10th Aug 2014 18:09 - 10 years ago
Description : A short minimal tech track that I made earlier this year. It's about understanding a wild animal's loneliness, fear, and pain. I would understand if they hated me, and for sure "Us." I hope it effects you. I released this on Soundcloud previously, but thought the Looperfam might get into it. You can get the new Spivkurl album "Charting The Anomaly," which includes this track at the We Are... Records Capitalist Market found here:

Comments (43)

If you have time take a listen and give Spivkurl some feedback.

BadRadio 23rd Oct 2020 12:22 - 4 years ago
Love it! Catchy lil groove and i the sound design is pretty ace.
Spivkurl replied 15th Dec 2021 - 3 years ago
Thank you for the positive comment! Sorry for the late reply!
DjJupy1 5th Aug 2020 13:53 - 4 years ago
Nice man!
Spivkurl replied 15th Dec 2021 - 3 years ago
Thank you for your positive comment!
Penthousecat 22nd May 2020 07:47 - 4 years ago
Nice man just go on doing that way on
Spivkurl replied 15th Dec 2021 - 3 years ago
Thank you for that positive vibe! Sorry for the late reply!
poldc10 24th Jan 2020 22:54 - 5 years ago
is good
Spivkurl replied 23rd Dec 2021 - 3 years ago
Thank you for listening!
thechockehold 23rd Jan 2020 10:05 - 5 years ago
DavidJones 23rd Jan 2020 01:37 - 5 years ago
Not techno and certainly not minimal I like it but I've listened to 10 tracks listed as techno and only 2 were doktor get me wrong I like your work but damn it's not that difficult to distinguish genres
Spivkurl replied 23rd Dec 2021 - 3 years ago
Sorry it did not live up to your expectations. Just doing my thing.
frankjavo65 21st Jan 2020 05:35 - 5 years ago
thanks for share!
Spivkurl replied 23rd Dec 2021 - 3 years ago
Thank you for listening!
frankjavo65 21st Jan 2020 05:19 - 5 years ago
thanks for share!
Calin25 18th Aug 2019 18:13 - 5 years ago
great work
Spivkurl replied 24th Dec 2021 - 3 years ago
Thank you for listening and commenting!
sabi3097 17th Jan 2019 02:47 - 6 years ago
Esta muy brutal
Spivkurl replied 4th Jan 2022 - 3 years ago
EGGYP 9th Nov 2018 01:16 - 6 years ago
Spivkurl replied 11th Jan 2022 - 3 years ago
Thank you for listening, and sorry for the late reply!
inimicalnature 29th May 2018 10:17 - 6 years ago
right channel vocal pan peaks annoyingly, other than that, decent stuff.
BLEEP 31st Oct 2017 21:54 - 7 years ago
amazing track Spiv! glad to discover it! really hypnotic sound, took pleasure listening to it!

Spivkurl replied 3rd Nov 2017 - 7 years ago
Thank you again BLEEP for your listens and words, and your support!

When I made this song, and in the time following, this song would almost always make me cry. These days it simply gives me hope. Those animals were innocent bystanders in a war that they did not choose. Some fell, like in all wars. Some survived. I chose to fight, since no one else would, and several battles were won on behalf of the "civilians."

Thank you for finding a deep track!
leeminhdj 4th Jun 2017 11:38 - 7 years ago
i like tape beat down break , this make me dance cant stop

Thx man
Spivkurl replied 15th Jun 2017 - 7 years ago
You are too kind to leave a comment like this on an "older" song!

This song used to make me more sad than anything, and it made me a bit proud to have the effect on myself, ha ha. Now thing are different... better and worse. All I can do is keep my cool, and FU the man when I can.

I've been freeing up room in my studio spaces so I can dance more while mixing, so hopefully it will just getter better. I don't know clubs very well.

I'm happy you enjoyed the tune. Thank you! Have a good one.
ShortBusMusic 13th Oct 2014 16:47 - 10 years ago
You know the bass in a song is good when you can feel it, in addition to hearing it. I love the feeling when the vibrations in your body, haha. And by having the volume up when I hit play I was also able to remove some of the paint on the walls, haha.

Your music is always so innovative, but the secret to what you accomplish is your attention to detail. Once again, you display not only your musical abilities, but your tremendous skills as an audio engineer. Well done Pat. Really well done. I hope all is well.

Spivkurl replied 7th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey Bear, it makes me really happy that you enjoyed listening to this track! It's still really special to me, though it has a very different emotional effect on me than at first, which is okay... I too like to feel a bass, and in a song like this, it's so important for the neurological healing properties. Interesting that you mention details, as it still feels really simple. Thank you so much for all your support recently, and over the years!
Neomorpheus 9th Sep 2014 00:24 - 10 years ago
Totally tripped out track Spiv !
Yeah that Mighty Bass is a Sub Punisher for sure.
I dig man, its different, wacky, wild, weird, crazy and well... genius.
Love it!
Spivkurl replied 26th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey man, been a while it seems! Hope you are well! Happy that you enjoyed listening to this one. From what I remember it was a great outlet to create... hope I can live up to this in the future. It's so enjoyable to make minimal techno, and I have to force myself to do something different sometimes. Thanks so much for the good comment!
FreeRadical 7th Sep 2014 17:16 - 10 years ago
I see i've already reviewed this but i thought i'd check it out again. Your bass work is superb. I don't know how you get it to sound that punchy without drowning the other sounds out. I like the twisted noises going on around the bass, it sounds kind of like a violin on acid or something.
Good work as always spiv.
Spivkurl replied 21st Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey thanks friend for the comment! I guess I don't recall what exactly made the bass so isolated, but I do know that it was sampled from a one-shot... I'll say just that. Was a fun song to create for sure, so I'm happy that you enjoy listening! Take care!
Ensam 1st Sep 2014 20:07 - 10 years ago
I think this is the 2nd or 3rd time I've listened to this track and each time I've liked it more as well as hearing different things.
I feel as though the simple demeanor this track has, try's to hide the very clever, complicated and really well executed elements that you have not only put together but mixed so well also.
I really like this track !!!!(in case you wondered)

Spivkurl replied 21st Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey buddy, this comment means a lot to me! It's always a good feeling when someone can feel where you were coming from when listening! It's an important track for me, and it makes me happy it's been well received. In fact it's the most played techno track on Looperman now! Schweet. I'll be swinging by your page in a moment! Thanks much!
RealProblemShuckers 1st Sep 2014 17:53 - 10 years ago
Great track Spivkurl.... as always, of course.

Spivkurl replied 21st Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey thank you friend! Good to hear from you! Sorry about the late reply, I got behind. Thanks again!
djtheobserver01 30th Aug 2014 10:54 - 10 years ago
Yo spiv !

a very hypnotic track you have made .
it's real PSY-FI music ....

good job !
Spivkurl replied 19th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey friend, thank you for the supportive comment! Happy that you enjoyed listening! Hope you are well!
digitalmusicmaniac 25th Aug 2014 17:21 - 10 years ago
That bass is MADD wicked dude! Cool sound effects as well! I love tracks like this. Much respect for the creativity and thanks for the download! B)
Spivkurl replied 19th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey, thanks much! Happy that you enjoyed listening! I always get into trying something new (to me at least). I really appreciate the feedback!
promenade2239 25th Aug 2014 16:35 - 10 years ago
hi Spivkurl,
really nice music... apart of all the ideology content about the suffering which I do not buy at all (everyone suffers). I like the bassline and also how you work with your voice - it is great! There is a slight suggestion from you in the description that it may be not the best of your album tracks. For me it is not the best track from your latest collection for sure! But still it is very nice put together. I like the trance vibes of a looped voice in here with the bassline:). I like simplicity.
Spivkurl replied 18th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Hello, and thank you for your comment! I'm happy that you enjoyed the musical elements in the track! It is not a horribly complex or involved piece, but I succeeded in translating the moment to my ears. Yes you are right, everyone suffers, it is part of the human experience... however, our responsibility to humans is as caretakers of this earth and this reality - to impose suffering on, or to be an enabler of suffering to the members of this existence is to me the peak of weakness and failure. I appreciate your comments!
wLegend 22nd Aug 2014 17:50 - 10 years ago
Well Doneee !!!
Spivkurl replied 19th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you for the comment!
joecramer 18th Aug 2014 21:39 - 10 years ago
Yo, another great work.

Cool track. Like it realy much. It has all of this great sounds i love and a cool beat and a nice "underground" sound.

are you sure it is techno? ok, it dosend matter at all but :)

stay tuned
Spivkurl replied 13th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Hello, and thank you for your kind comment! This is definitely one of my more successful efforts in regards to emotional effect, atleast to my brain. It's intended as minimal techno, and between the tempo, the way the bass was created, and the sounds used I would say it's pretty much that. I think most people have their own idea of what techno sounds like, and thus from a creative point of view it's pretty open. I appreciate you stopping by, sorry for the late reply!
theHumps 18th Aug 2014 11:06 - 10 years ago
Sorry I missed this one and the late comment. I must say the bass really has a big part in this track and being a bass player I can certainly dig that. It seems a little more subdued than some of your more recent releases but it's still a cool, interesting track with lots to keep me listening.

It's good you can keep your music fresh and not stagnant, you always seem to change things up but stay within your own realm.

Great as always!

Spivkurl replied 6th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey friend, no need to apologize regarding timing of a review. Not like I'm in a hurry to replace the song or anything. After releasing the album I'm mostly in sound design and instrument building mode now, so don't have much for new songs yet. Subdued, yes I would agree... it was a very sad and angry time, and I allowed myself to just do a pure expression sort of work. I think it was helpful for me. I've had my stagnant moments as well, but it's worth fighting against it on a daily basis. Thank you very much for the listen and comment!
djkillapaul 18th Aug 2014 03:56 - 10 years ago
Abstract and disturbing... I am feeling empathy for natures finest creatures. Weird, it's all weird, but I think that is your goal and it hits the back of the net. (That's a touchdown in your sporting parlance across the pond.)

The Salvador Dali of Looperman.

Spivkurl replied 6th Sep 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey friend, thank you so much for your enhanced words! I'm happy that you enjoyed listening to this one. It took me quite a while to listen to the final master without an emotional outburst, so I guess that is probably a good sign. I don't really do much that is not weird, but I'm sure you've learned that by now. To be compared with Dali is a new one, and I'm honored. I appreciate you stopping in to listen and comment!
GramoChopin 17th Aug 2014 05:45 - 10 years ago
Minimalistic goodness. As the master demonstrates likes so. Very nice deep bass, complete basshead myself. Crazy effects and synths used in this, keep working. peace

Spivkurl replied 29th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey, thank you GC! I can't say for sure, but I've been thinking that this is one of the most authentic and successful tracks I've done. It was almost pure instinct, which is hard to capture sometimes. Bass was so simple that it surprises me every time. I still think of you as NeoBane, so it's an adjustment having the Chopin moniker show up. Hope you are well!
StaticNomad 17th Aug 2014 04:10 - 10 years ago
Yo, Spiv.

"Honestly suspected that I chased you away or something"

No, you certainly didn't. If I haven't commented on a track of yours for a while, it's probably because I haven't liked a track of yours for a while. I generally only comment on stuff I either like or that I think has potential and for which I also feel I can help suggest improvements. So, no comments for stuff that annoys me or stuff I think is OK but not worth me spending my time analysing in detail.

We have quite different tastes though they certainly cross over at various points. You have some weirder stuff that really isn't my thing but I don't bother telling you that each time I hear one of those sorts of tracks.

The piercing notes might sound better on a good stereo setup. I don't know and was listening to this on cheap earbud headphones. But maybe it just is too piercing and the better sound quality won't remove that.

Not sure what a late night is - depends what hours you keep. But definitely after you've been up more than about 18 hours.

Hope you get some good feedback on your latest album. I have so many to release! Must get round to that.
Spivkurl replied 29th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
SN, I appreciate your honest reactions to things deeply, so thank you for your further response. In my time on Looperman, I have gravitated towards giving my opinion on tracks or styles that I'm not really into. This has many benefits, including but not limited too; me hearing types of music that I wouldn't normally (hence having more varied influences as compared to previously), effecting artists which I wouldn't otherwise with my artistic preferences, and contributing more fully in the community which embraces all sorts of ideals. You are right, we do have very different tastes, but we are both artists in the strictest sense of the word. If you don't feel like giving criticism on a track you don't enjoy, that's no problem by me. I understand your interpretation of the high frequency parts of this track, and don't mind the opinion. I guess that I appreciate that even I hear something new every time I hear the song, even though I made it. Haven't achieved that much before. It is a track which is more intended to be heard on a setup with good low end or a sub, You seem to gravitate more to mid range frequencies, while I am repelled by them. I am rarely up for 18 hours any more. I keep a moderate healthy schedule, up around sun rise and in bed when I'm getting tired. I've had my sleep deprived life for long enough, and now I like to live the way the plants do. Get my light therapy by default upstairs when smoking my morning love cigarette. I honestly have only gotten a small amount of response to the new album, and I think that is partly due to the late summer (northern hemisphere) release of it. Atleast around here, people have been acting like it's the end of the world and it's the only time they'll have to do anything useful ever again... hence not inside listening to free music. Also, it seems to be my most depressing album ever, so I don't blame anyone. Thank you again for the response! I always value your opinions and contribution!
Enzotic 16th Aug 2014 04:12 - 10 years ago
Loved the rhythm! Started dancing and almost forgot what I was listening too!
Spivkurl replied 28th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey friend, thank you for the supportive comment! I consider it a win if you're listening to techno and you dance til you forget what you're listening to! So that makes me happy! I appreciate you stopping by!
AZZYKO 14th Aug 2014 20:51 - 10 years ago
Yep, this is very minimal! And I like it! :) Very soft kick, weak snare, with nice flowing bass. Really good job here!
Spivkurl replied 25th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey thanks buddy! I appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment! Happy that you enjoyed. Hope you are well!
soundhound 14th Aug 2014 19:57 - 10 years ago
So this is what you call techno, now I understand using the spectrum as
bouncing board with Echo on synths and voices, keeping that metal or
industrial edge on those instruments that don't play a dominate roll...

Good Mix...By the way...For me good Music is just that, good Music...

Spivkurl replied 22nd Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you very much for taking a listen and leaving a comment! Obviously some people are questioning whether this is really techno, but I have no other idea of what it would be. It's got the right sort of tempo, it's not half-time, prominent kick and bass... minimal techno. The use of delays and things is integral to this track, it repetitive but always changing in subtleties. Thanks for your support! I agree good music is good music, there is something to be enjoyed in all genres.
RichieWinn 14th Aug 2014 17:07 - 10 years ago
I can never resist playing your tracks when they appear on LM. Always interesting and a bit "off the wall" (in a good way). Very clever stuff indeed. Great track and excellent production.

Spivkurl replied 17th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey buddy, nice to see you here! Very happy that you enjoyed the listen, as I'm proud of the track. Thank you very much for the kind words!
fargol 14th Aug 2014 16:25 - 10 years ago
very nice man
Spivkurl replied 17th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you for the comment!
oivaizmir 13th Aug 2014 23:56 - 10 years ago
Very cool, thanks for sharing
Spivkurl replied 15th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Thanks for the comment!
FreeRadical 13th Aug 2014 15:09 - 10 years ago
Nice speaker busting basses is what this is all about and i like it. Reminds me a little of Aphex twin and i like the sampling and EFX. It all morphs into a nice groove. A goood smoking tune if ever i heard one.
Spivkurl replied 15th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
It's weird, every now and then I get a comment which doesn't alert me by email... such as this one. Oh well. Very much appreciate your words here, so thank you for that! Nice to have an Aphex comparison, even though I don't really listen to that stuff in recent years. That part of my life can burn in hell... heh. I love sampling SO MUCH, especially when I can make a sweet sounding bass line from just a one shot like this. Yes, smoke it up to this one! When listening to my album, I recommend a double espresso to start with, followed by a very large joint. Thanks for the comment!
StaticNomad 13th Aug 2014 00:40 - 10 years ago
Word up, Spivkurl.

I can remember saying on another of your tracks (can't remember which) that some of it sounded a bit like Hot Chip's excellent Over And Over.

Well, this sounds more like it as soon as the hats enter on 0:30. It's the bassline too.

Check out their fine track again (only thing they've ever done that I like) to see what I mean:

Hot Chip - Over And Over

1:32 lead swirling, panning synth I like (good melody and movement). Except for the sharp, piercing notes it rises to. Too harsh on my delicate little ears.

I guess this has a weird, low key sort of coolness about it. Kind of late night lazy, dancefloor chiller when you're too wasted to dance hard.

Spivkurl replied 14th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey SN, good to hear from you! Honestly suspected that I chased you away or something... good to know better. Checked out that video you linked to, it's pretty cool, and I guess I can hear the parallels... mainly tempo range and percussion style. Couldn't hear much strong bass in their song though. I understand what you say about the piercing notes, I think the effect is not nearly as pronounced when heard at CD quality on a good stereo setup... which is really how my album is meant to be heard. What's a late night? You mean 11 AM? That's when I'm too wasted to dance hard... heh only sort of kidding... Thanks much for the listen and feedback!
DESTERO 12th Aug 2014 14:23 - 10 years ago
this is cool minimal Tech Man,agree with crucethus might heard at Tresor in Berlin afterhours,nice done mate,keep it on,DRO
Spivkurl replied 14th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey DRO, thank you for listening and leaving feedback! Can't complain about the afterhours Berlin reference! Never been there, but I'm sure I would have a blast. Appreciate your support!
dansjoy4 12th Aug 2014 08:50 - 10 years ago
Hey Spiv! Nice work you have here bro. Liking the mid tone bass throughout the track. I'll have to check out your album.
Spivkurl replied 14th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Hello friend, thanks much for taking a listen! One of my favorite tracks that I've done, but I think it may just be me. The bass does really get to me on this, glad you liked it too! If you grab the album, I hope you enjoy it! Appreciate the feedback!
BEATZMODE 12th Aug 2014 05:50 - 10 years ago
wow really trippy stuff,how do you come up with this kind of stuff,awesomely composed mix sounds crisp to,
Spivkurl replied 14th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey thank you friend! How do I come up with this kind of stuff? ... I guess my best answer would be a combination of studying techniques associated with minimal techno and watching my friends getting murdered... together it adds up to listenable techno which is emotionally devastating. I really appreciate the listen and feedback!
Apieceoftofu 11th Aug 2014 09:25 - 10 years ago
trippy deep vibe. cool track.
Spivkurl replied 12th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you buddy for the listen and comment! Always a pleasure to hear from you!
Mosaic 11th Aug 2014 05:09 - 10 years ago
Hey matey

Liking this piece, minimalistic techno piece, something you can sit back to listen too why tapping your feet, liking the vocals mate, strange sounding vocal but working so well within the mix, as always a pleasure to listen to your works with your own style flowing through out the piece, so looking forward to downloading your complete album to play in full on the stereo...Fav'd...Peace n Respect my friend...Mosaic...
Spivkurl replied 12th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you my friend for your positive feedback! This song marks a bit of a turning point in the album I think, and it still makes me a little emotional. It's a very simple song, but it achieved what I was going for. Hope that you enjoy the album!
crucethus 11th Aug 2014 02:43 - 10 years ago
Really reminds me of Berlin (Tresor) Techno from the nineties. really nice and minimal. Nice work.
Spivkurl replied 12th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey thanks my friend for the words! That is definitely one of my favorite styles of techno, but I'm no expert. This is one of my favorite songs, especially considering I've never felt good at techno. It's enough to shed a tear knowing what it came out of. I always appreciate your listens and your viewpoint!
elpaso 10th Aug 2014 19:53 - 10 years ago
Spivkurl replied 10th Aug 2014 - 10 years ago
Thank you for the comment. Appreciated!

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