10th Sep 2008 06:28 - 16 years ago
Description : I'm very new to producing beats, but I'm producing every track on my upcoming CD and appreciate all feedback.

I named this track Sweet Revenge 'cuz it's got that soothing, sweet feel, but there's an undercurrent of "get back atcha" in a medieval kinda way. *L*

Used Sony Music Studio 7.0. Began with basic loop. Broke it down, redid some pieces, added effects, etc... to create my own thing.

I'm not up on the final mixing, or mastering. That will be done at a professional studio. So, I primarily need feedback on the track itself. Do you like it? Think I should trash it? Feel it? Don't get it? Feel the blend of instruments? Turn some up, others down? Give it to me raw. I'm trying my dangdest to get good at this. *L* Thanks for listening!

Comments (5)

If you have time take a listen and give Triii_C some feedback.

blairrock957 17th Sep 2008 16:37 - 16 years ago
There's a beautifull peacefull flow to this. Then the cut short on 2 segments adds to it. It focuses it. I like it a lot.
Triii_C replied Unknown
Thanks! I'm glad you're feeling it. *s*
MosReQuest 12th Sep 2008 22:10 - 16 years ago
this is really good for being new to making beats my friend! keep practicing and wanteing to learn and listen to other songs to get good ideas.

Mos' ReQuest~
Triii_C replied Unknown
Thanks for the feedback. I've got much more to come. Hopefully, you'll check back. *s*
Sixfingermusic 11th Sep 2008 20:14 - 16 years ago
I love this kind of style! Cinematic but modern. Very cool. You should consider giving this piece more room to grow and reach it's natural climax as it is definitely building towards one. You have some good melodies in place, they just need to be headed somewhere big. As far as production goes, it all sounds clean to me. I am personally more of a fan of real or at least realistic sounding drums, but that is just a matter of taste. I am very interested in what your next move is, can't wait to see it. Peace, Six
Triii_C replied Unknown
I feel you on the drums. Thanks for the input. With such great feedback, I can only get better, so it's all truly appreciated.
Fresco 10th Sep 2008 17:46 - 16 years ago
I like this. This is pretty good track. Can't wait to hear more from you. Element's right it would be even cooler with a little more percussion, but either way it's good. Peace.
Triii_C replied Unknown
Thanks much. I totally agree and will get right on it. Peace!
ToxicVoltage 10th Sep 2008 17:19 - 16 years ago
This is awsome!
I think if you added a little bit more percussion then the track would be magnificent
but other then that i approve lol
Triii_C replied Unknown
You know, I thought the kicks/hits may have been too loud, so I turned them down before creating my mp3. *L* I'll get 'em back up and reload the tracks. Thanks a lot!

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also on
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25th May 2017 10:36 - 7 years ago
Description : Hi, I just had to try and do my own type of music tribute to the sad and unfortunate events in Manchester the other night

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i really feel so sadened by this event and it trully has me in bits

may we all come together and forever be strong and stand up to these horrible people who think they can destroy us and our children and families and loved ones

God Bless you all and stay safe and be strong
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!!"If you want to use this melody please tag my Instagram account or my name "Ashina_Beats" and let me hear or see what you make with it :)"!!
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