12th Jan 2014 07:05 - 11 years ago
Description : well..2014 has come & as my friends know I've had more than 14 exclusive cooperaion feat our singer friends here ..(exclusive means no acapella usage-i don't use acapella ) ..
so here is one of those 14 selected exclusive collabs feat my singer friends for 2014 Ex cooperations with my dear friend Brandon Michelle(yes her first name is Brandon! ).
version tentative Alpha ( july 2013 )
U can find BrandY @
I'm sure U'll find her voice so sweet &'s interesting to know she is a real good guitarist (by herself) too & we had an easY & fast cooperation regarding this track..
particulary i enjoyed working with someone who
i knew her before looperman too ..
a humbled & good tallented girl , who is one of my
closest unseen friends as U may have known from
her comments too ..

Comments (42)

If you have time take a listen and give deciBel some feedback.

FreeRadical 30th Jun 2014 09:30 - 10 years ago
I see this track has already had a lot of attention so why not one more. The vocals are great. They sit perfectly with the guitar which in its self is played beautifully. I like the layering of the vocals and the reverberated effect.
You've kept it simple but in this case simple is effective.
Just over 2 minutes of total enjoyment.
deciBel replied 8th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
many thnx FR,for attention & the time to listen & commenT.
me & Brandon Michelle both appreciate U & your feedback.
best wishes.
doudei 22nd Mar 2014 11:30 - 11 years ago
not an easy task to create something heavenly by only using a singing voice and an acoustic. however you make it appear trivial, which speaks for itself.
listening to this makes me deeply emotional. short and sweet but i wouldn't mind at all if it was twice as long.
this is something to be proud of dear Brandy and Behnam. hats off to both of you - this is a remarkable tune!
deciBel replied 24th Mar 2014 - 11 years ago
many thnx for listening & shared idea .Savino i think U were one of my few friends who had heared this instrumental acoustic dueT of guitar before & I should say BrandY's vocal idea was so smarT for accompanimenTing of thaT .
particulary i didn't expect if a singer can do what BrandY did with thaT I really enjoyed this collaboration (some how like what U wonderfullY did about our collab christalyzed hopes) . me & BrandY both appreciate your time & kind words in feedback. take care .___B
MOONLYTE 22nd Mar 2014 02:49 - 11 years ago
Her voice is amazing!
deciBel replied 24th Mar 2014 - 11 years ago
:) many thnx for listening & shared idea EYEDYE .
all the best.___B
ElenaSatine 6th Mar 2014 14:47 - 11 years ago
Behnam my geni friend hope you're fine .
I want to please you ask miss Brandon Michelle let
me have this one for myself.
or tell me the link i can purchase this album .
for me this is most beautifull acoustic song i've ever heared.
everytime i sing this together with miss Branda for myown.
i really wanna have this one in my playlist .
deciBel replied 20th Mar 2014 - 11 years ago
Elena dear now when I'm writing this replY , U've recceived this track from our joint friend Tonality in your mail as U wanted .....hope U'll enjoy thaT ..I'm really grtefull of your interesT & this attitude to express your interesT but hope U'll underestand me to say it's noT nice , not new & to be honest it's spooney fr me to see that '' Geni '' in your first phrase !
look Elena , there's no Thomas Alva Edison or Einstein
behind this monitor answering your kind & valuable words ...& to be honest , if U ask me , I'll tell U no genius human comes to looperman , respectfullY .
so I'll be really better if please never
use such spooneY words about me , especiallY where I can read them...all the best,merci again & take care.___Behnam
Prelude 10th Feb 2014 03:41 - 11 years ago
Hello again deciBel I have a melody for flute for
this if you accept .
deciBel replied 16th Feb 2014 - 11 years ago
your interesT is worthY & I reallY appreciate it Prelude .
jusT as U see 2 comments before U , Mark , is supposed to accompanimenting us with his Harmonica & particulary I know he boughT a new harp in fact onlY for this trials to can plaY together with my Guitar in Bb . so U can underetand me to saY there's no needed to fute in this situatioN , buT if U upload something that convinces me abouT your acceptable playing level , I'll have 2 offer for Joining to my collabS feaT singers ( for Flutes & Cello both) .a huge thnX & all the besT.___Behnam
Prelude 10th Feb 2014 03:35 - 11 years ago
this intoxicates and stupefies me to charm asleep
while listening !
and i am just speechless !
numb by enchanter duet of singer and guitar .
deciBel replied 16th Feb 2014 - 11 years ago
U;re always full of poem & reading your commenT is always a pleasure, Prelude . heartfelt thanks for attention & listening & heartfelT commenT .best wishes.____B
DanGoldstein 4th Feb 2014 11:49 - 11 years ago
hey Behnam! it was really cool to hear the addition of vocal to this track which I remember. yes - her voice is beautiful - and the mix is fantastic. nice work. really enjoy it. peace.
deciBel replied 16th Feb 2014 - 11 years ago
hey what's up Dan Hope U're fine . many thnX my friend for listening & valuable time to commenT . yes ,as U listened BrandY's beautifull Voice has enlivened this old dueT of mine in Bb & We(me & BrandY) are gratefull of your attention.all the besT.___B
clindsay 28th Jan 2014 11:11 - 11 years ago
Very nice - as good as the guitar is I think this is a case the voices should be more out front. good song well produced.
deciBel replied 28th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
many thnX for carefull listening & true point about mix , clindsay i have no mixer & honesty no tendency to mix & mastering and as U can see 7th comment & my replY , I've sent separated lines to Steve Brown who I think is one of most professional friends of ours about mix and mastering & He's supposed to have a prof mix & mastering for Album version.but it's so worthy of appreciation to see there are audience who listen carefully & try to be usefull in comments & We ( me & BrandY) are both gratefull of your time & attention.thnX & all the best___Behnam
MWRatridge 27th Jan 2014 22:48 - 11 years ago
I like this; very pretty.
email to me the mp3, bpm, chord progression and I will give the harp a shot on this….I heard some harmonica parts in my head as I listened. TY for the offer.
deciBel replied 28th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
many thnX to U Mark for attention .okaY as I told & expected U're the right person to can find best harmonica melody for accompanimenT BrandY's voice . I already have your mail Mark Ratridge & would be great to hear what U'll do with iT . appreciations,thnX & all loopermanic synonyms .take care .___Behnam
evilarmy83 27th Jan 2014 06:09 - 11 years ago
I like your reply to Mr. Dracula, its full of heart!! What did he say if u dont mind translating for me.... Much love to u my friend.
deciBel replied 28th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
oh Kevin never mind to fake & funny id's buddY .
We've better things to do if U look to your mail my tallented guitarist friend whose wasting tallents process seems have changed to an egomania process after what I've heared in 2014 from him .take care.___Behnam
Polyfronetic 26th Jan 2014 20:01 - 11 years ago
In shot words:

Just a great made tune which does not needs much more to say to be understood.

Love it - great cinema - big stage!

deciBel replied 27th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
Martin , composing a platform for a hypothetical vocal is like kniting fabric or knit clothing , a really pleasurable game & easY as U know & working with a interested vocalisT makes it even easier & more pleasurable . me & BrandY both appreciate your time & feedback ,many thnX for listening & attention .bests.___Behnam
dyldonomus 24th Jan 2014 23:50 - 11 years ago
this was pretty awesome I like the vocals alot good job.
deciBel replied 25th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
many thnX for attention & feedback.all the bests.___Behnam
BrandonMichelle 24th Jan 2014 22:36 - 11 years ago
Dear Behnam it was such a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to working with you much more. I want to thank all the people here for such generous comments. I am so grateful. I also want to say sorry for not replying to everyone I have been away from internet for sometime now and wont be able to collab until after Feb. 2nd. So again thank you to everyone and I will be back in a couple weeks.

Behnam I am always honored to create music with you. This song was so natural for me. Your talent is much more than mine. I admire how you can pick up a guitar and your fingers flow like wind.

With much Respect,
Brandon Michelle
deciBel replied 25th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
BrandY take it easY ...girl..leave these compliments & never mind what does it seem ....why U should be honoured for working with me ? hahah..who am I ?
but beyond kidding BrandY dear , as I told U on the phone too I'm not minded to continue music in no role & I've decided to leave music & looperman & so won't have this chance to work with U , Candelaria or nobody else ,I don't feel that I belong to music world . & exprience of looperman & working with many singers as composer & also cooperation with many wonderfull musician & composers here ( I think I've abouT about 40 track that can mark as feat with other musicians & singers ) was extraordinary & there were good days that I found U all & We worked but days have passed & It's about 270 days that I know I want to finish music activities in the end of Jan 2014 & We here all have our private reasons & beyond this loopermaning & in fact We don't know eachother & eachother's private life & althoughT I hadn't told this to U neither but Bear these recently days ..., . right now We (me & U) have at least 4 collab right now & I think these are enough for U & as a friend I suggest U forget about working with me & pay attention to musicians that I wrote for U in email .I'm glad to see as I wanted U've recceived to suggestion after uploading this & I suggest U work with ScottFranco speciallY ,also as I told U once on the phone & wrote in email too I suggest U Ed Cunningham & Bear ,BrillBillY,VickyDan,Danke,Franco & Scott,srBrown,mrWolf14,XmafaX,thehumps,Crucethus,Dudei,mStokes,Megapaul,Spivcurl,phatkatz4,Polyfronetic,DJSLUK,BadHuman,Douglass,JoeFunktastic,morpheused,Evisma,Soleilxlune,Jowe,improvewitherror,planetjazzbss,AllanV,PeteJohnTebar,Amixxx,MWRtridge,Dakotamoon & few other name that I don't remember right now for working , and I'm sure U'll find them wonderfull musician & We'll hear from U all a friend who is not a musician any more , I'll stay in touch & before everybody else I suggest U think to Brandon Michelle as a serious composer & remeber no matter what it seems no matter what the others judge abouT us & what we realy are is the question . & beyond all other musicians always be sure about yourself & believe yourself & lean on yourself,yourself,yourself in music BrandY..all the best wishes for U , for Tristin & Brean & this little baby I heared her voice on the phone today too the end many thnx for many things ,greatest appreciations & all synonyms,a smile & best wishes.....___Behnam
brillbilly 24th Jan 2014 04:28 - 11 years ago
Hi behnam

I have found 24 hours to get on my pc,so im so pleased i found this track!

The guitar playing is superb and the vocals are beautiful!

This type of music i could listen to sat next to a river in the summer,just watching the world go by as i relax to this.!

This is some very nice work from yourself and others.!

We may not be here for some weeks but thats just life my friend. it's like a rollercoaster just have to ride it with all it's up's and downs.!

Lovely track man!

Kind warm wishes.!

deciBel replied 24th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
Chris it's great to hear from U ,wish life goes well there out of the vacummed for U .many many thnx for attention & interesting explanation U shared with me & us .take a good care man .if U check your mail,as usual the're ll find iT.all th bests .____Behnam
inklewinkle2 23rd Jan 2014 02:12 - 11 years ago
Nice track!
deciBel replied 23rd Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
thnX for listening,and terse shared idea .appreciations___Behnam
imadreamerdj101 23rd Jan 2014 01:26 - 11 years ago
I cant play it? every time I play a look it pauses right after I cant play any loops someone please help.
deciBel replied 23rd Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
ok man be cool , look that sometimes happens for all of ours& is a little issue that will autimatically solve if U try tomorrow .buT as I have seen in many of my friends laptop,and tablets they can play no loop n& no track but if they change their browser .so I suugest U to try another browser while checking looperman & maybe that worked.___Behnam
Tonality 22nd Jan 2014 18:32 - 11 years ago
hey hey i forgot to say it is good to write here for miss Brandon Michelle that she can change her profile text if she doesn't answer us . i have written 2 times for her , and i now 2 other friend have written private note for her to work with her but she didn't answer me and that other friends too .
Tonality 22nd Jan 2014 18:10 - 11 years ago
Behnam you jknow this is about one month that i have listened this from you before you upload in looperman , and it's more than3-4months i have known you here and i am yet surprised to know someone from iran may be a strange crazy composer and player like you but having no name when i listen your music i think you are joking that you have always lived in iran! you are a strange person !this music is one of best aoustic musics i have heared so far.i really desire to join to you and miss Brandon but i know this track doesn't need is a really perfect original music .
deciBel replied 23rd Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
many thnX for all compliments & kind words my friends .
I don't know what U think about someone who has always lived in IrUn (it's written Iran,buT it sounds IRun.even WeRun!),buT I'm sure I'm a the normalest person & normalest amateur musician that I've ever known & I wonder to see U've called me a strange person (this was first time someone had such analysis abouT me ! haaha).Tonality , We are made of lacks in Iran , buT some times lacks can be a reason of development & Continuous Improvement..thank you very much my friend for comment & take care.___B
larrywiggles1 21st Jan 2014 17:22 - 11 years ago
absolutely gorgeous track, great vocals, great everything, top job.
deciBel replied 22nd Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
dear Larry , ''Top'' is your generous personality that recognizes value of exclusive collaboration & shares his worthy idea with me & us , far from envious reactions that I've used to see from some of our colleagues.we are both gratefull ,many thnx & appreciations .____Behnam + BrandY
evilarmy83 21st Jan 2014 04:45 - 11 years ago
Extra specially awesomerriffic!!!! This song is an emotion getter!!! Very nice!
deciBel replied 21st Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
Kevin my talented friend it's a pleasure to read this comment from such a skillfull guitarist like U .BrandY's vocal animated this acoustic duet of mine if U've found it nice. me & BrandY both really appreciate U,take care .___Behnam
mackit 21st Jan 2014 02:29 - 11 years ago
Smooth smooth track. Great guitar playing,and sweet vocals. Great overall consept.PEACE. THE MACK MAN OUT.
deciBel replied 21st Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
glad to read such positive comment from such a skillfull guitarist & composer like U mackit . Brandy's voice is so lovely & I should mention this was her first attempT otherwise she usually sings still better than this too if she wants .thnx,merci,& all synonyms.___Behnam
Megapaul 18th Jan 2014 23:11 - 11 years ago
Hi Behnam...
excellent guitar work & great vocals
deciBel replied 19th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
Hi Jurgen .this is great to read such positive idea from such a good guitarist like U ,& I'm ( in fact we = are )gratefull.
best wishes for your 2014.___Behnam
DesignedImpression 18th Jan 2014 23:06 - 11 years ago
For the start it is a good selection to share. The guitar does match the singer. Thought you both did well with a message from this song. Saw a life changing. Thanks for sharing, good stuff. Peace.
deciBel replied 19th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
Hi designed impression . thnx for attention & shared idea in commenT . Brandy has composed lyriX and all right if this lyrix belongs to BrndY . personaly haven't been even a single word f this lyrix m and I should confess I don't like that part when Brandy raises her hands to the sky & celebrate ..
as I know , there is no god , so no one is in skies buT crows & they don't care to my good simple friend , BrandY ...
okay , deignedimpression if Tomorrow U may find me killed by Brandon Michelle dpn't wonder after this honest reply of mine to your comment...hahahah
beyond kidding I liked Brandy's possitive energy behind brandy's voice & lyrix too much . me & BrandY bpth are gratefull & appreciate U & your comment .best wishes.___Behnam
ElenaSatine 18th Jan 2014 16:19 - 11 years ago
i am on my third listen .
i really don't want to see you allow download for me , but why not download again? i want o have this in my playlist .
deciBel replied 19th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
I really appologize if having no premission to allow U download this .as U know BrandY is a professional singer , has a manager whose muttering skill is wonderfull & we should wait for her next attempT in her 2014 album .this is version alpha & not last outpuT .anyway thnx for interest & I wish U akk the bests...___B
ElenaSatine 18th Jan 2014 16:13 - 11 years ago
hhhmmm ! i envy (lol) .
how they all have worked separately with you .
most of singers are very snobbish here !
but i agree this musics that you produce costs for every singer. you are phenomenal musician .
great vocal here !
it's good see you've come back.
deciBel replied 19th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
Elena thnx for attention , presence & commenT. about singers I have no guess why U have felt like that , particualry I have found them(these who i have selected to work with them & beyond everything this has been according to their personalitY )so humbled & good humans . i also underestand them to be moody sometimes when they see how their acapela's has used without any crediT or from another side how sometimes has used in a track from someone who they didn't want to allow him use their voice & write featuring their name ...specially those who collab with theirown's real name...anyway merci for attention & commenT ,& best wishes.
Spivkurl 17th Jan 2014 17:38 - 11 years ago
So sorry for taking so long to get to this! It really is a beautiful song in so many ways! The voice and your guitar flow so well together, that it seems like on is controlling the other... and I mean that in the best of ways! Your rawness and prowess in music always impresses me! Amazing work my friend! Faved for sure! Oh by the way, I'm playing one of your songs on loopradio in my show at 7 PM GMT today.
deciBel replied 19th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
Patrick , i am sure U're a great talent & have done your job &
made a entertaining show,yesterday @7PM GMT . i having no guess what U mean about playing my songs buT I guess U are talking about that one who is yours man .otherwise I should say Pat , don't make your listener change the wave of your show by making them suffer my trials ..haha...
my friend I'm gratefull of our presence , attention , time & shared idea in comment feat me & us .best hearty wishes.___Behnam
Evisma 16th Jan 2014 17:31 - 11 years ago
Almost a lullaby. Very nice strings and arrangement here and it left me wishing the track was longer. Every one of your tracks is at least an 8 on a scale from 1 to 10. I envy that. My tracks are almost hitting a 5 on that scale. You impress me always.

Best wishes, and safe futures.

deciBel replied 19th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
oh no be fair man , U=5 an me=8 ? wished U were my teacher when I was an studenT ! :) .
Evan I am gratefull of your attention,time to hear & friendly kind words .take care .____Behnam
mrwolf14 16th Jan 2014 13:31 - 11 years ago
Hi Behnam,
Good to see you.
I will use only one word for this: BEAUTIFUL

Thank you and Miss Brandon Michelle for this wonderful 2 minutes. Loved them.

Ciao, Domenico
deciBel replied 18th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
eee ( it's the same U may call OoOoh , or even oOoPs _ :) ) ! Domenico I thaught that I have answered your comment when today noon I was writng reply of that mail to U ! haha..
i really congratulate myself for having such a smart brian ..
anyway I am ( in fact we=me & BrandY=are) really gratefull of your attnetion & time to comment. Domenico , Brandy's immediacy for composing this proper melody vocal was wonderfull for me as composer ,She is a very skillfull guitarist too & maybe this factor made this track a fast but
for me cool collaboration . next will be glock & I suggest U to listen that & see how a wolf can be wonderfull as a collaborator , specially if he accepts that his collaborator is a miner so it's better to let miner dig toward the stones hearT & that gentle wolf & Carole acept to answer comments instead of digger Behnam , please . matter if the others too , but I hope U've underestood what I pleased U about our glocky ( while digging have found this new wrd !)cooperation . all the bests & ciaos both to U + a friendly smile.take care.___Behnam
Sevenola 16th Jan 2014 01:39 - 11 years ago
Oh this is so beautiful...
deciBel replied 17th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
thank U very much for attention,listening & worthy shared idea in comment with me & us Sevenola .greatest appreciations & best wishes.___Behnam
crucethus 16th Jan 2014 00:56 - 11 years ago
very nice song my friend, beautiful acoustic guitar and the perfect voice for this piece. good work as always
deciBel replied 17th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
Steve in all these days that we have listened eachother's musiX , always your comments has been thoughtfull & usefull & a pleasure . I'm really gratefull of them all & thnx aloT for time , attention & comment for this one too my good friend ,take care ,best wishes as usual.___Behnam
Orlando51 15th Jan 2014 23:16 - 11 years ago
I'm a big fan of acoustic music and this is another gem for me to listen!

deciBel replied 15th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
hey thank U very much Orlando for attention , time to listen & commenT . it's a pleasure to know U've found it audible .best wishes.__Behnam
johnnyproducing 15th Jan 2014 18:15 - 11 years ago
Hi behnam, I haven't received any email from you so don't know what happened there, but I think I will join the colab ;) Just resend me the email and I'll see what I can do in the colab ;)
deciBel replied 15th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
hey John it's the only good news ( U'll join to us ) I've ever heared this month ..about my message , U're righT..U've noT recceived my notification because of my faulT , sorry , I'll write a private message for U now again . all th bests.___B
FaridHumanoid 15th Jan 2014 09:37 - 11 years ago
Hi my dear friend.
A huge hello from me to you.
Nice to meet you here again.
One of my favourites you know.
Great way to playing guitar and singing.
deciBel replied 15th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
Farid jan az shma baeede , in che vaz'e englishe havaset koja bude refigh ! tanx chie !
dar morede comment , ebteda sepase man va ba'desh
khande haye masnuee Fraid..great & appreciation & az in ta'arofate loopermani faird...figur haye honari va verbalism haye un modeli ...
miduni tazegia fekr mikonam dige alaghei nadaram ke music kar konam...tashakkor haye monjamed .arezuhaye tekrari Farid.__B
ShortBusMusic 13th Jan 2014 16:36 - 11 years ago
There is not much to say here.....this is absolutely incredible. Mere words cannot describe the emotions I feel when listening to this. Your guitar work is so special, and than you add in Miss Brandon Michell's vocal work, and it is like something from heaven.

I'm on my third listen to this and it keeps getting better and better. This could and should be on radio. There is nothing better than an acoustic and a great vocalist. This track illustrates that.

Since I have no adequate words for this, I will simply stand and applaud both of your efforts.

Bravo Maestro, Bravo.

deciBel replied 15th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
Bear no matter how many comment I recceive ,I'm always honoured to read your positive idea about my trials .
& by the way did U know fisrt time your faved mark below her only uploaded track made me curious to listen seriouslY to Bradnon Michelle when she has commented for me & I still didn't know her ? master BrandY is a wonderfull singer , & working ith her was a grat pleasure , for ure she will be glad to see captain of American team here .
& Bear,althoughT no doubT it's so great to see U've called me mastereo,buT beyond everything I'm still too young to deserve to be called anything like Master & maestro...if U remember , I never called master neither of U & Ed & Franco ,befpore I know U're all grand fathers..I think a master should have white hair...otherwise there are just few studenT here ...
buT bear U know ? I really feel I don't like to continue music anymore...having no guess if I can be called master someday in future...anyway U deserve to be called master not only for your musical level & knowledge,for your personalitY & expriences all thnX Maestro,thanX ..& best wishes.___Behnam
Tumbleweed 13th Jan 2014 15:40 - 11 years ago
This is what music really is about....the words, written with thoughtfulness...the song delivered with simple and honest emotion...the music composed with care and designed to lift up the song and render it to our minds and hearts...and it seems to me that the simplest of accompaniment is often the best....Perhaps sometimes we add too many of the things to our music that technology allows...but often the heart of the song is best shown in a more basic this....Great job Brandon and Behnam...much enjoyed....Ed
deciBel replied 15th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
Ed,i really appreciate your attention & presence & shared idea .& yes really as U have pointed truelY , BrandY has sung this with her mind & heart & this has animated that duet guitar of mine . youngest grandmother of the world has a wonderfull innovation & I really like that way she sung this .
master I thaughT a cello maybe can sound good with iT ...
and when I was thinking to any lead for this , I thaughT Ed will recognize & say me if lead too is needed's so good if U think this doesn't need anything . I was really lazy to do anything more, indeed ( as Corina says indeed _hahaa ).
also I should add another appreciation too here cause I know BrandY too knows U & we both are gratefull .take care ,best wishes.___Behnam
theHumps 13th Jan 2014 14:19 - 11 years ago
Hey Benham, this is beautiful! The acoustic track sounded great and was paired up nicely with some awesome doubled vocals. I love the simplicity of it, it's gets right to the heart of music making.

Always a pleasure my friend, good to see you back!

deciBel replied 15th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
hey wayne , how are U man ? what's up in new year from our wonderfull acoustic musician theHump? Wayne this is so great to read such positive idea about this track from one of the best male singers here . for sure your're a more throughbred acoustic musician than me & reading this comment makes me so glad .your idea is really more professional than me about such musix.thank U for presence & attention my friend .best wishes.___Behnam
srbrown7 13th Jan 2014 03:55 - 11 years ago
Love the guitar work...your talent really showing here...nice vocals and melody...possibly could have been mixed a little more forward in parts but hard to do dynamic mixing without a studio!..a really nice song to start the year..well done!
deciBel replied 15th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
hey Steve , U'll have separated instrumental & vocal line in your email if U check it tonight. would be great if U can have any better mix . yes..U know I have no Studio & no equipmenT ...& honesty no interest to mix & mastering too ..
for sure a better mix can show Brandy's great tallents better.
I really like what she had done with my duet guitar .
would be great if U join us for this .best wishes.__Behnam
Alan3w3 12th Jan 2014 15:34 - 11 years ago
very nice and peaceful. thank you
deciBel replied 15th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
thank U vey much Alan3w3 for time to listen & commenT .
it's good to read this from another tallented singer_composer like BrandY . best wishes.___Behnam
johnnyproducing 12th Jan 2014 11:29 - 11 years ago
Behnam, you kept me waiting for a new song and I almost thought you left ;( But I can say it was worth it after hearing this song, it sounds really great and I am glad to hear from you again my friend ;). I am eager to hear the other colabs and want to thank you for sharing.
The way you used this guitar and the vocals combined to create such a masterpiece is outstanding ;)

Thanks for sharing

Greetings john
deciBel replied 15th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
John it's great to hear from U man , how're U ?yes unfortunatelY I had no chance to accompaniment my unseen musician friends for a while , buT I think it was 7-8 days ago I listened ( played U buT I was not online in looperman )an ambienT track of yours & was thinking something like that theme & that pianO & pad can be proper for one of my collaborations feat our singer friends & I thaughT it would be great if U accepT to join to one of our collaboration projecT.I know U usualy don't collaborate specially maybe with my generation buT anyway I wrote U my email to U can inform me about that(personally I'll really be glad if U join) . regarding this track i think Brandy's innovation to select a proper vocal & lyriX for that guitar duet was the only way to animate this guitar duet .thnk U for listening my friend . John by the way wish U have a good year .best wishes.___Behnam
janis71 12th Jan 2014 10:52 - 11 years ago
Meant "gold"-fingers, of course . How silly ! hum ...
deciBel replied 28th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
oh nOoo the same golf finger ( even goal finger!!) was true if it was about me Carole .but take it easy haha U know what I want to write instead of dinger(fingers whuch plays & sound ding ding ding !) finger ? ..23,1 & ginger beer ! haha !
wink my cool crazy friend.__B
janis71 12th Jan 2014 10:49 - 11 years ago
So good to see you back and listen to a new track of yours, deary !!
I'm starting my day with this little jewel of sensitivity and honest simplicity ...

Not only Miss Brandon Michelle's voice is very emotional and sincere, but her lyrics impress me and move me a lot with their authenticity . It's one of the hardest thing to be able to express depth in feelings through short and genuine lyrics as she did . Obeisance to you, Lady Brandy . Your words and voice go straight to the listener's heart and mine was much affected .
You both are surely not anybody ...

As to you, Mr Golf-fingers, your guitar here is a cradle of tenderness which perfectly welcomes and wraps Brandy's vocals . I can hear softness, peace of mind, hope and a rejoicing heart which has, at last, found a reason to smile.
(6th listening, I'm falling in love with this song) .

This is a great collab, as you both followed the same path : you stuck to authentic emotion and trueness of feelings, and that makes this track so moving .

Thanks to you both for this precious moment of quiet, refinement and purity ...


ps : Take the best care, sweetie :D
deciBel replied 15th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
Carole dear , your comment is beyond what my music deserves .
for sure BrandY has animated that dueT & I should reallY appreciate BrandY's composed lyriX & Vocal for thaT .
my specil friend , It's so greaT to see someone whose name is below track has commented for this ..have U paid attention there's onlY Janis71 still active & on in looperman(I mean between singers in list in description ..unfortunatelY almost all these tallented friends of ours have left looperman since 2014 has began...I really should appreciate U for still being here .& heyy...6 time listening to anything makes anyone get headache ham baraye khodet divoone hastia Carole..hahaha...translation usualy is not needed for U .a friendly huge & best wishes.___Behnam
Danke 12th Jan 2014 08:16 - 11 years ago
Ooops, Behnam!

You made it...acoustic heaven...super chords, super voice, chart hit :-)... it's unusual from you, maybe new year, new start (from today) :-)

I great this try, I think your music needs vocs many times...

Bravo, Superman, Danke
deciBel replied 15th Jan 2014 - 11 years ago
hahaha WoodY I guess U've meanT wow instead of that Oooops as intro ( :) ) of commenT .
beyond kiddibg it's great to know such a great musician like U
has enjoyed iT my friend .
always it's great to know your idea .
Danke there's no heaven buT when someone holds his beloved or for exampe his daughter...there's no acoustic heaven & hell man .
about my music needs vocal (your sentence) , I'm not agree,but I have seen your idea about yourselves track too U had written your instrumental music means nothing without vocal ( in reply in one of your musiX ) .
I was not agree with that too .
& Danke , I don't know abouT U , buT personalY I'm a singer & lyricisT too if I wanT . hey never forget I'm a superman hahah..& in the end my friend , I don't underestand the meaning of '' I great this trY '' , excuse me ,I'll be gratefull if U may explain for me what U mean .
best wishes woodY.
___Duperman ! haha.

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24th Mar 2019 17:52 - 6 years ago
Description : NOTICE: this song is made ONLY FOR NON-COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. Contains an emulation of a TM legendary song (send to the original authors, i add them on Fb time ago).

This is a surprise, for those was young in 1999, for the beloved Patricia (and the gift of her voice) and my brothers Nous2 and Jamid, kind people i met here. Let's go crying guys, hope you enjoy.
24th Feb 2017 14:42 - 8 years ago
Description : There were two separate tracks in work, but who knows why I got tired with them and then decided to merge them (or at least what left from them) into one piece hence they originate out of same musical purpose. No world war was ment here, except my recent personal one...haha...and you don't want to know about it.:) It's not real etude by any means, yet it's quite alot about practicing...practicing...
16th Jun 2021 07:09 - 3 years ago
Description : Remastered March 2023. Recorded live on two mics. For my wee daughter Tui; I wrote it sitting on the bathroom floor, keeping her company while she was in the bath....
24th Dec 2014 22:54 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains several loops from various Looperman artists, listed below. Merry Xmas! UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!

Applied loops:

THEHUMPS: 0308224-0052308 (C Mando Blues Acoustic Guitar Fill 1- 100 bpm),
0308224-0052216 (Mando 1 Strum C-D 100 bpm),
0308224-0052215 (Mando 1 Notes C-D 100 bpm),
PSYCHOTROPIC_CIRCLE: 0071878-0006824 (Triangle 116), 0071878-0004044 (Fragment), 0071878-0003099 (Lion Perc and Orc 01),
BILLYENGLAND: 0133538-0005877 (Sparkle Piano), 0133538-0005879 (Dream Vibe),
DEVODALE: 0134239-0044149 (Devodale - AmGFx2 - Pt4 Wah 030511),
RAYKOEDFOE: 0146059-0015988 (Dusty Steel Guitar),
ACIDPARADOX: 0152969-0011344 (Medieval guitar loop),
REALSTRINGS: 0175741-0009205 (Real Strings - 8),
CHRISTPSPAROGLOU: 0128032-0023631 (Akoustic machine loop),
CHIEFJUSTICE: 0138351-000600 (Cow Bell Loop),
BIGFORTUNE1: 0090927-0002582 (Basic Jambeau),
ENTER_THE_RETURN: 0096555-0014434 (Am F C G Chord Progression),
ANCHOR: 0072432-0001988 (Hungarian Piano 01),
ALIVIDLIFE: 0158799-0017887 (Our Voices Never Touched Guitar Riff),
CENTRIST: 0079105-0003788 (Acoustic Guitar Picking 1),
INNSTRUMENTALZ: 0265235-0019477 (Piano Loop 1),
TZA1800: 0239374-0052187 (Woodwind and Mallet Percussion Melody),
ICZAR13: 0190625-0012289 (Acoustic GTar loop),
BENRUDGE: 0303073-0021908 (Melancholic Piano Loop in A minor).
25th Nov 2017 13:54 - 7 years ago
23rd Jul 2024 13:11 - 8 months ago
Description : most people won't care
some will say it's good that the bitch is gone
a few will maybe think about it
26th Jan 2015 22:14 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : Again, another early production from like two years ago. I had a cheap little Yamaha acoustic guitar that I borrowed and mic'd and some congas that were given to me as a birthday present. I used my iPad GarageBand app to record the strings and the big bass drum thingy at the interlude and little electric guitar parts in there too haha. All the vocals were done by myself and my brother throws in some little things here and there with his voice :P Enjoy!
28th Oct 2015 15:33 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Plz don't forget show me ready mix
16th Oct 2013 00:03 - 11 years ago
Description : A rhythm guitar track I made and sent to my cousin on the East Coast. Made with Tape-A-Talk app. from the Google Play Store. Download and collaborate with it.
6th Feb 2022 11:27 - 3 years ago
Description : ryancali vocal great artist go check him out on here this is the acoustic version let me know what you think
27th Mar 2009 23:12 - 16 years ago
Tags :
Description : My very first acoustic piece in quite a while..
I hope someone grabs this and puts some vocals to it.
The software I used is Reaper, Addictive Drums and Gearbox.
Hardware is a Jackson RR3 plugged into a Line 6 Pod X3..
22nd Aug 2021 20:25 - 3 years ago
Description : Alternative sound


polo g, trippie redd, internet money, the kid laroi, roddy ricch , rylo Rodriguez , no cap , been one
8th Jan 2017 05:08 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : Thats my newest Track all made out of free vst of the dsk series. Its a kind of chill out acoustic string thing that makes me thinking. Its very calm,inspirational and gives me power...
12th Mar 2020 14:20 - 5 years ago
Leave me a feedback !

TAGS: Lil Peep, Chill, Guitar
19th Sep 2019 08:19 - 5 years ago
Description : I started composing this tune with an excellent loop of MINOR2GO.
This is the result so far, hope you'll like it.

Guitar: Daniel Hirschi, Hanspeter Dubach
Dobro: William Endres
Bass: Alex Richard
Hammond & Keys: Claude Barbotte (R.I.P.)
Strings & Pads: Costa R. Zbinden
Drums: Laurent Wirz
loops: MINOR2GO, Megapaul, Loneninjah

Composed & arranged by: Laurent Wirz, Alex Richard, Costa R. Zbinden