7th Nov 2014 22:34 - 10 years ago
Description : update 12/11. 3rd and last remix. enjoy crucethus' track:

Comments (23)

If you have time take a listen and give promenade2239 some feedback.

Pepskii 20th Nov 2015 20:58 - 9 years ago
Awesome sounds and rhythms/glitchy stuff! fits together really well! :D
promenade2239 replied 21st Nov 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks a lot.

I didn't use the stems of 'I wish I could fly' here actually but only sampled the original track. Drums are loops of course. There is some heavy manual mamipulation on them. All the rest was played by myself using different plugins.

Thanks for listening and nice review!
Spivkurl 22nd Jun 2015 23:26 - 9 years ago
Hey this is pretty awesome and unique! Sorry, just needed something pretty short. I need to be quiet and calm currently...the walls have ears. I love the breakbeat rhythms here, and some awesome synth work is contained within. Good momentum. Your music is pretty much always a pleasure to hear, and when you're working with Cruce, it's just one more reason to listen! Big Fave!
promenade2239 replied 23rd Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
cool. Thanks a lot! this is actually a 3rd version. I really like 2nd one which is very dark and very unlike-sounding from anything I have ever produced. Just a picture from my current work posted very quickly... Maybe I will post remastered verison of the 2nd one sometime.

Thanks a lot for the fave! Much appreciated!

All the best to you, Alex
crucethus 27th Feb 2015 03:53 - 10 years ago
I really like this 3rd version. great work on it and I love how it ends on the singular piano note.
ood work Alex.
promenade2239 replied 19th Mar 2015 - 9 years ago
Thank you Steve! I am sorry for such delay in replying on this one, I do not know if I will be able to manage all my unanswered posts ever. I am really happy you liked this final remix. I am aware that my dnb sound is quite different from the usual lm dnb. That's why people say it is a chilled dnb. They simply need to have lots of compressions and limitings to be able to hear. The way I hear is determined by my former musical education, here you can find my earlier organ recording and get the idea:
At the moment I do not have time for practising the real instruments at all but looperman helped me so much in keeping the creative process going. I am thankful for your openness and simply allowing your stuff being remixed and developed in any unexpected way.

All the best to you, Alex
Livingsoulsdie 16th Nov 2014 00:28 - 10 years ago
The first word that comes to mind when I listened to this track was abstract. Only because this melody is pretty much what your mind is making it and not what it really is. I dont know maybe im just screwed up in the head but this is a very nicely put together song.
promenade2239 replied 16th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
yes, you're right, the entire song is developed from the melodic and harmonic material of the original. I agree that there's no real melodies here - just some abstract, jazzy piano chords. I do not claim it to be a melodic piece at all!
thanks for your review. alex
AZZYKO 13th Nov 2014 13:17 - 10 years ago
I like use of vintage drums... It really fits nice there. You 've got some nice skills and this is yet another great work from you! Keep it up :)
promenade2239 replied 20th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks a lot azzyko for nice words. I appreciate that. Alex
paulreverelives 13th Nov 2014 12:44 - 10 years ago
beautifully blended
promenade2239 replied 20th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks a lot! Alex
Orlando51 13th Nov 2014 07:25 - 10 years ago
You are really good at remixing stuff and this is another good job...keep them coming.:)

promenade2239 replied 14th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks for listening and kind words Orlando. Alex
GramoChopin 13th Nov 2014 06:41 - 10 years ago
Chilled dnb. Nice remix here Promenade! I like how you still kept in that snare. (It may be a different sound though, not sure) The drums are a bit iffy at times but they still blend together well. Love the synths and atmospheres. Relaxes me. I've had a stressful hectic year so this definitely helped. Great work, peace!

promenade2239 replied 20th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
hi Gramo, sorry for slow reply.
that snare is on the dnb drum loop I used - maybe it sounds like this because of unusual mixing, I do not know. This is one of my first songs in the genre - I do not listen to much to dnb at the moment so let's say it's still an experimental track of mine. Anyway the 'iffy' drums you mentioned are from sampled crucethus's song - I couldn't separate pads from drums.
Really nice to hear this music could have that kind of relaxing impact.
Thanks a lot for your comment - it is appreciated! Alex
Tumbleweed 13th Nov 2014 02:31 - 10 years ago
you really have a nice mix going on this one Alex..especially like the piano.....I`ll have to check out crucethus`s mix again just for fun...but this is very cool.....Ed
promenade2239 replied 14th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks a lot Ed.
The short, isolated piano notes from the beginning are sampled from the crucethus's song. I played also some smooth chords and repeated piano one note motif in the second section using 4Font Piano plugin adding simple but really nice bassline at the same time. This track was definitely inspired by beautiful pads from the original and I used them a lot when making this version of the remix.

Glad you liked my production - I appreciate your comments. Alex
ValveDriver 12th Nov 2014 09:42 - 10 years ago
This version is is way better! It is more energetic. I liked how chilled it was before, but I definitely like this better.

Excellent work!

Again, take care.
promenade2239 replied 12th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
cool. really glad you enjoyed this one!
I just made the last version and updated the track - it's different from the rest but still very nice, probably the best one so far.
thanks again for the nice comments and listening! It's appreciated. Best, Alex
crucethus 11th Nov 2014 20:20 - 10 years ago
Much Much Better now. I think if you end it with the way you did on the first remix I would love this version.
promenade2239 replied 12th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
hi, thanks for your comments.
I just made another remix (the last one) and updated again this track! - it's quite nice too, a bit in a breakbeat manner. I started again from scratch.
You may like this one also. Greetings, Alex
crucethus 11th Nov 2014 00:59 - 10 years ago
Remixed right back at yah!!!!
promenade2239 replied 11th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks a lot, I just made another remix - it's really different now. You may check out this new version if you like, I think it is much better from the first one. thanks again, Alex
Jennifers 10th Nov 2014 11:46 - 10 years ago
Very Nice Sound
wikkidglitch 10th Nov 2014 09:05 - 10 years ago
Nice sounds I really like your site.
ValveDriver 10th Nov 2014 07:17 - 10 years ago
Alex, this is a pretty nice mix. I like the fact that you took it and made it your own without completely disassembling Cru's original sounds. The sax, (which I'm generally not a fan of at all) actually sound really good in there. Good ear for that. The beat, is a good one. It's not one that's too obnoxiously DnB. but it doesn't drag out either. It keeps things moving quite nicely. Overall, it's just a nice chill piece that should be listened to more than I've done.

Take care.
promenade2239 replied 11th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks a lot for your nice words valvedriver - I'm glad you liked this version.
I just updated my remix - new one is energetic, intense and dark. You may like this new version as well!

I appreciate your comments. Yes, I tried to stick with the original as much as I can but there's some limitations. It's because I can't separate the pads or other single elements from the original recording the way I really want. But anyway the musical result is unpredictable each time and this is probably the most interesting thing in this process.
thanks again for listening to my music. Best to you, Alex
scottishfortress 9th Nov 2014 17:09 - 10 years ago
This song has an awesome vibe, I really dig it!
promenade2239 replied 11th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks a lot man. glad you liked the song. Alex
RenzWilde 9th Nov 2014 09:40 - 10 years ago
Another good one Alex. Love the solos throughout. Sounds like your going to do more work on it. Will be really cool to hear what changes you make.

Always a fan of your stuff man. Keep em coming

Oh btw, that devaodeva character is a bot. It just left a simple comment to get a download. No need to thank it haha. Whenever you put a track for download that requires a comment, the bots leave generic comments. They should be programmed to say things like 'Whoa, really liked what you did in the intro' or 'That chorus is so catchy' lol
promenade2239 replied 9th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Yes, I am listening currently to 'Bachelors of science' to get the actual idea of dnb. I hope I will make some improvements on this track soon - it's far too monotonous as a dnb.
it's good to know about the bots hahaha. The other day I saw people discussing them on the forums, it was funny.

Thanks for your nice comments. Best, Alex
DanGoldstein 9th Nov 2014 09:23 - 10 years ago
it was a nice texture change at 4:12 when the active groove stopped and you brought the track to a close from the there. interesting solos and sax sounds. nice work!
promenade2239 replied 9th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks for nice comments on the sound textures.
it's more and ambient track than dnb now - maybe I will rework it soon. Best to you, Alex
Byleth 8th Nov 2014 17:06 - 10 years ago
Wow,Nice remix maybe you can do one for my tournament track to turn it in Drum and Bass genre :D

my track link :

Also if you accept I could give you my midi file plus all the original sound in loop so you will be able to do a deep remix.
promenade2239 replied 8th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks for your comment.
honestly I am not much into a dnb so far and all electronic dance music in general. this track an experimental of mine.

I will listen to your track and write you a message.
Apieceoftofu 8th Nov 2014 16:02 - 10 years ago
Interesting mix of influences here. The sax sounds great with the sub-bass parts. I can't say im a huge fan of the percussion though. It's too glitchy for my taste.
promenade2239 replied 8th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
thanks a lot man. agree with percussions needing improvements. this is a sketch so far cause I had only a little time for this. hope I will upload better version soon.
I appreciate your comment, Alex
devaodeva 8th Nov 2014 11:15 - 10 years ago
superb website
promenade2239 replied 8th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
crucethus 8th Nov 2014 02:35 - 10 years ago
Very cool, Once I disassociated the sounds with my original I could appreciate your more drum and bass with jazz version. The Sax was nice and I liked the ending, nice work Alex.
promenade2239 replied 8th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
nice double post:) - thanks again! maybe I will develop or edit this song soon. I wanted to make some sweet and liquid electronic drum and bass but finally this is an instrumental fusion (as always) - probably my second attempt on dnb ever.
really glad you liked my work, alex
crucethus 8th Nov 2014 01:42 - 10 years ago
Very cool, Once I disassociated the sounds with my original I could appreciate your more drum and bass with jazz version. The Sax was nice and I liked the ending, nice work Alex.
promenade2239 replied 8th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
ha! it is super nice to hear you like it! thanks a lot! alex

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27th May 2021 03:03 - 3 years ago
Description : Ambient breaking into dnb I guess. All loops (except for 1 synth by my 7 yo daughter) so I can’t take much credit for this. Free demo loops from Loopmasters and LM loops from:
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13th Apr 2017 12:04 - 7 years ago
Description : 170 BPM drum 'n' cell epic. That's drum 'n' bass with lots of my layered, lead cello playing. It's both banging and chilled out, with intricate basslines and soaring, melodic cello parts. Instruments: electric cello, piano, three synth basses, two synth pads. Drums are loads of drum loops supported by a few programmed acoustic drum kits. It's fast and powerful stuff but there are also two deep grooving half tempo sections. No guitar so anything that sounds like it might be is, unsurprisingly, cello. This was fairly hard to make and required a lot of hard work. It's still far from perfect, especially the rather abrupt, unimaginative ending (I couldn't think of anything better). Have a good listen and then consider leaving me some fascinating feedback. Not much drum 'n' cell about so I like to think this is worth checking out...
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Buffalonugaluss-Bwampbwamp Beat-82554
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Kzdano-Ghostmane X Ronny J Melody-144693
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17th Mar 2012 00:23 - 12 years ago
Description : So ive been listening to alot of dnb lately, and i decided to try my hand at it. It turned out to be alittle more chillout than I wanted it to be, but I still like how it turned out.
3rd Jun 2014 05:28 - 10 years ago
Description : Hey Gang

A ambient type of DnB track, one to make you think, Second attempt at the DnB genre for this year, again apologise to Drum and Bass artist, guessing again not your normal DnB.Used flute Rhodes Piano, and a few other bits to hopefully get the feeling for the piece I wanted, along with a few break beats/bass lines and FX etc...

Please comment/review and the favour will be returned...

Peace Love Respect...

3rd Aug 2020 19:03 - 4 years ago
Description : because, i love liquid drum and bass
8th Apr 2020 06:23 - 4 years ago
Description : Pure melodic Liquid Drum & Bass
Language: GERMAN

Currently it's raw, so sorry if it's not up the quality I'm used to producing.

I went from a chill-out track of the Faded remix to this lol.

I got my start in the industry with Liquid DnB, it's a nice thing to go back to every once in a while. Especially remixing such fantastic vocals.
25th Dec 2017 18:42 - 7 years ago
Description : Merry Christmas to everyone, and thanks for all your downloads. This song is from 2016 but is here in this christmas. Thanks to Raphael29 for this great loops. Have a nice day and enjoy!
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28th Jun 2021 12:59 - 3 years ago
Description : Hey guys,
i wanted to share with you my track
with the "last year DNB Drums" that i uploaded a while ago.
i know its not finished and polished,but it sounds simply good :D
Let me know your critics!
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