Description : This is a song I've been working on for a while and I've had a sortta writers block while making it. I'd be very appreciative if you guys could give me feedback on how to make it better and/or longer.
This trance track was uploaded by Mephod. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (22)
If you have time take a listen and give Mephod some feedback.
Nice, there are some issues though. Raise the volume of the piano, you also need some heavy drums. I think there are way too many crashes. It definitely needs some hats. You could add in a different variation of the main chords, it gets boring after a while. We could do a collab if you want and I'll walk you through making a great sounding song.
Thought would check this one out for you as my genre is trance, ok first I am really liking what I am hearing BUT it isn't trance, genre wise really don't know but not trance...Ok 2 listen now...First thing that strikes me is the tempo, very slow, don't know what tempo you are doing the piece, but trance would be normally anywhere from 128bpm up, Dub wooble doesn't help give trance feel either to the piece, the droning sound that comes in from start a little high needs to be softer into the mix, if you could add good kick/trance beat that would move the piece along with a good solid trance bass or bass's, lifting the tempo you would get the more trance drive and feel you are after...Have plenty of trance track examples up on my profile if you want to hear what I am saying...Either way whatever genre this belongs in, it was a very impressive effort with the thinking you have used in the arrangement, really enjoyed the couple listens to it...Fav...Peace n Respect Mos...
It needs a middle but what I don't know mate, but when I thought it was going to bust a drum beat it stayed the same.
Drum beat and stuff needed.
Brilliant other than that.
Im not sure this is trance, but it sounds pretty cool whatever it is, nice sounds! You could maybe add some organ, bring out the sub bass some more?? Like others have said, maybe try and flesh out the middle as you have a nice intro and outro.
Very very interesting stuff! I guess I'm generally a purist when it comes to trance, so I'll say that this seems like a different genre altogether. For example most of it seems half time, which rarely shows up in the beat and bass of classic trance. Has more of an ambient and dubsteppy vibe to it. Also a good trance song should be trance inducing, which I guess this did not for me. I like your melodies and all, and you wouldn't really need to change those. A main section or two with full time rhythmic elements would add a lot I think. Definitely would help make this a longer song as well, which is also quite common in trance music. Might I ask what the tempo of this is? It's a nice sounding mix so far though, so don't change that too much! Had fun listening!
Thank you for the feedback it's really helping me make my song sound better and become more trancy, I'm gonna add some more volume envelopes to give it a more trance feel and I might make the dubstep part less dirty to make it mix with the trance vibe in this song more.
Has this been updated by any chance? I gave it another listen and second time round' the 4th piano key seems fine.. or perhaps it's because I know what's coming so it doesn't sound out of place anymore if that makes sense.
I love the wobbly bit that comes in at 1.27!
So unexpected and for some reason it reminded me at that point of LUCKY MAN by Emerson Lake and Palmer where the synth comes in unexpectedly at the end.
This is nothing like that but had a similar effect on me.
Loving it.
I'm only use to the standard type of trance with a beat, never heard of a trance like this before. anyway... The timing of the piano at the start is slightly off compared with the beat. And something similar happens at the end section as well. The 4th piano note/key in my opinion would sound better as a higher note. Besides that it's a captivating & good song.
I think I know why the piano sounds off beat on the melody, I tried to add a appogiatura to the melody (I think that's what it's called) so I think that's what's causing the piano to feel offbeat when it actually is so I might take it out. I'll try out the piano as a higher note thing too. Thank you.
So to me you have made an amazing intro and a nice outtro. Now you need to beef up the middle. To evade writers block here is a little trick. Listen too what you have and write down a description of what you see in your mind, or feel when you listen too this song. Par Example I feel I am sitting on a harbour looking out on the ocean and watching the boats coming in when I hear this one. Then suddenly I remember a real cool time I had with friends. So make the middle about that. Write "cool time with friends" or whatever instinct this makes you feel and you-ll be able to overcome the block. Usually a block is your trying to hard to force something out. you gotta let go sometimes and take on a different direction. The Best example of a song block is this famous musical songwriting duo and one of there famous tracks.
Description : Big thanks to Justze3 who released the four loops to his drake ovo style piece because he didn't plan to finish it, challenge accepted. I would also like to thank LankFrampard for the extra drum loop and av3 for the sample "trapped" which gave a lot of extra feel to the song.
Description : this song is the last i created. I wanted to remix the famous "the chase" from the movie "midnight express, i love the original sound! i don't know if the result is enough good but i'm proud to say that all has been composed by myself: the instrumental parts, the arrangements, melody, recording and mixing. I hope you'll enjoy it! don't hesitate to let a comment after listening :)
Description : Progressive song that I made a few weeks ago. Tried to make an uplifting sommer song. I know it is nothing original but like the flow in it.
Description : Used loops from MHYST trance sequence 8,2 and Goa. Dune 2 Vst. also thanks to Fibonacci 1.1618
ref looperman-l-0203623-0112992-mhyst-trance-sequence-8
MHYT has a series look him up under trance sequence
Description : A relaxed Trance-Trible-Electro-Wave track. Feel the power of the alien tribe connection. Dance your dream or dream your dance. Just be part of the connection.
This is what you get when i try to make a Free Radical song.
In the end, it does not sound like something I've ever heard from him.
But it was, after all, a try.
Thus, it is not completely different, ´cause i have not sung this time.
And it is electronic music but .....
However, I like the resulting song. Hope you too. Only 1 sample was used here - Anubis-Anubis-Loop all the synth´s are played by me and i added some drumsounds with powerdrums2 played by myself Comments are sure welcome.
Description : A drum and bass, electronic something or other inspired track. The main Melodies taken from short loops I cut from some sessions my bro &e's recordings he had made at my location. I had been meaning to use his sounds for a minute and he said it would be cool. Finally did.
#Drum and Bass
Description : Another attempt in my continuing efforts to learn how make a trance track. Is intended to have a vocal doing the melody. Would try to find a singer but need to work out lyrics first. For this track I tried to make the melody not too repetitive. I limited it to four bars max of the same melodic phrase.
Description : I made this track the day after I was trapped in the lower dimension and could not wake up. The only way I escaped was to send unconditional love to a huge group of dark beings going to attack me.
Description : Would you be at all surprised if I told you this was a Trance edit of And Then She Left Me Again? Didn't do a whole lot to it. Just changed the bpm to 138, swapped out the drums and slightly changed the drop. That's all I've had time to do since I uploaded the house/techno version. Originally this was going to be DnB edit but I got tired of trying to find the perfect kick and percs
Description : It is time to max up your volume and make this party a real one with Infinium.This tune is made to be looped infinite timefor some epic hours in a party. this is why there are no proper intro or outro in this one.Also this tune is progressive maybe for some "rave". Anyway please enjoy the last track I made for this years (2014).Sorry i would describe more this track but I have a party right now !! :D
Thought would check this one out for you as my genre is trance, ok first I am really liking what I am hearing BUT it isn't trance, genre wise really don't know but not trance...Ok 2 listen now...First thing that strikes me is the tempo, very slow, don't know what tempo you are doing the piece, but trance would be normally anywhere from 128bpm up, Dub wooble doesn't help give trance feel either to the piece, the droning sound that comes in from start a little high needs to be softer into the mix, if you could add good kick/trance beat that would move the piece along with a good solid trance bass or bass's, lifting the tempo you would get the more trance drive and feel you are after...Have plenty of trance track examples up on my profile if you want to hear what I am saying...Either way whatever genre this belongs in, it was a very impressive effort with the thinking you have used in the arrangement, really enjoyed the couple listens to it...Fav...Peace n Respect Mos...
Drum beat and stuff needed.
Brilliant other than that.
nice sound on this one
i hate writers block...
put it into audacity and change the speed to twice as fast ( it will sound all chipmunky)
but at that fast tempo you can sometimes hear what should/shouldn't be happening with your mix
So unexpected and for some reason it reminded me at that point of LUCKY MAN by Emerson Lake and Palmer where the synth comes in unexpectedly at the end.
This is nothing like that but had a similar effect on me.
Loving it.