21st Oct 2013 12:34 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : A rhythmic game,
please comment.

Comments (8)

If you have time take a listen and give Amperimetre some feedback.

HashBoi 2nd Nov 2013 09:40 - 11 years ago
Hey Amperimetre, I am developing a game, can I use this as one of the game songs? If so, do you have any links which I can add to the game so people can link back to you and see your other creations :)
the47 26th Oct 2013 05:27 - 11 years ago
this is like electronic math metal :)
Amperimetre replied 27th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
the47, thanks! but I think I'm pretty far from math metal
srbrown7 26th Oct 2013 00:51 - 11 years ago
Great mix of synth and natural type sounds. Love the variety in percussion and the bass groove. I would have liked a pause in the drumming just for a bar or so just for a bit stop start effect. Very good.
Amperimetre replied 27th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
thanks for the comment srbrown7, as to what you mention the break ..... because surely! Emphasize the progression.
What happens is that this song / melody / tune (I have not yet clear that is) I did not think about it much and that often happens to me, I start things and if I think a lot:
or change
or lost as a certain freshness
or not and just stay in the drawer

I will consider your opinion if I make a remix
XmafaX 25th Oct 2013 20:48 - 11 years ago
Very nice track!
Good instruments combination
Nice work
Amperimetre replied 27th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Danke 25th Oct 2013 20:21 - 11 years ago
Hoppaa, hoppaa!

What a music...Groovy and progressive like SN said, man it's awesome...I could imagine vocs or little fxs on mix you made, was an enjoyable listen...
Thanx for let us know your art, Danke
Amperimetre replied 27th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Man, thanks for the comment
Originally I have not thought any voice line for this track but I encourage you to, if you have it, the insert
StaticNomad 23rd Oct 2013 14:58 - 11 years ago
Hi. Tool is an amazing alternative sort of progressive grunge band with four virtuoso band members and one of the greatest ever singers in hard rock. Also the same singer as in A Perfect Circle. There's so much I could write about them but please go and look up all their albums on Amazon or anywhere else.

Here is a the Orbital track called Tootle that uses a big sample from a Tool track. The bass reminds me of your bass in your track. It's a live version but still sounds great. Hope you like it. Orbital - Tootled (Hackney 2001)
Amperimetre replied 27th Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Hi StaticNomad, I've heard i if, i liked
StaticNomad 22nd Oct 2013 01:11 - 11 years ago
This is brilliant stuff and I liked it the instant I heard it. Reminds me a lot of myself, to be honest. Loads of creativity, loads of complexity. Also quite a bit like Tool. Surely you are a fan, no?

Awesome bass tone though I guess it's a synth rather than bass guitar (Tool is all bass guitar). You would probably be interested in the Orbital track Tootled from their album The Altogether which heavily samples Tool but is then an electronic track.

Such an easy groove on this and loads of melody and well chosen sounds. Great mix and not much I can fault or suggest I would do differently. Honestly one of the best things I've heard on here in ages. Not seen your name before so must check out some of your other stuff (recommend some to me, if you like).

I would have found this one great fun to make so I'm sure you did too.
Amperimetre replied 23rd Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Thanks for your comment StaticNomad. It is highly positive.
Forgive my ignorance but I do not know Tool
Where do I can find it? Why here in looperman or know of any other place?
I if, all instruments are midis. I have no acoustic instruments (only a battery and some percussion that sampling)
Tumbleweed 21st Oct 2013 19:56 - 11 years ago
I like this one Exp54....definitely different but in the best of ways....I`m likely a bit biased..being into guitar & bass ..but must say I really enjoyed the listen...creative stuff....Ed
Amperimetre replied 23rd Oct 2013 - 11 years ago
Thanks for your comment Ed
Surely you had made ​​other arrangements with the guitar but I have the occasion (or capacity)

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If you liked Experiment 54 by Amperimetre you might also like these other Ambient tracks.

5th Apr 2015 20:48 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Headphones are recommended for a more immersive experience :P - - - A weary American soldier is walking through the remains of what used to be a small town in the middle east, only to rediscover the horrible reality that sometimes war can affect even the ones who have no part in it.


This is my first attempt at creating a virtual environment to tell a story and convey emotion. Hope you enjoy! Comments are welcome!

- ER
27th Dec 2021 20:42 - 3 years ago
Description : Un tema sencillo, suave. Espero que les guste.
30th May 2023 19:13 - 1 year ago
Description : the other end of the scale from me, yep people, this is a ballad. its for all the people who have lost somebody long before their time was due,
i used my experience of tragic loss and how i hid my mental health issues that stemmed from it while writing it, its repetitive but has fresh verses
its to Matthias music Du Bist Nicht Mehr Hier almost the same title, He has suffered too that's why he wrote the music and dedicated it to his brother. i hope i have done it justice
30th Nov 2017 17:28 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : A miasma of digital sound... like in a dream.
22nd May 2014 22:44 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains several loops, all of them are from looperman artists - listed below. I don't know if "ambient" fits well for it, but i get most loops from that category. :)
Inspired by the Final Fantasy series and my ex girlfriend. Hope you will enjoy it (not my ex! :D). As always, free to use for a song, any opinions-critics welcomed... UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!

Applied loops :

DJ4REAL : 0102056-0000849 (Sax 120), 0102056-0021138 (Violin vibrato singular), 0102056-0021641 (Sax attack the floor),
DJFREDVAL : 0002663-0007540 (FV 120 BackBeat2), 0002663-0007541 (FV 120 BackBeat3), 0002663-0007542 (FV 120 BackBeat4),
MEGAPAUL : 0448131-0059810 (Ricky K Armada 100bmp G), 0448131-0068095 (Grasslions 75bmp A Bass), 0448131-0061055 (Chinese Gyros 90bmp Cmajor),
SHORTBUSMUSIC : 0500098-0054224 (Acoustic guitar with Harmonics in Dm-F), 0500098-0062445 (Acoustic guitar with Delay in Dm-C-B),
MRROBOT : 0082073-0002480 (Mr Robot smooth synth 125 bmp 8), 0082073-0005872 (Johnny Cash like Drums),
SERIALCHILLER : 0000003-0000094 (Chilla Synth Skank Riff),
DJKNIGHTLIFE420 : 0165908-0027771 (Toxic Whistle),
TARATOXIC : 0096919-0027238 (Pan flute),
GUITARGURU : 0057331-0003621 (Harmonic 2),
MINOR2GO : 0159051-0031469 (Power Rap T7 Marimba Flanged),
SHATNER : 0227480-0045258 (Battle On),
MHYST : 0203623-0017135 (Celtic Vibrato Flute Melody),
REI4REAL : 0039029-0005928 (Rei zapjam05 A 90),
KASHYAP : 0040306-0015442 (Beat it up 2).
29th Dec 2020 15:22 - 4 years ago
Description : Ambienty, chill track. kinda boring I know. If someone wants to master this im down.
23rd Mar 2020 18:00 - 4 years ago
Description : Working with DarkKZ by Beatskillz, Synthmaster 2.9, Waves Bass Fingers, Microtonic drum synth, Izotope nectar 3 elements, Ozone 8 Elements & several other plugings I'm trying for the first time. The vocal samples are from Ghosthack, LANDR & Sampleswap. Hope you like it. Cheers.
Post script: The word "Ambient" has come up several times in the comment section for this, so I switched the genre to that. Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it.
21st Nov 2019 16:47 - 5 years ago
Description : I made this with Garageband and was inspired by Anime music, such as Naruto. And if you noticed one little part is very similar to one of the melodies.
5th Apr 2021 10:56 - 3 years ago
Description : ambient, guess i was trying to blur the lines between soundscape and music or something like that. will still edit here and there. put it on, lie back and sift. bass loop from LM's megapaul - darktimes and danwilson - drug induced crush
16th Jul 2015 01:56 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Depression and sadness can sometimes serve as motivation for creativity as in the case of this track. A few months back I went through a period of loosing a few friends and co-workers. Attended a few funerals and as a result found myself reflecting on life. One night I had the urge to try to transfer my feelings into music and this is what came out. Some baratone guitar accompanied by synth and accapella.
Final EDIT: Further tweaking on levels and a slight change up in the timimg of the choir section.
18th Mar 2020 10:51 - 4 years ago
Description : Hello,
this is a track between composition and cover.
Amandine (Sova Berry or Dine on soundcloud) made a cover of the a cappella "Song of Sophia" by Dead Can Dance.
I liked it very much, so i decided to make an instrumental with her vocals.
Hope you'll like it and if you want to comment, you are welcome, whatever you think.
11th Feb 2016 06:04 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Updated and mixed better. Ambient Opus that will have you staring at the walls figuring out what's going on.
27th Mar 2015 20:16 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Ambient, Chill Out, Cinematic .... I´m not sure ... Take your headphones. Close your eyes. Start the engines and have a ride into the unknown. A spacy little trip from somewhere into anywhere outside. - U_P_D_A_T_E - I made a video to this track. So you can enjoy now the flight with open eys.
1st Dec 2018 08:50 - 6 years ago
Description : Alex Richard, bass. Hanspeter Dubach, guitars. Laurent Schwaar, guitars. Claude Barbotte, hammond. Laurent Wirz, drums. With excellent loops from: Planetjazzbass, MINOR2GO, ZacWilkins, Slapjohnson.
27th May 2016 01:50 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : Hey guys, this is a cover-up version of Another Day With You, now with pianos, guitars, violas, cellos, violins, and etc.

Please do guys tell me if there's something wrong, or any feedbacks I do love to hear it!
