First ROCK track, plus using vocals which is a rarity for myself as well...
This is a first of a few genre's that I am going to attempt over few weeks...
Nice rock beat and guitars with a nice type of vocal...
HOPE you guys enjoy this one as much as I do...
Please comment/review your thoughts on this one...
As always the favour will be returned...please enjoy....
Peace Love Respect...
This rock track was uploaded by Mosaic . They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (17)
If you have time take a listen and give Mosaic some feedback.
To be honest when the drums kicked in, I wish they didn't. The singing and simple background sold the song. Whoever sang on this track sounds very unique, in a good way. That's just my opinion. I'm going to listen to more of your tracks.
Thank you for the review and thoughts, might give it ago without beat, if sounds okies might upload a version beat free as well, music pc off at moment but will give it ago when it is up and running...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
WOW! Great track, this seriously sounds like it was completely made by a couple people in the same room. Everything flows together nicely. The vocals and music fit one another perfectly. Keep up the great work and stay out of you comfort zone if this is the kind of things you are going to create. Keep it up.
Thank you for such a nice review, very pleased you enjoyed this one, trying out some other genre's rather then just trance for now, have plenty of trance done waiting to come up on site once the new genre bug leaves me lol, been having headache with a POP track, but fingers crossed it is just about to come back on site, from the hidden dungeon, lol...also thank you for the fav...Will head your way again soon friend...many thanks...Peace n Respect Kyle...Mosaic...
Thank you for stopping bye and checking this one out, pleased you enjoyed, yep was enjoying doing few other genre's but having a hate session with latest track, of the pop genre doing, hidden it to I can get it right or delete whatever comes first lol, doing a Cinematic piece at moment, hoping to upload that on weekend, stay well mate...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Interesting concept here. I'll be honest, I love the sections from 1:14 thru 2:00 and again at the 3:30 thru the end. Seems like the vocals mesh really well with the instruments on those two sections.
The other parts of the song have a lot of syncopation which adds to the feeling that those sections are just a bit off beat. But it works, and that's the amazing thing about it all. I enjoyed the effort and think you should try another rock tune. You have a feel for the genre. I hope all is well.
Friend thank you for the review of this one, you should know me by now, I do things a little different lol, especially when doing other genre's then trance lol...Seriously thinking of doing another in the future, want to try some other genre's first, apart from the shite pop track working on at moment, have a cinematic piece coming on weekend...Again thank you friend for your continuing support, means a lot from you...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
ah...youre doing rock...i like the track and the not sure if it really fits together...maybe i need to listen a few times more...the mix is good...
i did a rock song together with pete tebar and my honey two years ago...
Yes attempting other genre's for a bit, I still enjoy listening to this one myself, so must be okies lol, glad you enjoyed this one, and thank you for the review...will head your way when have little time, about to head off to work...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
the scattered drum hits at the beginning, punctuating the vocals is real effective (imho). it's a great intro and it feels great when you drop the main groove. like your guitar work and the track a lot. nice work and congrats on breaking in to uncharted territory. peace
Thank you so much for the review of this one and your kind words, currently trying to finish a pop track, very pleased you enjoyed the track mate...Peace n Respect Mosaic...
Mate thanks for the review of this one, one track I still really enjoy listening to myself, never heard of the band you mentioned, but googled them, will give them a listen too later when home from work...Will head your way over next day or two to see what you have up....Again thank you Evan...Peace Mosaic....
Thank you for the review and kind words, yep useless when it comes to play an instrument, that's why have to do tracks like this with samples, and get them as good as if not made with samples, sometimes you fluke it other times a bit harder, will try this genre again but will be more acoustic type of rock track next...Again thank you for the review man...Much appreciated...Peace n Respect Mosaic...
Man thank you for stopping by and leaving a review, glad you enjoyed the track, I think vocals sound okies, but did have to adjust slightly so they would go with the track, as I am very limited on vocals in library, but think they work well in the piece....Peace Mosaic...
PS...I think its something about the structure of your composition...I`ve always liked mixes that strayed a bit from the usual...fits the vocal approach really well in this case...and kudos to whoever did the vocal....still digging it on another listen...Ed
Yep first rock track, one more then on to some other genre's, lol most of my music is a little different then most :))Vocals are from a pack I purchased a few years ago, sadly lost most of them when 2 of my hard drives crashed, made a couple of changes to them so they suited the track, track sounds nice without the vocals too but prefer the vocal version better myself, part of me thinks the vocals make the track, Thank you for the review Ed...Like said in other reply made my day coming from you mate...Peace n Respect Mosaic....
your kiddin??...doesn`t sound to me like a first rock track...sounds to me like a track by a musician that soaked up a lot of blues-rock...a little T-Rex...some Doors...and a lot of melodic ideas...this honestly is good stuff Mosaic...Bravo mate....not just for the track...but for pulling this off in a genre that hasn`t been in your ammo pouch...Bravo....fav......Ed
Mate thank you for such a great review and very kind words, coming from a talent like you made my day that's for sure, as I have said in other replies, something nice about this one, I cant stop playing it myself, which is strange as I normally don't like listening to my own stuff straight after making them, but this one is different...Have a acoustic/rock track just about finished, maybe not as good as this one...but nice piece...Thank you for the fav and support mate...Peace n Respect Mosaic...
Great job doing a rock track my friend! I like the guitar sound and the vocals, they work pretty good together. There are times it gets a little trippy like when the guitar lead rolls and the song quiets down and the girl sings. Reminds me a bit of the Doors Robbie Krieger guitar in the song The End at times.
I like the open feel of the song, lots of space. There is a cool bluesy feel going on here with nice changes throughout. Working with vocals opens up some new challenges as far as mixing. I know you have used vocal samples before but mixing in a whole track is different. Listened on my headphones and the vocals sounded good in the mix.
Dig the track dude! Keep challenging yourself, you will never know what you can do unless you try. Look forward to hearing some new songs!
Thank you for the feedback and the review, must say did enjoy doing this one, while taking a short break from trance, currently working on a acoustic type of rock track, it is more laid back then this one, more like a chill out track, plus also start a few different styles...Thought working with vocals would be a bit hard but found them fairly straight forward, suppose if you have the right vocals makes it easier...Thank for the fav too mate...Peace n Respect...Mosaic....Listening to your piece I reviewed other day...Still stand by what I said about it being my fav of yours...Excellent track....
I'm not sure if your familiar with early eighties rock like (Pat Benatar, Quarterflash and Spider) This song reminds me a bit of all 3 groups. Good work. I like the disjointed rhythm with the guitars interplaying with the vocals.
Thank you for the review and comment, yes an old fart so know then well lol...glad you enjoyed piece...Just sent you mail via contact...Peace n Respect man...Mosaic...
It's always good to be diverse (i've not been doing that much lateley)
This is great when the beat kicks in. Sounds as good as other peoples rock tracks who do them all the time.
Where did you get the vocal from?
Brilliant stuff.
Thank you for the review and feedback, don't know about being as good as others here, but thank you...Vocals from library...They are some I managed to still have after losing both of my hard drives when they crashed, Don't know who artist is singing...Again thank you friend...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
This is sweet my friend! I'm excited to know that you are trying some new genres! I personally think these vocals are perfect for a rock song, reminds me a bit of Rush or something like that. The minimal nature of the music you made is very enthralling, has that edge that I like about some "folk-rock." Obviously, I'm still very into your trance works and stuff, but this was quite fun to listen to! Faved!
Thank you so much for the review, really rapped the way this one turned out, been listening to it all day, before heading to work, agree the more I listen to it the more I think the vocals do go with the track, Trance will always be my fav and main genre to do, but is fun to try something else in between, have 7 trance piece's completed but thought my just muck around with some other genre's and upload rather trance just for now, Thank you friend, thanks for fav too mate...Peace n much Respect mate...Mosaic...
Pretty cool song man. When the music picked up around 1:14, that was pretty cool. The guitars owned the track in both a good and bad way for me.
I mean, the music is great but something about the vocals seem a little off but I can't put my finger on why that is.
So yeah, hella great music, but I personally would prefer to listen to this without the vocals.
Thank you for stopping by and giving me some feedback, agree track does sound good without vocals too, have a copy of each going up onto my own web site tomorrow, maybe on the vocals, technically not a rock vocal as such but thought worked well with this track so used it to give track fullness, if you know what I mean, wrapped way track turned out considering trance is my main genre I do...Head your way tomorrow mate...Peace n Respect dude...Mosaic...
Thank you so much firstly for being the first to review and secondly for the review and kind words, I have heard this piece so many times since starting it at the beginning of the week, and still dig listening to it now, has a very catchy feel about the track, Again thank you mate, doing reviews tomorrow so will head your way to see what you up too....Peace n Respect Mosaic...
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Description : This is my newest creation, at a stage very near to completion. No third-party mastering or mixing, as with all my tracks. Just have to fix a few tiny things. I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO MIX EVERYTHING IN THE SAME SESSION. This song has all human-played instruments - no quantization or MIDI! My brother does all the vocals except for the interlude part, which I do. My other brother plays the rhythm guitar (a Gibson Les Paul Custom - only one of 12 in the world!!) and I play the accompanying guitar (a Johnny Mar Jag and PRS). He has a lot of guitars :P A good friend of ours, Ronnie, plays the bass and another friend, Freddie, plays the drums. The drum track was done in one take (had to use an electric drum set due to time constraints - but acoustic kits are so much better). Overall, pretty satisfied with the result. Let me know your thoughts.
Description : Feel free to check out the lyrics video on YT as well :) This is a new track based on the great vocals by Ashes and Dreams! Again, a mix of electronic/progressive/rock, any feedback is welcome
Description : The first track I sing on. Cheap stage mic & no fancy plugins. Heavily guitar laden to the point it's got a bit of a shoegaze thing going on. I pulled the lyrics out of my ass & yes, they're a bit silly.
Description : BIG UPDATE 26/02/2014 - So, this was an 18 min track that I have now successfully split in two. 2nd half I uploaded a few weeks ago (Things That Should Always Be, with the bouncy 2 min reggae intro). This is the first half, which has a new mix, a mega chill, meditative ending and a little jazz thrown in for good measure. Takes a few minutes for beat to really kick in. Constantly evolving electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic drums and lead banjo driven by fat, busy 80BPM grooves with a bit of a reggae and shuffle feel. Also: synth choir voices, dulcimer, violin, cello, shimmering pads. Builds up gradually to nice and rocking and then gets taken back down for the big comedown chill. I really don't know what sort of genre this is except 'far out'. I think it sounds more like a live band than one guy playing instruments and manipulating a DAW. Not my best track but a bit of blissful, sunny island fun. Real positive vibe here so I hope you give it a chance to unfold and unfurl. Sit back, clear your schedule and immerse yourself in these trippy sonic experiments cooked up deep in my off-planet underground laboratory. I have to send the MP3 to Earth via space courier (not cheap).
Description : This track was like the inhale after an exhale of aggressive industrial-electro-sludge tracks that I had put out that summer and fall. This was the more reserved, and introspective winter track. It's nothing spectacular, but I still really enjoy it. I hope you do too. Take care. V.
Description : when i was a kid you could go down and buy acid drops at the dairy - sour boiled sweets....vox, guitars and keys by me. Bass a LM loop by megapaul.
Thank you for the review and thoughts, might give it ago without beat, if sounds okies might upload a version beat free as well, music pc off at moment but will give it ago when it is up and running...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Thank you for such a nice review, very pleased you enjoyed this one, trying out some other genre's rather then just trance for now, have plenty of trance done waiting to come up on site once the new genre bug leaves me lol, been having headache with a POP track, but fingers crossed it is just about to come back on site, from the hidden dungeon, lol...also thank you for the fav...Will head your way again soon friend...many thanks...Peace n Respect Kyle...Mosaic...
It's indeed out of your comfort zone...
But it sounds great and well mixed!
It's always great so see artist coming from their comfort zone!
Thank you for stopping bye and checking this one out, pleased you enjoyed, yep was enjoying doing few other genre's but having a hate session with latest track, of the pop genre doing, hidden it to I can get it right or delete whatever comes first lol, doing a Cinematic piece at moment, hoping to upload that on weekend, stay well mate...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
The other parts of the song have a lot of syncopation which adds to the feeling that those sections are just a bit off beat. But it works, and that's the amazing thing about it all. I enjoyed the effort and think you should try another rock tune. You have a feel for the genre. I hope all is well.
Friend thank you for the review of this one, you should know me by now, I do things a little different lol, especially when doing other genre's then trance lol...Seriously thinking of doing another in the future, want to try some other genre's first, apart from the shite pop track working on at moment, have a cinematic piece coming on weekend...Again thank you friend for your continuing support, means a lot from you...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
i did a rock song together with pete tebar and my honey two years ago...
Yes attempting other genre's for a bit, I still enjoy listening to this one myself, so must be okies lol, glad you enjoyed this one, and thank you for the review...will head your way when have little time, about to head off to work...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Thank you so much for the review of this one and your kind words, currently trying to finish a pop track, very pleased you enjoyed the track mate...Peace n Respect Mosaic...
Mate thanks for the review of this one, one track I still really enjoy listening to myself, never heard of the band you mentioned, but googled them, will give them a listen too later when home from work...Will head your way over next day or two to see what you have up....Again thank you Evan...Peace Mosaic....
Thank you for the review and kind words, yep useless when it comes to play an instrument, that's why have to do tracks like this with samples, and get them as good as if not made with samples, sometimes you fluke it other times a bit harder, will try this genre again but will be more acoustic type of rock track next...Again thank you for the review man...Much appreciated...Peace n Respect Mosaic...
Keep it up mate
Man thank you for stopping by and leaving a review, glad you enjoyed the track, I think vocals sound okies, but did have to adjust slightly so they would go with the track, as I am very limited on vocals in library, but think they work well in the piece....Peace Mosaic...
Yep first rock track, one more then on to some other genre's, lol most of my music is a little different then most :))Vocals are from a pack I purchased a few years ago, sadly lost most of them when 2 of my hard drives crashed, made a couple of changes to them so they suited the track, track sounds nice without the vocals too but prefer the vocal version better myself, part of me thinks the vocals make the track, Thank you for the review Ed...Like said in other reply made my day coming from you mate...Peace n Respect Mosaic....
Mate thank you for such a great review and very kind words, coming from a talent like you made my day that's for sure, as I have said in other replies, something nice about this one, I cant stop playing it myself, which is strange as I normally don't like listening to my own stuff straight after making them, but this one is different...Have a acoustic/rock track just about finished, maybe not as good as this one...but nice piece...Thank you for the fav and support mate...Peace n Respect Mosaic...
I like the open feel of the song, lots of space. There is a cool bluesy feel going on here with nice changes throughout. Working with vocals opens up some new challenges as far as mixing. I know you have used vocal samples before but mixing in a whole track is different. Listened on my headphones and the vocals sounded good in the mix.
Dig the track dude! Keep challenging yourself, you will never know what you can do unless you try. Look forward to hearing some new songs!
Thank you for the feedback and the review, must say did enjoy doing this one, while taking a short break from trance, currently working on a acoustic type of rock track, it is more laid back then this one, more like a chill out track, plus also start a few different styles...Thought working with vocals would be a bit hard but found them fairly straight forward, suppose if you have the right vocals makes it easier...Thank for the fav too mate...Peace n Respect...Mosaic....Listening to your piece I reviewed other day...Still stand by what I said about it being my fav of yours...Excellent track....
Thank you for the review and comment, yes an old fart so know then well lol...glad you enjoyed piece...Just sent you mail via contact...Peace n Respect man...Mosaic...
This is great when the beat kicks in. Sounds as good as other peoples rock tracks who do them all the time.
Where did you get the vocal from?
Brilliant stuff.
Thank you for the review and feedback, don't know about being as good as others here, but thank you...Vocals from library...They are some I managed to still have after losing both of my hard drives when they crashed, Don't know who artist is singing...Again thank you friend...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Thank you so much for the review, really rapped the way this one turned out, been listening to it all day, before heading to work, agree the more I listen to it the more I think the vocals do go with the track, Trance will always be my fav and main genre to do, but is fun to try something else in between, have 7 trance piece's completed but thought my just muck around with some other genre's and upload rather trance just for now, Thank you friend, thanks for fav too mate...Peace n much Respect mate...Mosaic...
I mean, the music is great but something about the vocals seem a little off but I can't put my finger on why that is.
So yeah, hella great music, but I personally would prefer to listen to this without the vocals.
Thank you for stopping by and giving me some feedback, agree track does sound good without vocals too, have a copy of each going up onto my own web site tomorrow, maybe on the vocals, technically not a rock vocal as such but thought worked well with this track so used it to give track fullness, if you know what I mean, wrapped way track turned out considering trance is my main genre I do...Head your way tomorrow mate...Peace n Respect dude...Mosaic...
Thank you so much firstly for being the first to review and secondly for the review and kind words, I have heard this piece so many times since starting it at the beginning of the week, and still dig listening to it now, has a very catchy feel about the track, Again thank you mate, doing reviews tomorrow so will head your way to see what you up too....Peace n Respect Mosaic...