Description : A nice POP track, stepping out of comfort zone with this one as like with ROCK track uploaded before this one, again has vocals...Mainly a piano background along with the beat/bass and vocal...A simple track is what I was after with vocals as the main feature...Hope you guys enjoy the listen of another different genre then what I normally do...Please comment/review and the favour will be returned...Please enjoy...Peace Love Respect Mosaic...
This pop track was uploaded by Mosaic . They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (27)
If you have time take a listen and give Mosaic some feedback.
Thank you mate, like mention in earlier reply to this one, even today I enjoy listening to it, have a trance version coming hopefully soon called likacircle, will head your way again soon my friend over next few days...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
It's people like you on here that have me listening to enjoying and appreciating so many different genres and approaches to music.
I first turned up here because there were some good quality free loops available and wasn't even aware of this part of it for a long time.
It's now my main radio station!
I still find it hard to believe an amateur mostly hobby site can be turning out stuff like this.
Hats off to you and your hard work.
So many talented people on here.
Thank you for the review and very kind words, means a lot mate, glad there is many great artist on this site, to help everyone appreciate different genre's...Thank you for the fav my friend, will head your way next few days, not much time at moment....Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Hey Mos!
I know this track has been here a while but i haven't been here that long, so i give you my thoughts now, and go through the others whenever i can;)
Bro this really good one of the best tracks i heard on this site so far( i haven't heard as much as you but still), the percussion is awesome and that bass man is top! although feels a little low in volume to me but i understand you want the vocal to be the focus.
The vocals are amazing, beautiful voice and great lyrics.
Well done with the piano and that distant pad is just spot on.
Nice work my friend you got some serious talent.
PS: I just read the review you done on mudhoen's track,
man that was deep, hat's off to you for helping him out, good man.
mate thank you for stopping by, very pleased you enjoyed this one, even today still one of my fav tracks...will head your way again next few days friend, little short on time, just popped in to respond to reviews...Thanks for the fav...Peace n Respect friend...mosaic...
Hey mosaic
well i never heard the early evolutions of this track and pop is not really my forte but i like the song the vocals are great very powerful and the mix all seems where it should be
good work man
thank you for stopping bye and checking this one out, an oldie but I reckon a goodie, I still enjoy listen to this one even today, catchy type of piece, this gave me massive headaches trying to get vocals sorted in it but it is worthwhile, nearly ended up in the bin...thank you for the fav my friend...Peace n respect...Mosaic...
Yes this is a oldie but I sure still love listening to it myself even now, something about the piece, simple but does the job, very pleased you enjoy it my fiend, thanks for the fav...Mate have another trance in next few days stay tuned...Peace n Respect my friend...Mosaic...
You been kept busy doing reviews lol, very happy you enjoyed this track, must admit gave me quite a few headaches doing it, but the end result turned out pretty ok...thank you for the fav my friend...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...Doing reviews tomorrow so will head your way....Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
It is sometimes complex to be able to mix and arrange several musical sources.
I listened here several times what you have achieved, and I am impressed by your "work" ....
This is really good, and also very professional ....
All the intrumentations are in place and the voice is very distinct.
I'm really impressed with your concept .... Yes! very good realisation.
You are like a good wine, you you enhanced with time.
Friend thank you for such a glowing review, pleased you enjoyed the track, certainly gave me plenty of headaches to get it to where it is now, but happy with the end result, mainly kept going with track as thought it had potential to being a ok track....Thanks for the fav too friend...much appreciated...Peace n Respect Mos....
I like the chill vibe and the whole track sounds great. My only criticism is that there seems like there should be more of a build up in the section of the song where most of the audio drops out at the end. Other than that, I'm a fan.
Thank you for dropping by and reviewing this one, pleased you enjoyed the listen, might look at what said in the future but for now, not doing anymore to this one, had me putting enough hair out to get it too where it is now...Also thank you for the fav...Will head your way later today and see what you have...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Thank you for the review and kind words, pleased you enjoyed track, considering how much angst it gave me while trying to get it right...Peace n Respect man...Head your way Friday when doing reviews....Mosaic....
Sounds like you moved the vocals from my earlier listen. Sounds good, are you happy with it? I still dig the vocal track. Glad you finished it up, now it's on to the next one bud.
Thanks for stopping again for this one, yes move vocals a little also slight diff arrangement, reasonably happy with it, knowing what us artist are like with our tunes, we are never completely satisfy with what we do lol...will be loading a cinematic piece over weekend, shorten version of the track anyways....Head your way on Friday friend...Peace n Respect good friend....Mosaic...
Well, I'm sorry my friend for not listening to this earlier, I guess it's good to hear a version that's more perfected. And it really does sound pretty much perfect! I don't really notice any more timing issues on this version. It's pop music, so I'm not going to go to far on critisism, as it's not in line with my listening preferences. I enjoyed the piano parts very much, and the drums seemed very appropriate. Definitely sounds like it could be a popular one! Great work!
Friend thank you for the review and kind words, lol as you know this is not my genre, so basically new ground for me doing these genre's especially working with vocals, have to say this one was a nightmare to do, Instrumental was very easy to do, came up with that straight away with in first day, rest of the time was trying to get vocal to work in the piece, sounded very close but just wasn't doing it for me, nearly trashed can it many times, but in doing the piece it sounded like it had potential to be an ok track so kept fighting with it, glad I managed to get it done, so glad Bear was able to be fresh ears with track as I was over it, listening to it well over a 100 times plus, you become punch drunk so to speak and everything sounds okies, then you miss slight error's, have to say this was the most simple instrumental track to do, but one of if not the hardest track I have had to do, if that makes sense...Anyways my friend again thank you for the review and your continuing support, Have another genre coming on weekend, cinematic piece called Myths Of March...Peace n Respect dear friend...Mosaic...
Well it's good to see you've got some intelligent and helpful feedback on this. I don't see enough of that on this site, more's the pity. It should be one of the key aspects of this place. My record is six separate comments on one guy's track as he uploaded different versions, making improvements each time.
Anyway, I'm hardly a pop music fan (though of course love undeniably great stuff such The Beatles and Michael Jackson) but this sounds good to me.
I've read a little on the vocal problems you had but they seem to have all been fixed so well done with sticking at it.
Fairly chilled out but uptempo beat with a neat little bassline. Nothing to interfere with the vocals, which are the main focus. Kicking straight off with the vocals works just fine.
Quite a 'pop' sounding drum kit.
0:30 extra percussion makes think of sleigh/jingle bells. Maybe it's a tambourine.
Piano supports the vocal well and the pad provides some chillout vibe.
Ah, 1:49 I found a tiny little vocal pop 'error' (during 'them') though I imagine most people wouldn't notice it (I only have my ears so can't be sure).
And another one on 1:10 but that's probably a (lack of) pop shield problem on the vocal recording. Very minor point!
I guess the track's quite samey in terms of instrumentation but that's fine for this sort of music as it's all really about supporting that vocal so I think you've done a good job.
I've listened to this about 4 times now and I agree with a previous comment that it sounds like radio quality.
Thank you so much for a great review of this piece, yes cause a lot of grief and headaches trying to get it right, agree radio quality as previously mention, guessing that's why I keep going with the track, rather then throwing in the trash can, believe came very close a few times, on your comment of the vocals, hearing track so many times can not find fault, but could be down to the vocals have very limited FX on them, as other version load have wet vox with excess amount of FX on them so wanted to keep it cleaner in sound, overall very pleased way track turned out now, considering only used 9 loops in total including 2 of them were the vocal...Peace n Respect mate for your time and review...Mosaic...Will be doing reviews Friday so will head your way then...
These timing issues can sometimes be a real pain, as you found out. The problem is if you move something like vocals a half step in front of the beat or a half step behind, it really does make things sound a whole lot different. In the business we call that syncopation. Some music is designed for syncopation, others not so much. But you persevered and the end result really is well done, and hopefully worth it on your end. This is a solid track, well mixed, nicely balanced, and a real pleasure to listen to. Thanks for letting me lend you my ancient ears, hahaha. I hope all is well.
Mate own you big time with your help, yes well and truly worth it now, like ozzi said sounds radio quality that's why I pulled so much hair out so much trying to get it right,I am bald now but was worth it in the end, will attempt another Pop track prob next track after I load a Cinematic track on weekend, now this old fart has learnt something, well hopefully learnt lol...MASSIVE RESPECT MATE...Peace Mosaic....
Haven't heard how far you've come, Mossy, but it sounds like radio quality, BUT on my end the chorus seems to jump the music at parts. By the way, love the chilled out instrumental!
Thank you mate for checking it out finally, so glad to get this piece to where it is, nearly was trash can fodder, agree does have radio quality about it, prob that is why I pulled so much hair out trying to get it right as I could, on the vocal, as close as I could get them to fit sorry...even though I cant pick any errors at moment with it, maybe listening to it again in few weeks might?
This is a quantum leap compared to the version I had up earlier believe me...Peace n Respect matey...Mosaic...
Bro, I have to give you major props for sticking with it and trying to make the vox work. And they do in spots, especially from the 2:38 mark to the end. But the verses are just not quite in synch through the first 2:38 of the song. My advice, the music is outstanding, so perhaps keep only the chorus parts, or just get rid of the vocals altogether. Instead of trying to mesh the vox into the track, perhaps change to a synth lead or something and not worry about the vocals. As I said, the backing track is outstanding. The vox are what are really throwing this one off. Kudos for your determination. I admire your tenacity. I would have given up a long time ago. I hope all is well and that the hair is growing back in the spots this song made you pull, haha.
This piece is killing me, slowly but surely, seriously just feel like throwing in the trash can, that's how much it has pissed me off, seriously think it is the effects more then anything on the vocals that are driving me crazy, might do what you said get rid of this version for now and look at the dry vocals to add to it at a later date, seriously think that will make a big difference, will private message you with email addy so you can point out what parts to remove etc, will upload instrumental version in next half hour, would be good if you check that out for me, will go sort that out now...Peace mate and thank you...Mosaic...So will hide this one once again...
Ok right at the 30 second mark. Go into Acid and make the measure margins to 64th or 128th notes. there you can manipulate the vocal loop to be just a hare forward. I hear the vocals starting just a little bit soon. Play with that and you will see (hear) what works for this track. It's a great track, just needs the sync of the vox. I think the tempo is ok for the vox, just needs to fit the beat. Your gonna get it right soon, I believe that!
Mate thank you so much for your help with this one, myself I'm so over it now, was liking track when first started on it, but now welllllllllll.....Ok I have lined up vocal as much as I could so now should sound better then before, should now be in sync, MASSIVE RESPECT FOR YOUR HELP STEVE...Peace Mosaic...
Sounds like this one was giving you fits, lol. I am listening to a newer and revised version I would guess. It sounds fine to me. To me the vocals seem to come in on the "and" between 1 and 2 as you are counting it off. I can see why it would be tricky lining up the vocals. Adding vocals adds a new dimension to the mix, literally. I have tried using some a capellas that were just a little off timed and it was tough, I had to chop them up to get them to fit properly.
The music is fine, upbeat, dig the piano here. Bouncy cool bass. On listen 3 now. I like the delay on the vocals. Cool pop track, a bit towards the dance end of the spectrum. I like it, dig the woman's vocals, they add a nice touch.
Well done, hope you are satisfied with it! Sound good for a new genre you are trying out.
Mate thank you so much for the review and feedback on this piece of shite, seriously must be the hardest track I have had to do, such a simple track in the ways of loops, maybe that is the problem, less loops you can not hide things??? Have updated it again since your review, lining vocals up even more....Not looking forward to hearing this one again in a hurry myself, very much over it...PS thank for the fav mate...Peace n Respect Wayne...Mosaic...
Urgh I feel so frustrated for you. X3
You did a good job of the music but again it's the vocals that are letting this down, I think they're not synced right or something? I don't know. But if you get them to fit perfectly; you sir will have a really nice track on your hands! But yeah the syncing is honestly the only negative thing I can say about this. Everything else is good. :)
Thank you for feedback, been frustrating track to get right, guessing more so as it is not my referred genre to do, so all new to me, going to look at adding some delay to vocals when get chance when not at work as suggested by Crucethus, hopefully will make the difference, fingers crossed anyways, agree it is a nice piece, fairly catchy I think, considering amount of samples used to make it, Thanks once again mate...Pleased you enjoyed mostly...Peace Mosaic...
Ok now that you have synched.. there is still a disjoint. try delaying the vox slightly to to the beats as it still sounds just a hare off. what loop program are you using? FL or Acid. The vocals sound almost a slight bit rushed to these ancient ears and I think if you adjust with just a hare trigger to the future they would match better. Please let me know...this is good work and has great potential.
Thanks again for giving feedback one again, really appreciated, I use acid pro7 for my works, because of my lack of loops for this type of genre, struggled to get loops all at same tempo, guessing that is why you are picking up what you are, used a total of 9 loops to make the piece, that's including both sets of vocals, so as I said a simple track, will try and add delay when not working to see if that helps, guessing still sounds okies, but like you said could even be better, thank you again for feedback, that is what makes us grow and become hopefully better at what we do...Any thoughts on anything can contact me via tab...Again many thanks for your help Steve...Peace Mosaic...
Thank you for the review pleased you enjoyed, sadly as you where reviewing I was uploading the correct tempo version, so should sound even better now, have to agree it has a catchy feel about it, very simple track but affective, guessing that's why was a mongrel to get right, sound and feel wise to go with the vocals...will head your way soon matey...working today so struggle to get to listen to tunes....Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
I really like what you are doing here. But My spider sense tells me that at some points the rhythm is hurried in comparison to the vocals. Maybe you would want to re visit the timing of the vocals to the beats.
But I like where you are going with this. It has great potential.
Thank you so much firstly for the feed back, and review, track has been a right royal pain in A to do, struggled to get sound was after, in the process forgot to adjust tempo of track, so thank you so much...had track at 120bpm when should have been at 128bpm...So should sound heaps better speed wise now, would appreciate if give your thoughts now mate...Peace n much Respect...Mosaic...
Nice pop track mate. The vocal fits perfectly, the music is all on point and it has breakdowns in all the right places. Could this be a sign that your mellowing out in your old age lol?
I enjoyed this piece of radio friendly music.
Mate thank you for the kind words and review, as said previously, simple track but a right pain in the A to get sounding the way I wanted, but done now...Oh young man go get some soap and wash your mouth out, when done go to your room ok :))
Nope still will be doing trance while I am making tunes, but enjoying doing some other genre's, more so uploading something different then just trance... have a cinematic track waiting in the wings to come up next week called Myths Of March....Peace Friend...ok you can come out of your room now lol...Mosaic...
nice song my friend...i like the vocals...i think it works well with the track...i did not listen to the first version but the drum sounds ok...its nice to see you doing other genres...i know how that feels like...good job :)
Thank you for stopping by, only taking short break from uploading trance for a bit, have few trance piece done, but thought would be fun to do some other genre's, track sounded okies with the previous beat settings but over powered vocal a touch so lowered, now sounding better...Glad you enjoyed friend...Peace n Respect Mosaic...
In my humble opinion this is a full professional track...the drum is well balanced for my taste, the vocs and the synths are working fine together, mix is king, so this chill pop track is on the highest limit...
Thank you man for the review and the kind words, was a simple piece to do, but also a mongrel to get right, very pleased you enjoyed the end result, makes it all worthwhile, also ty for the fav...Peace n Respect Mosaic...
Good song has all the elements, nice voice she has I do find the drums
EQ is a little top loaded and a touch too much up front, her voice should
control the front line not the drums...
Thank you man for the review and feedback, have lowered the drums a fair amount, and have to agree it does sound better and fuller now, like I said in the earlier reply, been bit of a mongrel to do, especially as it is not my referred genre to do, thank you for the review, pleased you enjoyed the listen, will head your way tomorrow...Peace n much Respect Mosaic...
Sounds alright. I would lower the drums so they are not that dominant because she has a lovely voice and it has a strange energy with so dominant drums. But that is just me.
Why not let people download the track? At this step we all need promotion and one way is to give away for free.
Thank you for being the first to review this one, been bit of a mongrel to get right, will have ago tomorrow with drums down, if sounds okies will upload again, thinking they are close to right, but maybe could go down a little...
On the downloads, don't allow downloads of my tracks, firstly had a couple of members remix without permission a few years ago, so stop leaving tracks open to download, unless most of the loops are from here then will leave open, Secondly not really in it for promotion as such, mainly making for a charity album for sick children when have enough decent tracks and myself when playing at home, that's if I'm ever good enough at making tunes for album it will get done...Time will tell on that one I suppose...
Again thank you for the review man, so appreciated...Peace n Respect....Mosaic....
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hi guys this is my comeback song, never let them haters beat you.
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this is to CreativeStudios great track The Ride, see what ive done :)). its 5 mins plus. thanks for letting me loose on it Jan.
Description : messed around on my piano, came up with a good idea, and put it in fl studio. I think it turned out pretty great. It would be awsome to get some vocals to this. if you do, feel free to change up the title or whatever. tempo is at 105 if ya need to know. review it and enjoy.
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Description : My original vocal composition with an array of fantastic looperman samples.
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Music from Looperman Samples
willaman-xxxtentacion-drama-drums #2
Description : This one has been sitting on my computer for a bit now but didn't really like it. My friends say it can use some vocals and I think that is what this one needs. If there is anyone who wants to put some vocals on this, send me an email at or post below. Thanks for tuning in and have a great day!
Description : Based on excellent track by BradoSanz (nothing compares instrumental). I've added an intro, many sliced up vocals, audio effects, and some electric guitar. Includes loops: Holly's Within your soul, and 40A's Unstoppable.
Hope you are all staying safe! I don't know about all of you guys but I was feeling really creative during this pandemic. I'm really proud of it because It reflects a lot of my life and it's an all-round feel-good hopeful ep can't wait to share it. It's out 6.19.20 you can get a sign up for a reminder on my website or just comment below and I'll send it to you when it's out! :) THANKS EVERYONE SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE PASS 4 years!!! #LoopermanFam
Every time you listen to it sound better than last time.
Thank you mate, like mention in earlier reply to this one, even today I enjoy listening to it, have a trance version coming hopefully soon called likacircle, will head your way again soon my friend over next few days...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
It's people like you on here that have me listening to enjoying and appreciating so many different genres and approaches to music.
I first turned up here because there were some good quality free loops available and wasn't even aware of this part of it for a long time.
It's now my main radio station!
I still find it hard to believe an amateur mostly hobby site can be turning out stuff like this.
Hats off to you and your hard work.
So many talented people on here.
Thank you for the review and very kind words, means a lot mate, glad there is many great artist on this site, to help everyone appreciate different genre's...Thank you for the fav my friend, will head your way next few days, not much time at moment....Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
I know this track has been here a while but i haven't been here that long, so i give you my thoughts now, and go through the others whenever i can;)
Bro this really good one of the best tracks i heard on this site so far( i haven't heard as much as you but still), the percussion is awesome and that bass man is top! although feels a little low in volume to me but i understand you want the vocal to be the focus.
The vocals are amazing, beautiful voice and great lyrics.
Well done with the piano and that distant pad is just spot on.
Nice work my friend you got some serious talent.
PS: I just read the review you done on mudhoen's track,
man that was deep, hat's off to you for helping him out, good man.
Best Regards
mate thank you for stopping by, very pleased you enjoyed this one, even today still one of my fav tracks...will head your way again next few days friend, little short on time, just popped in to respond to reviews...Thanks for the fav...Peace n Respect friend...mosaic...
well i never heard the early evolutions of this track and pop is not really my forte but i like the song the vocals are great very powerful and the mix all seems where it should be
good work man
thank you for stopping bye and checking this one out, an oldie but I reckon a goodie, I still enjoy listen to this one even today, catchy type of piece, this gave me massive headaches trying to get vocals sorted in it but it is worthwhile, nearly ended up in the bin...thank you for the fav my friend...Peace n respect...Mosaic...
Wow wow mate,
You know how I love your work say no more.
Favs……it goes
Yes this is a oldie but I sure still love listening to it myself even now, something about the piece, simple but does the job, very pleased you enjoy it my fiend, thanks for the fav...Mate have another trance in next few days stay tuned...Peace n Respect my friend...Mosaic...
Thank you so much for the review of this one, even today I enjoy hearing it...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Very nice vocals too... you're getting from your comfortzone very well :)
You been kept busy doing reviews lol, very happy you enjoyed this track, must admit gave me quite a few headaches doing it, but the end result turned out pretty ok...thank you for the fav my friend...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...Doing reviews tomorrow so will head your way....Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
It is sometimes complex to be able to mix and arrange several musical sources.
I listened here several times what you have achieved, and I am impressed by your "work" ....
This is really good, and also very professional ....
All the intrumentations are in place and the voice is very distinct.
I'm really impressed with your concept .... Yes! very good realisation.
You are like a good wine, you you enhanced with time.
Friend thank you for such a glowing review, pleased you enjoyed the track, certainly gave me plenty of headaches to get it to where it is now, but happy with the end result, mainly kept going with track as thought it had potential to being a ok track....Thanks for the fav too friend...much appreciated...Peace n Respect Mos....
Thank you for dropping by and reviewing this one, pleased you enjoyed the listen, might look at what said in the future but for now, not doing anymore to this one, had me putting enough hair out to get it too where it is now...Also thank you for the fav...Will head your way later today and see what you have...Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
Great mix
Nice Arrangement
Thank you for the review and kind words, pleased you enjoyed track, considering how much angst it gave me while trying to get it right...Peace n Respect man...Head your way Friday when doing reviews....Mosaic....
Thanks for stopping again for this one, yes move vocals a little also slight diff arrangement, reasonably happy with it, knowing what us artist are like with our tunes, we are never completely satisfy with what we do lol...will be loading a cinematic piece over weekend, shorten version of the track anyways....Head your way on Friday friend...Peace n Respect good friend....Mosaic...
Friend thank you for the review and kind words, lol as you know this is not my genre, so basically new ground for me doing these genre's especially working with vocals, have to say this one was a nightmare to do, Instrumental was very easy to do, came up with that straight away with in first day, rest of the time was trying to get vocal to work in the piece, sounded very close but just wasn't doing it for me, nearly trashed can it many times, but in doing the piece it sounded like it had potential to be an ok track so kept fighting with it, glad I managed to get it done, so glad Bear was able to be fresh ears with track as I was over it, listening to it well over a 100 times plus, you become punch drunk so to speak and everything sounds okies, then you miss slight error's, have to say this was the most simple instrumental track to do, but one of if not the hardest track I have had to do, if that makes sense...Anyways my friend again thank you for the review and your continuing support, Have another genre coming on weekend, cinematic piece called Myths Of March...Peace n Respect dear friend...Mosaic...
Anyway, I'm hardly a pop music fan (though of course love undeniably great stuff such The Beatles and Michael Jackson) but this sounds good to me.
I've read a little on the vocal problems you had but they seem to have all been fixed so well done with sticking at it.
Fairly chilled out but uptempo beat with a neat little bassline. Nothing to interfere with the vocals, which are the main focus. Kicking straight off with the vocals works just fine.
Quite a 'pop' sounding drum kit.
0:30 extra percussion makes think of sleigh/jingle bells. Maybe it's a tambourine.
Piano supports the vocal well and the pad provides some chillout vibe.
Ah, 1:49 I found a tiny little vocal pop 'error' (during 'them') though I imagine most people wouldn't notice it (I only have my ears so can't be sure).
And another one on 1:10 but that's probably a (lack of) pop shield problem on the vocal recording. Very minor point!
I guess the track's quite samey in terms of instrumentation but that's fine for this sort of music as it's all really about supporting that vocal so I think you've done a good job.
I've listened to this about 4 times now and I agree with a previous comment that it sounds like radio quality.
Thank you so much for a great review of this piece, yes cause a lot of grief and headaches trying to get it right, agree radio quality as previously mention, guessing that's why I keep going with the track, rather then throwing in the trash can, believe came very close a few times, on your comment of the vocals, hearing track so many times can not find fault, but could be down to the vocals have very limited FX on them, as other version load have wet vox with excess amount of FX on them so wanted to keep it cleaner in sound, overall very pleased way track turned out now, considering only used 9 loops in total including 2 of them were the vocal...Peace n Respect mate for your time and review...Mosaic...Will be doing reviews Friday so will head your way then...
Mate own you big time with your help, yes well and truly worth it now, like ozzi said sounds radio quality that's why I pulled so much hair out so much trying to get it right,I am bald now but was worth it in the end, will attempt another Pop track prob next track after I load a Cinematic track on weekend, now this old fart has learnt something, well hopefully learnt lol...MASSIVE RESPECT MATE...Peace Mosaic....
Definitely, well worth is psycho fits, lol.
Thank you mate for checking it out finally, so glad to get this piece to where it is, nearly was trash can fodder, agree does have radio quality about it, prob that is why I pulled so much hair out trying to get it right as I could, on the vocal, as close as I could get them to fit sorry...even though I cant pick any errors at moment with it, maybe listening to it again in few weeks might?
This is a quantum leap compared to the version I had up earlier believe me...Peace n Respect matey...Mosaic...
This piece is killing me, slowly but surely, seriously just feel like throwing in the trash can, that's how much it has pissed me off, seriously think it is the effects more then anything on the vocals that are driving me crazy, might do what you said get rid of this version for now and look at the dry vocals to add to it at a later date, seriously think that will make a big difference, will private message you with email addy so you can point out what parts to remove etc, will upload instrumental version in next half hour, would be good if you check that out for me, will go sort that out now...Peace mate and thank you...Mosaic...So will hide this one once again...
Mate thank you so much for your help with this one, myself I'm so over it now, was liking track when first started on it, but now welllllllllll.....Ok I have lined up vocal as much as I could so now should sound better then before, should now be in sync, MASSIVE RESPECT FOR YOUR HELP STEVE...Peace Mosaic...
The music is fine, upbeat, dig the piano here. Bouncy cool bass. On listen 3 now. I like the delay on the vocals. Cool pop track, a bit towards the dance end of the spectrum. I like it, dig the woman's vocals, they add a nice touch.
Well done, hope you are satisfied with it! Sound good for a new genre you are trying out.
Mate thank you so much for the review and feedback on this piece of shite, seriously must be the hardest track I have had to do, such a simple track in the ways of loops, maybe that is the problem, less loops you can not hide things??? Have updated it again since your review, lining vocals up even more....Not looking forward to hearing this one again in a hurry myself, very much over it...PS thank for the fav mate...Peace n Respect Wayne...Mosaic...
You did a good job of the music but again it's the vocals that are letting this down, I think they're not synced right or something? I don't know. But if you get them to fit perfectly; you sir will have a really nice track on your hands! But yeah the syncing is honestly the only negative thing I can say about this. Everything else is good. :)
Thank you for feedback, been frustrating track to get right, guessing more so as it is not my referred genre to do, so all new to me, going to look at adding some delay to vocals when get chance when not at work as suggested by Crucethus, hopefully will make the difference, fingers crossed anyways, agree it is a nice piece, fairly catchy I think, considering amount of samples used to make it, Thanks once again mate...Pleased you enjoyed mostly...Peace Mosaic...
Thanks again for giving feedback one again, really appreciated, I use acid pro7 for my works, because of my lack of loops for this type of genre, struggled to get loops all at same tempo, guessing that is why you are picking up what you are, used a total of 9 loops to make the piece, that's including both sets of vocals, so as I said a simple track, will try and add delay when not working to see if that helps, guessing still sounds okies, but like you said could even be better, thank you again for feedback, that is what makes us grow and become hopefully better at what we do...Any thoughts on anything can contact me via tab...Again many thanks for your help Steve...Peace Mosaic...
Thank you for the review pleased you enjoyed, sadly as you where reviewing I was uploading the correct tempo version, so should sound even better now, have to agree it has a catchy feel about it, very simple track but affective, guessing that's why was a mongrel to get right, sound and feel wise to go with the vocals...will head your way soon matey...working today so struggle to get to listen to tunes....Peace n Respect...Mosaic...
But I like where you are going with this. It has great potential.
Thank you so much firstly for the feed back, and review, track has been a right royal pain in A to do, struggled to get sound was after, in the process forgot to adjust tempo of track, so thank you so much...had track at 120bpm when should have been at 128bpm...So should sound heaps better speed wise now, would appreciate if give your thoughts now mate...Peace n much Respect...Mosaic...
I enjoyed this piece of radio friendly music.
Mate thank you for the kind words and review, as said previously, simple track but a right pain in the A to get sounding the way I wanted, but done now...Oh young man go get some soap and wash your mouth out, when done go to your room ok :))
Nope still will be doing trance while I am making tunes, but enjoying doing some other genre's, more so uploading something different then just trance... have a cinematic track waiting in the wings to come up next week called Myths Of March....Peace Friend...ok you can come out of your room now lol...Mosaic...
Thank you for stopping by, only taking short break from uploading trance for a bit, have few trance piece done, but thought would be fun to do some other genre's, track sounded okies with the previous beat settings but over powered vocal a touch so lowered, now sounding better...Glad you enjoyed friend...Peace n Respect Mosaic...
Congrats, Danke
Thank you man for the review and the kind words, was a simple piece to do, but also a mongrel to get right, very pleased you enjoyed the end result, makes it all worthwhile, also ty for the fav...Peace n Respect Mosaic...
EQ is a little top loaded and a touch too much up front, her voice should
control the front line not the drums...
Otherwise this is a very nice piece of work ....
Thank you man for the review and feedback, have lowered the drums a fair amount, and have to agree it does sound better and fuller now, like I said in the earlier reply, been bit of a mongrel to do, especially as it is not my referred genre to do, thank you for the review, pleased you enjoyed the listen, will head your way tomorrow...Peace n much Respect Mosaic...
Why not let people download the track? At this step we all need promotion and one way is to give away for free.
Thank you for being the first to review this one, been bit of a mongrel to get right, will have ago tomorrow with drums down, if sounds okies will upload again, thinking they are close to right, but maybe could go down a little...
On the downloads, don't allow downloads of my tracks, firstly had a couple of members remix without permission a few years ago, so stop leaving tracks open to download, unless most of the loops are from here then will leave open, Secondly not really in it for promotion as such, mainly making for a charity album for sick children when have enough decent tracks and myself when playing at home, that's if I'm ever good enough at making tunes for album it will get done...Time will tell on that one I suppose...
Again thank you for the review man, so appreciated...Peace n Respect....Mosaic....