Electric guitar moderately well. Acoustic guitar ok, and a novice at drums. I can play bass ok too. I am completely tone deaf.
NCH Mixpad. I also use NCH Wavepad for recording and editing. I have Cubase...but cant figure it out.
I have laptop speakers and Klipsch earbuds...? I have an Alesis mixboard along with various guitars and a drum set. My PA is an old Pioneer stereo system.
Anticide look him up on facebook or myspace or whatever. He is my brother and my inspiration. He Makes this stuff with Microsoft movie maker...seriously.
Nevermind, Sixteen Stone, Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites/Bangarang, Love Rise Against
Honestly most of what I like is not too terribly popular, or I am alone in my tastes. However, Im the kinda guy that plays a song from years ago that people forgot they love..sometimes.
Whatever samples I pull from this site. Im not good at giving credit where its due...but without Looperman members I wouldnt even be able to make music. Thanks everyone!
Am a step father to an incredible ten year old. Brilliant kid who approves every song I (sometimes we) create before it is finalized. My wonderful Fiance puts up with all of this...thank you!