Description : Some Kind of a country Instrumental I Made for my love one. I'm Far away from her so i just wanna express my emotions through this melodies.
This country track was uploaded by DjRymZ. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (64)
If you have time take a listen and give DjRymZ some feedback.
Hi - this is Ratsouk.) You’ve just sent me a message. But there is no way to answer it - you disabled that function on your page. Great tracks you have! And - to talk in private - you may contact me on Soundcloud - I am also Ratsouk there.
Wrote a country hook and just scouting concept music for it.. This is pretty cool! It's like upbeat!
When I think of country I'm thinking all those prime country throwbacks hah Parts in this could pass for the more upbeat ones back then.. So its really neqt based on that alone! True talent..
Nice track. With your permission I hope to play this on at sometime in the future. Thanx. Peace. Love, Justice & Respect.
Vis . . . .
Told her one day that I'm gonna write her name across the world but she didn't believe...permission granted.. Just Hope it won't serve commercial purposes.
Hey Broski, Just gotta say, That whole "Trying to Express my Emotions for my Loved one thing"
You Nailed it!
Great Song!
Bells are Fantastic and Beautifully Reverbed!
wao! i love this and i wanna record on it here in nigeria. Hope i am permitted. I will like us to work on something together bro. my bb pin is 32fe3797 please add me.
I just joined Looperman and found your track best so far. Its my kind of music. Upbeat and short. Keep it up. Spice it up sometime with a tabla or sitar intro.
Great melodies from the piano and the synths, beautiful song...if you say it's country, why not? :-) There are too many steps to chill out and pop, too...anyway, who cares...sensational song from your heart...Happy New Year with your Lady
Description : Here is a country song that I wrote and recorded. I played all the instruments and sang (not the best singer but its fun) as well, drums are from ezdrummer. If you like the track feel free to download it and thanks for listening.
Description : It was a long winter here, at Dartmoor. 4 Month of continued rain and damp. And suddenly (Drummroll), the sun came back. That did remind me of a collaboration with Silver Bella and her Acapella "Keep the Faith" from last year. A positive song which could have the potential to make a difference to the day. Thanks SB :-)
Description : I was actually just trying to mix up some new and old rhythms a while ago and come up with a track that just drew me in. Found it and thought I would put it out there for you guys to chew on. Let me know what you think. Send me some comments.
Description : This is my first serious attempt at a country song.
I am playing all instruments except for the drums....they are MIDI.
The song allowed me the opportunity to try my son-in-laws 1981 Gibson J40 acoustic, my new Dean Resonator Guitar and my new harmonica.
I hope you enjoy.
Description : If a girl wanted to do the chorus and a I can do the verse and we can make lryics to so if your a good writer your wanted. if interested send me a comment below
Description : A country soundtrack. Feel free to add vocals if you want to just make sure to add(ft. Migwel).I would love to hear what you did with it.
For non-commercial use only.
Description : My first attempt at country, Apple loops for drums, the rest a mix of guitars including a lap slide.A fun tune for me hopefully for you as well....Doc
When I think of country I'm thinking all those prime country throwbacks hah Parts in this could pass for the more upbeat ones back then.. So its really neqt based on that alone! True talent..
No doubt!
-Ramey J
Just got to check this version of your beat with TuneDef singing on it. Its just great when an instrumental meets an acapella :)
Cheers and keep up with the good work :)
Vis . . . .
You Nailed it!
Great Song!
Bells are Fantastic and Beautifully Reverbed!
Kelvin Cruise
belle musique
Would like to fiddle with it vocally if it's cool....
Keep do'n yo thang.....
I just joined Looperman and found your track best so far. Its my kind of music. Upbeat and short. Keep it up. Spice it up sometime with a tabla or sitar intro.