25th Feb 2016 18:22 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : Real guitars and basses played by me. A short, yet tasty bit of MIDI piano and cello with about 7 programmed drum kits and a few drum loops. It's really a metric shit-ton of layered guitars and different textures. This track, sadly, is also a "Goodbye" to my little Acoustic 3/4 Fender Squier. I've been serving as a pawn-shop for my sister-in-law for about 4 years. Not a guitar you'd seek out, but it's been a friend and has been in most of my tracks. The bright side is, I will be replacing it with something better, and full sized. Acoustic guitar suggestions are as welcome as track comments!

Comments (24)

If you have time take a listen and give Evisma some feedback.

frankjavo65 30th Jan 2020 03:12 - 5 years ago
gracias por compartir
NateJMusic 22nd Sep 2016 15:12 - 8 years ago
Nice track.

I love the vibes and it personally sounds like the opening of a independent thriller. Like a movie intro to a cult classic.

Good work
Evisma replied 5th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
Opening credits music? I can see that.

Thanks for the listen and the feedback.

Darknives 22nd Sep 2016 14:23 - 8 years ago
Great song man. Nice ambient for a metal track.
Evisma replied 5th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
Much appreciated.

Take care.

toastedavalanche 11th Apr 2016 20:35 - 8 years ago
I was listening to the first 90 seconds of the song thinking "This track has some wonderful atmosphere, I could drift along to this all day...". Then the Toolesque bass flew in and dropped those killer drums and I was up and headbanging, air guitar in-hand. This was a journey worth taking. Thanks for sharing. This is going straight to The Chamber of Favorites.

Evisma replied 5th Oct 2016 - 8 years ago
You said Tool,.......

Danny Carey was on Seth Meyers last week and he said they were about to release a new album.

Yeah,..... no shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Orlando51 1st Apr 2016 20:16 - 8 years ago
Wow...this sounds truly epic! I don't know how I could have overlooked this one before! Great production, massive sound and I like how some folk elements are integrated into the concept! Big fav !:)

Compliments and respect______Orlando
Evisma replied 11th Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
Orlando, good to hear from you!

You probably didn't see this track because I've been kicked in the nuts by life over the past month, and have not been very involved with the site. My fault, not yours.

Thank you for the kind words. I enjoyed making this one and have another one coming up soon that was a total bitch to make and really challenged my patience and mixing abilities.

Thanks again!
StaticNomad 22nd Mar 2016 20:49 - 8 years ago
Just do it, yo.

Like Nike. Make this track more like Nike. That's what I suspect Mr MiniFinger believes is missing. More Nikeness, please.

All hail Tha Mothafuckin' Valve.

And The Nomad.

But not The Evanator. Just a half hail for him.

Nomad, just praying for you to show me where I'm to begin (incorporating the Bass Broery into the Slupergroupery)
Evisma replied 11th Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
I bought a pair of Nikes once. I was 14 and got my first job and finally was able to buy my own clothes. Paid $110 and was happy as a pig in shit,... till they started peeling and falling apart much faster than the Jordaches and other generic brands I usually had to wear. So disappointed.

Finally, Airwalks came out and I was in love. I was never a skater but loved, and still love, the flat-soled skateboarding shoes. I still dig the Vans. Can't shake it.

Half hail for Evan,.... No hails for Nike. They can lick a dick.

Evan, leaving you with the dead and hopeless.
acesmith 22nd Mar 2016 20:09 - 8 years ago
Amazing. This was regular old good at the beginning, but then it just gets trancelike and draws me into it at full force, and I love it.
Evisma replied 11th Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
Very glad you liked it. Trancelike is not something that gets said about my stuff, so that is awesome. Means I'm not doing the same stuff with every track. Much appreciated!

TinyFinger 21st Mar 2016 09:56 - 8 years ago
Hi. Nice work. Just do it.
Evisma replied 22nd Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Just do it?
What does that mean?
It's already done.
Been done for a while.
I'm doing other stuff now.
What are you doing?
ValveDriver 15th Mar 2016 03:14 - 8 years ago
Yo yo yo, from the Dirty Sloe!

Let's begin with the track, then we'll get to business.

First, the production quality of this is spot on, flawless, my friend.

You have an interesting style. It's definitely all your own. I know that in the past there has been comparison to Justin Chancelor. But, I think the only real comparison would be in the tones. The playing style has it's similarities, but the overall emotion and underlying themes are vastly separated. Which, in my own ear, makes it incomparable. Yours is a much more inspiring sound. Like the rise of the unsung hero. Even when you go with a darker theme, there is still the moment of triumph. As in, victory. Not the motorcycle. Or the insult dog.

This track is no different in that regard. The opening riff sounds like the beginning steps of an arduous journey. And as the song progresses, so too does the "hero".

You have a way of combining such light elements to create a heavy sound. But never with any overcrowding.

I hear the "Irish" in there too. It's the "widdly widdly" combined with the tone of the guitar. It has a very Celtic sound to it.

Listening to this, I can hear exactly what kind of synths, and where I would put them. Not that it needs them, it's just how my brain works.

This is definitely a rocker. Awesome work, as always.

Now, about the other stuff. It's funny that you guys brought this up. Because, not only have you and I talked about collaboration, but just the other day I was wondering what would happen if Static and the Valve, or Sloe, or whatever you want to call me. (Personally, I kind of regret the name change, but after making such a histrionic deal about it, I'll just leave it. Unless there was a mass uprising for the return of Valvedriver from the dead. Which I don't see happening.), were to join forces and bust out a collab. I imagine it would be something like trying to smother a fire by dowsing it with gun powder. Or, nothing like that at all.

I'm fully game for giving it a shot. Just keep in mind that right now about 90% of my time and emotion is going towards that shit I've been dealing with since August. Of course, this might be a great distraction from it, too. Maybe it's what I need to be inspired enough to actually put out a good track again. It's been awhile. Either way...I say go.

I haven't replied to Static yet, but will be doing so shortly If you talk to him in the next day or two, let him know I'm on board, and will be getting a hold of him.

I have a bunch of tracks that I've started, or are just sitting there in "sketchbook" form. Maybe you guys can do something with them that I never even thought of.

So, yeah. Get ahold of me when you have something that needs the dirty sloe synths, or whatever I can contribute.

Evisma replied 22nd Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
"Personally, I kind of regret the name change, but after making such a histrionic deal about it, I'll just leave it. Unless there was a mass uprising for the return of Valvedriver from the dead. Which I don't see happening."

I don't see a mass uprising either, but I've thought about this for a while.

My opinion? Well, here you go!

Keep the name for a year. It's a transitional name. Maybe you wont put out anything worth a damn in that year. Maybe you'll write some awesome shit that is a result of the tumultuous times. Either way, Sloedirt is just stepping in till the mutha-fuckin Valve feels like the mutha-fuckin Valve again.

At some point, I'd like to see Aaron walk Sloedirt into the woods, and come skipping out with The Valve, both with bloody hands and shit-eating grins. No Sloe to be found.

A month from now, or in Trump's second term,... just not yet. Right now you need him. Sloe needs to take everything into him, absorb all he can, then when the time is right, be set ablaze. Make him a receptacle of cruelty, anger, apathy and frustration, then blow his fucking brains out, cause the Valve is gonna fuckin live again!


Mr. E
TeeGee1965 9th Mar 2016 17:09 - 8 years ago
Hey I saw there are cookies up for those who listened to the whole track. I actually listened twice, once reading the comments by Nomad, unfortunately reading from top to bottom it made for a very confused reading. But at the end I saw the cookie. Can I have 3 chocolate ones? I read every word and listened for those middle cymbals too. ;) TG
Evisma replied 21st Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
No cookies. They were a lure. I'd set out kitkats if I were to dispense treats. Next time.
StaticNomad 9th Mar 2016 16:46 - 8 years ago
I greet thee.

Good to know that The Bass Bro is down with the Slupergroup and happy to make your day. Hearing that makes my day. Has being told that now made your day?

Your day will really be made if we ever manage to get anything done. Even more so if we all like it.

I do remember The Valve saying that he would like to jam his synths in your bass hole and you suggesting he bring the valve oil. Maybe there is room to squeeze The Nomad in too. If not, the bog that's thick and easy to get lost in will have to do.

I am not an alcoholic, a dumbass or a screamer. I'm not great at tuning guitars (I have to use a tuner or I have no chance) but you won't have to be in the same room listening to me take ages over it. No, the worst thing will be having to deal with various back and forth emails, which is so totally unrock'n'roll.

"this won't be like actually playing with someone"

No, it's not and I still really need to do that. This is something else entirely which could be quite interesting.

I've sent The Valve a message mentioning the offer and directing him to this track to see the conversation as well as just listen to it.

I'm looking about my leftover projects for one we can start on. I do have some rock-related stuff which I think will appeal to you. Seems unlikely you'd want to work on a chillout hip hop track so I will now have to regularly think "Would The Evanator like that? How about The Valve?". If you don't, you must be honest as there's no point working on something you don't like.

If The Valve is onboard, maybe there will sometimes be a track that only 2 out of the 3 work on (for whatever reason). But let's not worry about that now.

This might be how you end up a co-composer of a sick 17 min track bro. And how I end up playing on more short tracks. Could be good for both of us. Maybe I can make both of you play on some funkier/bluesier stuff.

I'll probably email you an MP3 of a potential first track in a couple of days. I'm just trying to kock it into a presentable shape.

Collaborative Nomad, jamming another dragon down the bass hole
Evisma replied 20th Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
I've yet to bring Satan into my daw, or even pick up a guitar since setting things back up. Head still plugged and miserable. I'm ready to get to it!

I'll start in on Satan first thing, and probably send several different versions or angles and let you do comp-tracking. Files will be from start to finish, not a chopped piece that goes there and a snippet that is extra, it will be a solid file like the bounced mp3.

I'll get back to you and the valve soon.

StaticNomad 8th Mar 2016 03:55 - 8 years ago
We greet again.

Well, actually, I greet you now (consider this it) and then you greet me later in your preferred, possibly creative, manner.

I still can't hear a problem with the ride and toms in the middle section here. I listened to this three times in a row while typing the whole message and enjoyed it each time.

I forgot to say a few things in my A Different Kind Of Dangerous reply. The track sat there for quite a while (a few months) as just that guitar-as-bass riffage with no violin, layering or clear changes and only about 2 mins long.

I strongly considered asking if The Evanator or The Dirty Sloe Valvebro might like to try coming up with something to go on top as I was really struggling to make it anything more than single line riffage and drums. But I decided it was my job to finish it so I did.

A while ago I was going to propose that The Evanator, The Dirty Sloe Valvebro and Tha Mothafuckin' Nomad form some sort of online band of bros with the mission statement of occasionally collaborating on some of the nicest tracks bro known to man (or beast). I never got round to suggesting it but I guess I am now and I have thought through how it might work. We all use different DAWs so the person who starts the track would be the mixer/producer, with the other two sending in audio and some MIDI parts. It could all get a bit complicated but it might be worth giving it a go, alongside each of our own tracks that we keep all to ourselves.

I hope you're remembering not to segment my posts*, bro. No one likes a post segmenter. Scum of the earth. The posts don't like it and will fight back. I'm training them up right now in offensive anti-segmentation manoeuvres so they will kick your ass and fry your balls the next time you try it.

It is true that they did initially feel lucky to be segmented by you but you took it too far with all the tiny circle intimate place rubbing. It's like a girl you meet in a bar who's happy to just talk to you but when you slap your wang in her ear, you've crossed a line.

I hope you're extremely well.

Unsegmented Nomad, severing this umbilical residue that's keeping me from killing you...

*That ain't cool at all.
Evisma replied 8th Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
The greeting is mutual.

(segmented like a mo-fo)
"A while ago I was going to propose that The Evanator, The Dirty Sloe Valvebro and Tha Mothafuckin' Nomad form some sort of online band of bros with the mission statement of occasionally collaborating on some of the nicest tracks bro known to man (or beast)."

Ahh, a looperman supergroup. Loopergroup. No argument here. Mr. Dirt and I have mentioned it in the past, but have yet to present anything to each other. I've been waiting to have written something with a longish breakdown so his synth badassery can be displayed without my over-riding bass guits.

The Bass Bro is down. I may not be the most punctual, but I don't think any of the three of us are very punctual. I do like the idea.

Your proposal made my day. Been about 5 years since I played with anyone, and they were alcoholics and dumbasses, and the music was heavy with a screamer. Not my favorite. I know this won't be like actually playing with someone, but it's a good feeling to have qualified people to write with who aren't all about getting trashed. I'm also pretty sure you know how to tune your guitar. That puts you over my last guitarist. Always tried to tune by ear,.... with heavy chorus on! Maddening!

Evan, who's bog is thick and easy to get lost in.
Musicante 2nd Mar 2016 18:20 - 8 years ago
This is one fine piece of work, Evan! Very epic sounding. I really do love the sound of your guitar tracks. Piano is also kicking. I like the Highlander style you went for in the mid section.

Very good job, my friend.

Evisma replied 7th Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Glad you liked it! Hope all is well with you.

StaticNomad 2nd Mar 2016 00:41 - 8 years ago
A mile of deep, submerged regreetings, ProCoRatBro.

"Wow, three yo's."

Yes, I am very generous with my yos and my yo-yos. Much more so than you with your cookies. I would have given the guy who managed to stick it out for 4 mins at least two. If he made it through one of my 17 min epics, I'd give him a year's supply. And probably throw in a couple of handjobs.

Anyway, I feel that your Sick Track Bro Assembly Skills are now very high and, in some ways, better than The Nomad's. Yes, I do use lots of sounds you don't and perhaps never will but you do a damn fine job with a more limited palette. It doesn't sound quite like a real band but it's not far off and all very fluently played.

I didn't quite realise the Irish vibe this one has until Cru pointed it out. Probably something to do with 3/4 but no doubt also some other scaly shit involved.

"maybe I'll bust out the lap steel and experiment"

Yes - do that rather than a cover. You made such a fine debut with it on Hypnoculars so must do more. Your music is developing even more vibes from other musical cultures and I'd really like to hear you incorporate more Arabic and Asian sounds. Some drones (eg tambura) or other Eastern strings could work really well.

"more tempted to completly remake an old track, rather than remix."

Sure, replay/record and old one if you think you can (I can rarely remember how) but I'm certain you can make big improvements just by remixing the whole track and redoing some drum parts. Try using Aerodrums.

Nomad news: A Different Kind Of Dangerous is very nearly finished though it is a bit messy. It features exactly one metric shit-ton of bass, despite there being no bass instruments involved. You'll like the dirty vibe.

Submerged Nomad, driving another nail down another needy hole

P.S. Don't segment my posts, bro. That ain't cool at all!
Evisma replied 7th Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
I darkened thy doorstep again. (Sup, yo?)

"I didn't quite realise the Irish vibe this one has...."

Nor did I, but that section does have a knee-slapping feel to it. Not intentional.

Lap steep is coming out. I don't know about Arabic or Asian, but it will be me. That's all I got.

"P.S. Don't segment my posts, bro. That ain't cool at all!"

Fuck your posts! I'll do with them as I please! I'll rub their intimate places in tiny circles and call them filthy posts that nobody else will ever want, and that they're lucky to be segmented by me. Others would do far worse. Worst part is, when I get to the end of each one, there is a period. Shame.

Evan, slipping into a dream within a dream.
BradoSanz 1st Mar 2016 15:59 - 8 years ago
Love this one, Evisma. Your piano additions were lovely and really added a new element to this song and brought it to life. It sounded like the soundtrack from a Call of Duty game towards the second half, which is a big compliment as I love their music. The drums did seem slightly muddled and maybe not as present as they should be with this style, but they still did their job and filled in nicely. Maybe a stronger kick? Cheers, Brado
Evisma replied 7th Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Another BS comment. (Do they ever end?)

Good to hear from you! Glad you like this one! Piano was a joy to do, also the ending.

"...soundtrack from a Call of Duty game..."

I would have no idea. I spend about 2 hours a year playing video games. Something about it makes me feel like I'm throwing time down the toilet, or lighting money on fire. Seems a waste to me.

I'll do some EQing with the drums, maybe fix the muddling. Mostly, I'm after the cymbal in the middle section. I'll get that bastard! Interfering with the toms freq.

Thanks again!

traz75 1st Mar 2016 12:08 - 8 years ago
Hi Evan!

"My bass loops are not too useful, I guess."

Exactly the opposite. Maybe you are right in that fact, most people wants to use minimal bass in the background, but they are got them on the site. But (at least some of) your bass loops works fine as lead too in the front, and with the high sound quality, it's really a valuable curiosum, at least to guys like me.
That Ibanez is a hell of a guitar too!

regards, traz
Evisma replied 7th Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey, traz75.

I appreciate the loop love. I need to make some more soon. I've been in a bit of a slump, so that may be a future mission.

Take care.

mudhoen 1st Mar 2016 07:45 - 8 years ago
Very well created track. Love the piano part coming in after the intro. Very clear sound and a catchy melody. The guitar dropping in after that is a welcome surprise and gives some real pepper to the track. The break is ear candy and makes the guitar drop in even stronger. All in all a fun to listen to. Great stuff!
Evisma replied 7th Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Glad you liked it! I dig the piano as well. Thanks for the listen and the comment!

traz75 27th Feb 2016 14:48 - 8 years ago
Very nice one! Im not an expert, but the little Squier sounds excellent i think. Wonder what you will do with your next guitar, hope you will upload some fine loops with it too. :)

regards, taz
Evisma replied 1st Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Ah, yes. The Squier sounds pretty good. Strings were ancient when I got it. Amazing how many musicians don't replace strings often enough. Makes a huge difference.

Loops? Sure. My bass loops are not too useful, I guess. Most want minimal bass. Mine are pretty prominent. I'll make some for sure, though.

Hope all is well.

Eighteen 27th Feb 2016 08:02 - 8 years ago
wow that's a deep heavy sound, very good feeling.
0:52 is my favorite part, lovely piano and totally unexpected as well, brilliant!

around 2:49 is also frickin awesome xd
the way it builds up in the beginning of that part is really nicely done.


Evisma replied 1st Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks for the kind words, and the listen. It is appreciated. Bass guitar is pretty prominent in this one.
theHumps 26th Feb 2016 22:31 - 8 years ago
Instruments are hard to part with, even trading up is difficult. Instruments become like family, they are part of your life.

A full size acoustic will suit you well but pick one that feels and sounds right to you. I bought mine in a pawn shop in Mississippi and never knew what kind it was until just recently, almost 30 years. It just felt right when I played it.

It's a mid 80's Takamine F-349 with a Shadow bridge pickup installed on it that was only labeled with a "shadow bridge installed" on the headstock. Takamine was no where on it but I recently stumbled on a picture of one online and with some research I found out about it.

Takamine makes some nice guitars at a reasonable price and I've seen people like Jon Bon Jovi and his sidekick playing them. If you can go up in price I would recommend a Martin or Taylor, there are many models at a range of prices.($1000 and up) Then if you can go higher look into the Gibson Hummingbird and their other acoustics at about $3500 and up.(i wish)

Used is ALWAYS an option!! Have fun guitar shopping!

The track is cool, I liked the piano in the first half. There is a calm before the storm so to speak. It reminded me of like a Celtic/Rock power ballad when it all kicked it.

How is it an island if it's a mile deep? That's deep man...

Evisma replied 1st Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
My friend, Jeff, has a Martin. Sounds fantastic. Evan will not be getting one. Evan's price range is around 500. Considering the one I'm losing runs about 130, I'm sure I'll like whatever I get. Looks don't matter. In the end, if it sounds good, the mic doesn't care what color it is. Let's hope I don't find a sweet sounding pink one!

Thanks for your time and consideration. I hope things are better compared to the last time we spoke.

Take care

lewismartinez96 26th Feb 2016 09:28 - 8 years ago
Beautiful transition
Evisma replied 1st Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Which one? I'd hate to award the prize to the wrong transition.
crucethus 26th Feb 2016 04:08 - 8 years ago
Weird feeling I got just listening to the beginning. I felt as though it were a late summer evening, and I was sitting on a curb looking down from my hilltop at the street descending from the hilltop I was perched at. And then all Irish hell broke loose. like a gang of Unionists squared off against the loyalists. The sheer blast of emotion from your music Evan is amazing. I feel you have captured Na Trioblóidí with perfection, but you have meant the "Troubles" to belong to the states this election cycle. Amazing tune. Awesome!
Evisma replied 1st Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Greetings, Mr. C.

"The sheer blast of emotion from your music..."

That's all I want to do. Trying my best to translate a feeling I get into sound. I use the voice recorder on my phone a lot. The sound of a scenario, I guess is what I'm trying to do. Using no vocals helps in developing silent narration. Speaking through an instrument. I wish I could make the keys my bitch, like you do. Always good stuff.

I appreciate the listen, and the short story of the hill skirmish. Made my evening.

Take care.

StaticNomad 26th Feb 2016 03:56 - 8 years ago
Yo yo yo.

That's one street hello plus a small, string-based toy for you to play with. I'm a generous chap.

Would you believe I also listened to the whole thing? Took me, like, 4 minutes 6 seconds.

This is fuckin' awesome, right from that cystal clear, wide acoustic g intro. So wide it's going behind my ears.

Then some cool, ominous bass g and a subdued slightly crunchy beat.

0:53 piano is cool and nicely played. Also very wide. Everything great so far.

1:30 reverse cymbal is, believe it or not, good and tastefully done.

1:43 the inevitable heavy rise and it's very good. Great bouncy 3/4 leads and pounding drums. Tom-heavy, I believe. Lead just keeps going up and down - one of your best ever.

2:40 reverse is very cool and almost percussive the way it moves.

2:46 fuckin' cool fill.

Then drums go more badass, with a crunchy left-panned snare.
Lots of layered guitars and intertwined leads that never get boring or too messy

You're getting really excellent at this Nice Track Bro manufacturing game.

Good fadeout, something you've become better at.

Overall:'twas a great pleasure to listen to this latest piece of Bass Broery. More thoughts another time but no criticisms.

Nomad, more than just a little curious how you're planning to go about making your amends to the dead...
Evisma replied 1st Mar 2016 - 8 years ago
Wow, three yo's. You must have got paid today. Quite generous.

Thanks for hanging in there for the whole 4 minutes. Yeah, that cracked me up. Imagine the self-congratulations for taking in your 17 minute opus. I guess listening to a whole track is not the norm?

Glad you liked this one. Still have an issue with the toms interfering with the riding cymbal in the middle section. Sounds like there is some flanging effect going on. There is not. It's a competition for the same space. Buggin me,... gotta fix it.

Im pretty happy with the tones I got in the ending section. ProCo Rat and a digital chorus. Love it. Gonna use it again soon.

No clue what's coming next. Thoughts of a cover, or maybe I'll bust out the lap steel and experiment. Or revisit an old track. Im more tempted to completly remake an old track, rather than remix. Any suggestions?

Evan, sticking hands into shadows, pulling pieces from the sand.
dannerz 26th Feb 2016 03:18 - 8 years ago
Nice work.
I listened to the whole thing.
Evisma replied 1st Mar 2016 - 8 years ago

You deserve a cookie!

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5th Jan 2015 09:47 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : Hello People, hows it goin? Well here I am with my new cover and yes, you read it right... its 'THING CALLED LOVE' by one of my favourite EDM artists Above & Beyond. Its a fusion of Lounge, Ambient & Indian Ethnic elements and some experimental sounds too. I just hope you like my rendition.

And yes, There is a thing called Share that we all forget, So if you genuinely like my cover, Please share!
Cheers! :D
13th Jan 2022 09:57 - 3 years ago
Description : Updated 9/23/24. This is a progressive fusion flavored jazz number. I called on fellow Looperman DISCIPLINE to season this composition with that FIRE GUITAR, and he did! Let me know your thoughts on this one. Enjoy.

19th Sep 2023 01:45 - 1 year ago
Description : hi guys this is my biggest production so far all the music and beats were written by me and all played by me on my midi keyboard
self-biographical its raw its powerful, its positive, this is dimestop all dressed up in his Sunday best, a subject i know all about, its real life its genuine a cause i support and promote the lyric sheet is available
listen with a headset close your eyes look at it as a private consultation from me, shed a tear if you have to it starts with you
6th Feb 2014 20:23 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : This track contains only free loops downloaded from and, furthermore several loops from looperman artists - listed below.
Hope you will enjoy it.

Applied loops:

Danke : 0671112-0057227 (i think so), 0671112-0064444 (touch of the wind),
Sakura : 0036530-0000930 (drawn),
Tumbleweed : 0498019-0068258 (babylon 8 pad),
Apokapbeatz : 0287197-0020417 (harp sample 1) ,
Planetjazzbass : 0111346-0029497 (voices 2), 0111346-0029496 (voices 1),
Waper : 0334474-0048653 (strings 2),
Deejayroo : 0318145-0043939 (classical ending),
Megapaul : 0448131-0065840 (the waterpope 140BPM E),
Thehumps : (Sad D minor 1 Verse - 150 bpm) - download from stayonbeat. :S
21st Feb 2023 14:33 - 1 year ago
Description : Now on youtube:, soon out on my upcoming album "Step by Step"!
Inspired by a track of Pseudoble. I was noodling along to his track "I wish I didn't know" (which is awesome) and had the words "Snow in Athens" in my head. This with the smooth jazz/fusion atmosphere led me to this track with a sort of Steely Dan feel.
25th Oct 2014 17:59 - 10 years ago
Description : This track is built around the repetitive lead guitar line which I have previously incorporated as an intro for the rocker track "Sweetheart Runner" by LM user TinyFinger whom I have helped in arranging, mixing and producing his song. This extended session was a good oportunity to test some new equipment....Thanks to Tiny for not being mad about it...:)^^
27th Jan 2025 16:54 - 1 week ago
Description : It is an elegy, in a modern world. There is fuss and there are sentiments. All together create a scenery where life takes place.
I really hope you like it.
24th Sep 2017 15:05 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : I had to go in on this track. This is a future bass, electrofusion song. I posted the full version here full the Looperfam because you guys give me sooooo much support. I can never thank you all enough.
4th Aug 2013 17:47 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : Psychedelic blues hip hop with lead banjo and acoustic resonator slide guitar. Acoustic drum kits, fat basslines, soaring filtered strings, some strong Eastern elements (from guitar and strings), some dub and funk from the bass and drums and a bit of rocking electric guitar. Very unusual piece of music and a trip like no other I've heard. Some of it is like a dark, deep Southern delta blues track over a hip hop and dub backing. All played and programmed by me, no loops used.
9th Jan 2021 22:26 - 4 years ago
Description : Jynxz: arrangement, drum programming, keys, synths, fx
Micky: fx, guitars

After a quite turbulent long travel we’ve reached a totally unknown planet which is mostly covered with clouds. As we pass over it we can see parts of rivers through the clouds that come out of the dark rocky surface in some places. So the whole scene is alternating textures of white, dark gray and silver flashes. Unfortunately there’s no chance to land anywhere so we just pass, wonder and travel on …
26th Jun 2021 21:50 - 3 years ago
Description : A spoopy song, early for Halloween. This was a collaboration with Micky, who did most of the work.

A musical realization of a poem by Thomas Hardy
Idea: Spearcarrier
Voices: Spearcarrier & Micky
Music: Micky
Genre: We don't know yet. Suggestions welcome. LOL
27th May 2020 11:12 - 4 years ago
Description : This one features my friend JYNXZ. He contributed his wonderful synth magic. Danke sehr!
1st May 2021 19:06 - 3 years ago
Description : Thanks for the loops. Voice, lyrics and composition: mine.
13th Nov 2015 06:14 - 9 years ago
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Description : Real acoustic, electric and bass guitars played by me. Drums are loops and programmed MIDI. Played piano and synths. Lots of layers and delay. A gated moog, organ, my recorded finger-snaps and a reversed bass guitar effect that sounds like throat-singing. Three movements, divided by moments of calm. Thoughts and feedback are welcome.
3rd Jul 2015 21:57 - 9 years ago
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Description : Return To Forever was a group that started my love of fusion jazz and this is my attempt to cover their 1976 track, “The Romantic Warrior. I know I wore out several inceptions of this album from LP, cassette and 8 track. The original track was over 10 minutes long, so I abridged it some. Hope you like and download.