27th Nov 2014 13:31 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : Vocals by Farisha and if you haven't heard her work you should. It's amazing!

The track is a bit minimal and I've tried to allow the multi layered vocals shine and not be over cluttered with much else. Percussion is Superior Drummer (using brushes instead of sticks), bass is a Sterling Sub 4 (a recent acquisition) played in live with an attempt at some funky slap stuff in the last chorus (tricky!) Guitar solo is my trusty Godin XTSA on the acoustic setting. Keyboard is a patch from Logic X.

So good to be working with this quality of vocal. Thanks Farisha.

Comments always welcome.


Comments (26)

If you have time take a listen and give RichieWinn some feedback.

ShortBusMusic 9th Dec 2014 17:25 - 10 years ago
Richie, I always know when I hit play on any of your tracks, I am going to get an auditory treat, and a master's class on composition and production. This track continues to meet and exceed the high standards you have set for all of your music. I am constantly and continually awed by your musical prowess. This is beautiful work (it always helps to have such great vocals to work with).

Fabulous from the very first note. Really well done my friend. I hope all is well.

RichieWinn replied 9th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Barry

Good to hear from you and thank you very much for your comments. I always like reading your views on my productions. So rewarding to have one's work appreciated.

Well I think by now you know my game plan with all of this. Keep it simple and let the vocal shine. It's an ongoing challenge every time I put a track together and I always find it challenging to achieve that goal. In this particular case Farisha's vocal is amazing and requires a very sympathetic treatment. Glad you liked the end result.

All good with me. Chester getting colder but off the New Zealand and Australia next February for a couple months and enjoy some winter sunshine. What a life eh?

Best regards

benjizo 9th Dec 2014 09:06 - 10 years ago
Farisha got a great voice.Just love how you compliment the great vocals with a nice beat.Good stuff.
RichieWinn replied 9th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey Benjizo

Thank you so much for stopping by and posting comments. I really appreciate it. Farisha is a real talent and I'm just so glad we all have access to such quality vocal acapellas. Glad you liked the treatment I gave it too. Thank you.


ScottB55 8th Dec 2014 23:47 - 10 years ago
Wow, Richie...I really like this track and I think you did a great job, as did Farisha.

I don't know what the big deal is on using tools of the trade. We all do in one way or another. If you use VST instruments, that's a tool! I use an electronic drum kit because I don't want to mic all my drums and piss the neighbors off. I don't know that much about autotune, cause I'm not a singer, but if I was, I'd probably use it. Hell, I love tools and gadgets. I wish I would have had half this stuff when I was playing in bands. I'm going to use everything in my toolbox to make my tracks sound better, but I digress!

Did I say this was a great track! Well, it is...nuff said!

RichieWinn replied 9th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Scott

Many thanks for posting comments. It's always good to hear your view of my productions so thanks for that. I agree with you on all the fuss that's been made about using tools. I remember when I first started playing guitar there were no electronic tuners (1962!) but now I use one without thinking about it and wouldn't have it any other way.

Glad you liked the track.


Musicante 8th Dec 2014 23:01 - 10 years ago
Richie, this is truly a marvelous piece! It is radio-ready, and in my opinion, would be as good and certainly better than the stuff on the radio, today! The clarity of your mix is great and you accomplished your task of allowing Farisha's wonderful voice to shine through. All in all, a very professional piece.

RichieWinn replied 9th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi M

Thank you so much for the kind words. Much appreciated so thanks for taking the time to listen and post. Yes wouldn't it be nice to hear your own stuff on the radio. How good would that be? Glad you have picked up on the clarity of the mix as I do try very hard to produce "clean" recordings that allow the listener to hear everything that is going on.

"A professional piece" is praise indeed. Thank you.


StaticNomad 8th Dec 2014 22:42 - 10 years ago
So, finally a bit more detail from me, as promised, as it's quite an interesting track.

When I said (in a rush) that the drums were a bit weak, I think I just meant that brush snare. You're right that the drums don't interfere with the vocal (which is kind of the main thing) and makes it quite a pop type of production. Like some modern r'n'b. It's the hats, the keyboards and vocals that stand out as the main elements in the track.

1:14-1:17 good drum fill.

1:31 guitar solo is a bit of a surprise. Fits just fine but that guitar sound isn't anywhere else in the track (I think) so it's a surprise but a good one.

Rimshot might work rather than that brush snare but I don't really have a huge problem with it so don't worry about it.

2:32 I noticed the funky bass and then read your track description describing it. It's still very much sitting behind the vocal so quite subtle.

You could give the track a big lift and different identity if you really brought that slap bass out and changed to a different, heavier drum kit. Could be a fun thing to do as a finale but not to worry if you don't. You don't really need it as her vocal does quite enough anyway.

Hope the additional thoughts help in some very minor way. Again, great work that justifies the considerable number of comments received.
RichieWinn replied 9th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey SN

Just love the way your very keen ear and eloquent writing makes a critical analysis of the track. Such a great read.

Firstly I'm glad you found the track interesting. That's good. I love putting drum fills in (it's my favourite instrument) so nice of you to pick up on that. Surprising solos is my trademark. The track needed some contrast and I tried all kind of things before settling on an acoustic guitar solo (albeit played on an electric). Pleased you don't have a problem with the rimshot instead of the brush hitting the snare. I guess if you had produced this song the outcome would have been quite different. As it is the aim was not to swamp the vocal or let anything get in it's way. I have actually mixed this without any percussion whatsoever. Sounds great!

My funky bass was a bit of a surprise to me if I'm honest. I only have one slap lick I can do on the bass and it seemed to fit nicely. Bonus! Yes you are absolutely correct I could have given the track a completely different identity with a funkier slap bass and heavier drums. The risk is destroying the integrity of the vocal and as I wasn't in a position to put Farisha back into the vocal booth and ask for a slightly more aggressive approach I had to work with what I had.

Always happy to hear thoughts and comments so thank you very much for taking the time to put together a detailed appraisal. Much appreciated.


Eighteen 6th Dec 2014 04:34 - 10 years ago

I was clicking on a few random tracks and heard this song all of a sudden, and it totally grabbed my attention right away.
pruduction is amazing, the music is amazing and so are the vocals.

Really nice job :D

RichieWinn replied 6th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Eighteen

Well I'm just so pleased your random clicking brought you to my track! Glad you enjoyed it and thank you very much for the kind words. Much appreciated. Nice to know I am still capable of grabbing someones attention and your comments on the production, music and vocals are very rewarding. Thank you.


Leverett 4th Dec 2014 10:37 - 10 years ago
You gave great justice to Farisha's amazing vocals with this track. Greatly produced, elegant and smooth. Definitely a great work.
RichieWinn replied 4th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Hello Leverett

Thank you so much for your comments. I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by, listen and post them. Elegant and smooth are very rewarding so thank you very much.


StaticNomad 4th Dec 2014 03:10 - 10 years ago
Hi. It's rare that I see much debate going on in Looperman comments. Not sure why that's mostly reserved just for the forums.

I'm a bit confused as this is a fine track but I'm not really hearing obvious autotune. It's something I generally dislike if I can clearly hear it.

Farisha is a fine vocalist (I checked out that Youtube video you linked) and can sing jazz too. I heard much more obvious autotune on another recent track of hers. But, still, I'm struggling to hear the obvious bits here. They're just great vocals!

Anyway, your accompaniment is good to though I'll return and offer some more detail. My only criticism for now is a slightly weak drum kit, though it's no big deal. I'm also a Superior user and use the one brush kit that I have (from the Roots and Sticks packs) quite a bit. I love brush drums.

More later but these are my initial thoughts.
RichieWinn replied 4th Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi. Yes I thought for a minute that my track review page had turned into a forum posting!!! Ah well it's good when Loopers have a point to make and do it regardless. You have to applaud the passion I guess. That said I'm very much with you on this and don't see what all the fuss is about.

A "weak drumkit" you think? Hmmmm! Not sure I agree but my goal was not to swamp the vocal. I wanted something playing sixteens on the hi hat but using sticks it just didn't sound right. I don't have the Roots and Sticks pack so thanks for the pointer - I will check it out.

Glad you think it's a fine track which is a great compliment. Thank you.

brillbilly 1st Dec 2014 14:52 - 10 years ago
What a beauty this is mate!

Love the sweet gentle vibes,love the gentle layers,stunning vocals

Beautiful soft bass n drums,lush guitar

This is some real tidy blissed music!!.

Great work Richie.!

Fave from me mate!

RichieWinn replied 1st Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey Chris

Thanks for stopping by. Always a pleasure to read your comments - they are much appreciated. Yup, I had to be so gentle with one as there was so much in the vocal (it was all on one stereo track too!) and I'm so pleased the way it turned out. Thanks for the comments on the drums, bass and guitar too. It doesn't sound an awful lot in there but it took ages!

Thanks again.


theHumps 1st Dec 2014 12:06 - 10 years ago
Hey Richie, this is fantastic! The recording is superb, clean and clear. The vocals are mixed in perfectly, well done. Love that acoustic guitar lead!

Well done!

RichieWinn replied 1st Dec 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Wayne

Good to hear from you. I hope all is well.

Thank you very much for your kind words. It is rewarding when I get comments that make is all worth while and "superb, clean and clear" are just knockout. Thank you. Glad you liked the solo too.


aelmen 30th Nov 2014 18:09 - 10 years ago
Well done, really! The drum, the bass and the electric piano is great and the guitar is just the last ingredients to make this song one of the best in this genre right now.

RichieWinn replied 30th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Anders

Many thanks for stopping by and posting comments. I really appreciate it. Particularly like your views on the bass, drums and piano and the guitar. So rewarding to have comments like this. Thank you.

TonyRay 30th Nov 2014 14:59 - 10 years ago
Win!Good production
RichieWinn replied 30th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey TonyRay

Many thanks. Pleased you enjoyed it.

samern 30th Nov 2014 14:13 - 10 years ago
Hey Richie

it's a beautiful track
simple and soft
just an amazing music

and the voice of Farisha is charming as usual

Good Job

RichieWinn replied 30th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey Samer

Thank you very much for posting comments. Really appreciated.

It's so rewarding to have such nice things said about my work. What knocks me out particularly is the "simple and soft". Thank you. I really try my best to let the vocal shine and not put anything on the track this isn't required.

Thanks again.

promenade2239 30th Nov 2014 12:09 - 10 years ago
excellent production. The vocals makes almost the entire song but your arrangement is remarkable - smooth, groovy and so nicely performed. Great track! Congrats, Alex
RichieWinn replied 30th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Alex

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and post comments. Really appreciate it. Glad you like the production and you have a real insight into the way I intended it to be. Yes, I like the vocal to take centre stage and try very hard not to ever swamp it with anything that take away from a fine vocal performance.

"Smooth" and "groovy" are compliments indeed. Thank you.

AZZYKO 30th Nov 2014 11:21 - 10 years ago
Beautiful vocals, you really fit them nice in your track :)
RichieWinn replied 30th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago

Thank you so much for your comments. I am really pleased you liked the track and the way it was put together.


FreeRadical 30th Nov 2014 10:37 - 10 years ago
beautiful arrangement as per always. You've really brought that vocal to life with your choice of instruments. This sounds like a real radio friendly piece of music with everything slotting into place nicely.
I'm always a little jealous of your talents Richie. You should be making dollars out of your music rather than giving it away.
Definitely a FAV.
RichieWinn replied 30th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago

Good to see you here. Thank you so much for your comments. Much appreciated.

As far as making dollars from music is concerned all I can say is my overnight success continues unabated! It began in 1964 with my first band and not much has really changed in the intervening years! I still love playing live, writing, recording and producing. I'm just very rewarded when I get comments like yours. Thank you.

GregVincey 29th Nov 2014 13:43 - 10 years ago
I like this music man
RichieWinn replied 29th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Cool! Glad you liked the music.
crucethus 29th Nov 2014 06:41 - 10 years ago
Richie, this is kick ass. I agree with Planetjazzbass on this one. When Auto tune (not a fav of mine) is used right woith a good singer the sounds can be very creative. Par Example Soshy with Timbaland and Nelly Furtado with "The Morning after".
And Soshy without Autotune.
When Auto tune is used with a great singer in a good arrangement to me it's like a good use of a Vocoder. This tune has all those elements and I am very impressed with everything about this one.
great work
RichieWinn replied 29th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Steve

Thanks for the comments and the links. If you have read the other comments posted here you will have noticed I appear to have opened a can of worms with the auto tune thing!! Thanks for your support. Glad yo liked the track.

mrwolf14 28th Nov 2014 15:36 - 10 years ago
Super track: I think the word "understated" is really fitting well the work you have done.
...and this is a real art!
I think this should always the first goal of a musician: give the song exactly what the songs needs, not a single note more!
With that respect, the short guitar solo is a perfect example: it is helping tremendously in creating a "movement" in a point where the song may slip into "repetitiveness".
In short: I loved this song!
Ciao, Domenico

PS: ...forgot to mention...I hate the auto-tune effect and I fully believe that Farisha doesn't need it... but who am I to dictate what others should do?
And the final result is "very enjoyable", this is all that matters.
RichieWinn replied 28th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Domenico

Thank you so much for taking the time to post your comments. Much appreciated.

I like the "understated" view very much and just about sums up my approach to all of this. I guess my view is "little is more" and sometimes it's what you leave out that is important. Thank you too for the comment on the solo. Again you hit the nail on the head as providing some contrast was indeed the purpose of it. You have a good insight into how I work I think!!

OK I am all auto tuned out so glad you found the overall track enjoyable.


ZeeHipHop 28th Nov 2014 07:21 - 10 years ago
Wow! Simply wow! Best track on the site mate!
RichieWinn replied 28th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi to you ZeeHipHop

Thank you so much for your comments. I really appreciate it and thank you also for not mentioning auto tune!! If I have produced anything near to a "best track" I am extremely proud. Thank you so much.

Planetjazzbass 27th Nov 2014 21:41 - 10 years ago
See here's the difference,there's instrumentals and then there's the human element,you just don't see instrumentals in the top 40 (100 or 1000 for that matter)'s quite understandable,you can't really bridge the gap between everyday contemplative acceptance and total immersion rapture without vocals..unless your Beethoven that is! lol..A superb effort Richie and Farisha!..Now this is how you use autotune to it's full potential,just enough for architectural harmonic support without transforming into the pop Frankenstein we so often hear and this propped up by that excellent acoustic (sans piezo transducer),you could walk across the tundra,mile after mile (apologies to Frank Zappa) before you found a better tone to compliment Farisha's voice,it's absolutely perfect! of the best arrangements and balanced tracks I've ever heard,a real testament to independent music artists everywhere.The end game of the corporate monopolies has arrived with this track,methinks it's time to employ your own marketing machine and go totally commercial,you can do your own thing later while sipping tall cool ones poolside in Ibiza!...awesome work Dave
RichieWinn replied 27th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Dave

Great to hear from you. Hope all is well.

I have to agree with your view on the autotune. I think it works well on the track and doesn't detract from Farisha's performance at all (or the timbre of her voice for that matter). I just feel privileged to have an acapella of this quality to work with and hope I have done it some justice.

It took me several attempts over a three day period to find something I could live with on the solo. My acoustic sounded too bright, a synth part just didn't sound right and a jazzy electric patch with the Godin was awful. I switched to the piezos and used a patch from Logic and finally something to work with. I am not unhappy with the way it turned out.

I am simply knocked out with your comments on the production and arrangement. Thank you.

soundhound 27th Nov 2014 19:45 - 10 years ago
Nice track super production, this move in a jazzy kinda way...
Her voice is tuned to the moon, but there are those that like
that kinda stuff...
Some how!!!.. To me it sounds like they are hiding, something
funky about their voice...
But the Music track really works very well...
RichieWinn replied 27th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago

So good of you to listen and post comments. I do appreciate it.

Yeah, a bit jazzy is cool and it was that kind of laid back understated feel I wanted on the track. Having a voice tuned to the moon is infinitely better than having it tuned to Uranus!!

Thanks again

Enzotic 27th Nov 2014 17:10 - 10 years ago
This is a really relaxed arrangement! I love the acoustic drums and guitar. I also really like the little guitar solo, I definitely wasn't expecting it. I think it would have sounded 10 times as good if the autotune of the vocals wasn't so obvious :(.
RichieWinn replied 27th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago

Many thanks for the comments. Very much appreciate it. I found it challenging finding an arrangement that would compliment the vocal (there is so much going on with it!!) and hope I have succeeded in some small way.

I can't resist putting a guitar solo on. Hope it adds some colour to the track and gives the vocal some contrast.

Thanks again.

VickyDan 27th Nov 2014 16:58 - 10 years ago
Bonjour Richie ....

Happy to meet you again here also.
You are a great "manipulator" of instruments, more the genius of mix. It's always with great pleasure that I am listening .... and take some lessons .... This track is proof of what I wrote above. A pure listening pleasure. Very good choice of that voice to this musical concept. I hope my English is as good as your French.

RichieWinn replied 27th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Bonsoir Dan

Ce est si bon de vous revoir ici. Vous nous avez manqué! Merci beaucoup pour vos paroles très aimables - ils sont très appréciés. Je suis heureux de vous aimez cette chanson avec Farisha. Elle est un tel talent merveilleux.

Je espère que nous voyons plus les uns des autres bientôt. Peut-être une collaboration?

Danke 27th Nov 2014 16:19 - 10 years ago
Agree with Vince!!!

Made a winner with song Richie...your arrengement and tasty attitude to this acapella is like a model...
Crystal clear mix, stunning instrumentation...
(But that autotune...hmmm...Why do this kind of brilliant voice need to use it?)

Much respect, Danke

Did you hear Enzotic's version with this popular acapella?
RichieWinn replied 27th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Hey Danke

Thank you for taking the time to stop by. I just love your "tasty attitude" comment so thank you for that. I try to be as tasteful and understated as I possibly can and hope whatever I do makes the vocal into a song. Glad you liked the instrumentation and mix too. Very rewarding to have you pick up on that.

Thanks again.

Tumbleweed 27th Nov 2014 15:40 - 10 years ago
well Richie....any vocalist who wants pro accompaniament that kicks the song up to the stars should be knocking on your door...and you do it consistently...having tried it a few times I know it takes a lot of compositional (as well as musical performance) talents and the kind of patience/restraint that lets the vocal star...I listened to the acapella by Farisha & realized that I couldn`t likely do anything appropriate with it.....leave it to Richie...great bit of work all round my friend......Ed
RichieWinn replied 27th Nov 2014 - 10 years ago
Hi Ed

Always good to read your comments and thanks for taking the time to listen and write some very kind words. Yup, as we have discussed many times before allowing the vocals to shine and only be supported by understated playing and production is always the goal. I hope I've done the vocal some justice here.

Thanks again - much appreciated.


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Tags :
Description : This one has been sitting on my computer for a bit now but didn't really like it. My friends say it can use some vocals and I think that is what this one needs. If there is anyone who wants to put some vocals on this, send me an email at or post below. Thanks for tuning in and have a great day!
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Creating Bliss

!!! Looking For Some Go To Loop Creators !!!

!Please Reach Out In The Comment Section!

***Pop Trap Type Beat***

???Unfortunately No Loops In This Track Were Made By Any
Looperman Creators Plz Reach Out !!!

!!!!Komplex and Killing It!!!!!

@Looperman Keep It Up and Much Appreciated XD
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31st May 2020 18:27 - 4 years ago

Hope you are all staying safe! I don't know about all of you guys but I was feeling really creative during this pandemic. I'm really proud of it because It reflects a lot of my life and it's an all-round feel-good hopeful ep can't wait to share it. It's out 6.19.20 you can get a sign up for a reminder on my website or just comment below and I'll send it to you when it's out! :) THANKS EVERYONE SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE PASS 4 years!!! #LoopermanFam