Description : progressive metal.
rightnow in 2014, about 16 percent of all children of 6 to 14 years old are involved in child labor in developing countries.In the least developed countries, 30 percent of all children are engaged in child labor.Worldwide,126 million children work in hazardous conditions.An estimated 1.2 million children are trafficked each year into child labor.
This heavy metal track was uploaded by deciBel. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (58)
If you have time take a listen and give deciBel some feedback.
I am glad to hear another Truthstepper making Awake Music here....we are few and far between, kudos Brother! Excellent work, right into my Favorites with it
You seem to be the great discovery of ours,a fascinator prodigy indeed!
We'll be honoured to can work with you , Behnam Zandi deciBel.
I want to write about how amazing your playing is, but you say you don't want. ok.. :)
I agree with your feeling against child labour.
When I volunteered in Ghana some time ago, I was asked to check the school attendance of children being sponsored by the charity I was with. Then when it was a harvest time, most the children were not in school :) Most parents dont agree the children cant help to harvest, because it's food, important. I dont know if this is wrong or not. Of course, Im sure this is not the child labour you are talking about, but at the same time this is possibly a big chunk out of the 26% sub-saharan children involved in work you mention.
haha awesome, i can just Imagen you playing your guitar doing the windmill with your head then sliding on you knees! very well structured with great little breaks, defiantly not the type off music i list to, but i can always appreciate talent!
Benham...have been trying to mail you...but cannot be delivered...says your mail box is full or over limit...
Will retry to send new mixes some other time...Ed
Hey my good friend.
Excuse me for late comment.
A masterpiece on heavy metal, you really rock buddy.
Dooste khoob hamoontor ke goftam goosh dadanesh vaghean maghz mibare che berese be sakhtanesh.
Mighty powerful music, heavy, psychedelic and trippy. Quite a production, so impressed with what you have done here. Great guitar licks and tone. It is like a rock opera, very cool indeed.
Great cause, no one wants to see children hurt or exploited in any way. Always you open my mind and ears to your musical world, thanks again!
Sorry, I want to change my word! its not their job exactlly. Indeed in my ideal idea it is, for having best society and making good realtionship between members!
I wish child labour was important matter for worldwide artists, as you! So that they could change lifestyle of these childern by making an imperssion on mass media and governments. I deeply think it's job of them!
hey my friend
sorry for the delay, i am still having computer troubles and just now manasged to listen to this tune.
powerful metal mix here, i like how you looped some of the parts and also made unexpected breaks. it was very effective. really like the lead guitar and some crazy drumming you got going on here! honourable piece my friend.
as for child labour, yes it is one of many evil things going on in this very moment. besides music we can also do other things, like buying local food and buying clothes and other products that are made by people who are working under good conditions. but often people don't want that because it's more expensive. but then they say "aww poor people from thrid world countries" but they don't really mean it. as long as the "rich" people are comfortable, most of them don't give a shit. it's how i perceive it anyway...
the world is extremely messed up and hopefully at some point there will be a revolution in how things work on this otherwise beautiful planet.
i am not saying communism is the solution, but it seems to me like there are too many idiots for an efficient democracy.
consumerism and "growing, growing, growing! more. more.. more..." isn't the solution either.
I almost hate Heavy metal for the most part - and still there is several parts here that I find really enjoyable and had to listen over and over again to get enough of them.
However the west is guilty regarding the 3rd world countries. It is neo-slavery. Check out this youtube about why we have 3rd world countries;
PS Zietgiest are not trustworthy even though they made this youtube. model fekr kardane ensasn doostane.
aaaa yadsh bekheir rataraye ina ro mibinam khodamo tajasom mikonam avalin bari ke didam to mizani va mikhuni motabeghe khooye hamishegit aroom mizadi amma adam vaghti midid migoft va in cheh jooreshe! chera in pesare ye joore anomalistic
rahat guitar mizaneh!?
man to ro doost daram . mikhay ba man harf bezan mikhay nazan.
doostdare to .
The loudness, digging through brought me smiles man but the message in description can be heard through the music and this is the most favored track from your page. The way its attacking the thoughts has marked the spot with interest. Powerful message keep on speaking.
My God...your guitar playing has just skyrocketed! You are showing so much confidence to be yourself and play what is in your heart....this reminds me of the epic heavy metal songs of the 70's!! What a great journey through a song that demands to mean something. Super effects too...could have used a touch more treble but bloody hell what an EPIC!!!
Is that you shredding up the guitar riffs? Holy fuck my man, where im from guys need cocaine or meth for that kind of speed and activeness. Id love to see you play live!! Is there any video of u playing somewhere on the interweb? Very awesome track and I agree with your message/song descrip.
Be well big dawg,
-E.A.83/ Kevin
I listen to this nice guitar shredding. Your licks are fast and clean. Nice job. I really am not into metal except to VH which really is not metal to me, but a lot of people think so. I will check out some ore of your tunes when I get time. peace
this makes everyone's blood run cold !
a dashing music !
an ethereal piece ! to a miracle !
and I'm an enthusiast of your attitude as a great artist,Behnam.
you are a real artist and a person with exceptional inteligence but what makes me loving you is the way
you usually try for good things and humanity with your musics in your pieces .
you are a deep thinker and always I can feel a lovable friendly atmospher in your page and the way your friends and you talk with eachother in comments .
(ps:lol! I can't find it in my heart to don't say ,your friend ed tumbleweed has allude to a real true point about girls !lol.especially cause you're a good looker and an attractive man too . lol !)
I have a poem about child labour and - if you accept - , I'll be honoured to sing that as a song for this marvelous piece .
Behnam, It's great seeing all these comments and seeing how people are inspired by your song. Like I have said before it's very noble of you to write a song for the children that have to work. You went crazy on the guitar in this one, love it ;) But you know what I thought about this track already haha
You have my respect my friend ;)
Thanks for sharing this with all of us
greetings john ;)
Hi Behnam super metal track, I'm thrilled. But your message I find even more important. I also ask myself the question often what you can do in order not to be forced to work children. Marko
oops !lol!
i meant 20 fingers ,but me shocked wrote 2 fingers lol !
Behnam my father is hearing this and says you have a job in Czech in this studio
reserved for youown!
lol !
thank you for download ! :)
gooooossshhhh what was this !
are you sure you have just 2 fingers ?
ohhhhh !again !
I am not a fan of this boisterous metal sounds but i am a fan of your playing style indeed !
I know you are always a surprise but again whenever I play
a newone from you , it surprises me in a crazy way !
i feel that my hands are a bit dense and fool after hearing this one !
you are very Bad .lol!
certainly crazy Behnam!
Hi Behnam my Friend,
This is wonderful! Perfect technique combined with tons of creativity and a powerful message. This songs is perfect!
I really love how you have arranged it: you have such beautiful riffs (like the one around 3:47) but instead of repeating them (as many would have done) you decide to always push harder. All these stops are building a powerful picture of uneasiness.
Thanks for sharing your genius with us!
Ciao, Domenico
This is by far the finest thing I've ever heard you create, and is the best heavy metal song I've ever heard! Your freedom and skill in playing and creating are very well represented here! What an epic and emotional journey this song is taking me on! I'm not afraid to say that I love you for this, you play from the heart! Stay strong my friend! I know you call this a trial, but I would be more than honoured to play this on this friday. I'm getting together a very epic sort of track list for the show, and this would be the highlight for sure! Faved instantly! Thanks for the DL!
Not talking about your almost inhuman virtuosity here, this track cracks the heart with its incredible power .
It gets me in the guts and resonates inside my every cell ...
You know metal is my favourite genre for its unique way of expressing deep sensations with an unparalleled intensity _ and you also know how much my heart is full of love for kids _ so I've waited before coming here and say a few words cause I needed time to tame the chaos of emotions your track infused in me : a mixture of a deep upsetting sorrow and disturbing cold anger towards those who allow themselves to harm the most sacred gift of life .
To put it in a nutshell, this, along with "Vacuum", is what make me say you're a genius, Beni . Music's a miracle when it makes you love others more . Not only do you play the guitar as naturally and easily as you breathe, but above all, you make it speak to the souls and hearts even more clearly than words would do . You don't know it, but I sometimes mentally nickname you "my database tornado", haha ... ;)
When I sometimes feel my heart's sleepy in the chloroform of daily routine and the unbearable presented as a standard, I am so lucky you gave me a special medicine, i.e these tracks of yours, that wake up the human in me straight away . Merci for that Doc, and for all the other things you offered me .
Btw, how come I was not invited to that video chat ?! lol ;)
I'll end with a quotation by my favourite French writer . It says : "Good music does not make any mistake and goes right to the bottom of the soul to search for the sorrow that is eating us up" . Stendhal ( in letters about Mozart and Haydn ) .
That's what your track did to me .
here our band all are!
we can hear music says no no no!!that overture says that.but it is not very strange for me like the others because after i saw in our video chat how special and crazy you play guitar but you don't know that what a spcial you are playing i was shocked for 2 months!lol!our band members here say you have jet motor in your hands bro!lol!you are crazy if you gonna leave music brother.this is Myej Band message for you.
awesome guitar playing - full of rage! great technique. yes - some silence for a second. very important. very good. and again. a good composer is a master of silence! when the bottom drops out and you keep going on the guitar is powerful. great instrument choices for this hardass rock track. great mix. nice work. peace.
Dear Behnam
I 'd like to say a big NO to child labour!
And thanks to you for reminding us of this problem whit your thought-provoking track.
The info I read above in this track's description is really horrible and eye-opening.
It made me think of the sources of this problem or I think we should call it crime if done under such horrible conditions. It reminded me of your "misanthropy cycles". How people exploit other humankinds no matter how old, how big how small for their own benefits and preferences.
We should say big NOs to violence agains children, women or any living thing in any form.
This is, unfortunately, mainly a problem in developing or underdeveloped countries where people still suffer from many LACKs which all, in my opinion result from ignorance.
I thought about your question and to me what can be done is to raise awareness, to educate, to write about it and raise sustain the issue in public's mind.
What Charles Dickens did to fight against child labour?
He wrote about it, didn't he? He created a work of art.
Are you crazy Zappandi? Who the f..k are you to play like this? Are you an animal? A wild animal? You got 7 fingers on both hands? Actually are you right handed? OK...Enough to be silly on this track...forgive me my friend but this is out of the normal...paranormal...LOVE YOU :-)
11/10, just becuse I got a child...peace to you...
Hang on a minute while I put the air guitar down!..out of this world mate,7.27 of sheer bliss. So many variations and I think there was a bit of Hendrix in there. Above all you summed up in thise track the mood and message you are trying to get across. A big well done!
With great respect,
You surprise me even more than usual Behnam....On this side of the world guitar playing like that would get your picture on a lot of music and entertainment magazines...and the girls would be chasing you everywhere you went...but there is more...I understand the musical picture you paint..the darkness...the anger....the sadness....the frustration...the power...and the justice that should be done....Heavy metal is not on my regular listening Behnam (although I like a group called Nightwish)...but music created with thougtfulness, feelings ,creativity and passion alwsy is....and always has my great respect.....great creation you have made...for a worthy cause...Ed
I appreciate your commitment, Your thoughts on this subject. I do not know if I have understood everything correctly, my English is terrible.
Your song has for me a lot of power and emotion in itself. The guitar smokes and smokes formally by the stunning guitar riffs. Also the effects are awesome.
I am searching for the right words and all that keeps running through my head is simply BRILLIANT! I have to agree with other comments you must create a video. I can vision it now children working in a sweat shop, then screen flips to you master mind of guitar playing with all your aggression, angry, releasing all the frustration. Behnam you have really grabbed the listeners attention in the track. I can feel the frustration that you have over the huge problem in the world today. It saddens me that someone of your true amazing talent has been unappreciated by the very place that they live. You are beyond Great and I don't think that you realize this.
You filled this one with maelstrom of sweeps and cascades. LOVE IT!! Your guitar tone is fantastic, the tone I will chase forever. It's just awesome.
If your music is a waterfall, mine is the guy off to left pissing in the lake. After listening to this, I turned off my DAW for the night. Can't top that.
Behnam, you my friend are a genius....absolutely a genius. I would like to echo Steve's sentiments about you taking up a great cause, and this song absolutely captures the gut wrenching emotion that comes from thinking about all of those kids being forced into slave labor.
This song demands a video!!!! Man, this is so good on so many different levels....and that guitar is just fantastic.
Nothing to critique here, just massive amounts of respect Behnam. And a huge thank you for allowing the download.
Let me be the first to comment, what a great cause to champion, and what a great job you have done making music that is so emotional and dissonant and in your face..great Job my Friend inspire me when you do something like this. f@@@ing awesome!!!!!!!
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Description : This unconventional metal track is dedicated to Valvedriver though it's not a parody of his fine music or me actively trying to sound like it. I struggled for months with the first few minutes of this track knowing that I must be able to take it somewhere deeper, more psychedelic and powerful. Then I loaded some sampled choir voice instruments, as used in my track Reckful and suddenly found myself happily in Valveland - not a place I visit often. Feeling amply Valvedriven and newly inspired, I added the last few minutes fairly easily and very quickly. So: it's a twisting, turning mixture of grunge, menacing ambient, mystical metal and ultra-heavy funk. Instruments: electric guitar+bass, synth basses, female choir voices, one synth pad, some other synths on the nastier side of things and a few programmed heavy acoustic drumkits playing a mixture of triplets and straighter grooves. Interesting thoughts appreciated. Favourite bits? Shit bits? Please listen on good headphones/speakers as there's a lot of heavy bass in this. Now get ready to rock: balls out, hands in the air and with rebellious joy in your heart. Just try not to headbang the hell out of your laptop. Go!
Description : Whats up guys?! Been a while I know. Iv'e moved around a lot but have finally settled down and have been hard at work with my metal band. Unfortunately I've had to put my solo work on hold for a bit while I'm recording with the band. We are being professionally recorded now, a very big step up from the last recording of my band that I posted here. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy! We are, Raze The Pyre.
Description : Rough sketch of a Heavy Metal tune.
Guitars are Shreddage 2. Drums are Addictive 2. Daw is Reaper. Vocals need to be fleshed out. Update:3-2-19 Raised the volume of drums and guitars, added a Bass line.
Description : FINAL UPDATE -- 25.06.2015 -- L.O.D - Lovers of darkness
- Phatkatz4 on guitars and drums
- Joe Cramer vocals, synths and drums
I tryed to enhanced Phatkatz track.
used loop - Chris Hall waves-and-ocean
german and english lyrics are in the lyric folder
enjoy - comments are welcome
Description : used 4 loops from 3nigmadjing including the insane riser which i love big thanks for that looperman-l-2432186-0114538-3nigmadjing-insane-trap-or-dubstep-buildup and ableton with old greco stratocaster.
You seem to be the great discovery of ours,a fascinator prodigy indeed!
We'll be honoured to can work with you , Behnam Zandi deciBel.
I agree with your feeling against child labour.
When I volunteered in Ghana some time ago, I was asked to check the school attendance of children being sponsored by the charity I was with. Then when it was a harvest time, most the children were not in school :) Most parents dont agree the children cant help to harvest, because it's food, important. I dont know if this is wrong or not. Of course, Im sure this is not the child labour you are talking about, but at the same time this is possibly a big chunk out of the 26% sub-saharan children involved in work you mention.
Interesting. Definitely some parts of the song is better than other parts but nice grinding guitar work man!
Will retry to send new mixes some other time...Ed
Excuse me for late comment.
A masterpiece on heavy metal, you really rock buddy.
Dooste khoob hamoontor ke goftam goosh dadanesh vaghean maghz mibare che berese be sakhtanesh.
Great cause, no one wants to see children hurt or exploited in any way. Always you open my mind and ears to your musical world, thanks again!
sorry for the delay, i am still having computer troubles and just now manasged to listen to this tune.
powerful metal mix here, i like how you looped some of the parts and also made unexpected breaks. it was very effective. really like the lead guitar and some crazy drumming you got going on here! honourable piece my friend.
as for child labour, yes it is one of many evil things going on in this very moment. besides music we can also do other things, like buying local food and buying clothes and other products that are made by people who are working under good conditions. but often people don't want that because it's more expensive. but then they say "aww poor people from thrid world countries" but they don't really mean it. as long as the "rich" people are comfortable, most of them don't give a shit. it's how i perceive it anyway...
the world is extremely messed up and hopefully at some point there will be a revolution in how things work on this otherwise beautiful planet.
i am not saying communism is the solution, but it seems to me like there are too many idiots for an efficient democracy.
consumerism and "growing, growing, growing! more. more.. more..." isn't the solution either.
I could not reply, because I received this message:
"Sorry, Ive decided to switch my contact form off."
Feel free to contact me via mail:
Kind regards
Radio Illuminati
About the cause: GREAT CAUSE!
How can we help?
It is a good idea to use music as a platform to spread a humanitarian message.
I did that with a tribute to Edward Snowden:
However the west is guilty regarding the 3rd world countries. It is neo-slavery. Check out this youtube about why we have 3rd world countries;
PS Zietgiest are not trustworthy even though they made this youtube.
aaaa yadsh bekheir rataraye ina ro mibinam khodamo tajasom mikonam avalin bari ke didam to mizani va mikhuni motabeghe khooye hamishegit aroom mizadi amma adam vaghti midid migoft va in cheh jooreshe! chera in pesare ye joore anomalistic
rahat guitar mizaneh!?
man to ro doost daram . mikhay ba man harf bezan mikhay nazan.
doostdare to .
That's your best track ever. Thanks for sharing!
Very nice work. amazing guitars!
Be well big dawg,
-E.A.83/ Kevin
I listen to this nice guitar shredding. Your licks are fast and clean. Nice job. I really am not into metal except to VH which really is not metal to me, but a lot of people think so. I will check out some ore of your tunes when I get time. peace
Does he need to be taken out back and dealt with?
Guido and Tony can give him a talking to. Down by the river.
Tends to keep people on the DL.
a dashing music !
an ethereal piece ! to a miracle !
and I'm an enthusiast of your attitude as a great artist,Behnam.
you are a real artist and a person with exceptional inteligence but what makes me loving you is the way
you usually try for good things and humanity with your musics in your pieces .
you are a deep thinker and always I can feel a lovable friendly atmospher in your page and the way your friends and you talk with eachother in comments .
(ps:lol! I can't find it in my heart to don't say ,your friend ed tumbleweed has allude to a real true point about girls !lol.especially cause you're a good looker and an attractive man too . lol !)
I have a poem about child labour and - if you accept - , I'll be honoured to sing that as a song for this marvelous piece .
You have my respect my friend ;)
Thanks for sharing this with all of us
greetings john ;)
i meant 20 fingers ,but me shocked wrote 2 fingers lol !
Behnam my father is hearing this and says you have a job in Czech in this studio
reserved for youown!
lol !
thank you for download ! :)
gooooossshhhh what was this !
are you sure you have just 2 fingers ?
ohhhhh !again !
I am not a fan of this boisterous metal sounds but i am a fan of your playing style indeed !
I know you are always a surprise but again whenever I play
a newone from you , it surprises me in a crazy way !
i feel that my hands are a bit dense and fool after hearing this one !
you are very Bad .lol!
certainly crazy Behnam!
This is wonderful! Perfect technique combined with tons of creativity and a powerful message. This songs is perfect!
I really love how you have arranged it: you have such beautiful riffs (like the one around 3:47) but instead of repeating them (as many would have done) you decide to always push harder. All these stops are building a powerful picture of uneasiness.
Thanks for sharing your genius with us!
Ciao, Domenico
It has such strong emotions.
Awesome stuff
It gets me in the guts and resonates inside my every cell ...
You know metal is my favourite genre for its unique way of expressing deep sensations with an unparalleled intensity _ and you also know how much my heart is full of love for kids _ so I've waited before coming here and say a few words cause I needed time to tame the chaos of emotions your track infused in me : a mixture of a deep upsetting sorrow and disturbing cold anger towards those who allow themselves to harm the most sacred gift of life .
To put it in a nutshell, this, along with "Vacuum", is what make me say you're a genius, Beni . Music's a miracle when it makes you love others more . Not only do you play the guitar as naturally and easily as you breathe, but above all, you make it speak to the souls and hearts even more clearly than words would do . You don't know it, but I sometimes mentally nickname you "my database tornado", haha ... ;)
When I sometimes feel my heart's sleepy in the chloroform of daily routine and the unbearable presented as a standard, I am so lucky you gave me a special medicine, i.e these tracks of yours, that wake up the human in me straight away . Merci for that Doc, and for all the other things you offered me .
Btw, how come I was not invited to that video chat ?! lol ;)
I'll end with a quotation by my favourite French writer . It says : "Good music does not make any mistake and goes right to the bottom of the soul to search for the sorrow that is eating us up" . Stendhal ( in letters about Mozart and Haydn ) .
That's what your track did to me .
Take care honey, please .
we can hear music says no no no!!that overture says that.but it is not very strange for me like the others because after i saw in our video chat how special and crazy you play guitar but you don't know that what a spcial you are playing i was shocked for 2 months!lol!our band members here say you have jet motor in your hands bro!lol!you are crazy if you gonna leave music brother.this is Myej Band message for you.
This is powerful!
You play with the anger that this music reaches out.!
I hear your music,i read your words and i can only hope that one day people wake up.!
Our world was for all mankind,not just the socalled elite.!
Children deserve Love Life and Unity.!
My heart cries for the way our 1 world and it's people are being abused both young and old and regardless of race creed or color.!...
Your message is felt by me.!
Thank you dear friend!
I 'd like to say a big NO to child labour!
And thanks to you for reminding us of this problem whit your thought-provoking track.
The info I read above in this track's description is really horrible and eye-opening.
It made me think of the sources of this problem or I think we should call it crime if done under such horrible conditions. It reminded me of your "misanthropy cycles". How people exploit other humankinds no matter how old, how big how small for their own benefits and preferences.
We should say big NOs to violence agains children, women or any living thing in any form.
This is, unfortunately, mainly a problem in developing or underdeveloped countries where people still suffer from many LACKs which all, in my opinion result from ignorance.
I thought about your question and to me what can be done is to raise awareness, to educate, to write about it and raise sustain the issue in public's mind.
What Charles Dickens did to fight against child labour?
He wrote about it, didn't he? He created a work of art.
Best wishes
Are you crazy Zappandi? Who the f..k are you to play like this? Are you an animal? A wild animal? You got 7 fingers on both hands? Actually are you right handed? OK...Enough to be silly on this track...forgive me my friend but this is out of the normal...paranormal...LOVE YOU :-)
11/10, just becuse I got a child...peace to you...
With great respect,
I liked it sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much
What an incredible masterpiece, packed with power and emotional energy!!
Hat's off and respect___Orlando
Your song has for me a lot of power and emotion in itself. The guitar smokes and smokes formally by the stunning guitar riffs. Also the effects are awesome.
Man, good job, outstanding!!!
Greetings from Switzerland
Miss Brandon Michelle
I agree 100 percent with earlier 2 posts.
You filled this one with maelstrom of sweeps and cascades. LOVE IT!! Your guitar tone is fantastic, the tone I will chase forever. It's just awesome.
If your music is a waterfall, mine is the guy off to left pissing in the lake. After listening to this, I turned off my DAW for the night. Can't top that.
Excellent, even more so than usual.
This song demands a video!!!! Man, this is so good on so many different levels....and that guitar is just fantastic.
Nothing to critique here, just massive amounts of respect Behnam. And a huge thank you for allowing the download.
And for all of the links.
EPIC work brother, absolutely EPIC
\m/ \m/