24th Jun 2015 22:53 - 9 years ago
Description : I went to the beach and set up my stereo recording mic under a gazebo near it (I apologize for some of the air gusts being recorded haha; we had a strong SE wind that day :P Tried my best to place it out of the wind); wanted to record myself playing live and do some cheesy roleplay in the process - wanted to make it feel like the listener was sitting there beside me. ** This is what the beach looks like: **

Lo and behold, I'm about halfway through the song when my buddy Mark, a friend from college, heard me singing and decided to join me (he seems to never part with his guitar lol).

The expression on his face was that of confusion as to why I had my mic with me and a audio-capturing device, which I plugged into an outdoor electrical plug that the gazebo owners installed lol (I've done recordings like this before but didn't like the results; we messed up a little at the end but I was like meh it's not bad anyways.) but I'm glad he didn't say it out loud or it would have ruined the recording lol. Luckily, I was playing a song he and I wrote together some time ago, so he was able to just jump right in. He's a great guitar player.

Even though it was a little awkward at the end since we hadn't seen each other for like 4 months (you might be able to tell by the way I responded to his "thats so cool" comment haha), I think it turned out just fine. It was a lovely evening and the clouds were all poofy and happy. Lots of people were there too, though I made sure to sit far away from all of them. Ahh, it was a beautiful day. I'm glad I live by the ocean :P * Just kidding, I recorded this in my studio; though I do live close to the water, this was not recorded there :P I did everything, down to the wind blowing into the mic, except for the sound of water and the kids in the background. I got those sounds here:

The guitars and vocals were one-takes to give a more realistic feel. No pitch-correction or autotune. Just wanted to try making another soundscape (or whatever you want to call this :P) about what it's like to live by the ocean.

Comments (30)

If you have time take a listen and give BradoSanz some feedback.

KnightHeir 24th May 2020 01:09 - 4 years ago
Very nice sound
ThatGirlKVR 25th Sep 2017 11:39 - 7 years ago
First of all... wow. I really thought for a half second of naivety that you were really on a beach and so on and so forth. Great little story to go with this. Charming melody, great harmonies and effects. I hope you get the radio play you so greatly deserve. ^_^
NFMaster 14th Jun 2016 14:30 - 8 years ago
You guys sound amazing!
Every track is fantastic.
I hope we will work togheter on a track one day!

Peace Bros

Oceanically 21st Aug 2015 16:55 - 9 years ago
Such a unique piece! It's different to normal ambient tracks because you've made it interactive in a way where you can actually feel like you're by the ocean. Fun listen :)
BradoSanz replied 21st Aug 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks, Oceanically :P
Jmanshizzil 13th Jul 2015 18:24 - 9 years ago
Great vocals, great guitar, and a good atmosphere. Love it!
15ludwicke 30th Jun 2015 22:42 - 9 years ago
Well I just read the bottom of the description this time I listened. Thanks for the troll Epic! :P

Rico L.
BradoSanz replied 30th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago

AURAIBRAND 30th Jun 2015 19:26 - 9 years ago
you set the mood rite with your discription. I was reading it while listening and it was fantastic!!!! felt like i was there!

thanks for the smile on my face!
BradoSanz replied 30th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Youre welcome, julian :3

joecramer 30th Jun 2015 10:42 - 9 years ago
Hey ER

Just came back to listen to the song again and again :)
You know what that means? Right, i got the job!!!!

So thanks again for this nice music and thanks for your good wishes

:) this is a fav for sure :)

stay tuned
BradoSanz replied 30th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Awesome man! Im very happy for you :)

And thanks for listening again and again :P

MOONLYTE 29th Jun 2015 00:52 - 9 years ago
Wow this is incredible man. Your voice is spot on. Ive downloaded many of your loops; the guitar work is wonderful

Cestevens1783 28th Jun 2015 18:50 - 9 years ago
Hey! This is great. The atmosphere, and the vocals are awesome. You have an amazing voice! (that is you yes??)
I read the description all the way though as I was listening ha, good stuff.
BradoSanz replied 28th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Tis' I, madam :P

Thanks for the listen!

centralsdev 28th Jun 2015 18:26 - 9 years ago
i think you did a good job puting this togethter, but can i ask what did you compare you sound with? When you started make this for me it hard to tell if this is a stadio or outside :)
BradoSanz replied 28th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
First of all, thank you so much for actually making a meaningful comment, centralsdev :) I didn't compare it to anything really - just used my head and imagined what it would sound like if I were at the beach recording it with a mic, and this was the result :3

Modnex 26th Jun 2015 22:46 - 9 years ago
It's been a while since I listened to one of your songs. This track makes me get upset with myself for that. I love all of your tracks as the vocals and lyrics are so well done. The lyrics on this particular track is just great and makes me want to go to the beach.

The background sounds of the seagulls and your friends, just makes this track so much better. Like all of the songs I hear from you, this track has left speechless and very impressed. All in all great work man, and just keep them coming!
Eighteen 26th Jun 2015 18:33 - 9 years ago
Very beautifull :D
nice voice man!

StaticNomad 26th Jun 2015 02:30 - 9 years ago
Greetings, ER.

I like the little trick you've played on many people here. It's almost a test of how much of a track description people can be bothered to read. This is almost the longest I've ever seen and mine tend to be reasonably long.

You've also fooled people because it does sound pretty accurate and realistic in terms of the recording scene you initially describe.

Congrats on a fun bit of soundtrack work.

Maybe you could do another one that's a bit more audacious.

So: I'm thinking you're supposedly out mountain climbing and you come across some guy and rescue him and then you both break into song.

Or, you get some guy hold you up in the street with a gun demanding you hand over your stuff. Then you break into a song he happens to like and then he joins in and lets you go because he likes you. Maybe you go to a bar for drinks.

Ideas to run with...
BradoSanz replied 2nd Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
Hey, thanks Static :P Those ideas are definitely audacious and I like that! I'll have to see what I can mix together next ;)

XyIlent 25th Jun 2015 23:13 - 9 years ago
hahaha this was awesome, i was reading the description as a listened so you had me fooled for a little while there hahaha its funny because if you didnt mention this was all done in your studio i would have totally believed this was recorded by the sea XD
Amazing work man!
Tell your imaginary friend Mark i said hi :) lmao


BradoSanz replied 2nd Jul 2015 - 9 years ago
haha fooled ya :D


Thanks for stopping in, Xyilent :D :D :D
ScottB55 25th Jun 2015 22:54 - 9 years ago
Really nice, ER! You tricked us a bit here. I had to go back and read more of your discription. Either way, I enjoyed it.

Coopy 25th Jun 2015 19:11 - 9 years ago
Epic recording. This is pure track well done.
What mic did you use.
Your voice and mark`s voice sounds unbelievable together.

I have some tracks if you and mark would be interested.
Its not dance music but some other genres like rock and pop .
BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Haha it was a recording I did in my studio. I do everything, from my nonexistent friend "Mark" to the wind being blown into the nonexistent stereo microphone I own (I used an AKG C214 for vocals and used my acoustic's "Anthem" pickup directly for the guitar recording) I got some free sound samples from a website online, which I used for the sound of the ocean and the people playing and just added subtle effects to the acoustics and vocals to give the music a stereo space :P None of this was ever played outside on a gazebo near the beach - though I wish it coulda been haha.

GregVincey 25th Jun 2015 19:07 - 9 years ago
You bring in it every time man, i enjoy listening to your music :)
BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks, Greg :P Same to you as well!

Billydragon1 25th Jun 2015 12:56 - 9 years ago
Hi there ER.
I really enjoyed this live acoustic recording and the one take. And also the background effects of the ocean and all.

You don't get the same feeling from a daw, that warmness and closeness as from a bond you have and create with a real instrument.

But a great simple piece that I faved!

Blessings - B.
BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks Billydragon :P I would suggest you reread the description though! :)

Klandestyne 25th Jun 2015 10:39 - 9 years ago
hey there epic
really groovy song like the ambiance that the beach recording lends the breeze works for me
put me in a good mood for the rest of the day
the nearest beach to me is miles away
sounds really do draw pictures in the mind
very organic n effortless sounding
another fav hit :)
BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks, Klandestyne :P
joecramer 25th Jun 2015 09:24 - 9 years ago
Nice vocals. Nice sounding guitar. Nice feeling.
Sounds realy almost like live recorded on the beach.

I enjoyed the listen AND i enjoyed the description :)

I was a bit pissed of when i start listen to the track, cause i have some problems with work, or lets say better without work :) and i have to clear things and all went not the way i wanted ..... then i start the song and start feeling better ..... and at the end of the track my phone rings and a women told me that she wanna talk with me about a new job at there place ....... wow :) ...... if i get the job man, i will listen to this track again and again :)

stay tuned
BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
I hope you get the job, joe! :D

Thanks for the listen

mudhoen 25th Jun 2015 08:55 - 9 years ago
Reaaly nice recording. Makes me go to the beach right away. Great vocals and well.. just great overall! congrats
BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks, mudhoen :P
Danke 25th Jun 2015 08:19 - 9 years ago
Natural played unique track here...truly one of the best in this site...amazing recording with the nature...I simply imagine myself beside you as walikng on the seaside, singing, playing and talking a lot about life...outstanding track!!!

Respect and handshake, Danke
BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Aw shucks, thanks danke :) ER
DesignedImpression 25th Jun 2015 08:11 - 9 years ago
It does sound like being by the ocean. Though from inside the room day dreaming about it (like in some videos). The voice covers up the background in some spots and in live takes you can still hear the background and whatever voice over it (example would be you hear the beach sounds then you hear the voice in a small room). Sweet setup though, sounds like a fun jam for real. I felt like I was watching a scene from a movie more than being at that ocean. I Still dig it ER. Very nice work! Peace.
BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Yeah, since it's a soundscape I wasn't too worried about getting it "perfect"; but it was still really fun to make :P

Thanks for stopping in!

ER :)
Burtsbluesboxes 25th Jun 2015 07:21 - 9 years ago
You had me fooled 'til I read through the entire description! HAhaha good one ER! Looks like you fooled plenty ;) I told you these soundscapes are addicting! I've done quite a few horror themed ones :p You must live near the gulf of mexico? I grew up by the ocean but live like 50 miles inland now, mountains really but this area is plains, called Oxford plains. You may have heard of the race track Oxford Plains speedway, world famous short track, Grateful dead played there in the 80's. Keep up the good work! :D
BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Yes I live by the Gulf :P I have yet to see mountains. I want to climb one some day. I love being immersed in nature, away from the smells and worries of the city life. And yes, I've heard of that place! You're very lucky :) Cheers and thanks for listening phatkatz4 :P
slnicholas4710 25th Jun 2015 07:16 - 9 years ago
BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
xXinFormalXxAJ 25th Jun 2015 04:43 - 9 years ago
Really a beautiful idea!!
I can feel the emotions and power of nature!!
Good work mate!!
Out of the world idea is this!!
Good job!! :)
15ludwicke 25th Jun 2015 00:19 - 9 years ago
This is simply a beautiful track man! Being someone who loves the beach and all things tropical, I gotta say this is quite refreshing. The harmonies between you and your friend are quite beautiful as well. The guitar playing is also solid. Overall great track!

Rico L.
BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks, EL :) I'm glad you enjoyed it! I had a ton of fun making this one. You might want to reread the description all the way through :P

DijamMusic 24th Jun 2015 23:40 - 9 years ago
Hello my friend.
This is a fantastic track.
Your voice is pure and coherent very good mixed together.
Wonderful track
Well done
BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Appreciate the kind words jamid! Glad you stopped in!

Orlando51 24th Jun 2015 23:35 - 9 years ago
What a lovely recording...simply incredible! In the 'fav' it goes!:)

Compliments to all involved

BradoSanz replied 25th Jun 2015 - 9 years ago
Thanks Orlando :P Make sure to read the description all the way through :)


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5th Apr 2015 20:48 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Headphones are recommended for a more immersive experience :P - - - A weary American soldier is walking through the remains of what used to be a small town in the middle east, only to rediscover the horrible reality that sometimes war can affect even the ones who have no part in it.


This is my first attempt at creating a virtual environment to tell a story and convey emotion. Hope you enjoy! Comments are welcome!

- ER
27th Dec 2021 20:42 - 3 years ago
Description : Un tema sencillo, suave. Espero que les guste.
30th May 2023 19:13 - 1 year ago
Description : the other end of the scale from me, yep people, this is a ballad. its for all the people who have lost somebody long before their time was due,
i used my experience of tragic loss and how i hid my mental health issues that stemmed from it while writing it, its repetitive but has fresh verses
its to Matthias music Du Bist Nicht Mehr Hier almost the same title, He has suffered too that's why he wrote the music and dedicated it to his brother. i hope i have done it justice
30th Nov 2017 17:28 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : A miasma of digital sound... like in a dream.
22nd May 2014 22:44 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains several loops, all of them are from looperman artists - listed below. I don't know if "ambient" fits well for it, but i get most loops from that category. :)
Inspired by the Final Fantasy series and my ex girlfriend. Hope you will enjoy it (not my ex! :D). As always, free to use for a song, any opinions-critics welcomed... UPDATE 2015.10.24.: improved audio quality - lower lows, higher highs. Now in 256kbps!

Applied loops :

DJ4REAL : 0102056-0000849 (Sax 120), 0102056-0021138 (Violin vibrato singular), 0102056-0021641 (Sax attack the floor),
DJFREDVAL : 0002663-0007540 (FV 120 BackBeat2), 0002663-0007541 (FV 120 BackBeat3), 0002663-0007542 (FV 120 BackBeat4),
MEGAPAUL : 0448131-0059810 (Ricky K Armada 100bmp G), 0448131-0068095 (Grasslions 75bmp A Bass), 0448131-0061055 (Chinese Gyros 90bmp Cmajor),
SHORTBUSMUSIC : 0500098-0054224 (Acoustic guitar with Harmonics in Dm-F), 0500098-0062445 (Acoustic guitar with Delay in Dm-C-B),
MRROBOT : 0082073-0002480 (Mr Robot smooth synth 125 bmp 8), 0082073-0005872 (Johnny Cash like Drums),
SERIALCHILLER : 0000003-0000094 (Chilla Synth Skank Riff),
DJKNIGHTLIFE420 : 0165908-0027771 (Toxic Whistle),
TARATOXIC : 0096919-0027238 (Pan flute),
GUITARGURU : 0057331-0003621 (Harmonic 2),
MINOR2GO : 0159051-0031469 (Power Rap T7 Marimba Flanged),
SHATNER : 0227480-0045258 (Battle On),
MHYST : 0203623-0017135 (Celtic Vibrato Flute Melody),
REI4REAL : 0039029-0005928 (Rei zapjam05 A 90),
KASHYAP : 0040306-0015442 (Beat it up 2).
29th Dec 2020 15:22 - 4 years ago
Description : Ambienty, chill track. kinda boring I know. If someone wants to master this im down.
23rd Mar 2020 18:00 - 4 years ago
Description : Working with DarkKZ by Beatskillz, Synthmaster 2.9, Waves Bass Fingers, Microtonic drum synth, Izotope nectar 3 elements, Ozone 8 Elements & several other plugings I'm trying for the first time. The vocal samples are from Ghosthack, LANDR & Sampleswap. Hope you like it. Cheers.
Post script: The word "Ambient" has come up several times in the comment section for this, so I switched the genre to that. Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it.
21st Nov 2019 16:47 - 5 years ago
Description : I made this with Garageband and was inspired by Anime music, such as Naruto. And if you noticed one little part is very similar to one of the melodies.
5th Apr 2021 10:56 - 3 years ago
Description : ambient, guess i was trying to blur the lines between soundscape and music or something like that. will still edit here and there. put it on, lie back and sift. bass loop from LM's megapaul - darktimes and danwilson - drug induced crush
16th Jul 2015 01:56 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Depression and sadness can sometimes serve as motivation for creativity as in the case of this track. A few months back I went through a period of loosing a few friends and co-workers. Attended a few funerals and as a result found myself reflecting on life. One night I had the urge to try to transfer my feelings into music and this is what came out. Some baratone guitar accompanied by synth and accapella.
Final EDIT: Further tweaking on levels and a slight change up in the timimg of the choir section.
18th Mar 2020 10:51 - 4 years ago
Description : Hello,
this is a track between composition and cover.
Amandine (Sova Berry or Dine on soundcloud) made a cover of the a cappella "Song of Sophia" by Dead Can Dance.
I liked it very much, so i decided to make an instrumental with her vocals.
Hope you'll like it and if you want to comment, you are welcome, whatever you think.
11th Feb 2016 06:04 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Updated and mixed better. Ambient Opus that will have you staring at the walls figuring out what's going on.
27th Mar 2015 20:16 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Ambient, Chill Out, Cinematic .... I´m not sure ... Take your headphones. Close your eyes. Start the engines and have a ride into the unknown. A spacy little trip from somewhere into anywhere outside. - U_P_D_A_T_E - I made a video to this track. So you can enjoy now the flight with open eys.
1st Dec 2018 08:50 - 6 years ago
Description : Alex Richard, bass. Hanspeter Dubach, guitars. Laurent Schwaar, guitars. Claude Barbotte, hammond. Laurent Wirz, drums. With excellent loops from: Planetjazzbass, MINOR2GO, ZacWilkins, Slapjohnson.
27th May 2016 01:50 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : Hey guys, this is a cover-up version of Another Day With You, now with pianos, guitars, violas, cellos, violins, and etc.

Please do guys tell me if there's something wrong, or any feedbacks I do love to hear it!
