Description : REDONE for the 2nd time *** Rearranged the intro and some other parts. Thanks for all the advice! Vocals Thasuspect1 and Knowkontroll, drums by Dusthill (and me!), fx loop from Kandago, flute drmistersir - thanks for sharing guys.
Nice Intro, (At first I thought when you said "I want to fall" that you were saying (I want to f*ck)). Nice production. Good use of panning. Nice Ending
Hahaha! And I thought for the longest time that ThaSuspect was singing "Suspect on the BEACH" and therefore tried to give this a summery feeling...but he is apparently singing that he's on the beat.
Thanks for listening! The panning is mainly in the vocal loop from the beginning, so the credit for it goes there.
Gotta start by saying man I wish I had someone like Static Nomad listening to my music man. He give some super critical and solid opinions of what he hears... but respect StaticNomad, I wish I could do that.
Hi and sorry for a late reply, I know we already found each other on the Cloud.
But thanks for listening and YES - those reflections by StaticNomad are really, really helpfull!
Well, you have some awesome music going on yourself, I already discovered some of it. Thanks for the vocal, it's Amazing!
"someone else is just cranky about reverse cymbals..ehh?"
Indeed. And a certain someone else might prefer them to be the lead instrument here. At all times. Maybe even the only instrument. Don't worry - just a little joke about my feeling of Crucethus' overuse of reverse cymbals in his music. He does love them. And I often don't.
Anyway, I'm happy to hear the changes and can hear definite improvements.
First thing is choosing to get the best (vocoded) vocal in earlier. It was fine where it entered before in the track but getting it in earlier probably makes the whole thing more instantly memorable.
I'd probably actually get rid of the very first vocal and just lead with the vocoded one.
I like how it's kind of pop music but that you've also got some haunting sounds and some deeper, more beautiful stuff in there. Haunting comes out best at the end. And that mega reverb on the vocoded vocal is a really effective touch.
I like being able to hear the bass around 2:52.
This could be quite a commercial hit, actually.
A bit too 'pop' for my tastes but my tastes are irrelevant.
As I just wrote in the earlier reply - thank yourself for the bass around 2:52. It's there because you asked about it and I realized that I forgot to use it all the way.
Very creative and I liked it. Keep the reverse cymbals at there volume they are just fine, someone else is just cranky about reverse cymbals..ehh? I agree though the beginning is lacking something, but the end becomes more ethereal. Will have to listen a few more times to give a greater detailed summation!
Hello Steve!
Haha the war of the reversed cymbals, yes I like them this way too.
I changed the intro a bit (redid this a week ago, just late with all the replys) and maybe it's a bit better now.
Thanks for listening!
Don't like the 'Suspect!' line as well as the 'I'm lovin' line.
0:40-43 isn't that a few guitar notes?
1:11 vocal could fade in just a little more gradually. You could do a imple volume curve in or add lower the attack on an ADSR filter to get it to come in more slowly and smoothly.
It's that vocoded vocal that really does it for me. The second half, when it goes to 'lady (?) is such a cool movement of the voice and quite beautiful.
2:53 reverse cymbal sounds too loud. And then next one too.
2:54 start of a cool, haunting spacious sound that is best after 3:10.
Nice fadeout vocoded vocal but let it ring a little longer so it doesn't abruptly cut the note off. I hear that (chopped off endings) an awful lot on this site - not sure why.
Hope that was enough detail for you and a few things to consider and maybe tidy up.
All of this noted and I tried to implement this in the new version.
Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the late reply, my computer is constantly hanging it self and it's impossible to write with it from time to time - or maybe it's the internet Connection?
About the sharp pop though - no don't hear it! I usually have a sharp pop appearing in the beginning in some tracks and am too lazy to cut it out in audacity but this time I don't even hear it?
About the guitar - yes if you mean the bass guitar, it is. But a FL version of a guitar of course. And thanks to you I also added it in the later part of the track in the redone version. Apparently I had forgot to use it all the way at first...
Those chopped of endings are just lazyness I guess, I really don't hear them that much but I guess it has to do with how musically trained ones ears are. Thanks for pointing this out, I'll keep it in mind.
And I like the suspect vocal in the beguinning! It stayes.
Overall VERY good. Good production values and excellent marriage of vocals to loops. I still think you are too dependent on the vocals but others may hear it differently. You have great musical intuition and the melodies are always superior. Good work.
Hey thanks Clindsay!
Nice to hear - this one is all about the vocals but I know now what you mean by that and am thinking about it while making new tracks.
Take care!
Hi. Brief comment with more to come later as I'm busy right now.
I don't like the vocals before 0:33. After that it's good and I really like the vocoded vocals. Beats are good and I think there might be some guitar in there.
Description : I have been using LooperMan for practice for some time now. This my most recent track. The only loop in the song is BabyGee's vocals. Free to download and if you repost tag me so I can share it as well.
Description : A psychedelic techno cello epic. It's not really techno as it's only 110 BPM but something like that (eg breakbeat), with lots of banging beats and arpeggiated acid synths, plus a whole load of my layered cello playing techniques. There aren't that many synths used but they do a lot of work and are carefully automated. No guitar. Drums are mostly a lot of drum loops, supported by a few programmed acoustic drumkits. Very busy and complicated with loads of different sections (funky, chilled, fast, heavy) that make up a constantly progressing trip. I don't know if there's any other cello music like this so let me know if you think there is. Interesting feedback appreciated - criticism, praise, ideas etc. Enjoy...
Description : Summer type dance track, for those precious 2 weeks off, if you can get them! Made around a selection of different loops and some keys from me.
Description : Inspired by an experimental percussion piece I heard. Rhythmic ticking builds into pounding beats and heavy soundscapes. I haven't done any mixing or mastering yet so tell me what you think. Any and all comments are welcome.
Description : A song about a damaged soul. Sadly, based on a true story. Gorgeous loops here are by Hardstyle Rythm, Aboe, and Princess Hollywood. All basslines by that fiendish genius Rasputin. Take a bow, gentlemen
Description : Pretty basic dance track. Was experimenting with the Falcon synth plugin, hence the name. Instrumentation for the melody lines might be a bit unusual, more orchestral. Vocoder is from the Icarus synth plugin, a great new instrument.
Description : Hello everyone here's a song from my album anymore that really is near and dear to my heart I hope you guys and enjoy it and never let anyone bring you down or tell you that you are good enough!
For the full album visit my website. (add .com to my profile name)
I'm glad to hear that you liked the result.
Thanks for listening! The panning is mainly in the vocal loop from the beginning, so the credit for it goes there.
Nice track it was cool to hear.
On soundcloud?
But thanks for listening and YES - those reflections by StaticNomad are really, really helpfull!
Well, you have some awesome music going on yourself, I already discovered some of it. Thanks for the vocal, it's Amazing!
Take care!
/ SJ =)
Indeed. And a certain someone else might prefer them to be the lead instrument here. At all times. Maybe even the only instrument. Don't worry - just a little joke about my feeling of Crucethus' overuse of reverse cymbals in his music. He does love them. And I often don't.
Anyway, I'm happy to hear the changes and can hear definite improvements.
First thing is choosing to get the best (vocoded) vocal in earlier. It was fine where it entered before in the track but getting it in earlier probably makes the whole thing more instantly memorable.
I'd probably actually get rid of the very first vocal and just lead with the vocoded one.
I like how it's kind of pop music but that you've also got some haunting sounds and some deeper, more beautiful stuff in there. Haunting comes out best at the end. And that mega reverb on the vocoded vocal is a really effective touch.
I like being able to hear the bass around 2:52.
This could be quite a commercial hit, actually.
A bit too 'pop' for my tastes but my tastes are irrelevant.
Anyway, I liked it so well done to you.
Anyhow, thanks again for all the feedback!
Nice transitions, slick percussion and FX work and really cool vocals.
Very tight mix.
Haha the war of the reversed cymbals, yes I like them this way too.
I changed the intro a bit (redid this a week ago, just late with all the replys) and maybe it's a bit better now.
Thanks for listening!
Are you aware of the sharp pop right on 0:00?
Don't like the 'Suspect!' line as well as the 'I'm lovin' line.
0:40-43 isn't that a few guitar notes?
1:11 vocal could fade in just a little more gradually. You could do a imple volume curve in or add lower the attack on an ADSR filter to get it to come in more slowly and smoothly.
It's that vocoded vocal that really does it for me. The second half, when it goes to 'lady (?) is such a cool movement of the voice and quite beautiful.
2:53 reverse cymbal sounds too loud. And then next one too.
2:54 start of a cool, haunting spacious sound that is best after 3:10.
Nice fadeout vocoded vocal but let it ring a little longer so it doesn't abruptly cut the note off. I hear that (chopped off endings) an awful lot on this site - not sure why.
Hope that was enough detail for you and a few things to consider and maybe tidy up.
Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the late reply, my computer is constantly hanging it self and it's impossible to write with it from time to time - or maybe it's the internet Connection?
About the sharp pop though - no don't hear it! I usually have a sharp pop appearing in the beginning in some tracks and am too lazy to cut it out in audacity but this time I don't even hear it?
About the guitar - yes if you mean the bass guitar, it is. But a FL version of a guitar of course. And thanks to you I also added it in the later part of the track in the redone version. Apparently I had forgot to use it all the way at first...
Those chopped of endings are just lazyness I guess, I really don't hear them that much but I guess it has to do with how musically trained ones ears are. Thanks for pointing this out, I'll keep it in mind.
And I like the suspect vocal in the beguinning! It stayes.
Nice to hear - this one is all about the vocals but I know now what you mean by that and am thinking about it while making new tracks.
Take care!
I don't like the vocals before 0:33. After that it's good and I really like the vocoded vocals. Beats are good and I think there might be some guitar in there.
More detail later.
Good work, as usual.