30th Apr 2016 10:17 - 8 years ago
Description : This is the completed song that I previously uploaded, which you can find here:

Find the song on Spotify!

My older brother does lead vocals, I do all instrumentation and backup vocals, except for the solo guitar parts, which the oldest brother did. Recorded with Pro Tools 12 by yours truly. Comments welcome! LYRICS PROVIDED!

Comments (68)

If you have time take a listen and give BradoSanz some feedback.

thechockehold 17th Mar 2024 12:35 - 12 months ago
Exellent piece!
ThomasImprovisations 7th Sep 2022 05:54 - 2 years ago
very nice song
MeuzyBeats 6th Mar 2022 07:41 - 3 years ago
So simple and beautiful
ThierryVend 30th Sep 2021 10:11 - 3 years ago
Excellent work. I like it.
dimestop 12th Sep 2021 23:53 - 3 years ago
Well done lads great soft rock track, lyrics were sweet great guitar work the production is top draw and the sound crystal, delivery of the whole thing is spot on, choice of instruments keys drums etc all work together in harmony, your vox are great all the transitions are on point
JustKent 3rd Apr 2021 13:27 - 3 years ago
Excelent song
topclass 2nd Jan 2021 11:00 - 4 years ago
OMG!!!! What an awesome track indeed, I'm astounded to see and hear something so incredible and profession on looperman, WOW!!! Simply Amazing
Twanna1 27th Dec 2020 08:01 - 4 years ago
jive4005 10th Dec 2020 12:23 - 4 years ago
lyrics would help
TonyKnight 23rd May 2020 04:41 - 4 years ago
Really nice tune all around!
vigwig 4th Dec 2019 06:58 - 5 years ago
Let me say that your track is really nice. I like it. Reminds me a little of theHumps. I like him too. He even sang one of my tunes, maybe someday you would too. Keep up the good works, bud. Vig
SERGEJ77 21st Nov 2019 20:39 - 5 years ago
excellent voice and bravo for this instrumental...!
I love this very much and truly enjoyed my listen... :)
Soap 10th Mar 2019 10:34 - 6 years ago
Amazing piece of music !!!!!
EricMilligan 30th Jan 2019 21:38 - 6 years ago
Just found the link to this track in your recent forum post.

I am suitably impressed, although I've come to expect excellence from you. I can tell that a lot of work went into it. Vocals and guitars are really, really good. Must be nice to have talented brother(s).

I do think there's a lot of higher frequency stuff going on in the mix which came across in my headphones (and I use good sennheizers) as creating a sort of noise floor in the mix. Not sure that's really the correct description. Admittedly, this genre of music often does tend to have a "full" sound in the backing track (not really a Phil Spector wall of sound, but getting there).

I can't see this as a synth-pop production, but I think it might be interesting to hear a cover done with a more intimate arrangement (sparse instrumentation, predominantly acoustic guitar, bass, not sure what else). A bit slower tempo.

Anyway, I really enjoyed the track and was most impressed with the professional-level results you achieved. It has a lot of listens here on Looperman (I think the most I've ever seen for a track) and that is well-deserved.

Mahloo13 3rd Dec 2018 15:06 - 6 years ago
Didn't I comment on this song? I must say it's probably the best piece of music I've heard from you. I really really like it. The arrangement and instrumentation are spot on for the genre, very Rascal Flats sounding in a really good way.
BradoSanz replied 3rd Dec 2018 - 6 years ago
Thanks, now that I'm listening to it again I can kind of hear Rascal Flatts singing over this song haha. Thanks for the listen!
skyrider 11th Oct 2017 01:20 - 7 years ago

Ahh great song.. the music.. the voice and the mix all perfect.

Thanks for sharing. Mick.
yeti09 10th Sep 2017 21:19 - 7 years ago
Cracking track, great work indeed
dumarecht 30th Jun 2017 16:21 - 7 years ago
Radio friendly unit shifter, not my style of music by a million miles BUT really good, great playing and orchestration, the double vocals are spot on and your brother can reeally sing. To me it is a crap song to listen too but to create something like this; i could not do that in a million years.
kriebel17 3rd Mar 2017 15:42 - 8 years ago
Wow! great stuff!
Ascian 27th Feb 2017 00:07 - 8 years ago
Very Nicely done on all levels ... lyrics are well written and sung very well ... production sound very professional ... really good tune bro nice work
Ben1972 13th Feb 2017 10:24 - 8 years ago
This is a great song, perfectly recoreded/ mixed / mastered, can hear the professionalism in each note - envy you about the talented family you have :-)
FullCapicityMuzic 24th Sep 2016 03:13 - 8 years ago
See, I hear praise and worship all over this. But of course the vocals as usual are on point. Very sad song, but well done.
Gunslinger 30th Aug 2016 09:27 - 8 years ago
hey brado

did u take some of your stuff down?? damn man was looking forward to a comment from u. let me know shot
imakebeatsLF 22nd Jul 2016 13:29 - 8 years ago

first off I'm not really into this kind of music, I do love rock and metal stuff tho

this is impressive, I'm going to show my mates it at some point soon and see if they dig it as this is right up their street.

I like the tone of the guitars what make did you use? and can I ask what amps aswell? sounds like some serious recording that would normally cost 1000s! so my respect for that

overall impressive and professional but as a genre I'm not into it keep it up tho!

sounds better than a lot of bands that have been out over the years, reminds me of being in school when a lot of this style was around

BradoSanz replied 22nd Jul 2016 - 8 years ago
Howdy franko!

I used a PRS for the electric guitar and Martin for the acoustic, and the amp was a DV Mark Maragold routed through a Mesa CabClone! I appreciate your positive comments despite this not being your type of music!

SupaFreakshow 28th Jun 2016 05:57 - 8 years ago
Fantastic! Good luck with the contest. I can definitely hear this being played over the airwaves.
Ben1972 22nd Jun 2016 20:19 - 8 years ago
Good to hear such professional stuff here - that convinces me that this forum is perfect for any musicians no matter how talented or skilled with tools they are :-)
PortraitOfABlackHole 21st Jun 2016 20:50 - 8 years ago
Oh this is great! I don't have time to draw up a proper response right now, but I will be buying this tonight after work.

Very good!
BradoSanz replied 22nd Jun 2016 - 8 years ago
Awesome MYXD, reach me at the email posted on my profile page and I can get you a link to purchase it on iTunes, Spotify, etc :)

Mosaic 14th Jun 2016 06:36 - 8 years ago
Hey Brado

Mate nothing to say but this is spot on, totally loving every aspect of your work on this amazing track, much respect to you and your brother mate...Massive fav...mosaic...
BradoSanz replied 22nd Jun 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Mosaic! Glad you stopped in for a listen.

Tinka0 8th Jun 2016 10:39 - 8 years ago
Great work fellas, everything sounds amazingly polished, I would expect to have heard this on the radio/music channel.
I really hope it gains some traction. Again, great work :)
BradoSanz replied 22nd Jun 2016 - 8 years ago
We shall see!

Lukas13 6th Jun 2016 09:51 - 8 years ago
joecramer 5th Jun 2016 18:58 - 8 years ago
I told you that i wanted to listen to the track when you finished it with vocals and all, cause i believed that it sounded already very good. And right now it sounds so dam professionale that i have to say - excellent track for all the people outside that love music in that style!
I wish you all the best in selling this one on amazon and itunes and where else.
Great production, great musicians and great vocal!
You all did an excellent work!

stay tuned
BradoSanz replied 22nd Jun 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks for the listen and comment, dear Joe.

tekreck 5th Jun 2016 05:01 - 8 years ago
NFMaster 3rd Jun 2016 01:02 - 8 years ago
Sounds great! Nice recording, singing, playing and the mix sounds good too!

BradoSanz replied 22nd Jun 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks for the listen!

orchardstudios 31st May 2016 21:20 - 8 years ago
Spot on. Really good voice for this kind of track. Used to be a guy in a Glasgow band that sounded similar, and he was top drawer....according to the big wigs. Well done my man....
BradoSanz replied 22nd Jun 2016 - 8 years ago

silencekills 31st May 2016 20:46 - 8 years ago
Excellent work!
FBeatz46 30th May 2016 20:38 - 8 years ago
This mixing is just Perfect the sound scheme the atmosphere.. your brother has a good voice.
Actually nothing i can add here this is why this site is great i got alot of things on here that arent music to my ears and then there is this. I listen to Rock/Metal since i was like 12 or 13 starting out with breaking point and such and this really sounds like a genuine track that could easily be on a Album. Great Job you guys hope to hear more in the future

greetz KB
BradoSanz replied 22nd Jun 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks KB, appreciate the listen.

slnicholas4710 30th May 2016 20:29 - 8 years ago
This is a super song, one I would definitely purchase. Great job.
StaticNomad 29th May 2016 02:17 - 8 years ago

I said last time that I didn't have much to say about this track but I was wrong. Initially I thought it was a pretty straightforward kind of big, emotive pop/rock song without much nuance but I was pleasantly surprised the more I listened to it.

The little extra details that I pointed out last time really do make a difference so you should keep doing them and probably try to add even more as they are the sort of thing that might set your productions apart from other pop/rock productions.

I do these sorts of details all the time but I kind of have to because I rarely use any vocals and certainly never have any proper songs, as you've probably noticed. I'm also not a virtuoso instrumentalist or that much of a lead player so I have to find ways to maintain a listener's interest throughout a track. So, providing lots of interesting details and surprises is one way I do it.

If you can add even more creativity and detail to your obvious pop sensibility and ear for a decent melody, you could make some even more interesting music. Please always strive not to make bland, predictable pop music.

Any luck with extreme timestretching of either guitar or vocals?

Any luck with the cello? Do you find bowing as complicated and difficult as I do?

Over and out
BradoSanz replied 29th May 2016 - 8 years ago

I appreciate your noticing the details. I think in the future I can add more spice. I will do my best to make spicy, unpredictable popcorn music :3

I forgot the name of the program for timestretching! Regardless, I've been having minor annoyances with my software and just got it worked out today. And no luck with the cello, just moved to a new house and I'm a bit short on money at the moment. I will learn it soon enough though, no matter how difficult it may be.

silverman 28th May 2016 18:59 - 8 years ago
This sounds very professional in all respects to my ears.
Best of luck out there with this.
BradoSanz replied 29th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks, silverman. It means a lot!

austinmusic 28th May 2016 15:41 - 8 years ago
Turned out really well, man!
BradoSanz replied 29th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks, Austin! I appreciate it bro.

PapaNelson 28th May 2016 00:54 - 8 years ago
As, other's have said, this track is radio ready. The engineering is just flat out amazing man! I'm glad you took the time to perfect the track (: Best of luck to you with the contest! And congrats on the track :D Much love man!
BradoSanz replied 29th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Nelephant! Here's to hoping all goes well!! :D

TeeGee1965 27th May 2016 09:47 - 8 years ago
Like many people here I have listened to the earlier version. this sounds ready for radio, although I don't listen to radio any more. This track will appeal to a whole lot of people. So I am not a big fan of this type of music, but I am a big fan of your production skills. This is top notch, I wish my tracks had that clarity. I read why you wrote about the frequency, I have been playing a little with that, I think I need to spend more time on that. well done, and best of luck with it, hopefully it will be heard on radio soon :)
BradoSanz replied 29th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks TeeGee! I definitely dig your work, so that means a lot coming from you! Appreciate the listen and kind remarks :)

StaticNomad 23rd May 2016 11:51 - 8 years ago
Yo, Bradobro.

I don't have that much to say about this one as I already commented on the instrumental version. The main thing to say is that it's really good. Production is very clear and powerful. In fact, I just listened to my latest uploaded track before playing this and this sounds so much louder and clearer. But I barely do any mastering so that might explain that.

1:30 nice little bit of vocal delay. Definitely makes a difference at that point.

1:51 that's a really good high note.

2:32 vocal harmony especially on the word 'a' is really good, warm and melodic.

This is damn professional stuff that could easily be a chart hit. It's not my kind of music but that's kind of irrelevant, isn't it?

3:05 cool blend of guitar and vocals. Kind of clever.

3:13 good pullback drop of the guitar.

I do actually quite like this - it's just a bit too much like commercial pop music for me so not what I listen to.

Big congrats on your potential chart hit and better-than-the-Nomad production skills.

Nomad In Disguise
BradoSanz replied 25th May 2016 - 8 years ago
I appreciate the thorough review! That vocal delay at 1:30 was something I thought I'd add to give a little extra spice to the second verse to help differentiate it from the first; make it feel like the song is changing.

1:51 - yes that is definitely one of my favorite parts of the whole song haha.

2:32 - That was a last-minute decision on my part haha. I was going through the song, thinking "where else can I add some harmonies? .... Ahhh, yes, perfect!"

3:05 - to be honest, that happened by accident, I didn't really know what to do there and just told my oldest brother to play something on the fly for it. He nailed that little guitar thing perfectly the first time, and I simply carried it over into the final chorus. It seemed to just fall perfectly in place, O the beauty of inspiration!

3:13 - I've always been trying to get that pullback correct. This song was my first successful execution of it. Everything I'd done in past works always came up short of satisfying my musical ear.

As always, I appreciate the listen and hope to see more of your awesome works grace the LM track page :) I wouldn't compare our works so rigorously as your music style is so radically different than mine and in the end music is a huge bundle of opinions, flavors, styles, and tastes, as is any art form :)

All the best,

ReganG 19th May 2016 19:48 - 8 years ago
Amazing! Have you considered uploading the song to BBC Introducing? That's the kind of thing that they would play on Radio 1 and could kick start something bigger which you would 100% deserve. Well done again.
BradoSanz replied 25th May 2016 - 8 years ago
I did! :P We'll see what happens.


Idk how it'll work if I'm in the United States though lol. I had to ask one of my friends who lives in the UK their postcode :p
promenade2239 18th May 2016 23:52 - 8 years ago
hello Brado I whish you the best! You did great and detailed work on this particular track. I can really appreciate it. It is a quality music. Nowhere a Rock genre but rather modern Pop to me. Its not because I have been listening same music as Spiv over the years. I find modern Rock more dirty alternative and organic oriented but nevermind. This sounds simply great and in your style. Congrats! Alex
BradoSanz replied 25th May 2016 - 8 years ago
I agree with you promenade, but meh, its just Looperman, I'm not too concerned with genres :) Thanks for the kind words, Alex!

Spivkurl 14th May 2016 19:32 - 8 years ago
I find it difficult to listen to songs like this in general, but I can also appreciate the efforts and creativity involved with this sort of creation. This has a mix/master which I seem to becoming accustomed to by the end of the track, and this is something to be proud of in itself. I mention this as a preface for my initial reaction... that the mix has a very sharp mid-high frequency range. This is something which I seem to notice from many popular releases from the late nineties to early zero's. Needless to say, that time period was one of extreme isolation from pop culture for me. Most of the time, I find myself thankful for that. I think that this is a really good pop song, and thusly I am not the best person to react to it. I'm thinking that if my brain worked like the majority of people, then I would be in love right now, and I think that if you had released this in 1993, then I would have told you that you were ahead of your time. Please take what I'm saying as a compliment, because it means no less than that. I wish you the best of luck in this contest!
BradoSanz replied 25th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Spiv! I did have a struggle making the vocals stand out through the mix haha. That sharp mid-high range you're hearing may be coming from a result of my last-resort attempt to make the vocal cut through a bit better in the song haha. I appreciate your kind words, regardless of your musical taste :)

Modnex 13th May 2016 09:27 - 8 years ago
Your music is always so well done! Most people do not spend that much time on their tracks and you can tell by listening to it (I'm guilty as charge). Then you have people like you, who you know put a lot of time and effort to master the track and can tell the moment you hit the play button. This track like ALL of your other tracks are great and deserves to be on the radio and heard by millions.

I do have a question for you. Are your lyrics based on life events or do you come up with them based on other things? Regardless, great work man! (Stands up and claps) Faving this one, but that's no secret ;)
BradoSanz replied 13th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Hey Modnex, glad to see you stop in! These lyrics are inspired by real life events and tweaked where necessary to appeal to a greater audience. Most people have experienced love, most have experienced suffering - so we tried to tie in the two :3 Thanks for listening and fav'ing!

SikNoiz 13th May 2016 01:54 - 8 years ago
You're probably the best "real" musician on LM.
Everytime I listen to something of yours I'm utterly blown away at the quality of it.

Also, your brother is a great singer!
BradoSanz replied 13th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Wow. That comment actually means a whole lot to me SikNoiz. I'm glad I stuck with Pro Tools as integrating was much easier than I expected, it paid off in huge dividends!

topvega 13th May 2016 01:35 - 8 years ago
I thought I had accidently turned the Radio on but then I realized the Radio doesn't really play good music anymore. Awesome job. Radio should be lucky enough to play this instead of the Bull Shit they currently play.

BradoSanz replied 13th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks topvega! They seem to focus more on music than words nowadays. I tried to do a little bit of both :P
Orlando51 9th May 2016 19:58 - 8 years ago
Flawless completion of a brilliant song...compliments to all involved !:)

All the best_____orlando
BradoSanz replied 13th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Means a lot coming from you, Orlando :) Thanks for the listen!

dyldonomus 9th May 2016 06:38 - 8 years ago
this belongs on the radio!
BradoSanz replied 13th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Maybe one day :D
GregVincey 5th May 2016 20:55 - 8 years ago
I love this song man, the drums, the guitars. This kind of alternative music just makes me feel good :)
BradoSanz replied 13th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks!! :D
theHumps 5th May 2016 13:09 - 8 years ago
I listened to the instrumental and the mix is much better. The singing is excellent and added the cherry on top! The angel/devil in disguise idea has been done a million times and a million more times to come in the future. Of course nothing beats Elvis' Devil In Disguise but this might come in a close second. ;)

Good luck in the competition, you guys are great!

BradoSanz replied 5th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Wayne! I appreciate the input. Here's to hoping we win, I will keep y'all updated :P

ZeeHipHop 4th May 2016 07:19 - 8 years ago
Man, those vocals are strong and clean. Very nice accompaniment too. Solid track.
BradoSanz replied 4th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thank you man! I love my brother's voice haha.

bitronix 4th May 2016 05:48 - 8 years ago
God damn! This is so good! This is type of rock i really like!
Your brother's vocals are really cool! It's so clear and beautiful!

Nice song, i fav'd it!
BradoSanz replied 4th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thank you for the positive review, 2D2R it means a lot :)

scaredasno 4th May 2016 04:52 - 8 years ago
Sweet Bajesusssss!!!! Very well done sir!!!!
BradoSanz replied 4th May 2016 - 8 years ago
YogeshST 3rd May 2016 15:46 - 8 years ago
Really Nice Song..... I Like The Guitar So Much Can You Upload The Loop For The Guitar.... If You Can!!!!!
BradoSanz replied 4th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Maybe I will eventually, but not yet :)

TinyFinger 2nd May 2016 16:44 - 8 years ago
Hi. Realy nice, good voice. ;))
ImproveWithError 2nd May 2016 16:09 - 8 years ago
Man Brado, I think really think you are the best on this site when it comes to your productions, songwriting, etc. I am always blown away with everything you upload, I don't know what your musical goals are but if you are wanting to make it to the radio I think its just a matter of time for you. Keep it up man!! Kyle
BradoSanz replied 4th May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks IWE, I've been working to improve my production skills and Pro Tools 12 has definitely helped me to improve that. I'm just working at it, improving my songwriting and lyrical skills.


mandla2811 2nd May 2016 13:47 - 8 years ago
Play this by brimaf
MGproduct 2nd May 2016 13:39 - 8 years ago
I playing it now , its amazing , Excellent ...
Tumbleweed 2nd May 2016 03:21 - 8 years ago
I recall the earlier version think you musit have it about as good as it gets...the vocal is just excellent....the accompaniment is as good as anything my radio plays (I like it better)..and the production work & detail is obvious...I hope you do really well in the it anywhere we can vote without having to sign up etc?.....all the best...Ed
BradoSanz replied 2nd May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thankfully this contest is not vote-based so there is no bias to more popular artists :) It's fair game for all at this point :)

Danke 1st May 2016 17:35 - 8 years ago
your brother's got amazing voice...he made fabulous work on this track...vocals are the winner here...

vote for brado :-)

handshake, Danke
BradoSanz replied 1st May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks danke! I admit my brother's voice sounds so good. I had such a blast working with it haha. Appreciate the encouragement, as always friend!

Coopy 1st May 2016 12:54 - 8 years ago
ok this track is the best song ive heard so far on looperman.
I love how you mixed it.
And i love the hook "she's from paradise" its stuck in my head =D
it sounds so beautiful.
This is a pure track that folks will follow up. im sure of it.
The harmony is fantastic!
im gonna follow you guys. =D nicely done. thank you and ur brothers.
This song maked my day
BradoSanz replied 1st May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Coopy! I appreciate the kind words and the listen! It was difficult but I got it done! :D
crucethus 1st May 2016 05:04 - 8 years ago
Good luck with the contest; You have a solid entry!
BradoSanz replied 1st May 2016 - 8 years ago
thanks cru!

blu22 30th Apr 2016 20:26 - 8 years ago
your older brother has a good voice :D
BradoSanz replied 1st May 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks, I totally agree!

Fl4zh 30th Apr 2016 14:02 - 8 years ago
Loved this form for rock im really into it,

Looking forward to seeing more of this from you Brado! :D
BradoSanz replied 30th Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
Thanks Fl4zh! I appreciate the kind words. Took me a heck of a time to get it all sitting together haha.

MGproduct 30th Apr 2016 10:37 - 8 years ago
Hi , I can't play your track :(
BradoSanz replied 30th Apr 2016 - 8 years ago
aw Im sorry. I hope it works later!

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22nd Mar 2020 13:51 - 4 years ago
Tags :
Description : Instrumental song, let me know if you wanna listen to song with lyrics but there is russian vocals
13th Jul 2019 06:47 - 5 years ago
Tags :
Description : A mix of rock and rave from my early 2000
16th Mar 2015 20:23 - 9 years ago
Description : Guitar track produced with guitar loops from Nilooy.
12th Jun 2020 23:21 - 4 years ago
Tags :
Description : lmloops=xmas gtrs+bs/bellz/same old drums/kush/stargate/creamy synth/ft katerina mufitek mrazkova/ft anonvx
3rd Dec 2013 06:09 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : BIG UPDATE 26/02/2014 - So, this was an 18 min track that I have now successfully split in two. 2nd half I uploaded a few weeks ago (Things That Should Always Be, with the bouncy 2 min reggae intro). This is the first half, which has a new mix, a mega chill, meditative ending and a little jazz thrown in for good measure. Takes a few minutes for beat to really kick in. Constantly evolving electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic drums and lead banjo driven by fat, busy 80BPM grooves with a bit of a reggae and shuffle feel. Also: synth choir voices, dulcimer, violin, cello, shimmering pads. Builds up gradually to nice and rocking and then gets taken back down for the big comedown chill. I really don't know what sort of genre this is except 'far out'. I think it sounds more like a live band than one guy playing instruments and manipulating a DAW. Not my best track but a bit of blissful, sunny island fun. Real positive vibe here so I hope you give it a chance to unfold and unfurl. Sit back, clear your schedule and immerse yourself in these trippy sonic experiments cooked up deep in my off-planet underground laboratory. I have to send the MP3 to Earth via space courier (not cheap).
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Track on youtube & spotify can be found under:

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