25th Sep 2017 18:39 - 7 years ago
Description : A combination of psychedelic trance and glitch, with a touch of electrotribal brain manipulation. Inspired, for the most part, by my new friend Gymnopilus. The main modulated bass part was courtesy of my DIY modular synthesizer under MIDI control along with live manipulation. Main drums created from the Zoom RT-123. Has some glitchy percussion which was chopped from a crossbending session of Casio SK-1, megcos keyboard, and my modular. Some field recordings from the local farmers marker in 2015 are also present. 1 UP mushrooms for anyone who can identify where the other voice samples came from! Thank you for listening!

Comments (10)

If you have time take a listen and give Spivkurl some feedback.

Chasmchaser 27th Apr 2022 02:50 - 2 years ago
Cool track. I did close my eyes for a bit and saw several of those fan powered wind tube people used to draw attention to a business flailing about in sequence with the music.
Spivkurl replied 12th Aug 2022 - 2 years ago
Funny closed eye visual you had there! Thank you for listening and commenting!
DanGoldstein 8th May 2019 12:37 - 5 years ago
I am relistening this morning, after a long hiatus from looperman. I've only listened to about half of it as I need to comment on a few tracks to get my own new one to appear. Your particular blend of spoken word, references in your grooves to established genres, and thoroughly unique soundscapes really distinguishes your work on this site. Dan
Spivkurl replied 24th Dec 2021 - 3 years ago
Very pleased to hear from you! Very sorry for the late reply, I am spending some time getting caught up on Looperman. Your comment is very valuable!
BLEEP 4th Mar 2018 14:16 - 7 years ago
Impossible to be bored with this awesome track! listened again recently and actually :) a real pleasure for my ears :)

Spivkurl replied 14th Jan 2022 - 3 years ago
Bleep my friend, I am so sorry for this long overdue reply! It's been a long few years to be sure. Thank you for being a fan!
Orlando51 4th Oct 2017 16:48 - 7 years ago
" Some field recordings from the local farmers " was the most epic part from the description and I just knew that a good portion of entertainment
is awaiting. Silverman said that he never knows what to expect...well, to a certain degree I could share his statement, yet my predominant feel is that I always know what to expect cause you never fail to deliver all sorts of goodies in your trademark fashion...creativity, inventiveness, extravaganza, healthy dose of craziness and sarcasm with loads of entertaining spirit. I'm enjoying this immensely while you're
only confirming your legend status here on Looperman.

Cheers my friend______Orlando
Spivkurl replied 18th Oct 2017 - 7 years ago
I can think of very few received comments which were quite this positive and encouraging, and I thank you for it. The list of qualities which you expect from a song of mine - "creativity, inventiveness, extravaganza, healthy dose of craziness and sarcasm with loads of entertaining spirit" - they give me a lot of hope that I succeed in my intentions. It doesn't get much better than that!

Since these field recordings were open air and crowded, they are not prime in any way, yet they still add some atmosphere and interest to an electronic song. I'd love to have better equipment for this sort of thing. My digital recorder is much better suited for small rooms. It does also seem good for EVP recording as well, since I picked up one of those in the local clinic waiting room.

I appreciate you stopping by to listen and to encourage!
DanGoldstein 30th Sep 2017 19:42 - 7 years ago
Definitely tripping all the way through. I look separation of vocals on channels and effects. Love the synths
Spivkurl replied 10th Oct 2017 - 7 years ago
Thanks my friend for taking a listen to something like this. I know a lot of people have trouble with longer songs, and a similar amount of people can't stand trance!

Happy that you liked the synths! Since the bass was kind of in two parts, it took me a while to get the modular tuned just right. It didn't help that I composed the bass part, and then right after that we had record heat. The analog oscillators are sensitive to temperature, so the scaling was totally different when I went back to commit it to audio. Turned out though.

The vocals were from varied sources, so it made sense to process them quite a bit differently. The field recordings were definitely the big challenge in this respect, since they were just made with a little pocket digital recorder... no fidelity, lots of background noise.

I'm glad it was a good listen! Thank you, and have a nice day!
Nodog 30th Sep 2017 16:53 - 7 years ago
Hey Spiv this one is fantastic i really like the direction you are going with your new friend this really is pumping. TOO STRONG heeeeeeee faved. best regards Robbie.
Spivkurl replied 7th Oct 2017 - 7 years ago
Hey Robbie! Thanks for taking a listen! I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out, and also happy that it is finished... these long songs can be a real strain on the ears.

My new friends are taking me where they want me to go, even if they don't go with me... soon they will be with me always, as long as they don't get angry.

Ha ha, that "too strong" part worked all too well. So true though.

Thanks again! Hopefully I'll have another new song soon, or at least a finished album to share.
BLEEP 29th Sep 2017 17:32 - 7 years ago
hey spiv,

new track, new pleasure! there's something from the new wave period (eighties) in it. Some synth melody remembered me Depeche mode like "i can't get just enough" for example.
Let me tell you that your new friend, Gymnopilus is particularly effective! it's a mushroom name? no? lol

As usual, this track carries your own signature: It's creative with real one concerns of the detail! a big fav for me too!

your friend
Spivkurl replied 5th Oct 2017 - 7 years ago
Bleep, every time that a comment from you arrives, I always find myself eager to respond. Since I try to do those things in the order they are received, sometimes it takes a little while. It does not mean that I was any less eager!

Depeche Mode is definitely an old favorite of mine, though I seem to listen to them less often these days. I know when my wife goes half a bottle of the wagon, we often end up listening to a bunch of their singles. We've been wanting to make a cover album, which would probably include a couple of DM tracks. My personal favorite album of theirs is "Ultra."

You should get a prize for being the only one to identify my new friend as a mushroom! Yes, it is effective most assuredly. I have watched for them on my forest walks for about twenty years, and finally began locating them in late August. With the last patch found, I realised that I had been seeing them in previous years, but had mistaken them for something else. I guess that it is best to err on the side of caution, and wait for experience to catch up with interest.

Trance-like aspects are definitely something which I would admit to having as part of my signature. The types of trance music (and types of trances) which I am influenced by change through the years, but they seem ever present. Even my first album in 2004 had some of my weak attempts to induce trance.

Details are all important in music to me, most especially electronic music. Even a simple performance on an acoustic instrument can impart many minute details, even without intent. A lot of digitally based sound creation methods can be lacking in these sorts of details, which some might call mistakes and remove completely. There is a satisfying challenge in giving this sort of performance "quirk" in a digital method.

Thank you for coming to listen to this one, and leaving your friendly words! Have an excellent full moon!
silverman 26th Sep 2017 21:19 - 7 years ago
I love spotting a Spivkurl!
I never know what to expect.
I read the description and still never know what to expect.
I press play and .... away we go!
Always a journey of some kind to some place and this time I've time travelled to late 70's early eighties Manchester North West England to the Hacienda club.
This for me is all drugs and guns and alcohol and police raids.
Amphetamine fuelled nights!
Absolutely brilliant.
Can't fault this powerful creation.
I just know you were bouncing about while making this and not wanting the ride to end!
A fave for sure.
Spivkurl replied 3rd Oct 2017 - 7 years ago
"I love spotting a Spivkurl" - I wonder if that's how the locals feel when they are driving and see me pop out of a forest out of nowhere. Doubt it!

I do love the feeling of not knowing what to expect, which adds to the challenge of living life in a city. I used to know what to expect around here, and it was a comfort. Now I know what to expect, and it's a load of bollocks. So I change my perception by expecting sniper fire or a nuclear detonation... sad but true.

The Manchester scene was definitely a big influence on me, especially early on. Joy Division, New Order, Bee Gees all had their place in my heart... in reverse chronological order. Never been too into guns, since if I were to kill I would go all out, Bonnie and Clyde style... good reason not to get started. I've had my love affairs with alcohol (still do) and amphetamine (in the past).

I am a firm believer that "we are all on drugs all the time." Food is either drugs or medicine (drugs). Oxygen gets you high. The water we drink is inundated with various chemical substances, most often including steroids, cocaine, and pharmas. If you eat meat or dairy, then those can have some wild stuff interlaced, most recently ketamine. So, hey, if someone doesn't like drugs, it's probably time to go be a tibetan monk or something.

I'm happy you enjoyed the unusual take on trance. There were points where I was bouncing about and not wanting the ride to end. At a point, when working on songs of this length, it gets a bit taxing. Hearing it all the way through over and over again eats up time like almost nothing else!

Thank you for listening and leaving your consistently entertaining comments!
joecramer 26th Sep 2017 19:42 - 7 years ago
Hey, this is fun to listen to. And i mean that in the best way for sure.
Nice mix of sounds and directions. On some points i thought, oh Spivkurl goes mainstream but then it quickly changed into something different and cool.
Really very successful stuff. Creativity is always a good thing and you have it for sure.

stay tuned
Spivkurl replied 1st Oct 2017 - 7 years ago
"Spivkurl goes mainstream" it sounds like a funny name for an album! But seriously, I just enjoy making trance pretty often, to the point where it infects a lot of the other styles of DAW based music I do. All the more reason to rely upon my computer less, right?

I like doing fun electronic styles with weird vocal clips and field recordings mixed in. It seems that even if the music is a bit bland or standard, those things can add a lot of interest, sometimes one of a kind interest.

The ripped samples still have not been identified by any listeners, which does not surprise me... but the gymnopilus reference in my description has been identified, which does surprise me.

I always enjoy reading your comments, even on other people's songs. I appreciate that people like yourself would even bother listening to my stuff, and that fact alone makes this site pretty freakin cool! Thanks for your input! Have a good day!
felixamodeo 26th Sep 2017 00:26 - 7 years ago
My new favorite track from you, that bass is just pounding!
Spivkurl replied 1st Oct 2017 - 7 years ago
I don't understand why, but I've tried to reply to your comment several times at this point... it keep tripping some sort of security issue on the server.

Suffice it to say that your comment is much appreciated! It's good to have you hear to listen to my stuff! Thanks!

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15th Jan 2017 05:59 - 8 years ago
Tags :
Description : Big thanks to Justze3 who released the four loops to his drake ovo style piece because he didn't plan to finish it, challenge accepted. I would also like to thank LankFrampard for the extra drum loop and av3 for the sample "trapped" which gave a lot of extra feel to the song.
27th Dec 2024 06:02 - 2 months ago
Description : I really love writing music. I know that not everyone likes this genre, but I would like you to appreciate what you hear.
5th Apr 2022 05:44 - 2 years ago
Description : An uplifting trance track. This one is a bit longer. Feel free to leave any feedback, cuz I would love to hear what you think.
29th May 2021 16:28 - 3 years ago
Description : Hard trance edificante con unos toques de ácido
11th Sep 2016 23:12 - 8 years ago
Description : this song is the last i created. I wanted to remix the famous "the chase" from the movie "midnight express, i love the original sound! i don't know if the result is enough good but i'm proud to say that all has been composed by myself: the instrumental parts, the arrangements, melody, recording and mixing. I hope you'll enjoy it! don't hesitate to let a comment after listening :)
7th May 2019 21:21 - 5 years ago
Description : Was feeling ill the last few days, but started to feel better today and thought, well hell, I'll make a tune to celebrate.

Indian chant vocal is from 2nick8.

Chill, bloomonkey
23rd May 2015 09:24 - 9 years ago
Tags :
Description : Progressive song that I made a few weeks ago. Tried to make an uplifting sommer song. I know it is nothing original but like the flow in it.
3rd Sep 2020 17:54 - 4 years ago
Description : Old school Trance sound, featuring the voice of Emilyn.
Lyrics by Emilyn.
13th Sep 2017 16:05 - 7 years ago
Tags :
Description : Used loops from MHYST trance sequence 8,2 and Goa. Dune 2 Vst. also thanks to Fibonacci 1.1618
ref looperman-l-0203623-0112992-mhyst-trance-sequence-8
MHYT has a series look him up under trance sequence
30th Jan 2015 22:40 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : A relaxed Trance-Trible-Electro-Wave track. Feel the power of the alien tribe connection. Dance your dream or dream your dance. Just be part of the connection.
This is what you get when i try to make a Free Radical song.
In the end, it does not sound like something I've ever heard from him.
But it was, after all, a try.
Thus, it is not completely different, ´cause i have not sung this time.
And it is electronic music but .....

However, I like the resulting song. Hope you too. Only 1 sample was used here - Anubis-Anubis-Loop all the synth´s are played by me and i added some drumsounds with powerdrums2 played by myself Comments are sure welcome.
14th Jun 2019 09:36 - 5 years ago
Description : A drum and bass, electronic something or other inspired track. The main Melodies taken from short loops I cut from some sessions my bro &e's recordings he had made at my location. I had been meaning to use his sounds for a minute and he said it would be cool. Finally did.
#Drum and Bass
25th Apr 2019 03:24 - 5 years ago
Description : Another attempt in my continuing efforts to learn how make a trance track. Is intended to have a vocal doing the melody. Would try to find a singer but need to work out lyrics first. For this track I tried to make the melody not too repetitive. I limited it to four bars max of the same melodic phrase.
22nd Feb 2014 19:48 - 11 years ago
Tags :
Description : I made this track the day after I was trapped in the lower dimension and could not wake up. The only way I escaped was to send unconditional love to a huge group of dark beings going to attack me.
10th Jun 2023 22:52 - 1 year ago
Description : Would you be at all surprised if I told you this was a Trance edit of And Then She Left Me Again? Didn't do a whole lot to it. Just changed the bpm to 138, swapped out the drums and slightly changed the drop. That's all I've had time to do since I uploaded the house/techno version. Originally this was going to be DnB edit but I got tired of trying to find the perfect kick and percs
29th Dec 2014 01:14 - 10 years ago
Tags :
Description : It is time to max up your volume and make this party a real one with Infinium.This tune is made to be looped infinite timefor some epic hours in a party. this is why there are no proper intro or outro in this one.Also this tune is progressive maybe for some "rave". Anyway please enjoy the last track I made for this years (2014).Sorry i would describe more this track but I have a party right now !! :D