Description : I created this track for the love I have for puppies. I love them. Everybody does. This day I went to this park nearby my colony and saw couple of them and thought of making something musically. So this is what i came up with. This time I haven't played much with FX or Technical aspects. Just pure simple & soft melodies. As it is unmixed & unfinished track, request you to boost the volume a little. Hope you all like it! Cheers! :)
This orchestral track was uploaded by EtherBlu. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (27)
If you have time take a listen and give EtherBlu some feedback.
I would like to use this for a film project if possible. My email address is Its a beautiful song and I would love to use it for my project. Please let me know.
And I'm back. I know what you mean about pure love being devoid of cheesiness but that doesn't always translate into musical success.
I play some deep, far out stuff but I still quite often play something quite cheesy. I have no definite idea why that is. Certainly not my intent. Sometimes I go through and "de-cheesify" tracks, especially when it comes to slightly annoying synth sounds.
Anyway: more detail.
0:08 those first notes work well for me. Then other tinkly creeping notes a bit later and some little hints of percussion.
I think it's that marimba on 0:26 that says "playful, gentle doggy music".
And then you build your percussion. Very dry (ie lacking reverb) so close and sort of warm, perhaps a bit like puppies. You don't want to make it a space puppies track, right? I probably would have but then that's just the kind of music I make.
0:51 guitarey sort of synth instrument is pretty decent and you've also got some kettle drum rolls in there, which I like. Beat is solid and grooving now.
1:09 guitar is a surprise. Might seem a little out of place but it's playing good notes so no problem there. Rather: an interesting brief, little flavour.
Marimba sits in there all the time, almost as a bass line. Return of keyboard guitarey instrument theme towards the end and bit of strings and then a decaying end note which has been cut off of a bit too soon. Just need a few seconds more on that.
That's the longest review i have ever got for my song. I really appreciate you putting so much of your time to review this song.
And yes, i agree that we aren't always successful to translate our feelings into music. But sometime's we do get lucky. About cheesiness in music, sometimes its the need of the song and sometimes, its just the our perception.
About your in depth review, I wanted to keep the beginning as soft & as smooth as possible, So i experimented with staccato notes on flute, and it gave me what i wanted.
Yes, i did listen to some of the references on Animal Planet and Marimba was the most common instrument used for the lead. So i rejected some 5-6 leads myself which i was randomly playing on some major chords and then i finally got settled on this.
I kept the percussions dry for just one pure reason, to give the live feeling to the song. I wanted to give this song an Epic feeling but still keeping it soft.
Marimba was doing my job wherever the lead was concerned, but then i felt this track needed some instrument that can brighten up the track a little. Hence, guitar is introduced here.
I felt by keeping the marimba in the background, the song won't lose it's feel, so here it worked as a bass line too.
About the end, i totally agree with you i should have stretched it a little i feel now.
Thanks again for that great review brother. look forward to such reviews in the near future too.
Incredible! Such a gentle and fun track to listen to. The percussion part is Marimbas? Or Xylos? Or Vibraphone? Very great choice, regardless. I really am digging the drum patterns. It has a sort of African/Tribal feel to it. I could possibly hear this in a Disney movie like Tarzan or The Lion King. I can also visualize puppies from your strong instrumentation. Beautiful work, EB!
Thank you so much for that lovely feedback GO! And yes, the bellish percussive lead is on Marimba. And as you rightly said, those drum patterns are of african folk genre. I really wanted to give this track an epic yet soft feel to it, . My main intention was to achieve that. I hope i have achieved atleast 10% of my vision. Totally gratified by reading those kind words GO about the resemblance of my music with Disney movies scores.
I hope in near future, we all are associated with Disney, Paramount, Universal and many more big names.
The intro pulls us into a dreamy, far-out space. The introduction of the guitar picks up the energy and the drums keeps it flowing. Overall, a well crafted, quality track.
EB, this track absolutely made my day.....light, happy feeling to it. You captured the emotions I feel when I am around puppies (all dogs for that matter) as well, haha. I can see this one as a backing track to a great dog commercial.
Wonderful way to start my day. Thanks for putting a smile on my face and warming my heart a bit this morning. Really well done. I hope all is well.
That's one of the best comments I have ever received. I feel my hard work has paid off a little, Really appreciate your kind words and yes, if i get a chance, i'll definitely try to pitch it for any dog commercial that comes across. This comment actually made my day and this time, thank you for putting a smile on my face :)
A lovely piece of music that I will review in much greater detail when I find the time.
Intro is very peaceful and the whole thing is really quite uplfiting. Maybe could be used for a puppy soundtrack? Lots of other soundtracks too as this has some class and elegance to it.
It's very easy listening but not of the cheesy variety.
Thank you very much for your kind words. Pure love is devoid of cheesiness. isn't it? Will be eagerly looking forward to your detailed review and m really glad you liked it.
Thank you so much Mark! Really appreciate your kind words. I think fretless bass will make this track a lil jazzy/bluesy i feel, still, i would like you to give it a shot.
Make something and send it across on
Hi MrEB,
Short track, right at the point.
I liked everything: from the nice intro sounds to the soft rhythm introduced by the percussion.
The marimba and harpsichord really make me think of two puppies jumping around and playing together.
And the lead guitar adds a touch of "live feeling" to it.
Very well done!
Ciao, Domenico
Thank you so much for the lovely comment. The whole idea was to portray their cuteness and innocence. Hope i was able to pull of at least 50% of that...
What a pleasant song! Short sweet and to the point. It really conveys your intention. Nice choice of instruments as well.
It's actually at a good volume I think, allows me to turn up my volume knob a bit. A rare thing these days with the misuse of limiters and compressors.
Thanks a tons for your kind words Wayne! Glad to know you enjoyed:)
And it really feels great when your emotions are successfully conveyed to your listeners. And about the volume, somewhere i feel the beginning is really not audible, hence, it needs some boost there. Will level it nicely once i take up this track.
I'm relistening to your track and one suggestion: I'd add something like a nice airy pad or strings on the segments following the 1:09 mark, to carry the build up of the drums and fill the space; it would allow the momentum to sink into the listener's mind and be absorbed and provide a nice satisfactory "ahhh" feeling to this part and give the song a present but soothing climax.
Thank you for giving it another listen brother! And I think you're right. I should've added something there. The only thing is this time I wanted to avoid using synths & FX, I controlled a lot on technical aspects this time. But yeah, I will definitely try some Airy pad there. And yes, I assure the end will be changed :) sounds little abrupt right? Will definitely do something about it.
Nice to see your likeness here on the Loop again man! Hope all has been well! This one is TOTALLY dog-commercial worthy! I can so hear it behind some national Iams dog ad with the tagline "release the wild in your dog" or something haha. I love the drums! They're awesome. Beautiful exciting, happy buildup and tops off with that neat and simple guitar solo. Keep up the awesome work, Ether! I want MORE!!
HAHAHAHA!!! Man you have no idea how eagerly I wait for your feedback on my tracks "ER"!! All is well & i trust All's well at your end too! And yes, "Release the wild in your dog" was too good!! Really appreciate your words and m glad you liked the arrangement. And yes, I'll keep coming back if not to upload tracks, but to have your comments on them. Take care.
nice one. creative and enjoyable. I liked harpsichord and lead guitar additions. very lovely little piece.
everything is sounding right in here, well done! Alex
Thank you so much! This is the first time I played with Harpsichord & Marimba and I enjoyed it. Looking forward to using them more often in my future tracks.
We lost our dog last year...he was 15 and had wonderful life...we had too with him...:-)
This songy reminds me lots of memories with him...from his puppy age til death...thankx for this magical 2 minutes...
Let me hug you first Danke! I am sorry about your loss, Glad to know you liked the track and even more glad to know that you could relate to it. Hope this track adds to your beautiful memories with him.
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Description : This song was one of the first ones I uploaded here to Looperman. I made this over a year ago, how quickly time flies :') A free download has been made available as my gift to you guys for Christmas this year! Enjoy!
Description : This track is the first two sections of what will (hopefully) be a three-part piece — essentially a suite. I am posting parts 1 and 2 because I think they are ready for feedback from Looperman members. Part 3 isn’t done yet because it requires Human League style vocals from a singer with a distinct British accent. I have the melody and lyrics worked out. I sent a private message a while ago to a Looperman member who I think has the right voice for the job. But, haven’t had a response. Until I find a vocalist for it, I can’t finish the piece. In any case, the total file size of the complete piece would be greater than the Looperman limit, so it will have to be split into parts anyway.
Parts 1 and 2, in fact the whole thing, were inspired by acapellas posted here on Looperman by Jacques Demers:
If you haven’t checked out Jacques’ tracks yet, you really should. He doesn’t set them up as “featured” so it might be easy to miss them.
The harmony in Jacques’ acapellas sounded very “Beatle-ish” to me, and that made me want to try my hand at doing a George Martin style treatment. I remembered that ScottsCovers here on Looperman had mentioned an instrument called a Mellotron, which was used by the Beatles, the Moody Blues, Genesis, along with other groups of that era, so I decided to use a VST mellotron as the primary instrument for Parts 1 and 2.
The acapella in Part 2 was in a different key than the one used for Part 1, so I needed to find a chord progression in Part 1 that would modulate the key. Jacques gave me some advice on that, which you can see in the comments on his first acapella.
Part 1 has harp, mellotron flutes, clarinet, french horns, and my attempt at a Penny Lane type trumpet solo (but much simpler). Part 2 has a string ensemble, solo oboe and trumpet in unison, and some Daniel Langois type processed guitars. Both parts were recorded at 60 bpm, largely because that’s where the acapellas seemed to sync best. However, I played the instrument tracks freestyle (rubato), so the tempo actually varies somewhat. Definitely not quantized!
There is a storyline behind this track. Part 1 is the blooming stage of a relationship. Part 2 is about the relationship in decline. Part 3, with vocals, will be about ending it.
I’ve included the transition to Part 3 (which will be a more traditional synth pop section) and just a bit of the first verse backing instrumental so you can get an idea of how things are headed in the final part.
Description : I promise a suprise for non-members once I reach 100 plays, now they can DOWNLOAD it FOR FREE. The only condition are these three simple rules: 01. If you plan to use it somewhere, let me know and send me the link by private message. 02. You also have to put me as the composer of this song. 03. I don't want commercial use and you can use it for youtube project.
This songs is like a normal day in my life... as my brain point of view. The first part is the morning with strings, horns, clarinette and flute. It's a joyful and beautiful day ! Then, there's a sort of "bridge" between the morning part and the afternoon. Afternoon is awesome and chaotic at the same time, that's why I added dubstep in the middle of the song. Finally,the evening and the night are the second bridge and the end of this piece.
It's the first song I mix Orchestral and Dubstep.
Whole s music maker Jam with Movie Score 1/2/3 and Dubstep (i think it's Vol.2) loops.
Mix = Music Maker (Soundtrack Edition)
Final details = Music Studio
It's a Raw Mix because I really like this song and I want to make a better version ONLY with Music Maker Jam (without mix or whatever, execept for the sound quality).
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All parts of the story written and inspired by a dream. A very personal story. I can't sing,so the emotions are in the notes. This is the instrumental version. The sheet music was written for a group.
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If you want the 4 part story names, check the song lyrics tab.
Description : First one I posted on here not too long ago when I tried this out. Would love to dabble more with this type for sure as I love the orchestral/cinematic tracks I find on here! Great loops I found by MINOR2GO that I threw together. I just added the bass drum and slight fx here and there. I would consider this cinematic as well. Thanks!
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Really glad to know my music has inspired you. Hope it inspires you everytime you listen to it. Thank you so much! :)
Peace :)
You've got a mail! :)
I play some deep, far out stuff but I still quite often play something quite cheesy. I have no definite idea why that is. Certainly not my intent. Sometimes I go through and "de-cheesify" tracks, especially when it comes to slightly annoying synth sounds.
Anyway: more detail.
0:08 those first notes work well for me. Then other tinkly creeping notes a bit later and some little hints of percussion.
I think it's that marimba on 0:26 that says "playful, gentle doggy music".
And then you build your percussion. Very dry (ie lacking reverb) so close and sort of warm, perhaps a bit like puppies. You don't want to make it a space puppies track, right? I probably would have but then that's just the kind of music I make.
0:51 guitarey sort of synth instrument is pretty decent and you've also got some kettle drum rolls in there, which I like. Beat is solid and grooving now.
1:09 guitar is a surprise. Might seem a little out of place but it's playing good notes so no problem there. Rather: an interesting brief, little flavour.
Marimba sits in there all the time, almost as a bass line. Return of keyboard guitarey instrument theme towards the end and bit of strings and then a decaying end note which has been cut off of a bit too soon. Just need a few seconds more on that.
How's that for detail?
And yes, i agree that we aren't always successful to translate our feelings into music. But sometime's we do get lucky. About cheesiness in music, sometimes its the need of the song and sometimes, its just the our perception.
About your in depth review, I wanted to keep the beginning as soft & as smooth as possible, So i experimented with staccato notes on flute, and it gave me what i wanted.
Yes, i did listen to some of the references on Animal Planet and Marimba was the most common instrument used for the lead. So i rejected some 5-6 leads myself which i was randomly playing on some major chords and then i finally got settled on this.
I kept the percussions dry for just one pure reason, to give the live feeling to the song. I wanted to give this song an Epic feeling but still keeping it soft.
Marimba was doing my job wherever the lead was concerned, but then i felt this track needed some instrument that can brighten up the track a little. Hence, guitar is introduced here.
I felt by keeping the marimba in the background, the song won't lose it's feel, so here it worked as a bass line too.
About the end, i totally agree with you i should have stretched it a little i feel now.
Thanks again for that great review brother. look forward to such reviews in the near future too.
I hope in near future, we all are associated with Disney, Paramount, Universal and many more big names.
Thanks again!
Kind regards,
Thank you so much for the feedback. Really glad to know you liked it!! :)
Wonderful way to start my day. Thanks for putting a smile on my face and warming my heart a bit this morning. Really well done. I hope all is well.
That's one of the best comments I have ever received. I feel my hard work has paid off a little, Really appreciate your kind words and yes, if i get a chance, i'll definitely try to pitch it for any dog commercial that comes across. This comment actually made my day and this time, thank you for putting a smile on my face :)
Intro is very peaceful and the whole thing is really quite uplfiting. Maybe could be used for a puppy soundtrack? Lots of other soundtracks too as this has some class and elegance to it.
It's very easy listening but not of the cheesy variety.
So, more another time. Until then - big congrats.
Thank you very much for your kind words. Pure love is devoid of cheesiness. isn't it? Will be eagerly looking forward to your detailed review and m really glad you liked it.
Make something and send it across on
I will surely re-upload if it sounds good to me.
Thanks again for your words.
Short track, right at the point.
I liked everything: from the nice intro sounds to the soft rhythm introduced by the percussion.
The marimba and harpsichord really make me think of two puppies jumping around and playing together.
And the lead guitar adds a touch of "live feeling" to it.
Very well done!
Ciao, Domenico
Thank you so much for the lovely comment. The whole idea was to portray their cuteness and innocence. Hope i was able to pull of at least 50% of that...
Thanks again!
It's actually at a good volume I think, allows me to turn up my volume knob a bit. A rare thing these days with the misuse of limiters and compressors.
And it really feels great when your emotions are successfully conveyed to your listeners. And about the volume, somewhere i feel the beginning is really not audible, hence, it needs some boost there. Will level it nicely once i take up this track.
very jinja safari sounding btw
nice work!
Thanks again! :)
Cheers! :)
everything is sounding right in here, well done! Alex
Thank you so much! This is the first time I played with Harpsichord & Marimba and I enjoyed it. Looking forward to using them more often in my future tracks.
We lost our dog last year...he was 15 and had wonderful life...we had too with him...:-)
This songy reminds me lots of memories with him...from his puppy age til death...thankx for this magical 2 minutes...