Description : This is mad mad cross of many things. I created this in the same fashion as I did "City Line", it's a music acid trip of madness you can enjoy while dancing and spinning in a padded room with a strobe light above. Think of Lords of Acid, Rob Zombie, Trent Reznor, Marilyn Mason having a Pizza party with Dorthy from the Wizard OZ in a Dungeon basement, chilling out watching old black and white horror movies together. Oh Yeah, there is a polite 50's bye bye leave it to beaver type of ending.
The mix could probally use some more work, but my ears and mind is mush at the moment. I went for a phat layered Dirty Bass sound in part of this, and ambient contrast to other sections with Soundscaping for added flavoring.
Any feedback appreciated. Thanks.
This electronic track was uploaded by iDude. They retain full copyright and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.
Comments (24)
If you have time take a listen and give iDude some feedback.
The acid approach in this is neat, with good attention to a smooth blend of tone. Be careful to avoid stagnant sections with too much repetition of synthesizer phrases, since those are obviously powerful points in the track (i.e. after "Where dreams and fantasies take on a life of their own"). You might also consider limiting the number of times you use the same speech samples, though you've obviously placed them thoughtfully to begin with. The rhythm guitar parts play a good role in building up the energy - perhaps bring those out more? All in all, you've done an admirable job putting this together. Kudos.
I dig it dude. 1:04 reminds me of a sound that could be in a bad ass movie scene... like the rabbit being chased in 'Snatch'. I like how you dont stick to one type of music!
very well done, i think some of your trent style vox seeping in and out of this could be very cool but not over the top maybe set back quite a bit so they`re just audible.
Haha..this is cool...I love musical journey's...after every vocal insert your accentuating the beat..that's clever it gives the composition momentum..I'd like to hear this pumping over the sound system in the "Pope Mobile"...cheers planet :)
Dude that was awesome. I got that bad girls loop in an old acid loops bundle from acid 4 a bud gave me, you have a nice touch we used some of the same loops I tend to go the comedy route I like your stuff great job Oh there,s a cream for that sensitive spot on her lol. Bug Zapper
wikd arrangement and use of elements within the trak, unlike anything ive heard 4 a long time gotta original feel to it. totally raw man, guitar parts were awsome bud, great trak
....all my most sensitive parts were claimed. this is sexually deadly, and a club banger as well man. the kick is a killer.
and i like the lecture in this song, like a prof talking. lol
good one man, good one.
I'm debating about tweaking the kick drum tracks a little to keep the dance drive going for a club. This is the first track I added a kick track specific for subwoofers along with the regular kick. A Dual kick drum track of sorts. I tried to layer the Driving Dirty Bass synth Phat and deep enough to go into sub-woofer land as well. I have yet to check this mix out on a killer DJ system yet.
hey dude!!!
you reached a fantastic level in the meantime ... your skills in mixing and arranging are really impressive!
though you've turned to the electronic genre it's still audible that you're basically a rocker, your songs are still rocksongs, but your soundscapes are so creative, this makes your work extraordinary ...
in the end you simply make damn cool music!!!
Thanks Man. I was going back listening to some of my mixes from last year. They are missing so much bottom end and in general the mixes are not as great as they could have been. I still remember downloading Music Maker with the intention of just recording song ideas. Sort have been pushing myself more and more with mixing and arrangement lately. Sort of fun playing around with electronic composition because it's so different from playing music out live in a band.
That was fucking badass!!! It should be a little longer if you ask me. This song just gave me a great idea for my next song. Appreciate it and keep up the good work.
Thanks man. The distorted sound on the bass synth was probally the hardest challenge of this track. I took an analog bass loop and layered it 4 tracks deep. The first track I boosted and compressed the Bass and pulled the high and mids out of it. The next two tracks were dirty distorted mid-range versions with Wah and phase shifting on it. Gives it a little growl in the mid tones panned to the left and right. The last track was a super distorted dirty track with delay in the high mid to high range. I had to do a lot of EQ tweaking to get all four tracks of the same loop to have seperate Frequency ranges of their own. Combined together the harmonic overtones jive well together. I don't know where I got the idea to do this. It was something I have thought on and off about for a little while now. It was a challenge to pull this off, a lot experimentation in the process. The Bass line is literally a wall of sound with a texture going on inside itself. Growling whispering sort of distortion layers with Wah Wah and phase shifting going on. Ranging between extremely distorted and slightly distorted layers. All I really did was using Wah Wah and phase shifting and EQ'ing for Bass Synthesis of a bass loop. I transformed an Analog bass loop into a 4 voice poly-synth using tracks with effects.
oh made my dreams real:))This one goes to favs...I am listening it over and over it from start to the end...great one Dude:-))
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Thanks for listening.
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It's still a work in progress, so i would appreciate your honest inputs. Thanks to all those whose loops I have used in here, sorry I don't have time to search them out.
Edit-added some more filthy sounds from my previous tracks and gave it some ending. Advice will be helpful.
This iz one kool track, peace...
I like this alot
how do you get such good effects on your trackss??
and i like the lecture in this song, like a prof talking. lol
good one man, good one.
you reached a fantastic level in the meantime ... your skills in mixing and arranging are really impressive!
though you've turned to the electronic genre it's still audible that you're basically a rocker, your songs are still rocksongs, but your soundscapes are so creative, this makes your work extraordinary ...
in the end you simply make damn cool music!!!
peace, rei
just pure and simple
if you have no objections i'm gonna rock this track in my pedicab :))
busting by the seems, hard, vicious, immoral hehehe
awesome arrangement bro!