i like... all sorts of music, sports, girls, walking, clubbing, taking things apart putting them back together,making my girlfriend do naughty things to me and not having a care in the world
dont like... being skint, having nothing to do, people bitching at me, judging me(except ma music i dont care bout that), and my girlfriend not doing wot i want her to do2me
like to get ma melodies by playing around with my keyboard, then like to morph the sound over time within the notes, which also change over time, love to layer sounds together and morph them in and out of each other(floyd influence).
Nuendo/ reason/.. though use logic occasionly and just started to use ableton live that i got free with a novation controller.
love using rob papens synths (preditor/albino, just got blue), v-station by novation amounngst ma favs at mo.
novation remote sl, ready for mixing trax live with my evolution mk-449c MIDI keyboard/controller, little edirol sound card UA-4fx, skytec speakers(never heard ov them) bout 8 inches tall though good mid/high range clarity bass non present but do a good mix when i play trax over a better system. MINIMAC and DELL INSPIRON laptop, did have roland mc909 groovebox, 1st toy, kept me entertained for a while, but begrudginly sold it...MUG. just got the behringers bcontrol controllers a fader one and a knobs one and they work a dream with ableton controlling synths and fx on the knobs and the faders for the volumes on the other will recommend to anyone looking to do live mixing
some of these old skool rave complations take me back in the day early 90's.
i like pendulum, got real energy.
going through a bob marley stage again.
Gorillas, moby,james blunt,dr.dre,fat boy slim,council estate of mind-skinnyman?.2pac, hawkwind, led zepelin, pink floyd
pink floyd the wall amoungst others.red hot chilli pepers.REM out ov time. L.MAN. DR.DRE- the chronics. micheal jackson -bad. early orbital stuff. anything by carlcox, the prodigy, guns and roses
pink floyd because of there big sound with lots going on all around from every angle.early dance music. anything that can either make my head bop or pop, the hairs on my head stand up, break down in tears or hug the nearest person to me.
me on the day i wake up and make a tune.cant think of any comparisions. wouldn't want to bracket maself in anyone elses bubble.
was a scaffolder till i fell off too many roofs for ma body to cope with, have done some voluntary work with homeless hostels and YMCA teaching peps Music tec, jus finished Music tec course, see wot happens from here on in.