23rd Mar 2015 05:50 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Here's a Jazz/Funk track I'm working. This will feature alot of live adlib and freestyle play on my keyboard. So far it has brass and woodwinds with some funky drum patterns and a shaker. Also, the first few seconds is me playing the Jazz Guitar live on my keyboard. This will be a lot of fun, and if anyone is interested, you can add a few bars of live playing in the track also, using Guitar, Bass, Keys, ect. The BPM is at 99. Tell me you all's thoughts so far? There will be more added in the future. Enjoy~

Comments (7)

If you have time take a listen and give GoldenOokami some feedback.

PDMuzak 22nd Oct 2015 00:56 - 9 years ago
This is fun track. I think I'll shoot you some Rhodes fill you can patch in . PDMuzak
AmirGabriel 28th Mar 2015 18:59 - 9 years ago
I know your track isn't finished but I used it for some this song I made for my mom lol it was kind of a last minute thing but you should check it out
GoldenOokami replied 10th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Sure man. I'd love to hear it. Thanks for the comment.

StaticNomad 25th Mar 2015 23:47 - 9 years ago
Greetings, Golden O.

This is good though I appreciate that it's very much a work in progress. Adding more elements (and length) should indeed help.

This is fairly skilfully put together and definitely the basis for some proper funk.

Jazz guitar keyboard playing is good and sets the tone nicely. Then the first problem: that hat stands out as having the wrong sort of sound (too dry, needs reverb) and the wrong timbre. I know there's no "wrong" in music, I'm just saying how I feel. I have loads of good drum sounds but in some tracks they do feel wrong. Might also have groove not quite right. Play around with some different quantise settings.

Brass blasts are decent. Could be a better sampled sound but I guess it's the best you have. I hardly have any decent brass sampled instruments. They generally don't sound good played in a regular way so I have to use them in a different way ie add loads of delay or whatever.

0:55 first cool brass fill. Makes me think not of funk but some other genre. More jazz or ska or something similar.

I hope these thoughts help just a little bit.

Good luck with it as it's definitely worth continuing with.
GoldenOokami replied 26th Mar 2015 - 9 years ago
Hello there! Thank you for your comment. I actually intended for this track to be a Funk/Jazz type. This is simply the alpha stage of the track. It's no where near being finished. My goal is...or now was to have other musicians/producers to add their own stuff into this song, like a simple freestyle off, or something y'know? Just a few bars of just simply ad libing. The drum kits are in their most basic forms, which will need to be redone, however, hopefully someone will correct that, and add their own realistic drum loops. I'd be honored if you perhaps done a few bars of free play on the track with any instrument. If interested, message me man. Nevertheless, thank you again for your comment.

JvR 25th Mar 2015 19:29 - 9 years ago
I like the brass section, it is very catchy & groovy, when comes to the drums they are a little bit killing it. I used to play drums and that feeling for the beat is simply not coming. Funky music likes to use rhytms going against main rhytm (3rd = 1st) or rhytms 1-3 with pre-striked snares or kicks. It is kinda hard to create such rhytms in 4/4 sekvencers without using some shuffling or groovizer and even after it will still can sound odd & robotic. If you do this in Reason I could make some drum loops for you, if you like..
GoldenOokami replied 26th Mar 2015 - 9 years ago
I do like that you made a point, my friend. I did, however try to make this a Jazz/Funk track. I figured the hats would have a swing like pattern, which are absolutely in need of reworking. I made this using Fl studio, but if you'd like to contribute to making some realistic Funk/Jazz sounding drum loops, please do! I would love for this track to feature many of Looperman's musicians/producers. :) Just message me, man. Everything will be much appreciated!

AURAIBRAND 24th Mar 2015 20:23 - 9 years ago
Hey Bro...definitely hearing something here!..the horns are fab and the little key solo in the intro is working..maybe needs defining a little more volume with a xylophone..roy ayers kinda thing!..but it works well..if its a instrumental you got some work to do!!...take out the shaker and o0pen the hi/hit a little as there too tight!
GoldenOokami replied 26th Mar 2015 - 9 years ago
Much appreciated man! I will keep those things in mind. This is simply the alpha stage of this. I would like to have others work on this with me, by adding their own stuff into it, y'know? I plan to add better drum patterns, of course. And have much better instrumentation. Thank you again!

15ludwicke 23rd Mar 2015 15:45 - 9 years ago
Amazing work so far! Really love how groovy the track is! I would add some live playing, but my mic isn't of good quality so I think it would detract from the song, not add to it.

Great work!
Rico L.
GoldenOokami replied 23rd Mar 2015 - 9 years ago
Hey! Don't limit yourself! Please, feel free to send me what you'd like. Y'know, a few good bars of live playing. As for the quality, I'm sure that can be worked on or edited. I encourage you to participate with this song man. My plan is to get others to add in his/her own stuff, and create a big collab track. Just send me a message if you're interested, my friend. And everyone who is involved, will absolutely be credited. Peace!

XyIlent 23rd Mar 2015 14:55 - 9 years ago
very cool everything works well together, it has a sense of progression which is always good. Doesn't feel like its going nowhere.
BUT i would say currently it feels a little bland, you mention your going to add keys, that will most certainly fix it i think, some underlying chords, a melody or something on the keys should do the trick :D

Cool track G.O :D
GoldenOokami replied 23rd Mar 2015 - 9 years ago
Hey buddy! I am thinking about possibly making this a huge collab track with other's putting in their few measures/bars of their playing as well. That would be an awesome thing. Thanks for the feedback! Hope soon enough it'll go somewhere!


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Tags :
Description : I'm try something a lilbit defferents hope you enjoy & Keep on PLAY! Made on MixCraft 8Pro... (THIS IS FREE DOWNLOAD & USE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL... IF YOU WANT IT FOR COMMERCIAL USE YOU CAN BUY A LICENSE IN or contact me to my email..)
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- Bleep -
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peace -._.-
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Tags :
Description : A Dark Funk tune , with a touch of Nawlin's jazz funeral procession. Midi-sparks asked me to do a Halloween song for his competition, and so here it is!
9th Feb 2025 11:06 - 1 month ago
Tags :
Description : It a funky tune and its purpose is to make you move your heads and your bodies to the rhythm. Made with Steinberg's free Sequel 3. I really hope you will enjoy it.
You can view the video on my YouTube channel.
22nd Jan 2015 21:04 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : 3rd track of my future vocaloid album, Acerbus 2.Many thanks to Venuslove for the vocals, MrFunktastic for the Funk bass, Strings (left and right), and the robotic sound mainly at the beginning of the song. and Atlasblue for the Snares (sorry atlasblue that I couldn't include you in the title, only 50 characters allowed, thus I ran out of space)
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30th Jul 2019 07:41 - 5 years ago
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29th Mar 2020 06:47 - 4 years ago
Description : hi every one here is a track i did a few years ago
was just getting into what im doing now please enjoy cheers
11th May 2022 16:09 - 2 years ago
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Thanks to everyone who contributed in explaining what I did wrong in the engineering, mixing and mastering, especially Ben (bringerofDOOM). Looperman is truly an awesome community and thank you all. Did I say you guys are awesome?
Now also with a clip on !