groove that just keeps going on and on. It sounds like a locomotive that's on speed and hard to stop. Solid might be the right word.
"Solid" comes in mind also about the mixing. I do hear a solid presence of the lower frequencies in this track. But I also realize it is difficult to make choices :-). Somebody once explained to me that writing is expunging. Maybe this applies to music as well.
But this composition is just wonderful, no theme, no catchy hooks, just steadiness. I love it.
Oh damn....LOL.....I am just now getting the references...ahaha....I am known to be a little slow, but this is ridiculous!! John Holmes...tail gunner...Lahore...Enola Gay...Elephant Whisperer.... Lawd Ham and cheese!
Your talent is massive (no pun intended...I think)
I have finally recovered from my birthday celebrations!! I'm always excited when I see you have posted a new track and you never fail to impress. It's a lovely journey you create here with such a depth of texture and colour it just keeps you involved and waiting for the next sound gem! Great stuff Dave.
Sorry not been here for such a long time, looks like I have a bit of work ahead of me, checking out yours and many others tracks here, have left link on my latest track as to why not been here...
Very jazzy number this one, as always with your tunes excellent clarity, loving the vocal sigh coming through track, gives it that something else lol, everything is sounding very nice indeed my friend, hope you and yours are well and ok in your part of OZ mate...look forward to checking out more of your tunes over next week or two, now back on the loop, missed ya matey and your works...Peace and respect...Mosaic...Fav'd...
Hey Esti..good to see you back on the Loop!...thanks for the review mate,much appreciated...I'm still active on Looperman but unfortunately the place has changed which is inevitable and it's no sour grapes on my behalf,people have families,things that drag them away and take up their free time etc,just a cyclic thing I suppose,anyway it's great to see an old stager like yourself back! lol..cheers mate Dave :)
Hell mate,sorry for the late reply! (my bad) excuses I know,I blame it on the expanding universe and walking through doors.....did you know that when you leave a room and pass through a door it creates a train of thought cutoff point in your short term memory and makes forgetfulness highly likely...blah,blah,blah (lol)...thanks for the listen mate! cheers Dave :)
Dave if there was a genre for this it would have to be SEX FUNK. YOU bad by your self, but Slap always puts the iceing on any boddy's cake tracks. Loved it. PEACE. THE MACK MANOUT.
Please excuse the late reply...Thank you very much Polyfronetic!..getting a comparison to those artist is way too kind!..thasnk you for your kind review!..cheers Dave :)
Hey Mark..please excuse the hopelessly late reply!..I very much appreciate your support mate,all the best for the New Year and well have to get together on a track!..cheers Dave :)
I def respect this track it made me feel as if I was at a lounge watching live. If a track IMO can spark a setting and your not really there is a very good track to me. And this is not even my type of music but a great melody is a great melody. Well done.
Hey ntid..sorry for the late reply..that's the thing about music it's different strokes for different folks.Slap's sax is great stuff I agree!..cheers Dave :)
Dave, man... This bass groove is killing me ! How do you get that precise sound ? ? ? ? ?
Tell me the secret ! Do you re-amp ?
I'm very jealous of the sax player level !!! This guy knows how to breathe !!!
You guys teleport me in 1970s new york city whorehouse with this track... :D
You have a very cinematic approach of music ! Your tracks always "show pictures"... There's always a very close link between the sound and the listener's imagination in all of your tracks, which make me very admirative...
We got a lot to learn from this PlanetJazzBass particular perception.
Hey Chris thanks man!..I always visualise when I hear music in my head so maybe that translates into what I put down,plus it always helps to have collaborators like Slap and Zappo around who can get into whatever musical focus is on the table..........As for my bass sound,ok you asked for it here's the full story! lol.
Since I've gotten into digital recording I've been on a quest to get the best bass tone for my style of playing,I don't think one can ever be perfectly happy but I'm well satisfied at the moment if that makes sense! lol...ok down to what I run...I use a 68 Jazz Bass here in which I overwound both pickups with slightly thicker coil wire (this does give a beefier signal but not overly significant)more importantly I use a PIO (paper in oil capacitor) which is of Russian military specs (bought on ebay for a couple of bucks) this and a set of DR SunBeams 45-105's bass strings just make the instrument sing,very piano like,on this track I'm using both neck and bridge pickups cranked full signal path is (and bear in mind I bought these preamps specifically for their low noise floor) a Demeter VTBP-201s set quite bright with treble bias with a little presence and then into a Presonus EQ3B set very bass biased...then into my interface a Presonus Firepod(a touch of onboard preamp here on a mono channel) and this makes a significant contribution right at the end into NI Guitar Rig Vst on my bass track within Ableton...just about any clean amp preset I imagine will work,but I use a Fender Bassman emulation..all controls including cabinets are turned off apart from the normal volume in the gui,I also add a little reverb here,using the vst gives you that final tweakability I find and pumps up the sound without relying on compressors ...that about does it,mind you the biggest contributor is right hand finger style and muting plus keeping the calluses thick! lol...thanks again for your cool review and interest Chris!
cheers Dave :)
Planet, man, you never ever ever ever disappoint!!! Too damn freaky! I love your approach to the jazz/funk genre. The bass and guitar are too funky for words, and the sax is sweet. It's cerebral, it's funkeeeeeeee.
Hey MyKael thanks buddy..glad you enjoyed the track man!....much appreciated from all the lads,it's a funky world and everyone needs a little funk in their system now and again..cheers mate Dave :)
Planet, this is Killer! That bass line is so infectious! I got lost in the groove the moment I heard it. That sax line just carries you away with it. The tastefully placed moans were spot on as well man. Loved it man!
Master sound you have all in your works, great song with "huge" bass play...bloody back to the 70's and 80's...
Thanx for the upload, JH would be proud of it, too... :-)
DL, Favd, commented, listened many times...:-)
Respect, Danke
Hey Danke..sorry for the very late reply..thank you very much for your cool review,all the best for the festive season and thank you again for the listen,much appreciated!..cheers Dave :)
A reconciliation between great talents here, on the same stage, for this quality production, and very elaborate ....
The icing on the cake, it's very sensual and very evocative voice .... I could even say very provocative ....
This assembly is really great .... Congratulations.
Dan..sorry for the inexcusably late reply mate..all the guys respect your opinion and when you give the thumbs up it is very much appreciated!..I hope all is well with you and you have a great Christmas and New year!..Bon chance! Dave :)
Hey Doudie..sorry for my late reply to your great review!.thank you from all the guys it's much appreciated!..all the best in the New Year!..cheers Dave :)
Nice funky easy feel and an absolutely perfect platform to show off not only your excellent bass playing but also your talents arranging and producing. The use of texture, layer and colour are very balanced with nothing "fighting" for the sound stage. It sounds great through my JBL Control 5s (new addition) and the mix is very much on the money. The sax is glorious to - sound and playing wise. It all works seriously well. Top job.
Hey Richie..thanks mate!..glad to know the sounds are coming out of the bins properly,you know how mixing/mastering goes.. you sit there for ages tweaking away and then you start to question whether you've plateaued out on the track and put it into a nose dive,lol...we definitely need to collab on a piece mate...I have a few projects that I have to finish up first then if your free we can put our heads together...cheers Dave :)
Hey Spiv thanks man!..glad you enjoyed the track mate,and commenting on the mix,I think I spend most time now on the mix and master! lol..cheers mate Dave :)
THIS really is a really effective creation of the smears of intoxication, both from intoxicants, from being large than life, hotter than life, and getting so much titdickntail that the power and fever of it all would be like when led zeppelin talks about the city lights oh so bright as we go sliding - i picture like city lights on lsd, sliding. that being abstract and decorative; this being like seeing real life through a watercolor - like the scene of a porn, jacuzzi, steam, women, one john holmes, and then just smear it all like a water color. like a sauna. but biology, testosterone, and a huge effen d. well done!!
Hey Ken,thanks mate!..a fantastic description,which accurately captures the glancing or in some cases the crushing blow that porn has had on the collective social psyche....weirdly,I've always wanted to play backing music for porn films..I think it's because I'd be guaranteed of a monstrous audience! haha...cheers mate Dave :)
Now you see i always thought that john holmes was that porn star with the ten foot long schlong but nevermind.
This piece is a fine, jazzy melty number that's easy on the ear, full of funky little interludes and it's impossible not to tap your feet to it.
very well done.
Hey Brill...thanks buddy!...much appreciated,poor ol JH died an untimely death and by all written accounts wasn't just a big swinging .... he left an impression it's fair to say though! ..cheers mate Dave ;)
Adore the sax in this one very John Coltrane. Funky bass slapped silly lol just how I like it. Love the 70s vibe throughout. Used to listen to tracks like this back in the 70s. Funky jazz man. Pure talent.
Hey thanks mate!..I also love Slap's playing on this track he lays back and gets that horn blowing! (lol)..70's vibe is right Mr12..oohh how I loved that decade,women on tap,not a care in the world,and all washed down with beer,bourbon and cigarettes!...all those things have changed!!!haha..cheers Dave,Syeve and Detlef :)
where to start......the bass is friggin awesome Dave...the sax is dripping joy...the drums are pumpin good...the whole band is in the groove....the producer is breathing heavy life into the whole thing.....Upbeat goodness for a Saturday morning a bit north of your place....great stuff mate.....keep on....Ed
Hey Ed,thanks mate...trying out some new strings on my bass(DR Sunbeams,I really dig them.) and couldn't stop slapping the stick a little.....I'm not really a big fan of slap bass as it's bordering on instrument abuse! lol...glad you liked it man!..all the best Dave,Steve,Detlef :)
Excuse me but there is a hair in my pie, oh ya and John Holmes' giant dong up in the air like a Pink Floyd pig balloon. Anyways, the track is funky like it oughta be and sounds great on the stereo system! Muy bien!
Dang the waiter's getting sloppy,he's spent too much time pumping up the giant pig ballon! lol..thanks man,appreciate the listen and glad you liked it..cheers Dave :)
Hmm...John Holmes sounded slightly familiar but I had to google - and now I know: He was a senator in Massachusetts once upon a time! Common knowledge, right.
Brilliant! Simply excellent!
The bass work is outstanding... and the song overall is simply excellent.
Enjoyed from the beginning to the end.
PS: by the way... an italian band did a tribute song to this character in 1989:
I used to cover this with one of my bands and it was hard to stay serious while playing this...
Hey Domenico..thanks man!..glad you enjoyed the tune....I really liked the tune in that link,unfortunately I don't understand Italian,but I just know it's funny! lol..once again your review is very much appreciated!...cheers Dave :)
Nice collab fellas! Cool groove and a great jam, especially that heavy breathing by Zappo!! My friends in a band back in the 80's wrote a song about mr. Holmes but it was a fast rock tune, lol, he was a legend and worthy of songs!!
Nicely put together, nice funky sound, love it Dave!
Hey Wayne..thanks man!..when I play slap bass (which is rarely)I guess it always reminds me of porn music or Sienfeld or something like that,hence the tribute track...most people have seen a flic of his I would imagine! lol...cheers mate,much appreciated. Dave :)
Listened to two other tracks first and just couldn't get into them, then I landed on this solid track and slipped into the groove with a dip of the hip. Groovy groovy groovy. And the lady seems happy.
Thanks man,I appreciate the honesty and I'm glad you enjoyed this one,I have wondered about porn stars and if they enjoy it...I'm thinking the answer is hell yes! lol..cheers Dave :)
who would have thought that he did all that and still perform.
i can understand the heavy breathing when in fact, this jazzy-funk of a track takes mine away just by a listen........
whoooo...i need a cigarette..hehehe
my respects planet, and to all involved.
Hey Joe,thanks buddy!..mucho appreciato from the guys and myself,if they ever do a documentary on MrHolmes maybe this would be good lead in music!lol...cheers mate an thanks again for your listening time! Dave :)
hey mate..thank you for getting into it!..I guess I always play my age the 70's were definitely my wild oats days! lol...again thank you for the cool review! cheers Dave :)
I never thought I'd hear a track dedicated to King Dong, but I guess it makes it stand out, if you'll forgive the pun!
Apart from all that, this is a solid piece of Jazz Funk, love that laid back sax and 80's feel guitar, the bass line keeps this on track to the end. Neither of these genres are my favourite, but you can't knock real talent and you shouldn't pass it by either.
Man you sure that lady was with Johhnny Holmes? She seems very subdued!!!
Haha..well I guess they'd been at it for awhile before I sampled this particular performance! lol..thanks for taking the time to give it a listen,it's very much appreciated!!..cheers Dave,Steve and Detlef :)
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peace -._.-
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Thanks to everyone who contributed in explaining what I did wrong in the engineering, mixing and mastering, especially Ben (bringerofDOOM). Looperman is truly an awesome community and thank you all. Did I say you guys are awesome?
Now also with a clip on !
1001 plays ! ! !
top top
I do not have to commend for our cooperation.
It is always good what we do together. ..but also your mixing.
Thank you
Very playable very listenable.
Nice funky guitar, chill and smooth saxophone playing.
I like the background noises, synths and heavy breathing also. Simply great jam session.
The thing I like most about this track is the steady groove that just keeps going on and on. It sounds like a locomotive that's on speed and hard to stop. Solid might be the right word.
"Solid" comes in mind also about the mixing. I do hear a solid presence of the lower frequencies in this track. But I also realize it is difficult to make choices :-). Somebody once explained to me that writing is expunging. Maybe this applies to music as well.
But this composition is just wonderful, no theme, no catchy hooks, just steadiness. I love it.
Cheers, Doc
great sound..Hope all is well
Its all about da ass.... If da ass is shakin you got it right
This track is RIGHT!
Great track, PJ. Anything with sax will grab my attentions. I use Slap's loops often. Kudos to every thing else in the track, also. Great job.
Your talent is massive (no pun intended...I think)
Love & Light,
I have finally recovered from my birthday celebrations!! I'm always excited when I see you have posted a new track and you never fail to impress. It's a lovely journey you create here with such a depth of texture and colour it just keeps you involved and waiting for the next sound gem! Great stuff Dave.
Sorry not been here for such a long time, looks like I have a bit of work ahead of me, checking out yours and many others tracks here, have left link on my latest track as to why not been here...
Very jazzy number this one, as always with your tunes excellent clarity, loving the vocal sigh coming through track, gives it that something else lol, everything is sounding very nice indeed my friend, hope you and yours are well and ok in your part of OZ mate...look forward to checking out more of your tunes over next week or two, now back on the loop, missed ya matey and your works...Peace and respect...Mosaic...Fav'd...
love the atmosphere thisong has, lends to my imagination, so many cool sounds flying around.
Tres Cool guys - congrats.
Fav'd. All around awesome playing. Top shelf stuff here.
Dave, your bass playing is fabulous.
Tell me the secret ! Do you re-amp ?
I'm very jealous of the sax player level !!! This guy knows how to breathe !!!
You guys teleport me in 1970s new york city whorehouse with this track... :D
You have a very cinematic approach of music ! Your tracks always "show pictures"... There's always a very close link between the sound and the listener's imagination in all of your tracks, which make me very admirative...
We got a lot to learn from this PlanetJazzBass particular perception.
Thanks a lot for the trip my friends...
Since I've gotten into digital recording I've been on a quest to get the best bass tone for my style of playing,I don't think one can ever be perfectly happy but I'm well satisfied at the moment if that makes sense! lol...ok down to what I run...I use a 68 Jazz Bass here in which I overwound both pickups with slightly thicker coil wire (this does give a beefier signal but not overly significant)more importantly I use a PIO (paper in oil capacitor) which is of Russian military specs (bought on ebay for a couple of bucks) this and a set of DR SunBeams 45-105's bass strings just make the instrument sing,very piano like,on this track I'm using both neck and bridge pickups cranked full signal path is (and bear in mind I bought these preamps specifically for their low noise floor) a Demeter VTBP-201s set quite bright with treble bias with a little presence and then into a Presonus EQ3B set very bass biased...then into my interface a Presonus Firepod(a touch of onboard preamp here on a mono channel) and this makes a significant contribution right at the end into NI Guitar Rig Vst on my bass track within Ableton...just about any clean amp preset I imagine will work,but I use a Fender Bassman emulation..all controls including cabinets are turned off apart from the normal volume in the gui,I also add a little reverb here,using the vst gives you that final tweakability I find and pumps up the sound without relying on compressors ...that about does it,mind you the biggest contributor is right hand finger style and muting plus keeping the calluses thick! lol...thanks again for your cool review and interest Chris!
cheers Dave :)
Love & Light,
Master sound you have all in your works, great song with "huge" bass play...bloody back to the 70's and 80's...
Thanx for the upload, JH would be proud of it, too... :-)
DL, Favd, commented, listened many times...:-)
Respect, Danke
A reconciliation between great talents here, on the same stage, for this quality production, and very elaborate ....
The icing on the cake, it's very sensual and very evocative voice .... I could even say very provocative ....
This assembly is really great .... Congratulations.
It remenbers me "Love on the beat" from Serge Gainsbourg. I'm back to the 80's, great work!
Nice funky easy feel and an absolutely perfect platform to show off not only your excellent bass playing but also your talents arranging and producing. The use of texture, layer and colour are very balanced with nothing "fighting" for the sound stage. It sounds great through my JBL Control 5s (new addition) and the mix is very much on the money. The sax is glorious to - sound and playing wise. It all works seriously well. Top job.
Love the sax but that bass just sets the mood and its all goooood.
This piece is a fine, jazzy melty number that's easy on the ear, full of funky little interludes and it's impossible not to tap your feet to it.
very well done.
This is real nice funky jazzy music!
Real nice sax,Awesome beat,sexy vocals,great guitar rifts.!
Very nice sassy track man!
This music goes perfect for the John Holmes i know!
Real nice work man!
Very funky song! Like it a lot.
The bass work is outstanding... and the song overall is simply excellent.
Enjoyed from the beginning to the end.
PS: by the way... an italian band did a tribute song to this character in 1989:
I used to cover this with one of my bands and it was hard to stay serious while playing this...
Nicely put together, nice funky sound, love it Dave!
i can understand the heavy breathing when in fact, this jazzy-funk of a track takes mine away just by a listen........
whoooo...i need a cigarette..hehehe
my respects planet, and to all involved.
Apart from all that, this is a solid piece of Jazz Funk, love that laid back sax and 80's feel guitar, the bass line keeps this on track to the end. Neither of these genres are my favourite, but you can't knock real talent and you shouldn't pass it by either.
Man you sure that lady was with Johhnny Holmes? She seems very subdued!!!