Description : This is a Funky // Hip Hop old school instrumental, NEEDS VOCALIST !
This funk track was uploaded by Indieground. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (26)
If you have time take a listen and give Indieground some feedback.
this is so cool and funky! may i ask what instruments you are using? is there a bass in there? i thought i could hear a distorted bass of some description
Hi mate
I used a (cheap) bass and double the bassline with a VSTI and i used addictive drum 2 for all the drum part ans some others VSTI for the rest. I also worked the tempo track with lot's of little variations to give a human swing to the groove
Oh-ho-ho! Do ya love this? Yes! I do! I can see some choreographed dancing, live and in living color. It's funky and I funky like it! :-) Have you found someone to sing on it yet?
I find this to be interesting as an electronic track, and instrumental at that. As far as hip hop or funk goes, it feels a bit virtual for my tastes.
Some sampling or breakbeats might be the key, or just some real instruments for the bass. It may simply be that I have an aversion to things such as addictive drums. It's just personal preference of course.
I miss somewhat ancient styles of hip hop, and much rap has embraced that recently, so I listen there. This too is a personal preference.
But, as I said, taken on it's own as an electronic track, it's very cool indeed!
Hi mate
Well i using Cubase 5
everything began with this old school hand clap sound
Worked the drum with addictive drum
played 2 differents bassline with a bass intrument
replay with vst those 2 differents bassline
I added a 3rd synth vst in the chorus
And i also worked the tempo track at the very begenning to add a human groove (very efficient)
et voilà !
This reminds me on - Tone loc - funky cold medina - (in a good way) and so you are right when you wrote funky hip hop. True 80's feeling and i enjoyed that a lot. Great work. I hope you will post it when you had found some vocalist for this one, cause i bet it will be a real cool track then.
Thx mate
Yeah i'm really dig it 80's vibe
I clearly knew it's gonna be like this when i heard that sound clap
I'm a big fan of Big Audio Dynamite from the 80's by the way
Thx for your comment
I love it! Funky, trippy, and a little attitude. I'd like to see you kick up the energy somewhere along the way, either intensity or BPM wise to give it even more of an edge.
Well your the second to telle me there is no hip hop here
Just 80's Funk vibes
You may be right ?
May be because i can hear a rapper on this ?
Well neverminds... But thx for your feedback !
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peace -._.-
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Description : free to use i actually posted on facebook for free use so im posting here for free use send me the link if u record on it thankss
Brazilian Money Productions
My best wishes, Anthony.
I used a (cheap) bass and double the bassline with a VSTI and i used addictive drum 2 for all the drum part ans some others VSTI for the rest. I also worked the tempo track with lot's of little variations to give a human swing to the groove
Thx for your feedback and for answer your question i'm still looking for a singer/rapper
my email if you feels it's an easier way to talk about it
indieground75 [@]
Cheers !
Anyway nobody offered to put his voice on it so.... It's going to stay as it is !
Let's do something better !
Who knows may be some vocalist will be intereted one of this days...
Some sampling or breakbeats might be the key, or just some real instruments for the bass. It may simply be that I have an aversion to things such as addictive drums. It's just personal preference of course.
I miss somewhat ancient styles of hip hop, and much rap has embraced that recently, so I listen there. This too is a personal preference.
But, as I said, taken on it's own as an electronic track, it's very cool indeed!
But as far as my knowledge is the best midi drum on the market (for my financial potentiel anyway..)
What i done recently (but it take time) is to work on the tempo track (i use cubase) trying to give an more human feeling on the groove
there is 4 bass on that track
2 humans + 2 vsti
It's a bit of experimental for me, never done that before
Well i using Cubase 5
everything began with this old school hand clap sound
Worked the drum with addictive drum
played 2 differents bassline with a bass intrument
replay with vst those 2 differents bassline
I added a 3rd synth vst in the chorus
And i also worked the tempo track at the very begenning to add a human groove (very efficient)
et voilà !
Thx for the tip and the cool comment
Thx for your comment
I'm glad you liked it
Cheers !!
ma critique va etre très dure: j'adore :)
j'ai écouté plusieurs fois pour etre sur mais j'ai encore un doute: y a bien une wah wah légèrement en retrait?
pour sur une voix plaquée sur ta partie instru va définitivement habiller le morceau! après je pars du principe ou une version instru a son propre cachet aussi et je suis pas forcément d'accord pour établir une sorte de classement genre "mieux, pas mieux"... c'est juste une autre vision quand tu plaques une voix ou des choeurs sur un morceau, enfin c'est mon opinion lol
en tous les cas, super bon feeling dans ce shot!
Il me faut réécouter le morceau pour voir un peu de quoi tu parles, mais non je n'ai pas pas utilisé de wahwah, par conter sur une des boucles j'ai utilisé un step(quelquechose) pour donner cette sensation d'aller/retour
Oui une voix n'est pas forcément necessaire et de part mes activités (music sur de la vidéo) les voix sont pour le coup inutiles. Après j'aime bien l'idée qu'une voix peut être traité comme un sample. 2 phrases répétées par ci par là peuvent bien fonctionner. et le phrasé hip hop peut devenir vraiment efficace En tout cas merci pour le feedback et je tenterai de commenter tes tracks en français à l'avenir ! :)
i'll check this way too
I'm curious to see what will happening with vocal too
thx for your feedback !
Cool track - enjoyed!
i'm glad you enjoyed it
Sending you an email right now !
stay tuned
Yeah i'm really dig it 80's vibe
I clearly knew it's gonna be like this when i heard that sound clap
I'm a big fan of Big Audio Dynamite from the 80's by the way
Thx for your comment
and i'm agree this track needs something more
Cheers !
Wow, I love it very funky very 80's wonderfull track.
Well done.
Thx for the feedback !
Cheers !!
hope you'll find someone...
handshake, Danke
Well your the second to telle me there is no hip hop here
Just 80's Funk vibes
You may be right ?
May be because i can hear a rapper on this ?
Well neverminds... But thx for your feedback !